The Cost-Effectiveness of Supportive Periodontal Care For Patients With Chronic Periodontitis

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J Clin Periodontol 2008; 35 (Suppl. 8): 67–82 doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2008.01261.

Systematic Review
The cost-effectiveness of Francesca Gaunt1, Maria Devine1,
Mark Pennington2, Chris Vernazza1,
Erika Gwynnett1, Nick Steen2 and
supportive periodontal care for Peter Heasman1
Faculty of Medical Sciences, School of

patients with chronic periodontitis Dental Sciences, Newcastle University,

Framlington Place Newcastle upon Tyne, UK;
Institute of Health and Society, Newcastle
University, Framlington Place Newcastle
upon Tyne, UK
Gaunt F, Devine M, Pennington M, Vernazza C, Gwynnett E, Steen N, Heasman P.
The cost-effectiveness of supportive periodontal care for patients with chronic perio-
dontitis. J Clin Periodontol 2008; 35 (Suppl. 8): 67–82. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.

Objective: To systematically evaluate the evidence for effectiveness of supportive
periodontal care (SPC) provided in specialist care and general practice for patients
with chronic periodontitis; to construct a model for the cost effectiveness of SPC.
Search Strategy: Electronic database searches of MEDLINE, EMBASE and
SCOPUS were performed with hand searching of relevant journals and Workshops of
Selection Criteria: SPC for patients with chronic periodontitis, at least 12 months
follow-up and clinical attachment level as a primary outcome.
Results: Three articles addressed the question (Nyman et al. 1975, Axelsson &
Lindhe 1981, Cortellini et al. 1994): Ds CAL for patients undergoing ‘‘specialist’’ SPC
were 0.1 mm (2 years), 0.2 mm (6 years) and 0.01 mm (3 years) respectively. In
generalist care the Ds CAL during SPC were 2.2, 1.8 and 2.8 mm. Differences
between specialist and generalist SPC were an extra 20.59 tooth years and 3.95 mm
attachment loss for generalist SPC. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were an extra
Key words: chronic periodontitis; cost
h288 for one tooth year or an extra h1503/1 mm reduction in loss of attachment for effectiveness; maintenance; supportive
SPC delivered in specialist care. periodontal care
Conclusion: SPC delivered in specialist as compared with general practice will result in
greater stability of clinical attachment but this will be achieved at relatively greater cost. Accepted for publication 20 May 2008

The long-term stability of successfully of overall periodontal management Technology of the American Academy
treated chronic periodontitis demands the (American Academy of Periodontology of Periodontology 1998).
introduction of, and compliance with a 2000, Cohen 2003) and the universal
definitive and frequent programme of aims of such a programme are to: The ultimate success of SPC has been
supportive periodontal care (SPC) (perio- identified and reported through a num-
dontal maintenance) (Lindhe & Nyman ber of long-term, retrospective, popula-
1984, Wilson et al. 1991). Indeed,  Prevent the recurrence and progres- tion studies which have unequivocally
SPC must be regarded an integral part sion of periodontal disease in demonstrated that whether in university,
patients who have been previously hospital or specialist practice settings,
treated for gingivitis, periodontitis only 2–5% of teeth in patients originally
Conflict of interest and source of or peri-implantitis; treated for chronic periodontitis are lost
funding statement  prevent or reduce the incidence of over periods of between 5 and 10 years
The authors declare that they have no tooth loss by monitoring the denti- (Wilson et al. 1987, Wood et al. 1989,
conflict of interests. tion and any prosthetic replacements Loesche et al. 2002, Fardal et al. 2004,
This review has been self-supported by the for the natural teeth; Chambrone & Chambrone 2006) and
authors and Newcastle University.  increase the probability of locating and that the majority of the extractions
The 6th European Workshop on Perio- treating in a timely manner, other dis- tend to be in a minority population of
dontology was supported by an unrestricted ease and conditions of the oral cavity high-risk patients (Tonetti et al. 2000,
educational grant from Straumann AG.
(Committee on Research, Science and Chambrone & Chambrone 2006).
r 2008 The Authors 67
Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard
68 Gaunt et al.

Clearly, there are considerable Development of protocol  of patients with only gingivitis;
demands on facilities and manpower of  which do not report attachment level
periodontal specialists and their dental The protocol was developed a priori and as an outcome measure;
hygienists if they are to provide the covered all aspects of review methodol-  where there is no reference to either
definitive SPC for all their patients. In ogy: rationale, design, focused question, the treating or supervising clinician
reviewing service provision in private inclusion and exclusion criteria, search or the site (practice/hospital/univer-
practice, Nevins (1996) suggested that strategy, quality assessment and data sity) where the SPC is delivered.
such demands must necessitate careful synthesis. The protocol was peer reviewed
selection of patients at risk who will be by institutional colleagues with experi-
managed in the long-term in the specialist ence of undertaking systematic reviews. Search strategy
environment. An obvious strategy for shar- Electronic database searches of MED-
ing the burden of providing SPC is to Focused question LINE, EMBASE and SCOPUS, and the
delegate some provision of care to the Cochrane Oral Health Group Specialty
referring general practitioner and hygienist. The focused question, which was con-
structed according to the recognized Trials’ Register were performed up to
This would seem a reasonable approach and including September 2007 using
given the observations made in a survey of PICO format, read:
‘‘What is the effect of supportive MeSH terms and keywords. The details
periodontal services rendered by 600 gen- of the search histories for MEDLINE
eral dental practitioners in Virginia, USA: periodontal care in specialist practice
versus general dental practice in terms and EMBASE are given in Appendix A.
In particular, that 50% of dentists provided Scopus was searched using the follow-
SPC on a regular basis and 58% reported of clinical and economic outcomes
for patients with a history of chronic ing search terms and strategy: Perio-
that 90% of scaling and root instrumenta- dontal OR chronic periodontitis OR
tion was undertaken by one or more hygie- periodontitis?’’
perio$ AND maintenance OR mainte-
nists at the practice (Lanning et al. 2007). nance therapy OR supportive OR follow
Furthermore, as general dentists develop Criteria for including studies in the review up treatment AND PUBYEAR AFT
interests in periodontics through continu- 1965. Hand searching was performed
ing education programmes (Lanning et al. The protocol recognized that rando-
of the Journal of Periodontology, Jour-
2007) and as dental hygienists and thera- mized, controlled (RCTs) and controlled
nal of Periodontal Research, Journal of
pists become more prevalent in the general clinical trials (CTs) are the most appro-
Clinical Periodontology, European
dental services, then there may be a greater priate designs to address a focused ques-
Workshops of Periodontology (1994,
willingness to provide elements of the non- tion that embraces effectiveness of
1997, 1999, 2002, 2005), World Work-
surgical retreatment modality that is often interventions. Nevertheless, because
shops of Periodontology (1989, 1996)
required over and above the normal SPC our previous systematic review of SPC
and Special Editions of the Journal of
(Fardal & Linden 2005). revealed no randomized controlled trial
Dental Research (2005–2007). The
(Heasman et al. 2002) it was decided a
Editors-in-Chief of the Journal of
priori to include both experimental (ran-
Objectives Periodontology, Journal of Periodontal
domized controlled trials, controlled
Research and Journal of Clinical Perio-
The objectives of this review were to: trials, quasi-experimental trials) and
dontology were contacted by email to
observational studies (cohort studies,
identify manuscripts that may have been
before and after studies, time series
 systematically evaluate the evidence either submitted for publication or in
studies) in the hierarchy of evidence
for effectiveness of, and clinical press at the time of the search. A further
for this review (Khan et al. 2001).
outcomes during SPC provided in paper that had been submitted for
The study selection criteria were
specialist and general dental practice publication was requested following
for patients with a history of chronic a presentation at the UK Restorative
periodontitis; Dentistry Pan Society meeting in
 narratively assess evidence from  of SPC following surgical and non- Birmingham in 2007. Authors and
papers that compare effectiveness surgical treatment in specialist and, researchers were contacted directly to
of SPC provided in specialist and or general care; seek clarification regarding ambiguous
general dental practice but which  with at least 12 months follow-up; issues or missing data whenever possi-
were excluded from the systemati-  of patients with chronic perio- ble. The searches were confined to
cally acquired evidence; dontitis (or alternative diagnosis); identifying full text articles written in
 construct a hypothetical model for  with clinical attachment level as a the English language.
the cost-effectiveness of SPC when primary outcome measure.
delivered in specialist and general Validity assessment
Specific exclusion criteria were
dental practice.
studies: The titles and abstracts were screened in
the first instance by two reviewers (F. G.
 of preventive regimes for populations; and P. A. H.). Disagreement was
Material and Methods  where the frequency of SPC is not resolved both by discussion and by the
(Note: all terminology referred to in the reported; decision of a third reviewer (M. D.)
text of this review is as reported in the  where the frequency of SPC is X12 under which circumstances the majority
original articles. There is, therefore, months; view was respected. Full texts of poten-
reference to curettage and root planing  of patients with aggressive perio- tially relevant studies were obtained
rather than root instrumentation.) dontitis (or alternative diagnosis); and reviewed independently by two
r 2008 The Authors
Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard
Supportive periodontal care 69

