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Monday (07-19-21) 8 hours 40 min

On Monday, I caught up on anything that was left from the previous week. In addition, I

prepared for the week ahead, in order to be most prepared for the days to come. I made several

phone calls and several tasks arose after these conversations. Overall, I had a very productive

day and felt that I was prepared for the week ahead.

Tuesday (07-20-21) 8 hours 45 min

On Tuesday, I was tasked with many different things and had many obligations to fulfill. I felt

very confident in getting these things done. My supervising physician returned to work and had a

few things she needed me to complete for her. I felt confident in getting these things done and

seeking help in case I was not understanding something. She is very great about explaining

clinical things and I feel that I have learned a lot of different things from her.

Wednesday (07-21-21) 8 hours 35 min

Wednesday was a difficult day for me, as we were seeing several patients. In addition to this,

many things came up that required my attention. I am continuing to work on controlling my

anxiety and calming myself down, but this particular day was incredibly difficult in comparison

to other instances. I am thinking of different ways to control my anxiety because my current

ideas are not as helpful as I need them to be for this work environment.

Thursday (07-22--21) 7 hours 30 min

Thursday was a fairly easy day and the workload was steady throughout. I felt very confident in

my abilities to get this done in a timely manner and efficiently. I did not feel overwhelmed

during the day like the previous day. I think that has something to do with the number of patients
being seen in the afternoons. I had a meeting with my supervisor about the presentation for my

internship project in order to get everything organized with his schedule. I was sent home early

from work, as well as another coworker due to COVID-19 exposure.

Friday (07-23-21) 8 hours

I was not at work Friday, due to COVID-19 exposure from a patient who tested positive. I was

able to get a rapid PCR test and my coworker and I both tested negative, so I will be able to

return to work on Monday.

Although I was not in the office, I was still working remote. While at home, my supervisor and

supervising physician were sending me tasks that needed to be done for the following week.

While doing this, I scheduled appointments, sent any orders that I could, made phone calls to

patients in regard to their appointments the next week, and following up on referrals. Working

from home is very stressful, as I find there are many distractions. Although I worked a full day

remotely, I did not feel all that productive.

Total Hours: 41 hours 30 min

Total Cumulative Hours: 469 hours 2 minutes

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