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Equity Research Peru

Market Alert
April 26th, 2021

Peru Earnings
Estimates: 1Q21
Credicorp Capital Research
Results still supported by high
metal prices and economic recovery

The positive trend in results should continue, supported mainly by the Miguel Leiva & Team
mining and construction sectors in a context of high metal prices and a +(511) 416 3333
faster execution of large infrastructure projects. We also expect better
numbers in consumption-related companies and in banking as the
economy continues to recover, while the utilities sector should remain
Carolina Ratto
relatively flat. All in all, we expect significant increases in EBITDA and net +(562) 2446 1768
income, though explained in part by a low base.

Mining results should be driven by high metal prices. During 1Q21, there
were no relevant production stoppages; however, the recent rise in
COVID-19 cases has limited the availability of personnel in some
operations. The main driver of revenues should continue to be higher
metal prices, especially for copper and tin, which should support strong
results for Cerro Verde and Minsur.

The construction sector should maintain the strong momentum from

previous quarters despite further lockdown restrictions in 1Q21. We
observed resilient cement deliveries as private and public projects
continue to show great levels of dynamism. This should also be the case
for steel dispatches. As a result, our sample of construction-related
companies is expected to post great results across the board, with Aenza
being the only exception.

Regarding consumption-related companies, in the case of InRetail, good

dynamism should be observed in almost all lines (with real estate being
the exception), and the acquisition of Makro will have a favorable impact.
At Alicorp, profits should be boosted by extraordinary results from the
crushing business, a good performance of consumer goods in Peru and a
low comparative base for the B2B and aquafeed segments.

Utilities’ operating performance should be flat to somewhat down y/y.

In general, we think all companies will perform better than they did the
previous quarter. That said, vs 1Q20, the sector should be impacted by
somewhat weaker demand (though March saw a significant recovery) and
local FX depreciation. In addition, for gencos, PPA re-pricing continues to IMPORTANT NOTICE (US FINRA RULE 2242) This
document is intended for INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS and is
be a headwind. As a result, we see the utilities sector’s EBITDA and net not subject to all of the independence and disclosure
standards applicable to debt research reports prepared for
income declining by 8% y/y and 10% y/y in USD, respectively. retail investors. Credicorp Capital may do or seek to do
business with companies covered in its research reports. As a
result, investors should be aware that the firm may have a
conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this
report. Investors should consider this report as only a single
To summarize, we expect positive surprises for Cerro Verde, Minsur, factor in making their investment decision. Refer to important
disclosures on page 8 to 12. Analyst Certification on Page 8.
Cementos Pacasmayo, Aceros Arequipa, InRetail, Alicorp and IFS. Additional disclosures on page 12.
Peru - 1Q21 Estimates

Revenues EBITDA Net Income EBITDA Mg. Net Mg.

