Most Important Terms and Conditions (Mitc) Savings Bank Account Interest

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MOST IMPORTANT TERMS AND or the number of times such remittances can
CONDITIONS (MITC) be made in a day.
“Savings deposits”:  Interest shall be calculated on daily product
 Means a form of demand deposit which is basis and paid at the specified rate as
subject to restrictions as to the number of decided by bank from time to time. Interest
withdrawals as also the amounts of will be paid on quarterly basis with a
withdrawals permitted by the Bank during minimum of Rs.1 in any quarter i.e. on the
any specified period. last day of January, April, July & October
every year.
Account opening:
Minimum balance to be maintained:
 Savings Bank Deposit accounts can be
opened by an individual in his own name or  Customer is required to maintain certain
by more than one individual in their own minimum monthly average balance in the
names. account as part of terms and conditions
governing operation of savings accounts
 The Bank before opening any deposit
which shall be Rs.500 for non cheque book
account will carry out due diligence as
accounts. For cheque book operated
required under “Know Your Customer”
accounts, the minimum monthly average
(KYC) guidelines issued by the RBI and/or
balance shall be Rs.1000. Savings Accounts
such other norms or procedures adopted by
are also opened for Pensioners and
the Bank.
Bonafide students with lesser minimum
 The due diligence process by the Bank, balance.
while opening a deposit account will involve
 In the event of a default in maintenance of
satisfying about the KYC documents i.e.,
average minimum monthly balance as
relating to identity of the person, verification
agreed to between the bank and customer,
of address, satisfying about his occupation
the bank shall notify the customer clearly by
and source of income. Bank will also obtain
SMS/ email/ letter etc. that in the event of
recent photograph of the person/s opening /
the minimum balance not being restored in
operating the account as may be necessary.
the account within a month from the date of
 Fresh documents may be required to be notice, penal charges will be applicable
updated periodically as part of KYC  In case the minimum balance is not restored
monitoring & compliance activity. In addition within a reasonable period, which shall not
to the due diligence requirements, under be less than one month from the date of
KYC norms the Bank is required by law to notice of shortfall, penal charges shall be
obtain Permanent Account Number (PAN), recovered under intimation to the account
or alternatively declaration in Form No. 60 or holder.
61 as specified under the Income Tax  The penal charges would be directly
Act/Rules. proportionate to the extent of shortfall
observed. In other words, the charges
Cash deposit at Home/Host Branches:
should be a fixed percentage levied on the
 There shall not be any restriction on the amount of difference between the actual
maximum remittance of cash per occasion, balance maintained and the minimum
the aggregate amount that can be remitted balance as agreed upon at the time of

opening of account. A suitable slab structure  Payment to a third party on the basis of a
for recovery of charges would be hosted on mandate in a withdrawal slip shall be made
the Bank’s website and revised from time to for limited amount only as in vogue from
time and the present slab is as follows: time to time.

 50 debit transactions shall be permitted in

Amt. of shortfall to Service
the account free of cost per half year.
average minimum Charges per
Transactions exceeding the permissible
balance required month in Rs. level would be charged as per the existing
service charge in vogue. Debit entries
76% - 100% 100 relating to ATM debits/IRCTC
transactions/POS debits/Internet & Mobile
51%-75% 75 transactions shall however not be counted
for this purpose.
26% - 50% 50
DICGC Insurance Cover:
11% -25% 25  Each depositor of the bank is insured upto a
maximum of Rs.1,00,000 (Rupees One
1% - 10% 10
Lakh) for both principal and interest amount
held by him in the same right and same
Charges for SMS:
capacity as on the date of
 SMS would be sent for all mandatory liquidation/cancellation of bank's licence or
transactions viz., withdrawals through ATM, the date on which the scheme of
online transactions through Internet/Mobile amalgamation/merger/ reconstruction comes
Banking etc. and charges for such SMS into force.
shall not be levied. However, where request
Other delivery channels:
is made by customer for SMS above a
threshold level for credit/debit transactions  Our ATM card services may be availed for
by registering their mobile number with the anywhere, anytime, hassle free banking and
bank, charge of Rs.15 per quarter would be our Internet banking, Mobile banking
levied. services may be used for banking from the
comforts of the customer’s Office/residence.
Changes in fees & charges:
Issue of Cheque Books:
 Increase in any fee or charge or introduction
of a new fee or charge, will be displayed at  Cheques must be drawn on Bank’s printed
the notice board of the branches, one month cheque forms only, supplied by the Bank.
prior to the revised charges becoming The Bank reserves the right to refuse
effective and this information will also be payment of cheques drawn otherwise.
made available on the Bank’s website.
 An application for a cheque book must be
Operations in Account: made personally in writing on the printed
requisition form supplied with each book.
 In case of non cheque book accounts,
MICR cheque books will be issued at a cost
withdrawals would be permitted only in
computed at Rs.4 per cheque leaf after the
Home branch, if accompanied with
free entitlement of 1 cheque book of
20 leaves each in a calendar year.

