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SID No : 04002724


Age / Sex : 66 Y / Male
Refered By : Self
Received Date : 20/06/2021 / 09: 06
Reported Date : 20/06/2021 / 16: 06
Patient ID : 0400007921 Final Test Report Page : 1/ 2

Test Description Test Result Reference Range

Urine Complete Examination
Specimen : Urine

Colour Straw Yellow Straw or Pale Yellow

Appearance Clear Clear

pH 6.5 4.6 - 7.5

Method : Dipstick/Methyl Red & Bromthymol blue
Chemical Examination

Protein Nil Nil

Method : Dipstick/Tetra bromphenol blue

Glucose (+) Nil

Method : Dipstick/GOD-POD

Ketone Negative Negative

Method : Dipstick/Sodium Nitroprusside

Nitrite Negative Negative

Method : Dipstick/p-arsanilic acid

Bilirubin Negative Negative

Method : Dipstick/Azo coupling with diazonium salt

Urobilonogen Present in normal amount Normal

Method : Dipstick/ 4-Diethylaminobenzaldehyde

Blood Negative Negative

Method : Dipstick/Tetramethylbenzidine
Microscopic Examination

Pus Cells 2 - 3 /hpf 0-5

Epithelial Cells 1 - 2 /hpf 0-5

Casts Absent /hpf Absent

Crystals Absent /hpf Absent

RBC Not seen /hpf 0-3

SID No : 04002724
Age / Sex : 66 Y / Male
Refered By : Self
Received Date : 20/06/2021 / 09: 06
Reported Date : 20/06/2021 / 16: 06
Patient ID : 0400007921 Final Test Report Page : 2/ 2

Test Description Test Result Reference Range

Specific Gravity 1.025 1.003 - 1.035

Method : Dipstick/Bromthymol blue

Dr. Vanaja Kaliraj M.Sc.,D.Med.Tech.,Ph.D. Dr.K.Siva Prashanth, MD( PATH )

Managing Director Consultant Pathologist

*** End of Report ***

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