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Chapter 29

Wine and Combined Electronic

Nose and Tongue
Carla Guanais Branchini*, Larisa Lvova*,**, Corrado Di Natale†, Roberto Paolesse*
*Department of Chemical Science and Technologies, University of Rome “Tor Vergata,” Rome, Italy;
**­Institute of Earth Sciences, Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia; †Department
of Electronic Engineering, University of Rome “Tor Vergata,” Rome, Italy

chromatography (HPLC) or gas chromatography (GC)
Wine is a beverage obtained by fermentation of grapes and combined with mass spectrometry (MS) (Flamini and Tral-
it represents one of the oldest alimentary products known di, 2009), and optical techniques, such as Fourier transform
by humanity for more than 8000 years. The first evidences infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy (Sun, 2009). For example, the
of wine production have been found in Georgia and Iran, WineScan™ FOSS analyser permits a rapid and accurate
in the 6000–5000 BC historical period, and later the grape detection of a tenth of wine compounds optically active
wine and winemaking culture spread from Egypt to China in the mid-infrared spectral region ( These
(McGovern, 2007). In some regions, the winemaking pro- techniques provide information on individual wine compo-
cess has been applied to fruits other than grapes and in this nents, but they cannot give a global assessment, such as, the
case the drink obtained is called fruit wine, indicating what wine’s flavor or quality, due to the synergistic interaction of
has been used for the production (eg, rice wine, widely several chemical compounds present in the complex chemi-
­distributed in the Asian region, apple wine, pomegranate cal matrix represented by wine; moreover, the equipment
wine, etc.). applied is quite costly and requires calibration procedures,
It is interesting to note that wine is arrived nowadays involving the employment of skilled personnel.
almost without changes: while many foodstuffs have under- For this reason the involvement of a trained expert
gone variations in their ingredients and/or preparation pro- human panel remains indispensable in the wine analysis.
cedures and some others have been completely left behind, However, the human perception of wine organoleptic char-
with plenty of new formulations and food ingredients in use acteristics is very subjective, determined not only by skills,
at present, the modern grape wine remains very similar to but also by the mood and the physical state of the panelist.
the one our ancesters knew. In fact, modern viticulture and The number of tests that the panel may perform is limited to
oenology still refers to the ancient Greek practices, pre- a few assessments per day, due to the saturation of tongue
served and later evolved during the Roman empire. receptors. Moreover, the training of panelists is a long-last-
The organoleptic properties of wine, such as the taste ing and expensive step.
and flavor, are determined by a great number of wine com- The wine industry, however, requires to monitor time-
ponents arising from grape and/or formed during the fer- related changes occurring during wine fermentation and ag-
mentation process. More than 800 compounds have been ing to ensure the uniformity within a brand and to avoid
characterized in wine and their abundance of compounds falsifications. All these requirements can be fulfilled by the
depends on the grape variety and origin, on the viticultural application of chemical sensor arrays mimicking the human
practices, such as blending, specific aging, and, in particu- senses, such as the electronic nose (e-nose), the electronic
lar, on the nature of yeast used in fermentation, as well as on tongue (e-tongue), and recently the electronic eye (e-eye),
the postproduction treatment and storage (Jackson, 2008). which have demonstrated their utility for rapid and inex­
The standard analytical methods of wine analysis are based pensive assessment of different chemical matrices, and,
on wet chemistry procedures (Amerine and Ough, 1974; among them, wine in particular (Lvova et al., 2013).
Ough and Amerine, 1988) or instrumental methods, involv- These devices complement the information obtained
ing separation techniques, such as high-performance ­liquid from the instrumental analytical methods (performed, for

Electronic Noses and Tongues in Food Science.

Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 301
302 PART | III  Combined Nose and Tongue

example, by LC–MS or GC–MS methods), since they The correct exploitation of these combined systems re-
­cannot provide information about the exact composition of quires an appropriate data analysis. Standard chemometric
the analyte, but they can give a global evaluation of the ana- approaches, typical for multicomponent data treatment, are
lyzed matrix. Further advantages lie in a cheap and easy-to- based on uniform and balanced data sets to guarantee the
operate analysis, often requiring little or no sample prepara- satisfactory treatment results. This aspect becomes par-
tion, and they can be used in-line to obtain quick results, ticularly important in the case of combined sensor arrays,
so allowing remediation procedures. With these character- where the signals of the various sensors differ in terms of
istics, they can provide a rapid classification of samples of magnitude and unit of measurement and then they cannot
different quality or brand, and also the quantitative determi- be immediately compared. A method for the standardiza-
nation of several parameters. tion of data is then necessary to ensure an equal treatment
Plenty of researches devoted to the application of these of the different sensor signals. A simple classical method is
systems for wine analysis have been previously reported the normalization of the signals in order to reduce them to
and several comprehensive reviews have been published in zero-mean and unitary variance.
the past (Röck et al., 2008; Tahara and Toko, 2013; Bratov The fusion of signals from different sensors can be ap-
et al., 2010; del Valle, 2010). A comprehensive review on proached from a different point of view. In particular, dif-
microtechnology-based hyphenated higher-order devices, ferent levels of data fusion can be applied, these methods
employing sensors with different transduction principles can be classified as a low level of abstraction, mid level of
integrated in the same sensing platform (but not fused for abstraction, and a high level of abstraction. Most often a
the same sensing layer), has also been reported (Hierlemann low-level approach is used. This approach consists in the
and Gutiérrez-Osuna, 2008), while a dual-mode sensing simple collection of data obtained by different sensors in
platform, where the same sensing material is exploited in order to form a single data matrix, where the number of rows
the contemporaneous optical-potentiometric transduction, is equal to the number of analyzed samples and the number
has been recently reported (Lvova et al., 2015). of columns is equal to the total number of sensors signals
More recently, the biological inspiration has created an (eg, potentials or currents and optical densities measured
approach that could boost the performances of these arrays for every sensing layer) (Ruhm, 2007; Boilot et al., 2003).
in food analysis: in the flavor assessment humans apply as In the mid-level fusion approach, the individual sensors
much as possible the combination of our senses to recog- are grouped in arrays and the signals are preprocessed in
nize the object of interest. In the same way, for chemical order to take advantage of the array properties. This method
sensors the combination of several sensing techniques may is naturally applied when sensor arrays, such as different
significantly improve the resolving power of the resulting electronic noses or electronic tongues, are used together in
combined device, Fig. 29.1. the same application. The most popular feature of the ex-
Moreover, the performance of the resulting analytical sys- traction method is the principal component analysis (PCA).
tem may benefit of the employment of different transduction In this case, the signals of the individual sensors of each
principles in the same device. In this way, the hybrid systems array are replaced by the scores of the PCA.
based on the simultaneous application of e-tongue, e-nose, The previous approach is further developed in the
and e-eye could provide sensitive and specific capabilities for high level of abstraction where the data of each array are
a wide range of target analytes and unknown samples, which individually analyzed and then the results obtained by
are currently difficult to detect with the existing technologies. each model are combined together to provide a thorough

FIGURE 29.1  The schematic presentation of human senses functioning versus chemical sensors approach. (Reprinted with permission from Lvova
et al., 2015.)
Wine and Combined Electronic Nose and Tongue Chapter | 29 303

d­ escription of the measured sample. This approach seems ­ etalloporphyrin-based liquid and gas sensor arrays were
to better mimic the working mechanism of natural senses exploited for both headspace and liquid phase analysis of
that cooperate together to form a global perception of the red wine samples having the same denomination, Guttur-
experienced reality. nio, from a north Italy region.
The exploitation of these combined systems in wine The e-nose was constituted by an array of quartz crys-
analyses is a field still not completely developed, although tal microbalances, coated by thin films of different metal-
it is becoming more popular in the last few years. In loporphyrins deposited by the spray casting technique. The
­Table 29.1, the different examples reported in the literature ­potentiometric e-tongue was formed by six polymeric mem-
have been summarized and these studies are reviewed in brane electrodes, using metalloporphyrins as ionophore,
this chapter, according to the different devices combined. and a conventional glass pH electrode. The exploitation of
the same sensing material gave the possibility to control the
sensor characteristics for both phases. No sample treatment
29.2  E-NOSE AND E-TONGUE was necessary and the data obtained from the combined
The seminal idea of combining e-nose and e-tongue devices array were compared with those of the chemical analysis,
for the analysis of complex chemical matrices started to be with the aim to explore if some compound particularly
explored at the end of the 1990s (Toko et al., 1998; Wide influenced the sensor array responses. The data obtained
et al., 1998; Winquist et al., 1999). Although one of the clearly showed that the e-nose and e-tongue gave comple-
first works on combined e-nose and e-tongue was reported mentary information on the samples and that a satisfying
to be related on wine analysis (Rong et al., 2000), but it estimation of several wine parameters could be obtained us-
also analyzed other alcoholic beverages, the first applica- ing the artificial sensor system.
tion came from the collaboration of the Tor Vergata Sen- In a subsequent work (Di Natale et al., 2004), a simi-
sor Group and chemical sensors laboratory of St. Peters- lar combined e-nose and e-tongue system was used to
burg State University (Di Natale et al., 2000). In this work, analyze 36 different wines produced in the 2001 vintage

