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General Certificate of Education Advanced Level


NOVEMBER 2004 3 hours

7. The point A has position vector (2), the line l has equation

(1 ) ( 1) (-1)
r = (4 ) + f(-1) and the plane p has the equation r.( 2) = 2.
(-1) ( 1) ( 2)


(i) the point of intersection of l and p, [4]

(ii) the length of the perpendicular from A to l, [5]

(iii) the acute angle between l and p correct to 0.1º. [3]

8. (a) Find the general solution of the differential equation

cosx dy/dx + 2sinx = 3tanx. [4]

(b) A car travels a distance of 50 km with an initial speed of 80

Given that the car’s speed is proportional to the distance that
remains to be covered, find the time to the nearest minute that
the car takes to cover three – fifths of the distance. [9]

9. A complex number Z has modulus 8 and argument ∏/4. Another

complex number
W has modulus ½ and argument ∏/8.

(a) Write each of the following complex numbers in the form a + ib

(i) ZW4 [6]

(ii) Z2
W2 [6]

(b) Find the smallest value of n such that ‫׀‬Wº‫ < ׀‬0.01. [3]
Section (b): Mechanics

10. The diagram below shows the (t, x) graph for a particle which moves
along a straight line.

(i) Find the coordinates of the point A. [1]

(ii) Write down the final displacement of the particle. [1]

(iii) Find the average velocity of the particle. [1]

11. Two forces, P newtons and Q newtons are inclined at an angle of θº to

each other. When ‫׀‬P‫ = ׀‬9 and ‫׀‬Q‫ = ׀‬4, the resultant has the same
magnitude, R newtons, as the resultant in the case when ‫׀‬P‫ = ׀‬9 and
‫׀‬Q‫ = ׀‬8 with θ unchanged.

Find the values of cosθ and R. [5]

The diagram above shows a particle at the point O being projected
with speed 8 ms-1 at an angle θº above the horizontal. The particle
passes through the point A(8; -1.81).

(a) Calculate the possible values of θ. [4]

(b) State the value of θ corresponding to the minimum time taken

to reach point A. [1]

13. A particle A of mass 6m kg lies on a rough plane inclined at an angle

of 30º to the horizontal. A light inextensible string is attached to A
and passes over a smooth pulley P fixed at the top of the incline plane.
To the other end of the string is attached a particle B, of mass 2m kg
which hangs freely. The particles are released from rest with the string
taut and the coefficient of friction between the plane and A is 0.25.

Calculate, in terms of m and g,

(i) the acceleration of A down the plane, [6]

(ii) the magnitude of the tension in the string, [3]

(iii) the magnitude of the force exerted by the string on P. [2]

Section (c): Statistics

14. A number X is randomly selected from the interval (-∏, ∏). Find the
cumulative distribution function of X. [4]

15. (a) It is given that X – Geo(0.2). Find,

(i) P(X ≥ 3), [1]

(ii) Var(X). [2]

(b) A university student visits the National Free Library frequently.
On each visit she records the number of people in the queue at
the checkout point. The table below shows the records for 24
randomly chosen visits.

No. of people 4 5 6 7 8 9
No. of visits 2 3 7 6 4 2

Calculate the mean and the standard deviation of the number of

people in the queue. [3]

16. Three flower vendors X, Y and Z have equal chances of selling their
flowers. X has 80 red and 20 white flowers, Y has 30 red and 40 white
flowers and Z has 10 red and 60 white flowers. On Valentine’s day,
Kudzai wants to buy a flower.

(a) Find the probability that she picks a red flower if she choses a
vendor at random. [3]

(b) Given that she bought a red flower, find the probability that it
came from Y. [3]

17. A multiple choice test has 60 questions. Each question has three
possible answers with only one correct. Using a suitable
approximation, find the probability that,

(i) one passes given that a score of at least 25 is a passmark. [3]

(ii) guesswork yields 10 to 15 correct answers for 42 questions. [5]

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