reviewers (F. G. and P. A. H.) for  Does the analysis take into account to the patient). Tooth years lost is more
inclusion and disagreement was drop-outs and losses to follow-up or relevant than teeth lost, as it also
resolved by discussion; the same the excluded patients? includes time as a factor, so that a tooth
reviewers undertook data extraction. lost after 1 year would equate to 30
The methodological quality assessment (v) Compliance of the patients to the tooth years lost over the full evaluation
of the studies included in the review was SPC regime was determined as hav- period. Data for the two outcomes were
assessed by F. G. and M. D. Data ing been reported (yes) or unre- taken from the article of Axelsson &
extraction and quality assessment were ported (no). Lindhe (1981) and extrapolated on a
undertaken using specifically designed (vi) Sites used for data recording – full linear basis over a 30-year period.
appraisal forms that were piloted on a mouth, part mouth or target teeth. Although the cohort that received SPC
small number of studies before being in specialist care showed a gain in clinical
used for the full texts. Inter-reviewer It is conceivable that self-selection attachment, to simplify the model, this is
agreement scores for titles and abstracts, bias will be a factor in any long-term taken as periodontal stability.
full text articles and methodological follow-up study of SPC as those patients Costs were also evaluated from a
quality assessments were calculated who are more motivated and compliant patient perspective, and these were
with 2  2 or 3  3 contingency tables are perhaps more likely to complete the based on patient charges from one spe-
and reported as k statistics [95% con- study and thus form a non-representa- cialist practice in the North East region
fidence intervals (CI)]. tive sample. We considered that bias of England (Paterson 2008) and on State
towards self-selection could not be eval- Health Service patient charges in Scot-
uated. An evaluation of the potential for land (NHS Scotland 2007). Addition-
Assessment of methodological quality selection bias was undertaken with ally, costs of lost work time were
respect to allocation concealment of estimated using average hourly earnings
The following criteria were used to in the United Kingdom (Office of
assess the quality of the included studies: randomization in the three studies with
test and control groups. The reported National Statistics 2007) multiplied by
RCTs an estimate of appointment and travel
numbers of drop-outs and whether or
(i) Randomization was classified as time. Travel costs are not included.
not an exit strategy was adopted were
being: adequate, when a random Events that may incur a cost during
also addressed in all 14 studies.
numbers table, tossed coin or SPC were loss of a tooth (with possible
shuffled cards were used; inade- prosthetic replacement) and periodontal
quate, when other methods of rando- Data management and analysis
retreatment. The possible outcomes for
mization were used (alternative Titles and abstracts from the electronic tooth loss that were considered in the
assignment, hospital number, date searches were managed by downloading evaluation were extraction alone,
of birth); unclear, when the method to EndNote software. EndNote 9 was extraction and replacement with a resin
was not reported or explained. used to import the reference data and to retained bridge, extraction and replace-
(ii) Allocation concealment was classi- manage the imported references. The ment with a removable prosthesis and
fied as being: adequate, when exam- purposely designed data extraction extraction and replacement with an
iners were not aware of the forms recorded study title, authors, implant. It was assumed that patients
randomization sequence (central type of study, randomization and blind- would have these provided by general
randomization, sequential numbers, ing if relevant, treatment phase, details dentists on health service (State) care
opaque envelopes); inadequate of the SPC, clinical outcomes of tooth with the exception of implants which are
when other methods were used loss and change in clinical attachment more likely to be provided on a private
(alternative assignment, hospital level during SPC, statistical findings, basis. Estimates of the percentage of
numbers, odd/even, date of birth); conclusions and the criteria used to patients choosing each of these options
unclear when the method was not assess study quality. With respect to were made and the costs of providing
reported or unexplained. attachment change, the differences in these were taken as health service (Scot-
(iii) Blinding of examiners was assessed means between the start of SPC and tish) fees and fees from a specialist
on a single blinding basis (yes/no) the final time point of the observations practice in North East England for the
as it was considered unreasonable were deduced and presented in tabulated implant option. These costs were multi-
to assume that patients could be form. In view of the immense hetero- plied by the percentage chance of choos-
blinded to the treatment they geneity of study design, periodontal ing each specific option and totalled to
received in this type of trial. treatments, observation points and give an average cost of losing a tooth.
RCTs and other trial designs methods of reporting data, it was felt These data were incorporated into the
that a meta-analysis was inappropriate. yearly costs by multiplying this figure
(iv) Completeness of follow-up was
by the percentage chance of tooth loss
assessed using the following ques-
from the outcome data. To simplify the
tions to which the response was yes Cost-effectiveness evaluation of SPC
evaluation it was assumed that only
or no:
The cost-effectiveness analysis was con- SPC, rather than periodontal retreat-
ducted from the perspective of a single ment, would be undertaken.
 Was the number of patients at base- patient over a 30-year time period. The The three interventions of interest
line and at completion of the trial primary, patient-based outcome was were therefore:
reported? tooth years lost with clinical attachment
 Were all the patients who entered the loss as the secondary outcome (because  Provision of SPC by a specialist
trial accounted for at completion? teeth lost are likely to be more relevant periodontist assuming 30-min.
r 2008 The Authors
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70 Gaunt et al.

hygienist appointments at a spe- Inclusion criteria and search

cialist practice, requiring 1 h of tra- strategy
velling time for the patient and with
3-monthly recall intervals;
 Provision of SPC on a State health-
care programme and assuming 20-
min. hygienist appointments at a
general practice, requiring 30 min.
travelling time for the patient and
with 6-monthly recall intervals; Search yield including titles
 Provision of SPC by a general den- and abstracts n: = 605
tist assuming 20-min. hygienist
appointments at a private practice,
requiring 30 min. travelling in total
Ineligible after screening all
and with 6-monthly recall intervals. titles and abstracts: n = 549
Costs and outcomes were both dis-
counted at the standard rate of 3.5%
annually (HM Treasury 2003). Dis- Articles for reading of the full
counting is standard economic practice text: n = 56
and reflects time preference: that is,
receiving a benefit now being preferred
to receiving a benefit at any point in the
future; or alternatively, a cost now is Excluded ineligible studies
preferred less than a cost at any time in after detailed assessment of
full text: n = 42
the future. This is different from infla-
tion which is not included, so that
monetary values are given in current
Include studies in review
Total costs and total benefits (out- n = 14
comes) over the 30-year time period
were then determined for each of the
three SPC provisions. The final stage Fig. 1. Flow of articles through the review process.
was to create an incremental cost effec-
tiveness ratio (ICER) by examining the
differences in costs and benefits rejected on the basis of not fulfilling the the focused question directly: Axelsson
between the SPC programmes being inclusion criteria set out in the protocol. & Lindhe (1981) allocated patients to
compared (in this case one ICER to The specific reasons for these exclusions either a ‘‘recall’’ group in which SPC
compare specialist SPC with private are given with the references in the was provided in a specialist environ-
generalist SPC, and one ICER to com- bibliography. Fourteen articles were, ment or to a ‘‘non-recall’’ group in
pare specialist SPC with health service therefore, considered to be eligible for which SPC was provided (after giving
generalist SPC). The increase in cost inclusion in the systematic review. written instructions) by general dentists;
was then divided by the increase in Of the articles that were excluded Cortellini et al. (1994) allocated patients
benefit, to give a value for the extra after full reading of the text, we identi- to a group who received intensive SPC
cost per extra unit of benefit. fied three studies that provided poten- from a hygienist in specialist care and to
tially valuable data that we considered a group who received more ‘‘sporadic’’
to be at least in part relevant to answer- SPC from general dentists. Further,
Results ing our focused question. For this rea- Nyman et al. (1975) allocated patients
Search results
son, a brief narrative review of these for SPC to a Test group to deliver
papers is provided with the caveat that intensive SPC for 2 years or to a control
The flow of articles through the review no assessment of methodological quality group where SPC involved a scale and
is shown in Fig. 1. Our searches identi- was undertaken. polish every 6 months. The latter inter-
fied 605 articles after elimination of ventions might be considered to be
duplicates. Four hundred and eighty- Study characteristics
consistent with SPC provided in specia-
five were retrieved from databases list or general practice, respectively,
and 120 from hand-searching. The inde- The references of the 14 studies although neither arm of the study
pendent screening of the titles and included in the systematic review are involved general dental practitioners.
abstracts led to the rejection of 549 given in the bibliography and the char- The remaining 11 studies all delivered
articles. The k statistic for agreement acteristics of the studies are reported in SPC in either a specialist, hospital or
between reviewers for the initial screen- Table 1. The timescale of the publica- university (research) environment.
ing was 0.769 (SE 0.03) [95% CI 0.709– tions was 1975–2001. All studies Of the 14 studies: four delivered SPC
0.828]. The full texts of the remaining 56 recruited patients to a cohort design. after hygiene phase and scaling/root
articles were read and a further 42 were Two studies were considered to address planing (ScRP) (Cugini et al. 2000,
r 2008 The Authors
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Supportive periodontal care 71