TABLE 29.1 Examples of the Application of Electronic Noses and Tongues for Determination of Aroma and Taste in
Wine Samples
Application Wine Types Method/Tecnique References
Analysis of the wine spoilage Red and white Spanish wine Potentiometric e-tongue and humid e-nose Gil-Sánchez et al. (2011)
Quality evaluation Chinese rice wines E-eye (colorimeter), e-tongue (liquid Ouyang et al. (2014)
cross-selective sensors), and e-nose
(metal-oxide gas sensors)
Fermentation monitoring Italian wine FT-NIR, FT-IR spectrometers, e-tongue Buratti et al. (2011)
(potentiometric array sensors), and e-nose
(array of metal oxide semiconductor)
Organoleptic characteristics Red wines vinified using E-eye (UV–Vis Spectrophotometer), Apetrei et al. (2012)
different extraction techniques e-tongue (voltammetric carbon paste
and micro-oxygenation electrodes), and e-nose (array MOX)
methods and bottled using
different closures
Discrimination of wines Red wines prepared from Vitis E-nose (MOX) and e-tongue (voltammetric Rodriguez-Mendez
vinifera (var. Grenache) carbon paste electrodes) et al. (2014)
Red wine aging monitoring Spanish red wine E-nose (based on resistive MOX sensors), Prieto et al. (2011)
e-tongue (based on voltammetric sensors),
and e-eye (based on CIE Lab coordinates)
Differentiate and classify North italian DOC wine Portable e-nose (PEN2—metal oxide Buratti et al. (2004)
Barbera DOC wines semiconductor) and amperometric
e-tongue (flow injection analysis)
Descriptors of Italian red dry Italian dry red wines of Portable e-nose (PEN2) and e-tongue (flow Buratti et al. (2007)
wines of different DOC different denominations and injection analysis with two amperometric
vineyards detectors)
Wine analysis Red wines E-nose (porphyrin-based quartz Di Natale et al. (2004)
microbalances sensor array) and e-tongue
(potentiometric sensors)
304 PART | III  Combined Nose and Tongue

of the L­ ombardia region (north of Italy). In this case, the ­solution. The system was able to correctly differentiate Bar-
potentiometric electrodes of the e-tongue were function- bera wines according to their DOC (the Italian controlled
alized with thin films of metalloporphyrins deposited by denomination of origin) characteristic, with a small cross-
electropolymerization technique. The e-nose and e-tongue validation error rate.
data were compared with those obtained from chemical and The same artificial sensorial system was later applied,
sensorial analysis, to study the potential correlations among together with spectrophotometric methods, to predict sen-
the different analytical approaches. The study showed that sorial descriptors of Italian red dry wines of different DOC
the combination of the e-nose and e-tongue offered bet- (Buratti et al., 2007), demonstrating a good accuracy in the
ter performances for the wine analysis and that the artifi- prediction of most of the sensorial parameters evaluated.
cial sensing system was able to mimic the evaluation of a More recently, the same group has reported the applica-
panel of trained human testers of several wine descriptors tion of a panel composed of an e-tongue, an e-nose, FT-NIR,
(Fig. 29.2). and FT-IR spectrometers to monitor the microfermentation
A different combined system, constituted by an ampero- of wine (Buratti et al., 2011). While the e-nose was the same
metric e-tongue and a commercial e-nose, was exploited for of the previous studies, the e-tongue in this work was the
the analysis of four types of Barbera wines, produced in taste-sensing system commercial device, based on poten-
the northern region of Italy, with the aim to characterize tiometric sensors. In this work, the spectroscopic technique
and recognize the wines according to their denominations was used to study molecular changes, while the e-nose and
of origin (Buratti et al., 2004). In this case, the data of the e-tongue evaluated the evolution of the aroma and taste pro-
combined e-nose and e-tongue were compared with those file during the must-wine fermentation.
of chemical analysis and color evaluation. A combined system, composed of a potentiometric e-
In this work the commercial e-nose was a portable de- tongue and a humid e-nose, has also been applied for the
vice (PEN2), composed of 10 metal oxide (MOX) semicon- analysis of the deterioration of wine in contact with air (Gil-
ductor chemical sensors, equipped with a preconcentrator Sánchez et al., 2011). The potentiometric e-tongue was built
and a thermal desorber system. The e-tongue was consti- with thick-film serigraphic techniques, using commercially
tuted of two amperometric detectors coupled to a flow in- available resistances and conductors for hybrid electronic
jection analysis system, with the wine samples delivered circuits, that is, Ag, Au, Cu, Ru, AgCl, and C. The humid
by dilution in a methanol/acetate buffer (70:30) carrier e-nose had an innovative design to respect the traditional