Personalised cheque book would be issued  Post-dated cheques, i.e. cheques bearing a
on receipt of requisition and sent through date subsequent to the date of presentation
post to the address available in the Bank will not be paid. Cheques presented after
records. Operation in cheque operated the expiry of 3 months from the date of their
accounts would be permitted only through issue will be considered as out of date or
cheque leaf. stale and payment thereof shall be refused.

 It is the responsibility of the depositor to  Paid cheques will not be returned except
ensure safe custody of the cheque book under special arrangements.
supplied to him/her and that cheque leaves
 Cheques must be drawn only against funds
are not stolen or mislaid or fraudulently
actually realised and credited to accounts.
Under no circumstances should a customer
 Cheques compliant with CTS-2010 presume that overdraft facilities will be
standards only are to be used and it should allowed or drawings passed against
be ensured that the account has enough cheques in course of realisation.
funds to honour cheques issued/ ECS
 Charges would be levied for cheques drawn
mandate given. Return of cheques in
by the customers on the Bank which are
clearing will attract penalty as specified by
returned unpaid for want of funds when
Bank from time to time.
presented in clearing. The Bank follows a
 The Bank may, at its sole discretion, reject slab structure depending upon the amount
any request for issue of more than one of the cheque and the nature of customers
cheque book at a time, unless sufficient viz., Individuals, Non individuals and Special
reason is shown for such request. categroy of customers viz., Pensioners,
Senior Citizens & Individuals in Rural areas.
Details of cheque return charges are
Operation by cheques: available at the branches and also displayed
 The Bank reserves to itself the right to at the Bank's website.
refuse payment of cheques which have  It should also be clearly understood that
been altered in any way unless the alteration Cheques issued by the customer which
is authenticated under the drawer’s full when passed, would cause a debit balance
signature. in the account for whatsoever reason, would
 The date, the name of the payee and the be deemed by the Bank as an implied
amount on cheques should be written clearly request and authority by the customer to the
in indelible ink and in such a way as to leave Bank to pass the cheques and allow such a
no space for any subsequent additions or temporary debit/overdraft and the passing of
insertions of any other words or figures. cheques whether at the discretion of the
bank or otherwise or at the request of the
 Mutilated, post-dated and irregularly drawn customer, resulting in overdrafts in the
cheques, as also cheques containing account should not be construed as a
extraneous matter, may be refused regular arrangement for an overdraft facility.
payment. The signature of account holder
on cheque should be uniform and must  "Cheques with alterations/corrections other
agree with the specimen signature furnished than date are not accepted for presentment
by him/her to the Bank. in Cheque Truncation System (CTS).

Deposits of Cash and Cheques:  If instruments taken for collection are
dishonoured and returned, the bank does
 All deposits to Savings Bank accounts
not undertake to give notice of such
should ordinarily be accompanied by paying-
dishonour to the constituent who has
in-slips which are supplied to depositors.
tendered the instrument until the succeeding
Separate paying-in-slips should be used for
day. The bank will have the right to debit the
deposit of a) cash, b) cheques drawn on the
account for all items already credited to the
branch where the account is maintained, c)
account, which are subsequently returned or
cheques drawn on other local branches of
remain unpaid.
the bank, d) cheques drawn on local
clearing banks, e) cheques on outstation  Cheques, drafts etc., tendered for collection
branches/banks and f) Bills and other and credited to an account must not be
collection items. Customers are required to drawn against until they have been realized.
cross cheques deposited for the credit of It must be distinctly understood that even
their accounts before handing them over for though credit entries may have been made
collection. in the statement of account, should such
credits be made up wholly or partly of
 A remittance for credit of an account can be
cheques or other instruments under
made by letter under special circumstances.
collection, the amounts so made up are not
The remitter should indicate the account
available for drawing until such cheques and
number and name, for which the credit is
instruments have been actually realized.
Under no circumstances should a customer
 Ordinarily, cheques and other instruments presume that drawings will be permitted
drawn to the order of the Depositor or against cheques in course of collection.
payable to bearer alone shall be accepted
 Cheques and drafts and other instruments
for collection in the account. Customers
accepted for collection/ purchased/
may in their own interest cross such
negotiated by the Bank will be forwarded for
cheques before depositing them in the Bank.
collection to the branches of the
Cheques and Bills for collection: bank/another bank at the place at which the
 All cheques and other instruments tendered instruments are made payable entirely at the
for credit should be crossed. Cheques on risk and responsibility of the account holder.
clearing banks will be collected in The bank will be at liberty to make use of the
accordance with the rules of the local services of any bank of its choice for
clearing house. collection and the bank so employed will be
the agent for the account holder for the
 The bank undertakes on behalf of purpose of collection.
constituents the collection of cheques,
hundies, bills, drafts, salary and pension bills  The bank or the agent at its option will send
etc. Cheques, demand drafts, bills etc., for collection the instruments at the sole risk
payable locally should be sent early in the and responsibility of the account holder by
day, so that if possible, they may be ordinary or registered post at its discretion.
collected on the same day. Cheques, drafts The bank will not be responsible for any loss
etc., on local banks will be collected free of of the instruments in the course of such
charge. transmission.