Jenkins et al. 2000, Rosling et al. Methodological quality of included drop-outs (Nyman et al. 1975, Cortellini
2001a, b); five delivered SPC after studies et al. 1994, Cugini et al. 2000, Becker
hygiene phase therapy and then ScRP, et al. 2001) and eight studies reported
either alone or in combination with The k value (agreement) between exam- drop-outs affecting X20% of the origi-
periodontal surgery (Pihlstrom et al. iners for methodological quality where nal study cohort (Ramfjord et al. 1975,
1981, Ramfjord et al. 1987, Kaldahl there were three possible outcomes 1987, Pihlstrom et al. 1981, Weigel
et al. 1988, Becker et al. 2001, Serino (adequate, inadequate and unclear) was et al. 1995, Cugini et al. 2000, Rosling
et al. 2001); two studies delivered SPC 0.944 (SE 0.06) [95% CI 0.834–1.00]. et al. 2001a, b, Serino et al. 2001). Three
after hygiene phase and periodontal When there were only two possible studies adopted an exit strategy of loss
surgery with guided tissue regeneration outcomes (yes/no) the k was 0.811 (SE of attachment of X2 mm at sites affect-
(GTR) (Cortellini et al. 1994, Weigel et 0.10) [95% CI 0.608–1.000]. Eight stu- ing X4 teeth (Rosling et al. 2001a, b,
al. 1995); two studies delivered SPC dies reported the use of a process of Serino et al. 2001) and exit strategies of
after hygiene phase, ScRP and perio- randomization in the study although in loss of X2 or X2.5 mm attachment loss
dontal surgery (Nyman et al. 1975, six of these methods were unreported were used in three further studies
Axelsson & Lindhe 1981); one study and therefore unclear (Nyman et al. (Kaldahl et al. 1988, Cugini et al.
in which SPC was provided after 1975, Axelsson & Lindhe 1981, Pihl- 2000, Jenkins et al. 2000).
hygiene phase and then either perio- strom et al. 1981, Ramfjord et al. 1987,
dontal surgery or curettage (Ramfjord Kaldahl et al. 1988, Serino et al. 2001).
Clinical outcomes
et al. 1975). Two studies reported adequate randomi-
The period of SPC and follow-up was zation as being with a ‘‘coin flip’’ The data extracted from the original
variable and ranged from 1 to 12 years: (Becker et al. 2001) and a table of articles are presented in Table 1. Where
1 year (Cugini et al. 2000, Jenkins et al. random numbers (Ramfjord et al. the original data have been reported
2000); 2 years (Nyman et al. 1975, 1975). No method for allocation con- these show means, standard errors or
Kaldahl et al. 1988); 3 years (Cortellini cealment or for upholding blindness of standard deviations for tooth loss or
et al. 1994); 6 years (Axelsson & Lindhe the clinical examiners was reported in DCAL during SPC. Otherwise, the data
1981, Pihlstrom et al. 1981, Weigel any study. Five studies recorded clinical show Dmean CAL during SPC as
et al. 1995); 5 years (Ramfjord et al. data using full mouth measurements deduced from the original data reported
1975, 1987, Becker et al. 2001); 12 (Nyman et al. 1975, Axelsson & Lindhe in the articles.
years (Rosling et al. 2001a, b, Serino 1981, Kaldahl et al. 1988, Cugini et al. Of the three articles that appeared to
et al. 2001). 2000, Rosling et al. 2001b) whereas specifically address the focused question
The data were presented in various nine studies incorporated a design that (Nyman et al. 1975, Axelsson & Lindhe
formats. Five studies reported tooth loss used a range of different measurement 1981, Cortellini et al. 1994) the Ds CAL
(Axelsson & Lindhe 1981, Pihlstrom areas that were dependant upon the for patients undergoing regular ‘‘specia-
et al. 1981, Rosling et al. 2001a, b, treatments or number of treatments list’’ SPC and recall were 0.1 mm (2
Serino et al. 2001). One study presented being used: target teeth (after GTR) years), 0.2 mm (6 years) and 0.01 mm
data as clinical attachment change Cortellini et al. 1994, Weigel et al. (3 years) respectively. For those patients
(DCAL) between pre-treatment and 1995); non-molar teeth (Rosling et al. being managed in generalist care (or
post-SPC time points (Nyman et al. 2001a, Serino et al. 2001); half-mouth following a programme consistent with
1975) whereas all remaining studies splits (Ramfjord et al. 1975, Pihlstrom that provided in general practice) the Ds
either presented DCAL data specifically, et al. 1981, Becker et al. 2001); quadrant CAL during SPC were 2.2, 1.8 and
or in a way that enabled deduction of splits (Ramfjord et al. 1987) and target 2.8 mm, respectively.
Dmean CALs, for the period of SPC. sites with probing depths X4 mm During SPC programmes of 1 year
Two studies reported cumulative DCAL (Jenkins et al. 2000). All studies the Dmean CAL was 0.03 (Cugini
for buccal, lingual and approximal/inter- reported numbers of subjects and et al. 2000) and 0.04 mm for the
proximal sites (Ramfjord et al. 1975, patients at baseline and at conclusion subgingival scaling group reported by
Rosling et al. 2001b), eight studies using either narrative or n values on Jenkins et al. (2000). In studies of longer
reported total mean DCAL (Nyman graphs or in tables. Four studies failed programmes of SPC (12 years), the
et al. 1975, Axelsson & Lindhe 1981, to adequately account for drop-outs Dmean CAL was 0.87 (Rosling
Cortellini et al. 1994, Weigel et al. 1995, (Ramfjord et al. 1975, 1987, Pihlstrom et al. 2001a), 0.80 (Rosling et al.
Cugini et al. 2000, Jenkins et al. 2000, et al. 1981, Cugini et al. 2000) and 2001b) and 0.26 mm (Serino et al.
Rosling et al. 2001a, Serino et al. 2001) five studies failed to clearly report the 2001). The four studies that presented
and four studies reported DCAL accord- method for accounting for drop-outs in data for shallow, moderate and deep
ing to both the periodontal treatment the statistical analysis (Ramfjord et al. pockets followed SPC programmes of
undertaken and the initial depths of the 1975, 1987, Cugini et al. 2000, Rosling between 2 and 5 years (with 3 month
pockets as being shallow (1–3 mm), et al. 2001a, Serino et al. 2001). Only recall) and all reported SPC progra-
moderate (4–6 mm) or deep (X7 mm) two studies made reference to compli- mmes following both ScRP and mod-
(Pihlstrom et al. 1981, Ramfjord et al. ance of patients with the SPC pro- ified Widman flap surgery as the active
1987, Kaldahl et al. 1988, Becker et al. gramme (Weigel et al. 1995, Becker periodontal management (Pihlstrom et
2001). (Kaldahl et al. defined the cate- et al. 2001). al. 1981, Ramfjord et al. 1987, Kaldahl
gories as being 1–4, 5–6 and X7 mm No study that included a method of et al. 1988, Becker et al. 2001). This
although for the purpose of observations randomization to test and control allowed the mean and range of the
these were also classified as shallow, cohorts reported a method of allocation expected outcomes for DCAL to be
moderate and deep.) concealment. Four studies reported no deduced for each of the specific cate-
r 2008 The Authors
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Table 1. Tooth loss and change in attachment during supportive periodontal care in 14 studies of the systematic review
Study/Year Trial No. of Mean age Treatment phase Supportive care Clinical outcomes
design participants (SD) range

Nyman Cohort 20 Unreported OHI and surgical Test group: Professional tooth cleaning Test group: mean (SE) gain of CA 0.1 (0.25 mm) at 2 years.
et al. (1975) pocket elimination every 2 weeks for 2 years. Control group: mean (SE) loss of CA 2.2 (0.39) at 2 years.
Control group: Scale and polish every 6 CAL measurements relative to presurgical measurements
Gaunt et al.


Ramfjord Cohort 82 39.6 (13.1) OHI, ScRP followed by either: Prophylaxis every 3 months for 5 years CAL (mm) between 1 and 5 years:
et al. (1975) [19–61] curettage OR MWF OR pocket Buccal Lingual Interproximal
elimination with split-mouth design sites
Curettage 0.50 0.65 0.64
MWF 0.26 0.36 0.23
Pocket 0.33 0.24 0.27

Axelsson Cohort 90 52 OHI, ScRP followed by MWF Recall group: 30 min. appointment for Baseline taken as 2 months after surgery
& Lindhe Sc and OHI every 2 months for 2 years Mean (SD) No. teeth
(1981) and then every 3 months for 4 years Recall Baseline 19.6 (7.0)
Non-recall group: referred to dentist with 6 years 19.4 (7.0)
written instructions for plaque control Non-recall Baseline 18.0 (5.0)
programme. 6 years 17.3 (5.5)
Dmean CAL during 6 year period of SPC
Recall 10.2
Non-recall 1.8

Pihlstrom Cohort 17 43 OHI, ScRP followed by 60 min. appointments with hygienist 8 teeth extracted during active therapy. 6 teeth extracted
et al. (1981) [22–59] MWF for half mouth every 3–6 months for supra and during SPC
subgingival scaling for 4 years
Change in mean CAL (mm) during 4 years of SPC
according to initial pocket depth.
1–3 mm 0.22 0.23
4–6 mm 0.27 0.25
X7 mm 0.47 0.07

Ramfjord Cohort 90 [24–68] OHI, ScRP followed by pocket Recall for prophylaxis every 3 months DCAL (mm) during SPC according to initial pocket depth
et al. (1987) elimination, curettage, ScRP or for 5 years
MWF mouth, split mouth design.
1–3 mm 0.53 0.64 0.62 0.64
4–6 mm 0.49 0.42 0.57 0.43
X7 mm 0.26 0.41 0.40 0.53

r 2008 The Authors

Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard
Kaldahl et al. Cohort 82 43.5 Random allocation to treatment of Recall with hygienist every 3 months Dmean CAL (mm) during SPC according to initial pocket
(1988) quadrants by coronal scaling (cs), for 2 years: ScRP in 3 quadrants. CS depth (mm)
subgingival ScRP, SRP1MWF or and prophylaxis provided to quadrant
osseous resection with ScRP initially treated by CS.
1–4 0.33 0.29 0.34 1.26
5–6 0.16 0.02 0.12 0.01

r 2008 The Authors

X7 0.25 0.03 0.06 0.11
Cortellini Cohort 23 [18–56] OHI, ScRP followed by GTR at Intensive OHI for 1 year. Then: Dmean CAL (mm) during SPC
et al. (1994) target sites of attachment
loss X6mm
Group A (n 5 15) Group A 0.01
OHI, ScRP from hygienist every
3 months for 3 years.
Group B (n 5 8) Group B 2.80
Sporadic SPC from general dentist

Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard

Weigel et al. Cohort 24 54 Hygiene phase and GTR Supragingival ScRP and rinsing Dmean CAL (mm) during SPC
(1995) [40–79] with 0.1% CHX every 3–6 months
for 4 years. SPC commenced 3 months
Teeth 1.05
subjected to
Sites subjected 0.94
to GTR
Cugini et al. Cohort 32 48 (11) ScRP Full mouth scaling and instruction Dmean CAL (mm) 0.03 between post-treatment
(2000) [29–71] in home care at 3 monthly intervals monitoring at 3 and 12 months.
for 12 months post-therapy
Jenkins et al. Cohort 39 [34–67] ScRP Allocated to one of two SPC regimes: Dmean CAL (mm) at 12 months
(2000) Coronal scaling (CS) Subgingival scaling
(SS) at 3 monthly intervals for 1 year
CS 0.13 (0.19)
SS 0.04 (0.18)
Last observation carried forward for CS loser sites X2 mm
LOA that required SS
Becker et al. Cohort 16 42 ScRP alone Postsurgery – weekly for 6 weeks for Dmean CAL (mm) during 5 years SPC relative to initial
(2001) [30–57] ScRP & MWF prophylaxis, then recall every pocket depth
ScRP & Osseous resection 3 months for 5 years. Details of SPC
intervention not reported.
1–3 0.07 0.35 0.39
4–6 0.01 0.72 0.26
X7 0.09 0.49 0.97
Supportive periodontal care
74 Gaunt et al.