FIGURE 29.2  Scatter plot of the 14 sensorial descriptors estimated by a PLS model built on the nose and tongue data set. (Reprinted with
­permission from Di Natale et al., 2004.)
Wine and Combined Electronic Nose and Tongue Chapter | 29 305

FIGURE 29.3  Set-up of the humid e-nose. (Reprinted with permission from Gil-Sánchez et al., 2011.)

arrays and wanted to emulate the working mechanism of the While the data analysis of the individual arrays showed a
natural olfaction system, mimicking the wet environment reduced discriminatory ability of the temporal evolution
of the nasal mucosa. This humid e-nose was composed of of the spoiled wines, indicating that the sample discrimi-
four electrodes, such as a pH glass electrode; aluminum, nation was not simply correlated with the increase of the
platinum, and graphite wires; and an Ag–AgCl reference wine acidity, the combined device demonstrated the ability
electrode. The e-nose detected the volatiles originated by to monitor the evolution of wine samples in the course of
the wine samples and then dissolved in a moistened cloth time (Fig. 29.4).
bag (Fig. 29.3).
The e-tongue and the humid e-nose were exploited to 29.3  THE HYBRID E-TONGUE
monitor the spoilage of three Spanish wines (two red wines
and one white wine) in contact with air after opening their In a slightly different approach, a hybrid system, where
bottles. The measurements were made up to 48 days after an e-tongue was combined with a optofluidic colorimet-
the bottle opening. The total acidity of the wines were con- ric system, has been proposed for wine analysis (Gutiérrez
temporaneously made as a control of the sample spoilage. et al., 2010, 2011a). Different from the previous examples,

FIGURE 29.4  PCA score plot obtained by combination of measurements of the e-tongue and the humid e-nose on two red wines (RA, RB) and
a white wine (W). (Reprinted with permission from Gil-Sánchez et al., 2011.)
306 PART | III  Combined Nose and Tongue