Company Currency Release Date
1Q21E 1Q20 % Chg. 1Q21E 1Q20 % Chg. 1Q21E 1Q20 % Chg. 1Q21E 1Q20 1Q21E 1Q20
Mining (1) USD mn 1,567 829 89.1% 715 99 621.0% 288 -209 nm 45.6% 12.0% 18.4% nm
Buenaventura USD mn 207 115 81.1% 46 -7 nm 28 -75 nm 22.2% nm 13.5% nm April 29th
Cerro Verde USD mn 962 422 128.0% 499 21 2317.8% 207 -61 nm 51.9% 4.9% 21.6% nm April 26th
Volcan USD mn 183 131 39.5% 60 27 119.8% 5 -31 nm 32.8% 20.8% 2.5% nm April 29th
Nexa Resources USD mn 622 442 40.6% 149 -441 nm 38 -522 nm 24.0% nm 6.2% nm April 29th
Minsur USD mn 215 162 33.3% 110 58 89.7% 48 -42 nm 51.2% 36.0% 22.4% nm May 14th
Cement & Const USD mn 1,369 1,135 20.6% 239 186 28.9% 88 18 387.5% 17.5% 16.4% 6.4% 1.6%
C. Pacasmayo PEN mn 456 299 52.3% 114 72 57.6% 40 11 273.9% 25.0% 24.2% 8.8% 3.6% April 28th
Unacem PEN mn 1,051 905 16.1% 301 282 6.6% 89 61 45.4% 28.6% 31.2% 8.5% 6.8% May 14th
Ferreycorp PEN mn 1,507 1,179 27.8% 209 128 63.6% 91 -21 nm 13.9% 10.9% 6.1% nm April 28th
Aceros Arequipa PEN mn 1,105 637 73.4% 194 85 127.8% 114 39 189.9% 17.6% 13.4% 10.3% 6.2% April 29th
Aenza PEN mn 1,025 883 16.1% 80 71 13.5% -4 -28 86.4% 7.8% 8.0% nm nm April 30th
Consumer USD mn 2,112 2,013 4.9% 221 188 17.8% 157 71 121.7% 12.3% 11.0% 7.4% 3.5%
Alicorp PEN mn 2,725 2,448 11.3% 338 211 60.0% 126 8 1414.5% 12.4% 8.6% 4.6% 0.3% April 29th
IFS PEN mn 1,179 1,068 10.4% nm 330 143 130.2% nm nm 28.0% 13.4% May 13th
InRetail PEN mn 4,030 3,406 18.3% 492 434 13.4% 134 92 45.7% 12.2% 12.7% 3.3% 2.7% May 13th
Utilities USD mn 673 725 -7.2% 251 273 -8.3% 121 135 -10.1% 37.3% 37.7% 18.0% 18.6%
Enel Gx PEN mn 403 397 1.5% 237 237 0.1% 134 140 -3.8% 58.9% 59.7% 33.3% 35.1% May 17th
Enel Dx PEN mn 800 800 0.0% 184 188 -2.0% 69 71 -3.4% 23.0% 23.4% 8.6% 8.9% April 30th
Engie Peru USD mn 126 129 -2.1% 72 73 -1.4% 31 31 -0.9% 57.4% 57.0% 24.8% 24.5% April 29th
Luz del Sur PEN mn 851 855 -0.4% 249 263 -5.3% 136 145 -6.4% 29.2% 30.8% 16.0% 17.0% May 17th
Total Sample (1) USD mn 5,721 4,702 21.7% 1,426 746 91.2% 654 15 4173.0% 24.9% 15.9% 11.4% 0.3%
USD converted to PEN at 3.757 (1Q21) and 3.439 (1Q20)
(1) Sum does not include Nexa Resources

Analysts: Miguel Leiva – & Mauricio
Fernandini –

Buenaventura (BUY; T.P.: UR). We expect a moderate q/q decrease in

BVN had operating revenues due to personnel restriction in Tambomayo and Orcopampa caused
challenges related to by the first-quarter surge in COVID-19 cases, the delays in the mine ramp-up
personnel availability, but in Uchucchacua and the production re-scheduling in Tajo Norte / El Brocal.
this was offset by better However, compared to 1Q20, revenues should increase significantly, mainly
prices and income from due to improved metal prices and stable production from other units. We
equity investments. expect the company to present operating costs similar to those of 4Q20,
with a USD 11mn decrease in other expenses related to the impairment in El
Brocal reserves. Finally, net income should be positive, mainly due to
expected income of USD 40.6mn from the participation in Cerro Verde.

Cerro Verde (UR; T.P.: UR) results should be driven by the 50% y/y surge in
copper prices and, to a lesser extent, by the 13% y/y rise in molybdenum
prices. Additionally, according to Freeport McMoRan, the company’s largest
Cerro Verde and Volcan
revenues will be driven by shareholder, concentrator facilities exceeded planned milling rates and
better prices, not volume. averaged 390,100 metric tons of ore per day, resulting in production of
98,432 tons of copper (+7% y/y) and sales of 97,525 tons. Thus, we expect
EBITDA and net income to post significant increases.

Volcan (BUY; T.P.: PEN 1.04) production levels should be similar to the
figures from 4Q20 and higher than the figures from 1Q20, with an increase in
revenues mainly driven by higher zinc, lead and silver prices. Net revenues
could be positive if no major unexpected costs are incurred.

We expect a more moderate increase in Nexa (HOLD; T.P.: USD 9.00)

revenues as the Brazilian operations were not restricted during 1Q20 as they
Nexa production should were in Peru. We are forecasting production levels close to the lower end of
remain stable and benefit the 2021 guidance for the Peruvian operations due to possible staffing
from increased zinc prices. constraints caused by the pandemic and the temporary suspension of
Atacocha operations in Mar-21. However, this moderate reduction in
production should be offset by higher metal prices. Net income should be
positive, in contrast to the loss of USD 522mn in 1Q20 caused by the USD
485mn non-cash impairment loss recognition related to the Cerro Pasco
cash generating unit and the goodwill in the Peruvian mining segment.

Minsur (HOLD; T.P.: PEN 2.00) sales should be mainly driven by the 54% y/y
Minsur sales will be driven increase in tin prices and an expected 30% y/y increase in tin production
by prices and sales according to guidance. This should offset the expected 21% y/y and 7% y/y
volumes according to decreases in gold and ferroalloy production, respectively. Mina Justa revenues
should begin to be reflected in 2Q21.