 The bank may accept from the agency bank,  In case of extraordinary delay (i.e.
cash payment instruments or mandates in delays exceeding 90 days), interest will
exchange of instruments sent for collection, be paid at the rate of 2% above the
such mandates or exchange instruments will corresponding Term deposit rate and in
be collected solely at the risk and addition interest on the amount of the
responsibility of the account holder. cheque for a further period of 15 days at
Savings Bank rate would be paid to
Loss of instruments in transit:
provide for likely further delay in
 Customers are requested to send cheques, obtaining a duplicate cheque/instrument
drafts and other valuable instruments by and collection thereof.
registered post lest they may be lost or
 The Bank shall also compensate the
stolen in transit. The bank will register
customer for any reasonable charges
instructions for stop payment from the
he/she incurs in getting a duplicate
account holder, relating to cheques issued
cheque/instrument upon production of
by him and lost, stolen, etc.,.
receipt, in the event the instrument is to
 In case of cheque lost in transit or in the be obtained from a bank/institution who
clearing process or at the paying bank's would charge a fee for issue of duplicate
branch, the bank will intimate the same to instrument.
the notice of the customer immediately.
 In case a cheque/instrument lost in
 The Bank will take care to get the proceeds transit by the bank, charges if any, for
of the cheques by contacting the drawee recording Stop Order will be borne by
bank / branch and the customer will be the bank.
informed about the possible delay in
 In case of loss of a cheque which was
realization of cheques.
discounted by the Bank, the charges for
 The Bank will request the customer to obtain obtaining a duplicate may be borne by
duplicate cheques and the bank will the Bank, only on realisation of such
reimburse the reasonable expense incurred duplicate cheque. In case of return, the
in this regard. Also the Bank will pay interest customer has to bear the charges in
at the specified rate for delay/ abnormal addition to commission, interest on the
delay. Details of interest/charges payable amount of the cheque and other
are as follows: handling charges like postages etc.
 If the intimation of loss of instrument is Inoperative Account:
conveyed to the customer beyond the
 An account shall be treated as
time limit stipulated for collection
inoperative/dormant if there are no
(7/10/14 days as the case may be),
transactions in the account for over a period
interest shall be paid for the period
of two years. Further, for the purpose of
exceeding the stipulated collection
classifying an account as inoperative, both
period at the rates specified i.e. Savings
the types of transactions i.e. debit as well as
Bank rate for the period of delay beyond
credit transactions induced at the instance of
7/10/14 days and where the delay is
customers as well as third party would be
beyond 14 days interest will be paid at
the rate applicable to a term deposit of
the respective period.

