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Understanding by Design – Unit on Integers

Cherry-Anne Gildharry

EDUC 276- Curriculum Designs and Development

Drake University

3206 University Avenue

Des Moines, IA 50311

July 15, 2014

Understanding by Design – Unit on Integers
Unit Integers Grade Level 7-8th
Curriculum Area ELL Math 111 Time Frame 2 weeks
Developed By Cherry-Anne Gildharry Design Patterned after McTighe and Wiggins Backward Design

Integers is an extremely important concept that is applicable to many major mathematical concepts, but even more so, has much importance
in the real world as it is a part of banking, bills, temperature, sales and many other concepts. In this unit, students will spend time examining
the words that represent opposite actions and numbers and generate axes and coordinate planes that relate to profit and loss and sales of
items as well as other real-world situations and they will justify why negative axes are sometimes not used in plotting points. Furthermore, they
will effectively perform mathematical operations with integers and develop and apply strategies to solve real world word problems. Students
will further investigate and research temperature and discover the factors that affect temperature and climate in their state, country or other
countries, and the connection of integers with temperature. Additionally, they will extend and explore their knowledge to examine loans and
savings, checkbooks and bank account statements, and project ways that could prevent them from being in debt.

Stage 1 - Desired Results

Established Goal(s)/ Content Standards- Adapted from Iowa Core
Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers. (6.NS.C)
1. Understand that positive and negative numbers are used together to describe quantities having opposite directions or values (e.g., temperature above/below
credits/debits, positive/negative electric charge); use positive and negative numbers to represent quantities in real-world contexts, explaining the meaning of
2. Understand a rational number as a point on the number line. Extend number line diagrams and coordinate axes familiar from previous grades to
represent points on the line and in the plane with negative number coordinates.
a. Recognize opposite signs of numbers as indicating locations on opposite sides of 0 on the number line; recognize that the opposite of the
opposite of a number is the number itself, e.g., –(–3) = 3, and that 0 is its own opposite.
b. Understand signs of numbers in ordered pairs as indicating locations in quadrants of the coordinate plane; recognize that when two
ordered pairs differ only by signs, the locations of the points are related by reflections across one or both axes.
c. Find and position integers and other rational numbers on a horizontal or vertical number line diagram; find and position pairs of integers
and other rational numbers on a coordinate plane. (6.NS.C.6)
Enduring Understanding Essential Questions

Students will understand Essential Question(s)

- Integers are positive and negative numbers that represent - Where do we see evidence of integers in the real world?
opposite actions and quantities in real-world contexts, and - What factors affect temperature and climate and how do integers
can be graphically represented play a role in these?
- How to explain integers on the coordinate plane and - How do integers impact my financial decision-making?
perform the four mathematical operations with them
- Temperatures are represented by integers and vary in
different locations and countries as a result of specific
contributing factors
- How financial activities such as checkbooks, bank accounts,
loans and savings incorporate the use of integers and how
making wise financial decisions results in a savings rather
than a deficit


Students will know …. Students will be able to …..

1. How to recognize opposite action words and create integers 1. Identify opposite action words and real-world situations that
that relate to these involve integers.
2. How to create a coordinate plane, represent integers that 2. Create coordinate planes involving real world situations that
relate to the real world on these planes and explain why represent positive and negative numbers and explain why numbers
numbers increase or decrease as they move to the left/right increase or decrease as they move to the left/right of the number
of the number line line
3. How to perform operations with positive and negative 3. Perform operations with negative and positive integers
numbers 4. Explain how temperature and climate are affected by geographical
4. How temperature and climate are affected by geographical environmental factors and how integers relate to these
environmental factors and how integers relate to these 5. Make financial decisions that result in savings and improved
5. How to make smart financial decisions that result in savings financial situations
and improved financial situations as opposed to having
Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks
Students’ Focus
KWL –The K - Complete an advanced graphic organizer documenting opposite words and real-world connections. Student created graphic organizer
and W documenting real world situations from video
sections will - Definition of integers
be completed - Create a coordinate plane that relates to specific real-world situations
by students - Create a graphic organizer to explain the operations with integers which would include examples of how to solve real world problems
during the - Solved real world problems involving operations with integers
warm-up and - Select a country or location of your choice and explain the factors that contribute to temperature and climate. Also make specific
before the reference to the integers and mathematical operations for the change in temperature or climate for this region. An iChart would be
lesson used for guiding students research
- Balance a checkbook or analyze a loan and savings situation and reflect on ways that wise financial decisions can be made. Prepare a
speech to present or a blog that you will post on a math site to demonstrate your learning. Relation to specific examples from the
statements must be reflected
- Write a reflection on the L section of the KWL to represent your understanding of integers and how they connect to real world
- Peer assessments