DCAL, change in clinical attachment level; BoP, bleeding on probing; C, curettage; CA, clinical attachment; CHX, chlorhexidine; CS, coronal scaling; GTR, guided tissue regeneration; LOA, loss of attachment;
MWF, modified Widman flap; OHI, oral hygiene instruction; OR, osseous resection; PE, pocket elimination; RCT, randomized controlled trial; SD, standard deviation; SE, standard error; SPC, supportive
gories of initial pocket depths and these

Cumulative DCAL (mm) over 12 years SPC according to

data are presented in Table 2.

Average of 1.9 teeth/subject lost after 12 years SCP.

Average of 2.4 teeth/subject lost after 12 years SPC.

Cumulative DCAL over 12 years SPC 5 0.87 mm
Narrative review of papers

Dmean CAL (mm) during 12 years SPC

In addition to those articles that were
Clinical outcomes

included in the systematic review we

1.6 (1.7) 0.6 (1.1)


Mean (SD) tooth loss during SPC

identified three papers that we consid-
ered should be reported in narrative

review either because of their potential

relevance to the focused question




(Preshaw & Heasman 2005, Matuliene

et al. 2008) or because of the relevance
of high quality SPC data for compara-
tive purposes (Bogren et al. 2008a). The
specific reasons for the exclusion of

these three articles from the systematic

review are given in the bibliography.
Preshaw & Heasman (2005) recruited
OHI and subgingival instrumentation of

OHI and subgingival instrumentation of

at sites X5 mm Sites exited if CA loss

35 patients with chronic periodontitis

pockets X5 mm and BoP. Recall 3–4

pockets X5 mm and BoP. Recall 3–4

who, following non-surgical treatment

Recall for prophylaxis every 3–4

were allocated randomly to a pro-

months for 12 years with ScRP
Supportive care

gramme of SPC undertaken either in a

visits a year for 13 years.

specialist clinic or in general dental

visits a year for 12 years

practice. SPC in the specialist clinic

was delivered every 3 months and
included reinforcement of oral hygiene
measures, prophylaxis and root instru-
at X4 teeth.

mentation to remove reformed calculus.

X2 mm

Those discharged to their referring den-

tists were managed according to an SPC
programme that was provided to the
dentist in written instructions from the
ScRP only or ScRP & MWF

ScRP only or ScRP & MWF

specialist clinic.
In each case, the period of follow-up
Treatment phase

was 1 year. Full mouth mean pocket



depths remained stable over the 12

months for those receiving SPC in spe-
cialist care (3.4–3.2 mm) and general
dental practice (3.1–3.0 mm). Preva-
lence of bleeding sites also remained
stable throughout SPC for both cohorts:
specialist care 41.9–44.1% of sites; gen-
eral dental practice 33.1–36.7% of sites.
(SD) range
Mean age

45.5 (8.4)

44.5 (8.6)

There was no significant change in

either clinical outcome at 12 months
compared with the beginning of SPC.
These observations were despite plaque
No. of

scores having a slight tendency to




increase throughout the 12 months:

mean full mouth plaque index increased
from 0.48 to 0.74 for specialist SPC and
periodontal disease

Rosling et al. Control cohort of

Rosling et al. Cohort with high
susceptibility to

from 0.45 to 0.74 for generalist SPC.


The researchers concluded that, at least



in the short term, clinical improvements

remained stable in patients receiving
SPC in specialist or general dental prac-
Table 1. (Contd.)

periodontal care.

tice and that this was despite a tendency

Serino et al.

for plaque control to deteriorate.


Matuliene et al. (2008) undertook a



retrospective, cohort study in Berne

to observe 171 patients following
r 2008 The Authors
Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard
Supportive periodontal care 75

Table 2. Mean and ranges for changes in attachment level observed in four studies reporting generalist SPC as a baseline, the ICERs
change according to initial pocket depth and following either scaling/root planing or modified for SPC delivered in specialist care are
Widman flap procedure and after 2–5 years of SPC (Pihlstrom et al. 1981, Ramfjord et al. 1987, h217 for one extra tooth year or an extra
Kaldahl et al. 1988, Becker et al. 2001) h1130 for 1 mm less attachment loss.
ScRP MWF Using health service (State) generalist
SPC as the baseline the ICERs are an
Initial pocket depth (mm) extra h288 for one extra tooth year or an
extra h1503 per 1 mm loss of attachment
1–3 0.30 ( 0.07 to 0.62) 0.39 ( 0.23 to 0.64)
for specialist SPC.
4–6 0.21 (0.01 to 0.57) 0.38 ( 0.12 to 0.72)
X7 0.25 ( 0.03 to 0.47) 0.23 ( 0.06 to 0.53)
ScRP, scaling/root planing; MWF, modified Widman flap; denotes loss of attachment.
Sensitivity analysis
Clearly, there is uncertainty about the
values we have used in this analysis.
periodontal treatment and thorough SPC sites X5 mm which continued to bleed We can probe the influence of this uncer-
of mean (SD) duration of 11.3 (4.9) on probing, tooth polishing and reinfor- tainty by varying parameters in a sensi-
years. Seventy-three patients received cement of oral hygiene measures. The tivity analysis. Treatment costs are highly
SPC from their private dentist and 98 article was excluded from the systematic dependent on the duration of treatment.
received SPC in a University-based review because the patients had been in While we assumed 20 min. for hygienist
clinic. With respect to the delivery of SPC for up to 12 months before the appointments in general practice and
care, 32% of patients seen by the private baseline measurements were recorded. 30 min. in specialist practice, it is instruc-
dentists and 5% of patients seen at the Nevertheless, the study is worthy of tive to examine the effects of varying
University clinic received 0–1 SPC mention due to the duration of follow- these basic assumptions.
appointments each year whereas 68% up and the high quality of reporting: State provision in general practice is
of those seen by private dentists and inclusion and exclusion criteria; calibra- costed on a fee-per-item basis, hence
95% of those seen at the University tion, training and blinding of examiners, patient costs would be unaffected by the
clinic received two to four SPC appoint- randomization and allocation conceal- time of appointment. Keeping specialist
ments each year (po0.0001). For the ment; stratification of subjects according appointments at 30 min. and reducing
population as a whole, 7.3% (303 of the to smoking habits; reporting of mean generalist times to 10 min. increases
original 4138) of teeth were lost during DCAL; and accounting for loss of sub- ICERs to h272 per tooth year lost and
active therapy compared with 7.7% of jects and, or sites. The principal out- h1415/mm CAL. Likewise increasing
teeth that were lost during SPC. A more come of interest was that over 3 years, generalist times to 30 min. reduces
detailed analysis was based on the pre- the mean (SE) DCAL in the cohort was ICERs to h176 per tooth year lost and
valence of pockets X5 mm/patient. At 0.7 (1.04) with 95% CI [0.46–0.98]. For h921/mm CAL. Conversely, if specia-
the end of the treatment phase, 29% of comparative purposes to other studies of lists adopt 60-min. hygienist appoint-
patients had 0 pockets X5 mm and this shorter duration, the mean gain of ments, but we maintain the 20-min.
reduced to 19% after SPC. The respec- attachment at 1 and 2 years was 0.6 mm. private generalist hygienist appoint-
tive, patient-based data for the preva- The observations and data from these ment, then the ICERs increase to h515
lence of 1–4, 5–8 and X9 mm pockets articles have not been used in formulat- per tooth year lost or h2683/mm CAL.
were 40%, 41%; 16%, 18%; and 15% ing the conclusions and recommenda- While evidence suggests that loss of
and 23%. The predominant shifts, there- tions of the systematic review and attachment can be arrested with appro-
fore, are a significant reduction in the economic evaluation. priate specialist care (see Table 1), the
proportion of patients with no 5 mm rate of attachment loss in general practice
pockets and a significant increase in will likely be influenced by the quality of
Cost effectiveness evaluation of SPC
the proportion of patients with X9, treatment. The generalist data from the
5 mm pockets after SPC. Of the 39 The values and sources of the data used paper we used is likely to represent good
patients with X9, 5 mm pockets, 22 in the economic evaluation are pre- practice, and as such ensures a conserva-
(30%) had received SPC from a private sented in detail in Appendix B. The tive estimate of the cost-effectivenesss of
dentist whereas 17 (17%) had continued discounted costs and benefits within specialist treatment.
to receive the more intensive care in the selected years and a 30-year total of
University clinic. The data also con- SPC are given in Table 3. These data
firmed that any deep (X7 mm) pocket show that over 30 years the difference in Discussion
or bleeding site/tooth was an identifiable costs between SPC provided by a spe- Systematic review
risk for tooth loss during the period of cialist practice and a general dentist in
SPC. private practice is h4466 and between The articles included in the review were
Finally, Bogren et al. (2008a) specialist practice and a general dentist published over a 26-year period between
reported 3-year follow-up data in a in a health service (State) practice is 1975 and 2001 and demonstrated con-
cohort of 65 participants with a history h5938. The difference between specia- siderable variation in methodological
of chronic periodontitis and who were list and either generalist option in terms quality and in heterogeneity with respect
recruited to the positive control arm of a of discounted tooth loss is an extra 20.59 to the duration of SPC, recall intervals,
RCT. The period of recall was 6 months tooth years lost for generalist SPC, and the elements of care provided, numbers
and the SPC programme included sub- an extra 3.95 mm discounted clinical of patients (participants), and the initial
gingival mechanical debridement of attachment loss. Therefore using private treatment phase. For the purpose of the
r 2008 The Authors
Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard
76 Gaunt et al.