All in all, the mining sector should continue to post good results this year,
supported by sound fundamentals for metal prices and recovering
Copper prices will benefit production. Cerro Verde and Minsur will benefit from copper prices in the
Cerro Verde and Minsur in upcoming months, while Volcan has significant upside due to other assets (as
the upcoming quarters. presented in our latest valuation report for the company). Operating
challenges related to personnel availability could still arise in the upcoming
months as COVID-19 infection rates remain high.

Analysts: Steffania Mosquera – & Enrique
Grau –

Pacasmayo (UR). The company delivered over 300k MT of cement in each

We expect cement and of the last six months as of Feb-21, a record-breaking achievement. Mar-21
steel deliveries to continue should continue this hot trend as Asocem has revealed that cement deliveries
the strong momentum of at a national level stood over 1,007k MT. Assuming Pacasmayo’s market
4Q20 despite further share remains at ~30%, we expect the company to again deliver over 300k
lockdown restrictions. MT of cement in Mar-21. Thus, the top line should reach PEN 456mn (+52%
y/y). This should benefit EBITDA and net income, which we expect to total
PEN 114mn (+58% y/y) and PEN 40mn (+274% y/y), respectively, though
margins could decrease slightly as a result of higher clinker imports.

Unacem (UR). Last Friday, Unacem posted its 1Q21 stand-alone results,
which typically account for ~50% of consolidated revenues. The top line
reached PEN 543mn (+32% y/y) as the company delivered 1.4mn MT (+36%
Unacem is our new top
y/y) of cement in 1Q21. This was supported by the government’s mandate to
pick in the sector as a
result of its better resume all projects and the overall solid progress of Lima metro’s line 2, Lima
fundamentals and airport’s expansion and Chancay’s port, among many other projects. With this
attractive entry point. in mind, we forecast that consolidated revenues will total PEN 1.05bn (+16%
y/y), while EBITDA and net income should reach PEN 301mn (+7% y/y) and
PEN 89mn (+45% y/y), respectively.

Aceros Arequipa (HOLD; T.P.: PEN 0.85). The company should continue to
ride the good momentum of construction-related activities. We have seen
strong demand for steel in a robust and dynamic market, especially for self-
construction and infrastructure works. We expect 1Q21 results to post sound
growth across the board, even on a q/q basis (all-time high figures were
recorded in 4Q20).

Ferreycorp (BUY; T.P.: PEN 2.10). Higher metal prices and uninterrupted
mining operations should support good 1Q21 results as this segment
represents ~50% of consolidated revenues. In addition, we have seen strong
demand for machinery from construction-related activities, especially in the
northern region of the country, where reconstruction works are gaining
steam. We highlight the faster execution of these activities due to new
investment schemes and G2G contracts. Hence, we expect strong results
across the board.

Aenza (HOLD; T.P.: PEN 2.05 (loc.) / USD 2.95 (ADR)). Operations appear to
be going well across all major subsidiaries, especially at GyM’s construction of
Lima airport’s second runway, which has an overall progress of 19% as of last
week. The construction of mining projects such as Quellaveco in Peru and
Quebrada Blanca Fase 2 in Chile also support a favorable expansion of the
top line. Despite this, we expect earnings to remain in negative territory. It is
worth noting that no further noise regarding the company’s judicial process
emerged after the private placement of the convertible bonds.

All in, we reinstate our favorable view on the construction sector as self-
construction works are benefiting from high levels of savings among families
and projects across the country continue to show great progress. G2G
contracts should provide some level of certainty regarding project
developments in the future. We recently upgraded Unacem to be our top
pick for the sector given its better fundamentals and attractive entry point.

Retail and Consumer
Analysts: Carolina Ratto – & Andrés Cereceda – & Carol Roca –

InRetail (UR). The Supermarket division remains the most resilient with
For InRetail, the Food double-digit top line growth, mainly driven by a still good performance in
business remains the most Super, strong momentum in Cash & Carry and the Makro acquisition as this
resilient, driven by strong will be the first quarter in which results include this new banner. However, we
momentum in Cash & expect some margin compression at the EBITDA level as a result of the
Carry and the Makro incorporation of Makro. Synergies due to this acquisition should be reflected
acquisition. We continue in the upcoming quarters. Pharma continued to show strong sales growth, a
to believe that this is a nice
trend that has been seen in the past few quarters. This was explained by a
defensive story.
good performance not only in medicines but also in other categories such as
wellness and nutrition. We expect high single-digit growth for Drugstores
with flat margins. For the MDM segment, revenues should increase by slightly
less that 2% as the market continues to be challenged by the pandemic. The
Real Estate division continues to be impacted by the partial lockdowns, with
drops in revenues near 12% y/y, but we expect to see a recovery compared to
4Q20. All in all, we continue to believe that this is a nice defensive story.

