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What’s New
IBS Enterprise 6.0
trademarks of IBS AB, in the European Union and in other
countries. All other trademarks or registered trademarks
mentioned herein are the property of their respective holders.
The information contained in this document is summary
in nature, subject to change and intended for general
information only. The details pertaining to functionality and
routines are based on IBS software, post release 6.0. For
updates of this information, please contact your local IBS
representative. © IBS 2005.

2 What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0


What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 3


Introducing IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 Highlights include:

• The enhancement of automated workflow
The total solution for routines that increase the efficiency of
efficient supply chain management Customer Relationship Management, while
The new release of IBS´ Supply Chain Management- providing decision support and driving reduced
focused ERP-software, IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 is a total transaction processing costs.
solution for large and midsized companies. The • New modules for planning and forecasting
software suite contains a number of new modules which allow forecasts on multiple business
and enhancements as well as functionality for easy levels to provide greater accuracy and visibility
integration to customers, suppliers and partners • A powerful integration tool which further
throughout the supply chain. improves communication between IBS ENTERPRISE
and external systems, offering advanced
IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 is the latest release of IBS’ specialised integration and automation of system-to-
business software suite (formerly known as ASW). system business processes.
• Extended data warehouse and business
Customer profitability a central theme performance measurement modules
With customer profitability as a central theme, IBS (IBS BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE) with extended
delivers new and enhanced functionality to help its SCOR (Supply-Chain Operations Reference)
customers improve supply chain communication, functionality.
customer service, future planning and business • A new Web-based User Interface,covering
process automation. The enhanced product suite the entire product suite, that can easily be
uses a services oriented architecture and has a new customised to fit individual needs and
Web-based User Interface as well as several entirely preferences, thereby facilitating improved
new modules. customer service and quality.
“With this new release, we secure continued
business improvements and competitive edge for
our customers. The benefits of IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 will
also be available to new customer segments as we
introduce multiplatform versions of the software
during next year,” says Magnus Wastenson, CEO
of IBS.

4 What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0

Supply chain automation Fast, simple and effective integration
for increased competitiveness IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 includes a fast and effective inte-
IBS ENTERPRISE’s new flexible pricing routines, as gration tool for program to program integration.
well as built-in automated business processes, The integration tooling reduces costs of individual
will enable customers to run operations more business relationships, and increases revenue
efficiently. One example is improved automated potential by enabling new trading arrangements
returns handling which provides potentially huge that would not be possible by traditional means.
cost savings for companies. It is not unusual for The solution is packed with more than 550 useful
distributors to deal with thousands of returns per features and functions for data integration,
day. With the new integrated return automation application integration, process integration and
process, customers can be served promptly. B2B integration.
IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 is also enabled for RFID handling.
Industry-specific functionality
IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 is developed specifically for large
Extended business performance and mid-sized companies or subsidiaries of large
measurement with SCOR-metrics international groups in selected industries. A
A key element of IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 is the extended common denominator for these industries are,
IBS BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE module with its ability to among others, the need to handle high transaction
collect data from a number of different sources, volumes in mission-critical systems, together with
not just from within the ERP-system. In that high demands for customer service and quality.
way, the entire supply chain can be monitored,
including internal and external parts that use Availability and roll out of IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0
different systems. An important component of In Q4 2005, IBS will initiate the roll out of
the module is the SCOR-application (Supply-Chain IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 and the new release will be available
Operations Reference-model), which is a powerful in all IBS countries by mid-2006. The product suite
tool for streamlining the supply chain from the will initially be offered for iSeries/i5OS and will be
suppliers´ supplier to the customers´ customer. followed by additional Java deployment versions
The application covers level 1, 2 and 3 metrics for later in 2006 for customers who wish to run the
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as delivery solution in other environments such as Windows,
performance, fill rates, order fulfillment lead- Linux and Unix.
times, cost of goods sold, value-added employee
productivity, inventory days of supply and asset

“There is an increasing demand for improved

management information that enables managers
to secure process efficiency. Our mission is to
provide business value to our customers, and the
IBS BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE solution makes it possible
to manage and evaluate the ongoing improve-
ments,” says Mark Cockings, Vice President IBS
Global Software.

What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 5


IBS SALES AND MARKETING SUPPORT Search engine improvements

One of the most important parts of CRM is the
ASW SAM 5.50 with LND 6.x ability to distinguish where to spend time and
In line with IBS’ commitment to align our products resources to get the most out of your customer
to those of our strategic alliance partner IBM, as relationships. Therefore, improvements have been
of release 5.50 and 6.0, IBS SALES AND MARKETING made to the search engine to facilitate more
SUPPORT is compatible with Lotus Notes Domino 6 detailed searches.
and up.
For example, it is possible to perform searches on
Microsoft Outlook Integration item level to get a more detailed view on your
IBS recognises that a number of our customers customers’ buying patterns, i.e. to see what your
prefer Microsoft Outlook for email and calendar customers buy (or don’t buy), or what they used to
functionality rather than Lotus Notes. With this in buy but don’t anymore.
mind, integration between IBS SALES AND MARKETING
SUPPORT (SAM) and Microsoft Outlook (email and Through the replication of quotation lines, you can
calendar) has been developed and is part of even search for customers who have been offered
standard IBS SAM. certain items or items from certain item groups.
The quotation line replication also allows for
Quotation line replication searches involving the expiration date for quotations,
To give you a complete view of your current busi- and to search for quotation lines that have been
ness, quotation lines are now replicated. Included won or lost.
in the replication are quantities, prices, quotation
status and won/lost information. The new fields in the Meeting form have also been
added to the search engine. A typical search using
Quotation lines will be accessible from the Business these fields could be to see what activities are the
Partner Navigator. most common among your sales staff.