Table 3. Discounted costs and benefits in selected years and after 30 years
Year Specialist Generalist

discounted cost (h) discounted tooth discounted state discounted private discounted tooth discounted attachment
years lost cost (h) cost (h) years lost loss (mm)

1 407.12 0.033 95.14 172.48 0.117 0.433

3 380.10 0.093 88.82 161.01 0.327 0.405
6 342.72 0.168 80.11 145.22 0.590 0.140
10 298.76 0.244 69.80 126.56 0.856 0.122
20 211.82 0.346 49.49 89.71 1.214 0.087
30 150.08 0.368 35.08 63.60 1.291 0.061
30 year totals 7749 8.210 1811.12 3283.28 28.807 3.946n
The undiscounted loss over 30 years is 5.800 mm. See the discussion on why it is not clear that attachment loss should be discounted.
The formula used to calculate the discount in any given year (t) where the discount rate is r is 1/(11r)t 1. [Note the (t 1) term implies that costs
occurring during the year are counted at the beginning of the year.] So, with the discount rate of 3.5%, in year 10 the discounted cost incurred in that year
would be h407.12  1/(110.035)9 5 h298.76.

review, it was decided a priori to attachment level changes are of similar ment loss are determined across different
include studies in which the patients magnitude irrespective of whether the initial pocket depths, following either
received either or both non-surgical data are presented as full mouth means scaling and root planing alone or in
and surgical treatments although the (Nyman et al. 1975, Axelsson & Lindhe combination with modified Widman
review was restricted to patients with 1981) or from target sites, in this procedures and SPC (Table 2).
chronic rather than aggressive perio- instance following guided tissue regen-
dontitis with a view to observing the erative surgery (Cortellini et al. 1994).
Narrative review
effect of a period of care on patients Further, it is apparent that the mean loss
with a single disease entity. of attachment at target sites or target There were two articles in which SPC
The review included on only two teeth following GTR following 4 years was delivered in specialist/university
studies that evaluated the impact of of SPC is significantly greater when the clinics and by the referring general
SPC delivered in both specialist and SPC involves only scaling and root dentist but unfortunately, the authors
general dental practices or environments instrumentation at those sites that con- did not distinguish between the cohorts
with respective periods of follow-up for tinue to bleed following gentle probing in the results (Moser et al. 2002, Heden
6 and 3 years (Axelsson & Lindhe 1981, (Table 1) (Weigel et al. 1995). & Wennström 2006). Preshaw & Heas-
Cortellini et al. 1994). In addition, there With frequent, specialist SPC, the man (2005), however, did undertake a
were two studies which did not involve stability of chronic periodontitis is study in which patients were either
general dental practitioners but did upheld over longer periods of up to 12 referred to their general dentist or
incorporate different programmes of years with cumulative attachment loss maintained in a hospital clinic for the
SPC that might be considered to be of 0.26 to 0.87 mm when reporting delivery of SPC. Although clinical
consistent with provisions within spe- full mouth (Rosling et al. 2001b) or non- attachment was not reported, this is the
cialist and general care: professional molar tooth (Rosling et al. 2001a, Serino only study to indicate that, albeit over a
tooth cleaning every 2 weeks versus et al. 2001) mean data. Similar, long- short period of I year, SPC provided in
scale and polish every 6 months (Nyman term data for patients who continue to general dental services is equally effica-
et al. 1975); coronal scaling versus sub- be seen in general dental practice do not cious as that provided in a hospital
gingival scaling (Jenkins et al. 2000). appear to be available. clinic. This finding is in contrast to
All the remaining studies evaluated the A further observation with respect to that of Matuliene et al. (2008) who
magnitude of clinical attachment change the consistency of data are the reported reported a significantly higher preva-
during SPC delivered in hospital, uni- attachment changes during SPC follow- lence of pockets X5 mm in those
versity and specialist programmes. ing treatment with scaling and root patients receiving SPC from their gen-
The data from the review clearly planing followed by modified Widman eral dentists compared with those
show that when a programme of inten- flap surgery: 0.23 mm at interproxi- receiving SPC in a university clinic
sive SPC is provided frequently and in a mal sites after 5 years (Ramfjord et al. over a mean duration of 10 years. This
specialist environment then long-term 1975); 0.25 mm at moderately deep is perhaps consistent with the observa-
periodontal stability is achievable with sites after 4 years (Pihlstrom et al. tions made in a retrospective study of
expected attachment change of 0.01 1981); 0.25 mm at non-molar sites tooth loss over the same period of 10
to 0.2 mm over periods of 1–6 years after 12 years (Serino et al. 2001). years in which patients with irregular
(Nyman et al. 1975, Axelsson & Lindhe However, there is some variation on SPC had an increased risk ratio of 3.17
1981, Cortellini et al. 1994). The com- these data with reports of 0.72 mm for tooth loss over patients who received
parative cumulative change of attach- of attachment loss over 5 years SPC regular SPC in a university-based perio-
ment in patients managed by SPC in a (Becker et al. 2001) and 0.12 mm dontal clinic (Eickholtz et al. 2008).
general dental environment is 1.8 to over 2 years (Kaldahl et al. 1988) at The data of Bogren and colleagues
2.8 mm over the same periods initially moderately deep sites. This were also considered to be worthy of
(Nyman et al. 1975, Axelsson & Lindhe consistency is further consolidated mention in narrative review in which a
1981, Cortellini et al. 1994). The mean when the means and ranges of attach- mean gain of attachment of 0.7 mm was
r 2008 The Authors
Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard
Supportive periodontal care 77

seen in a cohort receiving SPC over These data must be interpreted with that is, SPC provided by the specialist
3 years (Bogren et al. 2008a, b). In some caution. In particular, the cost- would remain more expensive. Such
comparison with the studies in the sys- effectiveness analysis is only as good treatments or retreatments, which have
tematic review, this represents the gain and valid as the data upon which it is been omitted from the economic evalua-
of attachment of greatest magnitude based. In this instance, the outcome data tion to maintain simplicity of the model,
with, over the same time period of are from only one study that reported would be indicated on an irregular basis
3 years, both Nyman et al. (1975) and full mouth mean clinical outcomes over and may include root instrumentation,
Axelsson & Lindhe (1981) reporting a 6 years. Relatively few details were periodontal surgery with or without
gain of approximately 0.1 mm in their provided regarding the SPC pro- regenerative techniques and adjunctive,
cohorts of patients. Such a difference grammes for those patients referred to locally delivered antimicrobials.
may be attributed to specific selection general care; written information was Although the concept of tooth years
and reporting of proximal sites of pocket provided with an emphasis placed on lost is more accurate than teeth lost, this
depths X5 mm (Bogren et al. 2008a, b) providing the patients with a ‘‘detailed does not take account of the difference
as opposed to the reporting of full mouth plaque control programme’’. There was in utility of teeth in different states of
mean scores in comparative studies no assessment of compliance. These, different areas of the mouth. Using a
(Nyman et al. 1975, Axelsson & Lindhe therefore, were considered to be the quality adjusted measure such as Qual-
1981). best data available although a more ity Adjusted Tooth Years (Birch 1986)
exact and perhaps meaningful future would be more accurate, but there are no
Cost-effectiveness evaluation
analysis could be based on prospective data on what would affect the quality or
attachment change data from specific what the weights would be. Addition-
The cost evaluation analysis was under- target sites and over an extensive period ally, the study on which our cost-effec-
taken using the data from the one study of SPC. For the longer-term evaluation tiveness evaluation was undertaken
that was most closely aligned to answer- these data, therefore, were extrapolated (Axelsson & Lindhe 1981) does not
ing the focused question of the systematic over 30 years, and this was undertaken report data on individual teeth, so even
review (Axelsson & Lindhe 1981). on a simple linear scale. Clinical attach- if the weightings were available, they
From these data, which were based on ment loss and disease progression (with could not be applied in this analysis. In
full mouth mean data, it is clear that ultimate tooth loss) will not likely pro- fact, the approach should be from a
SPC provided in specialist environment gress on a linear scale for any one whole mouth perspective and so an
is more effective than SPC delivered by individual, tooth or tooth site (Gilthorpe oral health-related quality-of-life mea-
the general practitioner when the out- et al. 2003) so the tooth loss in the sure would be more appropriate than a
comes are judged as clinical attachment evaluation is likely to be a conservative tooth-based utility measure.
or tooth loss. This increase in effective- estimate. Additionally, we recognize Finally, for the permanent dentition,
ness, however, comes at a greater cost to that costs of periodontal treatment and tooth loss is not a naturally occurring
the patient. The economic methodology SPC to the patient, the State (health event and will inevitably be influenced
allowed us to look at the efficiency services) and to the practitioners and by factors outside the remit, timescale
which combines both the cost and effec- dental hygienists will vary considerably and application of an economic model.
tiveness (i.e., a cost-effectiveness ana- from country to country, and so only a For, example, the attitude of general
lysis) and this showed that, for the basic costing exercise was undertaken. dental practitioners towards perio-
patient, the difference between SPC in Again, for simplicity, the evaluation was dontally involved teeth may vary con-
specialist and generalist private practice based upon the fee-per-item of service siderably both at any one time point
is an extra h210 per extra tooth year system used in Scotland (UK) (which and certainly over an extended period
over 30 years. The question still remains was preferred to the less transparent, of 30 years.
as to whether specialist SPC is worth- banded system of patient charges now
while, and it is likely this will vary for used in England), the fee scale from one
different patients, with some being will- specialist practice together with authors’
ing to pay this amount and others not. estimates of time of procedures, and of Conclusions
From the health economics view- travelling. Supportive periodontal care delivered in
point, consideration should also be Further, any model requires certain specialist compared with general dental
given as to whether benefits should be assumptions to prevent it becoming practice will likely result in greater
discounted. In this model, although it is unwieldy. In this case, the assumptions periodontal stability and higher tooth
clear that tooth years lost should be about what generalist SPC entailed were survival rates.
discounted (as a tooth year now is likely necessary as this was not detailed in the An economic evaluation of cost-
to be preferred to a tooth year later) paper (Axelsson & Lindhe 1981) nor effectiveness based on model remunera-
discounting of clinical attachment loss is any other article in the review but it may tion scales, care provision in the United
less intuitive. In fact, if we take the have a large influence on costs. Also, the Kingdom and assumptions made speci-
example of going from 2 to 3 mm assumptions that tooth loss was the only fically for this model indicate that the
attachment loss and compare it to going cost-incurring event apart from the clinical benefit from the provision of
from 5 to 6 mm attachment loss, it may actual SPC programme and that no SPC in specialist practice is more
be assumed that the later change may further retreatment was carried out are expensive with incremental cost effec-
be preferred less. Given that both costs unrealistic. Given the large cost differ- tiveness ratios of approximately h290
and tooth years lost are discounted, ence, however, relaxing either of these for one extra tooth year and h1500 for
however, it is appropriate to discount assumptions would be unlikely to 1 mm less clinical attachment loss over
all outcomes. change the direction of the evaluation; 30 years.
r 2008 The Authors
Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard
78 Gaunt et al.