Results from Alicorp (HOLD; T.P.: PEN 8.6) will be pressured by lower
volumes and higher commodity prices; however, the company will benefit
Alicorp should report from a low comparative base at the operating level. In Consumer Goods
strong results, mainly due Peru, there will be no major surprises in results this quarter. We expect
to an extraordinary volumes to post mild growth; however, EBITDA margin expansion will be
quarter from the Crushing mainly explained by a business mix with a higher exposure to home and
business, healthy growth personal care products. Looking at Consumer Goods International (GCI),
from Consumer Goods results from all geographies will be lower than investors’
Peru and a low expectations. Overall, management prioritized the execution of price
comparative base. increases in most countries, which in turn had a negative impact on
volumes. In addition, an unfavorable mix of currencies will continue to
pressure the conversion to PEN, especially from Brazil and Argentina. The
positive note is the low comparative base in Brazil due to a tax related one-
off in 1Q20. On the B2B side, margins continue to recover but at a slow pace.
Results this quarter will be higher than management’s previous expectations.
The recovery seen so far has been mainly explained by a recovery at the
industry level and efficiencies made at the SG&A level. We expect double-
digit growth in EBITDA for this segment. In the Aquafeed business, demand
has shown improvement, which will explain lower volume drops compared to
previous quarters. Still, the EBITDA margin will continue to be highly
pressured. In fact, in the last earnings call, management said that margins in
this business will not recover until 2022. Looking at the Crushing segment,
results will be boosted by the recent boom in commodities. All in, the
company will post ~60% y/y EBITDA growth and an EBITDA margin
expansion of roughly 380 bps, mainly due to an extraordinary quarter from
the Crushing business, healthy growth from Consumer Goods Peru and a low
comparative base for the B2B and Aquafeed segments. Finally, we believe
that results from CGI will surprise investors to the downside, while B2B and
Aquafeed results will surprise to the upside.

Analysts: Sebastián Gallego – & Daniel Mora –

After a challenging 2020 for the Peruvian banking sector, we

IFS should maintain the should start observing better figures in 2021. That said, the pandemic is
recovery trend exhibited not over, and pre-COVID-19 levels of net earnings and profitability will not
since 2H20. be recovered any time soon. We highlight that we made upward adjustments
to our official 1Q21 estimates for IFS given the better figures reported in 2H20
and a relatively more optimistic outlook for 2021 coming from
the management team. Thus, we expect IFS (HOLD; TP: USD 29/share) to
report a net income of PEN 330.1mn, compared to PEN 143.4mn reported in
1Q20. The sharp recovery should be driven by two main factors. The first one
comes from the top line as we expect a 10.4% y/y increase in the operating
income. However, the main driver should be the other operating income line
as IFS reported losses coming from the investment portfolio at Interseguro
and Inteligo one year ago due to the material impact on financial markets at
the beginning of the pandemic. That said, we expect still impacted NII (-1.7%
y/y) and net fee income (-16.1% y/y). Meanwhile, the stronger bottom line
will be driven by lower provision expenses; we estimate a 24.1% y/y decrease
explained by a lower need for provisions after the high recording of them in
2020. In its 4Q20 conference call, the bank signaled that the current stock of
provisions and coverage ratios is sufficient to face the COVID-19 pandemic in
the upcoming quarters. Regarding Interseguro, we believe that the annuities
business should continue the recovery shown in the last part of 2020; recall
that net premiums plunged ~30% y/y in the roughest months of the

Apart from 1Q21 results, we will continue to monitor the evolution of key
events such as the upcoming presidential election and any additional
information coming on the regulatory front. We expect to revise our
valuation model and target price in the upcoming weeks.

Analysts: Andrew McCarthy – & Ana Paula
Gálvez –

In the utilities sector, firstly with respect to the gencos, we see Enel
Mainly flat operating figures Generación Perú (HOLD; T.P.: PEN 2.22) posting flat y/y EBITDA of PEN 237
(in PEN) for the sector in mn. Lower hydro dispatch (-22% y/y) should lead to a slightly less favorable
1Q21; looking forward, a spot market position, and higher thermal dispatch should lead to increased
positive base effect could fuel purchases (+15% y/y), but local FX depreciation should offset these
help 2Q21 results. effects. Thus, we expect net income to reach PEN 134 mn (-4% y/y). With
respect to Engie Energía Perú (HOLD; T.P.: PEN 7.58), we forecast EBITDA of
USD 72 mn (-1% y/y), impacted by lower sales volumes, a PPA re-pricing
effect and higher energy and capacity purchases but offset by lower fuel
expenses (-62% y/y). Thus, we expect net income of USD 31 mn, in line with
last year’s figure (-1% y/y).