Sales staff efficiency Additional sales reports

The contact management part of SAM has been Through the replication of sales on item level,
extended to allow improved follow-up of sales two new reports have been created. One report
staff efficiency. You can now define meeting shows what items (sorted by item group) your
categories in the Meeting form along with type, customers have bought. The other report is based
status and time stamps to see which activities are on salespersons and shows what items (sorted by
the most efficient from a sales perspective. item group) your sales reps have sold.

New views have been created to easily monitor

sales staff activities and efficiency.

6 What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0

Miscellaneous enhancements The appropriate OFR will then be applied to incoming
The Business Partner Navigator can now be launched customer orders to identify how individual order
from outside of the Lotus Notes environment, for lines should be managed within the system.
example, from a screen in IBS ENTERPRISE.
Automated lost sales recording
A ’Return receipt‘ may be activated for outgoing In coordination with the defined order fulfilment
email documents, meaning that a receipt will be rule (OFR), and as an alternative to holding indi-
sent to the sender’s email inbox. vidual orders or order lines, it is possible instead to
automatically reject an order line and create lost
When importing suppliers into SAM, the purchase sales statistics.
handler in IBS ENTERPRISE will be set as responsible
on the supplier record. If the company is a customer Two new set-up options for automatic lost-sale
and a supplier, the purchase handler and salesperson recording are available, one for interactively
will both be set as responsible. entered orders and one for batch created. If these
options are activated, then lost sales information
will be generated when order fulfilment rules
IBS DISTRIBUTION are applied and an order line cannot be fully
supplied. If a sales order is entered manually, you
Back orders and sourcing policies are notified that lost sales statistics will be created
IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 now supports more automated when the OFR is ’3‘ and the ordered quantity is
customer order handling by utilising a system of automatically reduced by the system. If a sales
order fulfilment policies. Customer requirements order is created in batch, lost sales statistics will be
regarding the handling of back orders and order created automatically. As a failsafe to the system,
fulfilment are now controlled by parameters an alert will be created if a whole order is rejected
which are activated on an individual customer in batch mode.
level. These policies speed up the overall ordering
process and provide you with additional decision Unfulfilled supply
support when dealing with order intake. These When you apply the new fulfilment rules, you can
new possibilities benefit manual order taking, as also now also print unfulfilled supplies information
well as automated order processes such as EDI and on sales order confirmations, pick lists, transport
via the Internet. notes, invoices and in corresponding DI files. The
source for this information can be either lost sales
Order line fulfilment rule statistics, lines to be delivered later or alternate
In order to support different methods of automatic supply (dispatch from a different warehouse than
order handling, a so-called ’order line fulfilment originally requested). More than one document
rule’ (OFR) has been introduced in IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0. can be defined for printout of unsupplied items.
This code, when applied against the customer file, If all lines for an order received via DI result in the
reflects the customer’s individual needs concerning lost sales statistics file, an alert will be created.
ordering and delivery.
When an order line fulfilment rule is defined for Major enhancements to order pricing in IBS
a customer, it also implicitly defines which back ENTERPRISE 6.0 have added automation, flexibility
order rules should be applied to orders during and visibility to the overall pricing routines that are
processing. available within the system.

Four variations of the order line fulfilment rules are Short term pricing
available to define: ‘Short term pricing’ is introduced for applying
1. A requested quantity will be delivered on different validity dates to the same sales pricing
a requested date (the customer wants one methods, allowing several methods to overlap in
delivery of the item). time. For example, one price might apply for the
2. A requested quantity will be delivered on whole year, but during two weeks in November
an adjusted date (the customer expects to you might wish to apply another price temporarily.
get one delivery of the item, and the date
may be adjusted to a later date). Qualifying quantities
3. An adjusted quantity will be delivered on a A qualifying quantity can be specified for a pricing
requested date (the customer expects to get method. If the qualifying quantity is not met on
one delivery of the item, and the quantity the order line, the method will not be used for
may be adjusted). pricing. For example, you might want to apply a
certain price if a customer purchases 1000 items.
4. A split into several order lines. In this case,
one order line is created for the items that
are available in stock on a requested date,
and another line is created for the remaining
requested quantity that will be dispatched

What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 7

Description of key values pricing methods to be defined for each basket.
IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 introduces a new toggle feature These multiple benefits can also be limited by
which makes it possible to switch (toggle) using the ‘Stop search’ field for basket summary
between viewing the representative values and pricing methods.
narrative descriptions of sales-related keys during
the pricing set-up process. This enhancement is in Sales price visibility
response to more pricing options available to users The calculation of pricing has been made more
and to customer requests. This functionality gives visible and transparent within IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0
you a better overview of any key values entered through a number of enhancements to existing
and makes the system more user-friendly. The toggle enquiries within the system. In addition, new
functionality is introduced in all places where where-used enquiries have been introduced to
sales-related key values are entered or displayed. assist with pricing maintenance.