Recommendations for research Becker, W., Becker, B. E., Caffesse, R., Kerry, Journal of Clinical Periodontology 22,
G., Ochsenbein, C., Morrison, E. & Prichard, 661–669.
 Evaluate this cost-effectiveness J. (2001) A longitudinal study comparing
model in different communities and scaling, osseous surgery and modified Wid-
oral health systems. man procedures: results after 5 years. Journal
 A prospective, long-term RCT of Periodontology 72, 1675–1684. References of texts included in the
Cortellini, P., Pini-Prato, G. & Tonetti, M. narrative review
should compare patient-related and
(1994) Periodontal regeneration of human
clinical outcomes in patients who infrabony defects (V). Effect of oral hygiene Bogren, A., Teles, R. P., Torresyap, G., Haffa-
are randomized to receive SPC in on long-term stability. Journal of Clinical jee, A. D., Socransky, S. S. & Wennström, J.
either specialist or general dental Periodontology 21, 606–610. L. (2008a) Locally delivered doxycycline
practice. Details of SPC provision, Cugini, M. A., Haffajee, A. D., Smith, C., Kent, during supportive periodontal therapy. A 3-
periods of recall and compliance R. L. & Socransky, S. S. (2000) The effect of year study. Journal of Periodontology (in
should be reported. Such a trial scaling and root planing on the clinical and press).
should include an evaluation of: microbiological parameters of periodontal Matuliene, G., Salvi, G. E., Pjetursson, B. E.,
disease: 12 month results. Journal of Clinical Schmidlin, K., Brägger, U., Weber, H. P. &
 costs and cost-effectiveness, thus Periodontology 27, 30–36. Lang, N. P. (2008) Influence of residual
Jenkins, W. M., Said, S. H., Radvar, M. & pockets on the progression of periodontitis
eliminating some of the assump-
Kinane, D. F. (2000) Effect of subgingival and tooth loss. Eleven years of maintenance
tions that have been made in this care Journal of Clinical Periodontology,
review; scaling during supportive therapy. Journal of
Clinical Periodontology 27, 590–596. Submitted for publication.
 patients’ views with respect to the Preshaw, P. M. & Heasman, P. A. (2005)
Kaldahl, W. B., Kalkwarf, K. L., Patil, K. D.,
costs of SPC and future treatment, Dyer, J. K. & Bates, R. E. Jr. (1988) Evalua- Periodontal maintenance in a specialist perio-
and their ‘‘willingness to pay’’. tion of 4 modalities of periodontal therapy. dontal clinic and in general dental practice.
Mean probing depth, probing attachment Journal of Clinical Periodontology 32,
level and recession changes. Journal of 280–286.
Implication for clinical practice
Periodontology 59, 783–793.
Nyman, S., Rosling, B. & Lindhe, J. (1975)
 Patients should be informed of the Effect of professional tooth cleaning on heal-
need for SPC and their own responsi- ing after periodontal surgery. Journal of References of texts excluded from
bilities for future care. This should Clinical Periodontology 2, 80–86. the systematic review (with reason
include an overview of the possible Pihlstrom, B. L., Ortiz-Campos, C. & McHugh, for exclusion)
long-term clinical outcomes and the R. B. (1981) A randomized four-year study of
Axelsson, P., Nyström, B. & Lindhe, J. (2004)
costs of achieving those outcomes and periodontal therapy. Journal of Perio-
The long-term effect of a plaque control
of maintaining a functional dentition. dontology 52, 227–242.
program on tooth mortality, caries and perio-
Ramfjord, S. P., Knowles, J. W., Nissle, R. R.,
dontal disease in adults. Journal of Clinical
Burgett, F. G. & Shick, R. A. (1975) Results
Periodontology 31, 749–757. Report of a
following three modalities of periodontal
Acknowledgements long-term preventive program with no speci-
therapy. Journal of Periodontology 46,
fic inclusion criteria for periodontal patients.
We would like to express our sincere 522–526.
Bader, H. I. & Boyd, R. L. (1999) Long-term
gratitude to Dr. Jørgen Slots (Editor-in- Ramfjord, S. P., Morrison, E. C., Hill, R. W.,
monitoring of periodontitis patients in sup-
Chief of Journal of Periodontal Kerry, G. J., Appleberry, E. A., Nissle, R. R.
portive periodontal therapy: correlation of
& Stults, D. L. (1987) 4 modalities of perio-
Research, Professor Maurizio Tonetti gingival crevicular fluid proteases with prob-
dontal treatment compared over 5 years. ing attachment loss. Journal of Clinical
(Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Clinical Journal of Clinical Periodontology 14,
Periodontology and Dr. Kenneth Korn- Periodontology 26, 99–105. Lack of informa-
445–452. tion about the initial treatment phase and the
man (Editor-in-Chief Journal of Perio- Rosling, B., Hellstrom, M. K., Ramberg, P., length of time the participants spent in SPC.
dontology) for their immediate Socransky, S. S. & Lindhe, J. (2001b) The Badersten, A., Nilvéus, R. & Egelberg, J. (1990)
responses to requests for information use of PVP-iodine as an adjunct to non- Scores of plaque, bleeding, suppuration and
regarding papers in press in their respec- surgical treatment of chronic periodontitis. probing depth to predict probing attachment
tive Journals. We are also indebted to Journal of Clinical Periodontology 28, loss. 5 years of observation following non-
Professor N. P. Lang, Dr. R. P. Teles 1023–1031. surgical periodontal therapy. Journal of Clin-
and Dr. P. Eickholz for sending unpub- Rosling, B., Serino, G., Hellstrom, M. K., ical Periodontology 17, 102–107. Variation
lished data and texts for consideration Socransky, S. S. & Lindhe, J. (2001a) Long- in initial treatment because participants were
itudinal periodontal tissue alterations during recruited from other projects. CAL data pre-
for inclusion in the Review and to
supportive therapy. Findings from subjects sented in graph form.
Professor J. Lindhe for his immediate with normal and high susceptibility to perio- Becker, W., Becker, B. E., Ochsenbein, C.,
response to a request for information. dontal disease. Journal of Clinical Perio- Kerry, G., Caffesse, R., Morrison, E. C. &
Finally, we wish to thank Mrs. Gwen dontology 28, 241–249. Prichard, J. (1988) A longitudinal study
Forster for her invaluable assistance in Serino, G., Rosling, B., Ramberg, P., Socrans- comparing scaling, osseous surgery and mod-
the preparation of the manuscript. ky, S. S. & Lindhe, J. (2001) Initial outcome ified Widman procedures. Results after one
and long-term effect of surgical and non- year. Journal of Periodontology 59, 351–365.
surgical treatment of advanced periodontal Excluded to avoid bias as data also included
References disease. Journal of Clinical Periodontology in 5-year report of Becker et al. (2001).
28, 910–916. Bogren, A., Teles, R. P., Torresyap, G., Haffajee,
Axelsson, P. & Lindhe, J. (1981) The signifi- Weigel, C., Bragger, U., Hämmerle, C. H., A. D., Socransky, S. S. & Wennström, J. L.
cance of maintenance care in the treatment of Mombelli, A. & Lang, N. P. (1995) Main- (2008a) Locally delivered doxycycline during
periodontal disease. Journal of Clinical tenance of new attachment 1 and 4 years supportive periodontal therapy. A 3-year
Periodontology 8, 281–294. following guided tissue regeneration (GTR). study. Journal of Periodontology (in press).
r 2008 The Authors
Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard
Supportive periodontal care 79