As for the discos, for Enel Distribución Perú (BUY; T.P.: PEN 6.38), we expect
a small 2% y/y contraction in EBITDA to PEN 184 mn as a result of slightly
weaker physical sales in Jan-21 and Feb-21 that was partially offset by some
recovery in demand in Mar-21. We expect lower provisions for bad debts
compared to the previous quarter given the improvements seen recently in
collections. Thus, we project flat y/y net income of PEN 69 mn. Finally,
regarding Luz del Sur (HOLD; T.P.: UR), we expect the company to report
EBITDA of PEN 249 mn (-5% y/y) as a result of a 3% y/y decline in sales
volumes and higher energy losses (11.3% as per level seen in 4Q20). As for
the bottom line, we expect quarterly net income of PEN 135 mn (-6% y/y).

Amongst the Peruvian utilities, we continue to favor Enel Dx Perú.

Assuming a stable legal framework, we like the medium-term earnings
growth outlook thanks to continued capex to lift regulatory asset value ahead
of the next tariff review in 2022. We also believe the recent re-start of
dividend payments (announced in Feb-21) should support the shares. Having
said this, we recognize that some investors may decide to wait for the results
of the elections in June before becoming more constructive on the name in
the short term.

Important Disclosures

This research report was prepared by Credicorp Capital Peru S.A and/or Credicorp Capital Colombia Sociedad Comisionista
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Credicorp Capital, LLC or its affiliates have managed or co-managed a public offering of securities, in the past 12 months,
for the following company(ies): Alicorp, Engie Energía Perú, Luz del Sur
Credicorp Capital, LLC or its affiliates currently have or had, within the past 12 months, the following company(ies) as
investment banking client(s): Alicorp, Cementos Pacasmayo, Buenaventura, Aceros Arequipa, Engie Energía Perú,
Ferreycorp, Aenza, InRetail, IFS, Luz del Sur, Volcan
Credicorp Capital, LLC or its affiliates also have received compensation, within the past 12 months, for investment banking
services from the following company(ies): Alicorp, Cementos Pacasmayo, Buenaventura, Aceros Arequipa, Engie Energía
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Credicorp Capital, LLC or its affiliates also have received compensation, within the past 12 months, for non-securities
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Credicorp Capital, LLC or its affiliates act as market maker in the following companies: Alicorp, Bolsa de Valores de Lima,
Cementos Pacasmayo, Engie Energía Perú, Ferreycorp.
F. Rating System
Stock ratings are based on the analyst’s expectation of the stock’s total return during the twelve to eighteen months
following assignment of the rating. This view is based on the target price, set as described below, and on the analyst’s
opinion, general market conditions and economic developments.
Buy: Expected returns of 5 percentage points or more in excess over the expected return of the local index, over the next
12-18 months.
Hold: Expected returns of +/- 5% in excess/below the expected return of the local index over the next 12-18 months.
Underperform: Expected to underperform the local index by 5 percentage points or more over the next 12-18 months.
Under Review: Company coverage is under review.
The IPSA, COLCAP and SP/BVL indexes are the selective equity indexes calculated by the Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago,
the Bolsa de Valores de Colombia, and the Bolsa de Valores de Lima, respectively.
In making a recommendation, the analyst compares the target price with the actual share price, and compares the
resulting expected return for the IPSA, the COLCAP, and/or the SP/BVL indexes, as estimated by Credicorp Capital S.A.
Corredores de Bolsa, Credicorp Capital Colombia Sociedad Comisionista de Bolsa, and/or CredicorpCapital Peru S.A, and
then makes a recommendation derived from the difference in upside potential between the shares and the respective
G. Distribution of Rating

Buy Hold Underperform Restricted / UR

Companies covered with this rating 41% 44% 16% 0%

Compensation for investment banking
27% 46% 40% 0%
services in the past 12 months*
*Percentage of investment banking clients in each rating category.

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Unless otherwise stated in the text of this report, target prices in this report are based on either a discounted cash flow
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Executive Director Research – Chief Economist Head of Sales & Trading
# (571) 339 4400 Ext 1505 # (571) 339 4400 Ext. 1132


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Team Leader Equity Research Head of Equities
Retail # (562) 2446 1710
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Fixed Income Sales Sales Renta Fija
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Fixed Income Trader
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Fixed Income Sales Sales Renta Fija # 1 (786) 9991614
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