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Monday (06-21-21) 8 hours

When I arrived to work I reported to my internship director to discuss what my week was going

to look like. Like I mentioned in my previous journal, I had to fill in at the front office this week

because we were short staffed. After this, I got settled at the front desk. While being up there, I

answered the phones and took messages. In addition, I checked everyone out and scheduled their

next appointments that were needed. I did this the entirety of the day. Around 2:00 I began

working on the deposit for the clinic. I had to post bills to patient's accounts and then made the

deposit. At 4:30 I had to leave to make it to the bank on time to drop the deposit off.

Tuesday (06-22-21) 8 hours

When I got to work, I reported to the front desk. While there, I answered the phones and

reconciled any needs that were expressed during the conversation. While doing this, I also was

checking people out and scheduling their next appointments. This is what I did the entirety of the

day. At 2:00 I went and got the mail and began working on the deposit for that day. Once I was

done, I left at 4:30 to get to the bank on time.

Wednesday (06-23-21) 8 hours

When I got to work, I reported to the front desk. While there, I answered the phones and

reconciled any needs that were expressed during the conversation. While doing this, I also was

checking people out and scheduling their next appointments. Throughout the day, I finished any

work that was left from the previous day and did my best to get caught up. This is what I did the

entirety of the day. At 2:00 I went and got the mail and began working on the deposit for that

day. Once I was done, I left at 4:30 to get to the bank on time.

Thursday (06-24-21) 8 hours 25 min

When I got to work, I reported to the front desk. While there, I answered the phones and

reconciled any needs that were expressed during the conversation. While doing this, I also was

checking people out and scheduling their next appointments. I also sent faxes, referrals, checked

the messages, and scanned documents that the office had received. At 2:00 I went and got the

mail and began working on the deposit for that day. Once I was done, I left at 4:30 to get to the

bank on time.

Friday (06-25-21) 8 hours 40 min

When I got to work, I reported to the front desk. While there, I answered the phones and

reconciled any needs that were expressed during the conversation. While doing this, I also was

checking people out and scheduling their next appointments. In addition, I worked to reconcile

appointment sheets from the previous dates and any other things that I had not yet gotten to. At

2:00 I went and got the mail and began working on the deposit for that day. I had a meeting with

my supervisor and the main physician at 4:30 so I was unable to make it to the bank on time.

During the meeting, we discussed changing up my role at the clinic and getting me more

involved with the concierge program. We are meeting again on Monday to get more detail about

what I will be doing.

Total Hours: 41 hours 5 min

Total Cumulative Hours: 288 hours 53 min

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