 The customer would be informed at least  All efforts would be made to ensure that the
three months before the account is classified entries in the Pass book are brief and
as inoperative /dormant and the intelligible.
consequences thereof and Bank would
 Unless the constituent notifies the bank
endeavour to send an SMS/e-mail in this
immediately of any discrepancy found by
regard. The procedure to be followed for
him / her in his/her Pass book, it will be
activation would be informed and no charge
taken that he / she has found the entries in
shall be levied merely because an account
the statement of account correct. It is also
is inoperative/dormant or for activation of the
obligatory on the part of the constituent that
inoperative account.
any wrong credit entries found in the Pass
Standing instructions: book be immediately brought to the
 Standing instructions in the prescribed knowledge of the Bank, if it is not done so,
format would be accepted from account then it will be considered as a breach of
holders desirous of making contract on the part of the customer and the
payments/remittance of a regular nature matter would be dealt with accordingly.
such as payment of monthly premium to Passbook are system generated outputs
LIC, monthly instalment to RD account, and requires no signature.
transfer to loan Deposits account etc., Such
 Passbook should be carefully preserved and
standing instructions shall continue to hold
loss thereof should be immediately notified.
good until its cancellation by the customer or
closure of the account or death of the Duplicate Passbook:
customer or insufficiency of balance in the  If the pass book is mislaid or lost, duplicate
account or for reasons beyond the control of pass book, will be supplied on request by
the bank. If a standing instruction could not the constituent at prescribed charges with
be carried out on account of inadequate latest entry. Additional charges as has been
balance in the account, the customer would laid down proportionate to the copying work
be advised of the fact with a request to will be collected, if a copy of the account for
maintain sufficient balance. If the account an earlier period is required.
continues to have insufficient balance the
instructions given may be cancelled after  Account holder should carefully examine the
giving due notice. entries in the passbook and draw the bank's
attention to errors/omissions, discrepancies/
Issue of Passbook: unauthorized/ wrong entries. The customer
 A Pass book will be provided by the Bank to would be bound by the entries if the bank
Savings Bank Account Holders periodically does not hear from him within a reasonable
as per terms and conditions of opening of time after receiving the passbook. Silence of
the account. Pass book shall be tendered for the customer would estop him from
updation at any branch after accumulation of contesting the entries subsequently.
sufficient number of entries say 10-15 However, in exceptional situations where
entries. In case sufficient entries are not entries are manually made in the passbooks
available, the pass book should be updated in computerized branches, such entries
once in 6 months for getting the interest should be valid, only if authorized by an
credit duly recorded. MICR Code and official of the branch. The bank will not be
IFS Code of the branch shall be made responsible for any entries not authenticated
available in the passbook. under the initials of its authorized official.

Loss of cheque book/pass
book/ATM/Debit card:
Nomination facility:
 In the event of the cheque book, passbook
or ATM/Debit card being lost or stolen or the  Nomination facility is available to the
PIN or other security information being account holder. Nomination can be made at
known to someone else, the same is to be the time of opening of account or
intimated to us as soon as possible by subsequently. It can also be cancelled /
phone at our 24 hour toll free number and a varied. At the time of opening of the
written confirmation to that effect be sent account, the account holder has to
immediately. Alternatively, the loss may also specifically instruct the bank to that effect if
be advised through e-mail. Necessary steps nomination is not required. Similarly request
should also be taken to change should be made in case the name of the
PIN/Password if someone else knows them. nominee is to be made available in the
Closure of Accounts:
 Nomination shall be in favour of an
 If not satisfied, the account can be closed
individual only. Nomination can be made
and refund sought for balances lying in the
only in respect of deposit account held by
account upto 14 days from the date of first
individual (s) / sole proprietary concern. If
payment in the account without any penalty.
the proprietary concern undergoes a change
After that, upto a period of one year from the
in constitution, the nomination made will
date of first transaction, bank will charge
stand cancelled.
closure charge as specified from time to
time. Accounts of Deceased Parties:

 Under normal circumstances, account shall  Individuals can avail nomination facility.
not be closed without giving at least 30 days’ Appropriate forms for filing nomination
notice indicating the reasons for such (DA-1), cancellation (DA-2) and
closure. In such cases, the customer shall variation (DA-3) are provided on request.
be required to make alternate arrangements  In respect of deceased depositors’ accounts,
for cheques already issued and desist from the legal heirs/representatives will be
issuing any fresh cheques on such account. allowed to operate the account, on
recognition of the claim by the bank.

Transfer of Accounts:  ‘Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account’

(BSBD Account) and Small account can
 Transfer of account to another branch of our
be opened without the requirement of any
bank shall be done within 3 (three) working
minimum balance.
days without insisting on fresh proof of
address and on the basis of a self Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account
declaration regarding current address. (BSBDA):
Upon receipt of request, the account would  The account would be subject to RBI
be transferred to the transferee branch and instructions on Know Your Customers
documentary proof of the address need to (KYC)/Anti Money Laundering (AML) for
be produced at the transferee branch within opening of bank accounts, issued from time
a period of six months. to time