Teacher’s Focus
- Quizzes by objectives
- Teacher’s observations and note of students’ performance
- Tests on facts, application and extension of integers

Stage 3 - Learning Plan

Learning Activities Vocabulary
 KWL organizers Horizontal Lines
 Songs involving integers and video on integers Vertical Lines
 Station rotation Above/Below Axes
 Group Discussions Spend/Save Number Line
 Gallery Walks Negative/Positive Coordinate plane
 List-Group-Label to Investigate vocabulary words and create a Deposit/Withdraw Ordered Pairs
picture cartoon model for opposite words Debit/credit Quadrants
 Make a graphic organizer for operations with numbers Above Zero/Below Zero
 Solve problems that relate to real world situations
 Balance a checkbook
Overview of lessons
Lesson Topic Objectives Agenda Aligned Activities/ Vocabulary Assessment
Duration Students will be able Materials Evidence
• Warm-Up o Meet and Greet • Add/Subtract • KWL
Concept of • Identify and • Teacher’s Input Connection to o Gallery Walk • Multiply/Divide • Graphic Organizer
Integers explain opposite Background Knowledge and Song on o List-Group-Label
• Above/Below • List Group Label
words and link Opposite Words
• Spend/Save Product observation
Lesson 1 their connections • Meet and Greet o Graphic
to real world • Complete Graphic Organizer Organizers • Negative/Positive • Definition of
2days applications • Video on Opposite Words o Computer- • Deposit/Withdraw Integers Summary
• explain where • Reflection and Summary of Opposite Internet • Debit/credit
(180 they see evidence Words o Integer Words • Above Zero/Below
minutes) of integers in the o Video
real world o Songs

Representing • Explain and • Warm-Up

Integers on represent • Small group reflection on previous o Think pair-share • Picture
the Number quantities relating day’s work/teacher’s feedback o During reading Horizontal Lines Representation of
Line and to integers on the • Vocabulary Research – Picture activity Vertical Lines words
coordinate number line and representation of all terms Axes
• Teacher Observation
plane and coordinate plane • Teacher’s input- Number line and o Feedback from Number Line
Lesson 2 Performing • Perform previous lesson Coordinate plane Notes
coordinate plane
the Four operations with • Think-Pair-Share analyzing peers o Number line Ordered Pairs • Student created
Operations integers and number lines and coordinate planes example and Quadrants Graphic Organizer
2days with Integers relate these to • Teacher’s Input -explain the materials for
real-world operations involved in integers teaching 4
(180 situations • During reading activity- students operations
minutes) create graphic organizer to o Text for during
summarize the operations reading strategy
• Selection of real-world problems to
match specific operations
• Warm-Up o Pre Reading-
Strategies for Students will be able • Small group reflection on previous Word Sort Vocabulary from the • Teacher’s
solving to apply pre, during, day’s work/teacher’s feedback o During Reading- word problems observation on word
Integers Word and after reading • Pre-reading strategy using one word visualize and sort
Problem strategies to solve problem animate
• ichart
real world problems • During reading strategy o Post Reading-
Lesson 3 relating to integers ichart • Two solved word
• After reading strategy
• Solution of real-world problem o Selected words problems
(group work) for word sort
2 days • Solution of real-world problem o Word problems
(180 (Individual work) o ichart with
minutes) questions
Lesson Topic Objectives Agenda Aligned Activities/ Vocabulary Assessment
Duration Students will be able to: Materials Evidence
Students will be able to • Warm-Up o Differentiation by
analyze checkbooks, loan • Small group reflection on previous day’s content- writing Blog • Written speech
Examine and savings or bank work/teacher’s feedback o Class discussion Speech • Blog
checkbooks accounts and create a • Teacher’s input- exposure to the types of Financial • Teacher’s
Lesson 4 speech or blog explaining materials to be analyzed and vocabulary o Loan statement,
how one can make wise checkbook, choices Observation
financial decisions. • Differentiation by content –students will savings,
1day make a selection on the content they want checkbook
(90 to analyze and write a speech or a blog
minutes) • Class discussion – everyone listen’s and o Station rotation
make notes on what they feel would
impact on their financial choice in life