Participants had already been enrolled in a Periodontal therapy in young adults with Lindhe, J. & Nyman, S. (1984) Long-term
programme of SPC for 1 year. severe generalized periodontitis. Journal of maintenance of patients treated for advanced
Bogren, A., Teles, R. P., Torresyap, G., Haffa- Periodontology 65, 268–273. Participants periodontal disease. Journal of Clinical
jee, A. D., Socransky, S. S. & Wennström, J. suffered from aggressive periodontitis (that Periodontology 11, 504–514. CAL not
L. (2008b) Long-term effect of the combined was only reported in Gunsolley et al. (1994) reported in usable format.
use of powered toothbrush and triclosan Journal of Periodontology 65, 268–273). Listgarten, M. A., Levin, S., Schifter, C. C.,
dentifrice in periodontal maintenance Heden, G. & Wennström, J. L. (2006) Five-year Sullivan, P., Evian, C. I., Rosenberg, E. S. &
patients. Journal of Clinical Periodontology follow-up of regenerative periodontal therapy Laster, L. (1986) Comparative longitudinal
35, 157–164. Participants had already been with enamel matrix derivative at sites with study of 2 methods of scheduling mainte-
enrolled in a programme of SPC for 1 year. angular bone defects. Journal of Perio- nance visits; 2-year data. Journal of Clinical
Carnevale, G., Cairo, F. & Tonetti, M. S. (2007) dontology 77, 295–301. SPC was undertaken Periodontology 13, 692–700. CAL data only
Long-term effects of supportive therapy in either by referring dentist or specialist but reported as bar charts.
periodontal patients treated with fibre reten- this was not taken into consideration in the Listgarten, M. A., Sullivan, P., George, C.,
tion osseous resective surgery. I: recurrence presentation of the data. Nitkin, L., Rosenberg, E. S., Chilton, N. W.
of pockets, bleeding on probing and tooth Hill, R. W., Ramfjord, S. P., Morrison, E. C., & Kramer, A. A. (1989) Comparative long-
loss. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 34, Appleberry, E. A., Caffesse, R. G., Kerry, G. itudinal study of 2 methods of scheduling
334–341. CAL unreported. J. & Nissle, R. R.. Four types of periodontal maintenance visits; 4-year data. Journal of
Claffey, N. & Egelberg, J. (1994) Clinical treatment compared over 2 years. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 16, 105–115. CAL
characteristics of periodontal sites with prob- Periodontology 52, 655–662. Excluded to data only reported as bar charts.
ing attachment loss following initial perio- avoid bias as data also included in report Machtei, E. E., Hausmann, E., Schmidt, M.,
dontal treatment. Journal of Clinical of Ramfjord et al. (1987). Grossi, S. G., Dunford, R., Schifferle, R.,
Periodontology 21, 670–679. Substantial Hofer, D., Hämmerle, C. H., Grassi, M. & Lang, Munoz, K., Davies, G., Chandler, J. & Genco,
variability of SPC provision explained by N. P. (2002) Long-term results of supportive R. J. (1998) Radiographic and clinical
16 participants taking part in a number of periodontal therapy (SPT) in HIV-seroposi- responses to periodontal therapy. Journal of
trials with different protocols. tive and HIV seronegative patients. Journal Periodontology 69, 590–595. CAL data not
Claffey, N. & Egelberg, J. (1995) Clinical of Clinical Periodontology 29, 630–637. reported in usable format and SPC only
indicators of probing attachment loss follow- Cohort included participants with gingivitis involved supragingival scaling.
ing initial periodontal treatment in advanced and periodontitis. There were no specific time Matuliene, G., Salvi, G. E., Pjetursson, B. E.,
periodontitis patients. Journal of Clinical Schmidlin, K., Brägger, U., Weber, H. P. &
points for follow-up with immense variation –
Periodontology 22, 690–696. Substantial Lang, N. P. (2008) Influence of residual
range 9–110 months.
variability of SPC provision explained by pockets on the progression of periodontitis
Jansson, H., Bratthall, G. & Soderhölm, G.
16 participants taking part in a number of and tooth loss. Eleven years of maintenance
(2003) Clinical outcome observed in subjects
trials with different protocols. care. Journal of Clinical Periodontology.
with recurrent periodontal disease following
Cortellini, P. & Tonetti, M. S. (2004) Long-term Submitted for publication. Retrospective
local treatment with 25% metronidazole gel.
tooth survival following regenerative treat- data collection and without attachment level
Journal of Periodontology 74, 372–377. No
ment of intrabony defects. Journal of Perio- as an outcome measure.
timescale reported for SPC visits.
dontology 75, 672–678. In the analysis, the Meinberg, T. A., Barnes, C. M., Dunning, D. G.
Kaldahl, W. B., Kalkwarf, K. L., Patil, K. D. &
researchers do not distinguish between the & Reinhardt, R. A. (2002) Comparison of
Molvar, M. P. (1990) Responses of four tooth
participants who were enrolled in the SPC conventional maintenance versus scaling and
and site groupings to periodontal therapy.
programme and those seen by their general root planing with subgingival minocycline.
Journal of Periodontology 61, 173–179.
dentists. Journal of Periodontology 73, 167–172. CAL
Cortellini, P., Pini-Prato, G. & Tonetti, M. CAL data only presented as bar charts and not reported in usable format.
(1996) Long-term stability of clinical attach- line diagrams and the narrative was not Moser, P., Hämmerle, C. H. F., Lang, N. P.,
ment following guided tissue regeneration sufficiently detailed to provide necessary Schlegal-Bregenzer, B. & Perrson, R. (2002)
and conventional therapy. Journal of Clinical information. Maintenance of periodontal attachment levels
Periodontology 23, 106–111. Variable period Knowles, J., Burgett, F., Morrison, E., Nissle, R. in prosthetically treated patients with gingi-
of time between completion of the treatment & Ramfjord, S. (1980) Comparison of results vitis or moderate chronic periodontitis 5–17
phase of surgery and GTR and enrollment in following three modalities of periodontal years post therapy. Journal of Clinical Perio-
the study. therapy related to tooth type and initial dontology 29, 531–539. Variable SPC follow-
De Beule, F. & Bercy, P. (1989) The therapeutic pocket depth. Journal of Clinical Perio- up period of 5-17 years. SPC was delivered
effects of non-surgical technics in the treat- dontology 7, 32–47. No details of CAL data either in university clinic or general practice
ment of periodontitis. Revue Belge de Mede- which were presented only as line graphs. but the data for these participants were not
cine Dentaire 44, 45–54. Not reported in Lane, N., Armitage, G. C., Loomer, P., Hsieh, distinguished in the results.
English language. S., Majumdar, S., Wang, H-Y., Jeffcoat, M. Papantonopoulos, G. H. (2004) Effect of perio-
Eickholtz, P., Kaltschmitt, J., Berbig, J., Reit- & Munoz, T. (2005) Bisphosphonate therapy dontal therapy in smokers and non-smokers
mer, P. & Pretzl, B. (2008) Tooth loss after improves the outcome of conventional perio- with advanced periodontal disease: results
active periodontal therapy 1: patient-related dontal treatment: results of a 12-month, ran- after maintenance therapy for a minimum of
factors for risk, prognosis and quality of domized, placebo-controlled study. Journal 5 years. Journal of Periodontology 75, 839–
outcome. Journal of Clinical Periodontology of Periodontology 76, 1113–1122. Rando- 843. CAL not reported as an outcome mea-
35, 165–174. Reporting of patient-centred mized controlled trial but SPC programme sure.
outcomes and not attachment levels. not of primary interest. Paraskevas, S., Danser, M. M., Timmerman, M.
Gottlow, J., Nyman, S. & Karring, T. (1992) Lindhe, J. & Nyman, S. (1975) The effect of F., Van der Velden, U. & Van der Weijden,
Maintenance of new attachment gained plaque control and surgical pocket elimina- G. A. (2004) Effect of a combination of
through guided tissue regeneration. Journal tion on the establishment and maintenance of amine/stannous fluoride dentifrice and mou-
of Clinical Periodontology 19, 315–317. The periodontal health. A longitudinal study of thrinse in periodontal maintenance patients.
frequency of the provision of SPC was not periodontal therapy in cases of advanced Journal of Clinical Periodontology 31, 177–
reported. Only that it was ‘relative to the disease. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 183. Participants recruited 1 year after active
patient’s plaque control programme. 2, 67–79. Unable to quantify the change of therapy completed.
Gunsolley, J. C., Zambon, J. J., Mellott, C. A., CAL over 14 years due to presentation of Pihlstrom, B. L., Oliphant, T. H. & McHugh, R.
Brooks, C. N. & Kaugars, C. C. (1994) data as line graphs. B. (1983) Molar and non-molar teeth
r 2008 The Authors
Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard
80 Gaunt et al.