 Holders of 'Basic Savings Bank Deposit the account holder provides a document
Account' will not be eligible for opening any showing that she/he has applied for any of
other savings bank account in that bank. If a the officially valid document within twelve
customer has any other existing savings months of the opening of the Small account.
bank account in that bank, he / she will be
 Specific charges for issue of cheque books,
required to close it within 30 days from the
duplicate passbook, copies of paid cheques,
date of opening a 'Basic Savings Bank
folio charges, debit card, ATM card,
Deposit Account'. Transaction charges of
verification of signature, return of cheque,
Rs.6 will be levied for beyond 4 withdrawals
change in mandate or style of account,
in a month.
closure of account and other applicable
 The account shall have limitation regarding charges shall be included in the Tariff
total credits (should not exceed one lakh Schedule and displayed in Bank’s website.
rupees in a year), Maximum balance (should
Obligation of account holders:
not exceed fifty thousand rupees at any
time) and the total of debits by way of cash  To prevent forgery, fraud etc., account
withdrawals and transfers (will not exceed holders should observe the following
ten thousand rupees in a month). safeguards:

Small Account:  Count the number of leaves in the

cheque books issued to them and
 Small account can be opened by those
draw the attention of the bank, if any
persons who do not have any of the
cheque is found missing therein.
“Officially valid documents” viz., Passport,
 Keep the cheque books in a place of
Driving licence, Voters’ ID card, PAN card,
safety under lock & key.
Aadhaar letter issued by UIDAI and Job card
 Fill in the date, the name of the payee
issued by NREGA signed by a State
(in case of cheques) and the amount
Government Official and to be notified from
clearly in indelible ink and in such a
time to time.
way as to leave no scope for any
 Such an account can be opened on the subsequent additions or insertions of
basis of a self attested photograph and by any other words or figures.
putting the signature or thumb print of the  Strictly avoid giving signed blank
person in the presence of an official of the cheques and not to allow the use of
bank. any cheque leaf from their cheque
books by other persons and to confine
 The accounts would have limitation
the use of a cheque book to drawings
regarding the aggregate credits (not more
only on the account for which it is
than Rupees One lakh in a year), aggregate
withdrawals (not more than Rupees ten
 Use carbon paper when writing
thousand in a month) and balance in the
cheques, so that the impression of
accounts (not more than fifty thousand at
writing is made on the back side of the
any point of time).
 These accounts would be valid normally for  Cross the cheque unless cash
a period of twelve months and thereafter payment is required. Crossing should
such accounts would be allowed to continue be done in such a way that the
for a further period of twelve more months, if crossing runs the whole width of the

cheque. A furtherance of safeguard received for drawal against uncleared
will be to include the words “Not effects without a sanctioned limit.
Negotiable” along with the crossing.
Right to alter Rules :

 See that their signatures correspond  The bank reserves the right to alter or add
exactly with the specimen supplied to to these rules at any time without giving
the Bank. separate notice to each account holder. An
 Authenticate under their full signatures announcement of the change of the rules
for all alterations in the cheque or put up on the notice board of the Bank will
withdrawal slips. be considered as sufficient notice.
 The cheques with alterations/  A person having opened a Savings Bank
corrections other than date are not Account shall be deemed to have read,
accepted for presentment in Cheque understood and agreed to be bound by the
Truncation System (CTS). rules as now subsisting or as at any time
altered or added to.
Unremunerative/Undesirable accounts:
 The depositor/s shall inform the Bank in
 There may be cases where it is desirable writing in the event of change in Resident
for the Bank to close the customer’s status under Foreign Exchange
accounts, either for the reason that it is Management Act.
unremunerative or that the operations are
Disclosure of information:
undesirable. The following are the
 The bank may disclose information about
instances when the account would be
customer’s account, if required or permitted
treated as unremunerative or undesireable:
by law, rule or regulations, or at the request
 Balance quite often falls below the
of any public or regulatory authority or if
stipulated minimum balance.
such disclosure is required for the purpose
 Meagre average balance is
of preventing frauds, or in public interest,
maintained and advantage of the
without specific consent of the account
bank’s remittance facilities is availed
with no benefit to the bank by way of
deposits and/or other remunerative Code of Bank’s commitment to
business. customers:
 Small average balance is maintained  All relevant policies including Code of
in which small denomination notes or Commitments to Customers and Grievance
small coins are excessively tendered. redressal policy are available at the
 Very heavy operations not branches.
commensurate with the balance
 Cheques are drawn without NOTE: The above are only highlights of
provision/arrangement having been some of the Most Important Term and
made for funds to cover them and the Conditions (MITCs) applicable.
cheques have to be returned
 Small average balance is maintained
with heavy operations and the
accounts where frequent requests are

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