where both headspace (e-nose) and liquid phase (e-tongue) microextraction (SPME) technique was used to transfer the
of the wine matrices contributed to the final result, in this wine headspace into the e-nose chamber, with the aim to in-
case only the liquid phase was analyzed, joining an electro- crease the concentration of the volatile organic compounds
chemical and a colorimetric analysis of the wine samples, (VOC) presence in the wine flavor, and contemporaneously
and for this reason the resulting device has been named a to reduce the ethanol and water content. Both ethanol and
hybrid e-tongue. The system was composed of an array of water, in fact, are not useful for the wine discrimination,
four different kind of electrochemical sensors: six ion-sensi- since they are always present in the analyzed samples, but
tive field effect transistors (ISFETs), a conductivity sensor, they can overwhelm the detection of the other VOCs, due
a redox potential sensor, and two amperometric electrodes. their high concentrations. No sample treatment was neces-
The colorimetric analysis was performed by optofluidic sary for both e-tongue and e-eye measurements. The three
system using fiber optics connected to a spectrometer. This devices gave noncorrelated information on the analyzed
hybrid e-tongue system was first tested for the characteriza- samples, with the e-nose and e-eye more related to the clo-
tion of red wines (Gutiérrez et al., 2010) and then for the sure influence and the e-tongue to the antioxidant character
quantification of the percentage of grape varieties in both of the wine. As a result, the electronic panel showed a sig-
red and white wines (Gutiérrez et al., 2011a,b). The results nificant improvement of the discrimination performances,
obtained showed that the hybrid e-tongue was effectively taking advantages of the overall independent information
able to discriminate both red and white wine according to furnished by the individual components.
their grape variety composition and year of vintage, dem- The same system was later exploited to monitor the red
onstrating a potential usefulness for the variety analysis in wine aging, with the aim to distinguish among the traditional
wine industry. wine aging process in oak barrels to respect the addition of
oak chips in wines stored in stainless-steel tanks (Apetrei
et al., 2012). The system was able to follow the change of the
29.4  THE ELECTRONIC PANEL overall chemical composition of the wine samples, accord-
A more complete system, called an “electronic panel” for ing to their different maturation environment, so allowing the
wine assessment, has also been reported by Rodríguez-­ discrimination of wines with the same origin, but different
Méndez et al. (2004, 2014), Prieto et al. (2011), and Ape- aging processes. The wine samples were also analyzed by the
trei et al. (2012). The combined system is formed by an standard chemical analysis, to evaluate the chemical compo-
e-nose, based on array of commercial MOX sensors, a sition changes due to the aging process. The results obtained
voltammetric e-tongue, based on the carbon paste elec- showed the possibility to use the electronic panel to predict
trodes (CPEs) modified with bisphthalocyanines, semi- the method exploited for the wine maturation; although the
conducting polymers and perylenes, and an e-eye, which same discrimination could be possible by chemical analysis,
collected the transmittance spectra, recorded using 11 it is worth noting that the electronic panel, giving a global as-
LEDs (covering the 780–380 nm spectral region) and cal- sess of the target sample, can offer several advantages, such
culating the CIELab coordinates. This electronic panel as, for example, the rapidity of the analysis, minimal pre-
has been exploited for different scopes in wine analy- treatment of the sample, single measure, and so on.
sis. In the first work ­(Rodríguez-Méndez et al., 2004), More recently the electronic panel, this time composed
the combined system was applied to discriminate six red by the e-nose and e-tongue, was applied for the evalua-
Spanish wines prepared using the same variety of grape tion oxygen exposure levels and polyphenolic content of
(Tempranillo), but differing in their geographic origins red wines (Rodríguez-Méndez et al., 2014). Twenty-five
and aging stages. The data analysis showed that the three chemical parameters of the analyzed wines were obtained
independent devices offered uncorrelated information on by traditional chemical analysis and related to the chemical
the analyzed samples and their integration strongly in- composition of the wines, such as the polyphenols’ content,
creased the discrimination capability of the overall sys- pigments, and oxygen amount. The results obtained showed
tem, making the electronic panel suitable for the wine a good correlation between the responses obtained by the
characterization. electronic panel and the chemical parameters measured by
The electronic panel was used to evaluate the influence of chemical analysis, demonstrating that the combined device
molecular oxygen interaction with wine samples on their or- could offer also quantitative data related to chemical compo-
ganoleptic characteristics, both before (­micro-oxygenation) sition, other than a global assessment of the analyzed wines.
and after bottling (nano-oxygenation) (Prieto et al., 2011). Following a similar approach, the exploitation of a hybrid
The experiments were performed on red wines having dif- system was also tested for the quality assessment of Chi-
ferent polyphenols contents, depending on the ­vinification nese rice wine samples (Ouyang et al., 2014). The system
procedure adopted for their production. The influence of was composed by three commercial devices, an e-eye (Col-
the different closures on the oxygenation transmission rates orQuest XE colorimeter), an e-nose (Airsense ­ Analytics
were also evaluated by the electronic panel. The solid-phase PEN3), and an e-tongue (aAstree Alpha M.O.S), with the
Wine and Combined Electronic Nose and Tongue Chapter | 29 307

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out sample pretreatment. To explore the correlation of the
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electronic panel results with the human sense evaluation, the
Jorquera, C., 2011b. Application of an e-tongue to the analysis of
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to the analyzed samples in three variables crossed percep- Büttgenbach, S., Mínguez, S., Jiméenez-Jorquera, C., 2010. Hybrid
tion: color, aroma, and taste. In this work, particular atten- electronic tongue based on optical and electrochemical microsensors
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