Research temperature and • Warm-Up o Specifications to Research summary

explain the factors that • Small group reflection on previous day’s guide research Longitude and explanation
contribute to climate in work/teacher’s feedback o Meet and Greet Latitude
Lesson 5 Temperature different countries, making • Teacher’s input- instructions and about o Internet Climate
Research specific connections to the temperature investigation – 4 specific o Guidelines
use of integers in their categories to guide research o Map of the world
2 days explanation • Meet and Greet- explanation of showing
(180 instructions to a buddy and decision of longitude and
minutes) country of choice latitude
• Research- self-created design to represent
research details

• Warm-Up o Synthesis
Artifacts • Synthesize knowledge • Small group reflection on previous day’s discussions (small Artifacts • Teacher’s
analysis and and artifacts created work/teacher’s feedback groups) Synthesize observation
Summary and during this unit to • Teacher’s input- explanation of how they o Complete KWl notes
Reflection reflect on all learning would synthesize the learning in this topic
• Completed KWL
through group • Selection of 5 artifacts that they will o Students’
Lesson 6 collaboration. artifacts folders organizer
discuss in groups of 3 with specific
• Document reference to the learning and why they o KWL graphic
enduring thoughts and selected this article. organizers that
ideas on the KWL • Complete the L section on the KWL and were completed
1 day about Integers and read the K and W section to determine if on day 1
(90 write a summary of their questions have been answered and if
minutes) integers for a blog they gathered more knowledge than they
previously had about this topic.

• Students will be able to identify and explain the meaning of selected opposite words and link
their connections to real word applications through pictures and words
• Students will be able to explain where they see evidence of integers in the real world


• Warm-Up
• Teacher’s Input- Connection to Background Knowledge and Song on Opposite Words
• Meet and Greet
• Complete Graphic Organizer
• Video on Opposite Words
• Reflection and Summary of Opposite Words


Materials Activities Vocabulary Words

Graphic Organizers Meet and Greet Add/Subtract

Computer/Internet Gallery Walk Multiply/Divide
Integer Words List-Group-Label Above/Below
Above Zero/Below Zero


Advance Graphic Organizer
Student created Graphic Organizer
List Group Label Product
Definition of Integers

Students will complete the K and W sections of a KWL graphic organizer


I will have students individually brainstorm “opposite words” and I will create a concept map on a Word
document using students’ suggestions. Initially, if students are struggling to get the concept, I will draw
their attention to the warm-up asking them to use that to help them in providing these words. I will then
play a song for the students that contains opposite words and have them look at the concept map and
add any additional opposite words.


Once students have connected to their prior knowledge, I will have them meet at least two other
students and talk about these words and what they relate to. During this activity, they are to determine
one set of opposite words that are not documented on the concept map or from the song.


In the North section, students will write five sets of opposite actions and the real-world situations that
relate to these opposite actions. They will be allowed to use google to get the real-world situations if
they are having difficulty and listen to the pronunciation of the words as well as select images, rather
than only web, to get a visual connection to the words, or even quotes/sentences that use synonyms of
the unfamiliar words. In the South Section, students will create sentences using the opposite words.


Integers in the real world- Video Students will look

at a video and document on a self –created graphic organizer real world ideas about opposite actions
that were mentioned on the video.


I will divide students into groups, giving each group a preselected set of words: above, below; withdraw,
deposit; debit, credit; lowers, raises; put, take; spends, saves; salary, payment, wins, loses. I will have
these students group the words into two categories, Positive and Negative, and within their groups, talk
about why they placed them in these categories.


Students will define integers explaining in detail the relationships and real-world connections


During this lesson, I will continuously monitor students work and make notes about their learning, which
I will document on an Excel spreadsheet as additional data to support students enduring knowledge
about the concept.

I will use all of the evidence collected from this lesson to determine strategies for differentiated
instruction. For those students who did not get the concept, I will work with them in small groups after the
teacher’s input during lesson 2.
Name ________________________________ Date _____________________________ Block ________________

K What I know about

Integers W What I want to Know About
Integers L What I learned about Integers
Opposite Words Graphic Organizer
Real world Situation

North- Write opposite words and the real-world situations that relate to these


South- Create a sentence using each set of opposite actions or opposite words
Write a reflection on “Where do you see evidence of integers in the real

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