compared over 61/2 years following two mann, M. F. T., McCarthy, E. F., Vandenho- clinical outcomes. Journal of Clinical Perio-
methods of periodontal therapy. Journal of ven, G., Wouters, C., Wilson, M., Matthews, dontology 29 (Suppl. 3), 163–172.
Periodontology 55, 499–504. Excluded to J. & Newman, H. N. (1999) A 15-month HM Treasury (2003) The Green Book. Apprai-
avoid bias as data also included in Pihlstrom evaluation of the effects of repeated subgin- sal and Evaluation in Central Government.
et al. (1981) Journal of Periodontology 52, gival minocycline in chronic adult perio- London: HMSO.
227–242. dontitis. Journal of Periodontology 70, 657– Khan, K. S., ter Riet, G., Popay, J., Nixon, J. &
Preshaw, P. M. & Heasman, P. A. (2005) 667. No specific reference to or detail of the Kleijnen, J. (2001) Centre for Reviews and
Periodontal maintenance in a specialist perio- SPC regime. Dissemination. Report 4 (2nd edition):
dontal clinic and in general dental practice. Wilson, T. G., McGuire, M. K., Greenstein, G. Undertaking Systematic Reviews. Study
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 32, 280– & Nunn, M. (1997) Tetracycline fibers plus quality assessment.
286. CAL not reported as an outcome scaling and root planing versus scaling and inst/crd/report4.htm.
measure. root planing alone: results after 5 years. Lanning, S. K., Best, A. M. & Hunt, R. J. (2007)
Ramberg, P., Rosling, B., Serino, G., Hellström, Journal of Periodontology 68, 1029–1032. Periodontal services rendered by general
M-K., Socransky, S. S. & Lindhe, J. (2001) Insufficient evidence for the delivery of the practitioners. Journal of Periodontology 78,
The long-term effect of systemic tetracycline SPC regime. 823–832.
used as an adjunct to non-surgical treatment Lindhe, J. & Nyman, S. (1984) Long-term
of advanced periodontitis. Journal of Clinical maintenance of patients treated for advanced
Periodontology 28, 446–452. CAL data only periodontal disease. Journal of Clinical
presented in graph and histogram format. Periodontology 11, 504–514.
Ramfjord, S. P., Morrison, E. C., Burgett, F. G., References of additional papers Loesche, W. J., Giordano, J. R., Soehren, S. &
Nissle, R. R., Shick, R. A., Zann, G. J. & referred to in the review Kaciroti, N. (2002) The non-surgical treat-
Knowles, J. W. (1982) The long-term effect ment of patients with periodontal disease:
of systemic tetracycline used as an adjunct to American Academy of Periodontology. (2000) results after 5 years. Journal of the American
non-surgical treatment of advanced perio- Parameter on periodontal maintenance. Dental Association 133, 311–320.
dontitis. Journal of Periodontology 53, 26– Journal of Periodontology 71 (Suppl. 5), National Health Service Scotland (2007) State-
30. CAL data only presented diagrammati- 849–850. ment of Dental Remuneration. Retrieved
cally and no means or measure of variability. Birch, S. (1986) Measuring dental health: (16.01.2008) from:
Rosén, B., Olavi, G., Badersten, A., Rönström, improvements on the DMF index. Commu-
A., Söderholm, G. & Egelberg, J. (1999) nity Dental Health 3, 303–311. Nevins, M. (1996) Long-term periodontal main-
Effect of different frequencies of preventive Chambrone, L. A. & Chambrone, L. (2006) tenance in private practice. Journal of Clin-
maintenance treatment of periodontal condi- Tooth loss in well-maintained patients with ical Periodontology 23, 273–277.
tions. 5-year observations in general dentistry chronic periodontitis during long-term sup- Office of National Statistics (2007) Annual
patients. Journal of Clinical Periodontology portive therapy in Brazil. Journal of Clinical Survey of Hours and Earnings. London:
26, 225–233. No definition or categorization Periodontology 33, 759–764. Office of National Statistics.
of disease at baseline. Lack of standardiza- Cohen, R. E. (2003) Position paper – perio- Paterson, N. (2008) Personal communication.
tion of SPC and may have excluded non- dontal maintenance. Research, science and Tonetti, M. S., Steffen, P., Muller-Campanale,
compliant patients from analysis. Interval of therapy committee of the American academy V., Suvan, J. & Lang, N. P. (2000) Initial
observations not uniform. of periodontology. Journal of Periodontology extractions and tooth loss during supportive
Soskolne, W. A., Proskin, H. M. & Stabholz, A. 74, 1395–1401. care in a periodontal population seeking
(2003) Probing depth changes following 2 Committee on Research, Science and Therapy comprehensive care. Journal of Clinical
years of periodontal maintenance therapy of the American Academy of Periodontology Periodontology 27, 824–831.
including adjunctive controlled release of (1998) Supportive periodontal therapy. Jour- Wilson, T. G., Glover, M. E., Malik, A. K.,
chlorhexidine. Journal of Periodontology nal of Periodontology 69, 502–506. Schoen, J. A. & Dorsett, D. (1987) Tooth loss
74, 420–427. CAL not reported as an out- Fardal, Ø., Johannessen, A. C. & Linden, G. J. in maintenance patients in a private perio-
come measure. (2004) Tooth loss during maintenance fol- dontal practice. Journal of Periodontology
Stabholz, A., Soskolne, W. A., Friedman, M. & lowing periodontal treatment in a periodontal 58, 231–235.
Sela, M. N. (1991) The use of sustained practice in Norway. Journal of Clinical Wilson, T. G. Jr. (1991) Supportive periodontal
release delivery of chlorhexidine for the Periodontology 31, 550–555. treatment: maintenance. Current Opinion in
maintenance of periodontal pockets: 2-year Fardal, Ø. & Linden, G. J. (2005) Retreatment Dentistry 1, 111–117.
clinical trial. Journal of Periodontology 62, profiles during long-term maintenance ther- Wood, W., Greco, G. & McFall, W. T. (1989)
429–433. CAL only reported as bar charts. apy in a periodontal practice in Norway. Tooth loss in patients with moderate perio-
Teles, R. P., Patel, M., Socransksy, S. S. & Journal of Clinical Periodontology 32, 744– dontitis after treatment and long-term main-
Haffajee, A. D. (2008) Disease progression in 749. tenance care. Journal of Periodontology 60,
healthy and maintenance subjects. Journal of Gilthorpe, M. S., Zamzuri, A. T., Griffiths, G. 516–520.
Periodontology 79, 784–794. CAL data not S., Maddick, I. H., Eaton, K. A. & Johnson,
in usable format and no indication of the N. W. (2003) Unification of the ‘‘Burst’’ and
initial treatment regimes. ‘‘Linear’’ theories of periodontal disease Address:
Van Dijk, L. J. & Tromp, J. A. (1998) progression: a multilevel manifestation of Professor P. A. Heasman
Long-term results of traditional periodontal the same phenomenon. Journal of Dental School of Dental Sciences
therapy. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tande- Research 8, 200–205. Newcastle University
heeltunde 105, 206–208. Not reported in Heasman, P. A., McCracken, G. I. & Steen, N. Framlington Place
English language. (2002) Supportive periodontal care: the effect Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 4BW
van Steenberghe, D., Rosling, B., Söder, P-Ö., of subgingival debridement compared with UK
Landry, R. G., van der Velden, U., Timmer- supragingival prophylaxis with respect to E-mail:

r 2008 The Authors

Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard
Supportive periodontal care 81

Clinical Relevance Principal findings: SPC in specialist from their general dentist rather than
Scientific rationale for the study: as compared with general practice a specialist and there may be prac-
Supportive periodontal care (SPC) will result in greater periodontal sta- tical reasons for doing so. They must,
is an essential requirement after bility when evaluated using clinical however, be fully informed regarding
periodontal treatment and may be attachment as the primary outcome. likely clinical outcomes and the full
delivered in either specialist or gen- It will, however, be more expensive. economic costs incurred with both
eral dental practice. Practical implications: Patients may options.
retain the option of receiving SPC

Appendix A
Table A1. Search strategies and histories for MEDLINE and EMBASE

Subject headings/text words/indexing terms Results

Search filter for identifying titles in MEDLINE

1. EXP Periodontics/ 16867
2. EXP Periodontal Diseases/ 51344
3. Periodontitis/OR periodontal abscess/OR periodontal pocket/ 13787
4. 144222
5. Supportive 1867
6. 1 OR 2 OR 3 57770
7. 1 AND 2 AND 3 3780
8. 6 AND 4 1282
9. 7 AND 4 275
10. 7 AND 5 17
11. 4 OR 5 146032
12. 7 AND 11 (Yield)n 283
Search filter for identifying titles in EMBASE
1. 92362
2. EXP maintenance therapy/ 249865
3. Supportive 1380
4. EXP PERIODONTITIS/pc,di,dm,rh,su,th 1675
5. EXP Periodontal Disease/pc,di,dm,rh,su,th 3398
6. 1 OR 2 OR 3 331701
7. 4 OR 5 3398
8. 6 AND 7 302
9. Limit 8 to human 293
10. From 9 keep 1-292 292
11. From 9 keep 1-292 (Yield)n 292
Total yield after removal of duplicates.

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Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard
82 Gaunt et al.

Appendix B
Table B1. Values and sources of data used in the economic evaluation

Data Source

Patient charge for 30 min. with hygienist in specialist practice h71.09 1

Patient charge for 20 min. with hygienist in generalist health service (State) h13.66 2
Patient charge for 20 min. with hygienist in generalist private practice h52.33 1
Patient charge for extraction h15.51 2
Patient charge for extraction and resin retained bridge h180.10 2
Patient charge for extraction and removable prosthesis h88.98 2
Patient charge for extraction and implant h2800 1
Average hourly earning (based on UK data) h18.72 3
Hours lost for 30 min. with hygienist in specialist practice 1.5 4
Hours lost for 20 min. with hygienist in generalist practice 0.83 4
Hours lost for extraction 0.83 4
Hours lost for extraction and resin retained bridge 3.17 4
Hours lost for extraction and removable prosthesis 4.17 4
Hours lost for extraction and implant 7.5 4
Percentage choosing extraction 15% 4
Percentage choosing extraction and resin retained bridge 40% 4
Percentage choosing extraction and removable prosthesis 40% 4
Percentage choosing extraction and implant 5% 4
Annual tooth loss rate for SPC in specialist practice (mm) 0.033 5
Annual tooth loss rate for SPC in generalist practice (mm) 0.117 5
Annual rate of attachment loss for patients in specialist practice (mm) 0.000 5
Annual attachment loss rate for patients receiving SPC in generalist practice 0.433 5
during the first three years (mm)
Annual attachment loss rate for patients receiving SPC in generalist practice 0.167 5
during years 4 onwards (mm)
Sources: 1. Paterson (2008) Personal communication; 2. National Health Service, Scotland (2007);
3. Office of National Statistics (2007); 4. Authors’ estimated data; 5. Axelsson & Lindhe (1981).

r 2008 The Authors

Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard

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