Buying groups The Customer Service Enquiry now displays in more

IBS recognises a growing trend in many industries detail the way in which a sales price is calculated,
towards the formation of buying groups. These including details from the source, i.e. the cost and
buying groups can be customers who want to basis, the base price and any discounts that are
increase their purchasing power or, alternatively, applied, together with intermediate values.
suppliers who wish to target or promote to either
specific areas or customer groups who are not The Customer Price and Discount Summary
naturally grouped for reporting or logistical purposes. Enquiry has been changed to allow the entry of
an item code and quantity. When these values are
Within IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 you can now create entered, all possible prices appear in a new panel,
multiple buying groups and attach individual along with all of the other pricing methods that
customers to them. Any customer may belong can be applied.
to more than one buying group, and a preferred
buying group sequence may be indicated for each Two new where-used enquiries have been intro-
customer. For instance, when the same item is duced. One enquiry displays all of the sales pricing
promoted with different benefits associated to one methods in which any defined sales related key
or more buying groups, the individual customer is used. The other does the same but on Basket
pricing terms can be determined according to the level: it shows all sales pricing methods in which a
pre-defined sequence. specific basket is used.

Order summary discounts Order entry discount override

Customers can now get a discount when a certain To speed up and simplify order entry when using
quantity or amount has been reached within a manual overrides of pricing policies, a new
prescribed group, e.g. item group, and on the method of setting a default discount percentage
same order. For example, a discount might be or value has been introduced in IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0.
calculated on each order line for a certain item; When you enter order lines, it is now possible to
when the order is closed, however, an additional specify a discount amount or percentage together
discount might be applied based on several order with a discount ID, without entering a price. Any
lines where the sum of the order lines (quantity or discount entered in this way will act as a default
amount) qualifies for an additional limit discount. for the entry of subsequent lines on that order.
The discount is applied to the undiscounted price
The introduction of Order summary discount type in a similar way as when a default percentage is
replaces the previous Order discount and Order entered in ‘Smart’ sales order entry.
value discount that were set up for business partners.
Hold on order line
Baskets (parcels) A greater level of flexibility when dealing with
A ‘basket’ is a new term in IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0. It order and order line hold possibilities has been
consists of thirteen item-related elements, such created in IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0. This new functionality
as items or item groups, which together form an enables individual lines within an order to be
entity upon which order summary pricing methods held without having to hold the total order. If an
can be applied. Basket pricing is then activated order line is put on hold, the sales order header
and calculated when a defined qualifying quantity will show that the order contains lines that are
or value on each element in the basket is reached, on hold. It is also possible to see which lines are
or where qualifying quantity and value limits are on hold and the hold reason in the ‘Work with
reached for all elements within the basket. sales order lines’ information. The sales order
confirmation will also print text explaining that
Baskets are available as a key for sales price methods the individual lines are on hold. The routine ‘Work
that are applied at order summary, but they are not with held sales orders’ will indicate that part of
valid for methods applied at order line level. an order is held, and which lines are held. It is also
possible to release a subset of the lines as required.
You can also apply benefits from more than one
basket to a sales order, but this requires individual

8 What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0

Sales restrictions cold and flu remedies or popular Christmas products
Order date and dispatch date check - into the market ahead of time.
In order to prevent the entry of inaccurate order
dates and dispatch dates, you can now define x Orders in error
number of days that are valid for both the future If an order is created by copying a quotation, sales
and history dates. order, service order or invoice or by being retrieved
from Data Interchange (EDI, MDC, etc.), the order
Delivery address category is not stopped anymore when some information is
A new address category has been introduced to invalid. In previous releases, a DI order was stopped
support sales restrictions on delivery addresses. from being processed, and during an interactive
These address categories can be defined and copy process the user was forced to correct the
associated with customer addresses such as phar- order immediately.
macies, private premises and hospital stores.
In IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0, all retrieved or copied orders
New restriction keys and types are created in the system. If an order fails during
With IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0, you can now use new validation, the order will be marked as being ‘in
key fields as sales restriction keys, including new error’ and will be stored together with correct sales
customer categories, address category, handling orders. As with earlier releases, alerts will then be
status and price list. New types of sales restrictions sent to the appropriate recipients identifying that
include: check for minimum and maximum order there are orders in error. These ’orders in error‘
line quantities, min/max order line value, min/max can then be displayed in the sales order enquiry
order value, min/max order and order line margin. and corrected using the standard Work with sales
orders routine operating in a specific correction
Credit check and payments mode. This functionality is also valid when handling
Credit overdraw percentage service orders.
A credit overdraw percentage has been introduced
to cater for markets with low capital investment Miscellaneous enhancements
and difficult cash flows. In these situations, it is A number of miscellaneous enhancements have
important to be able to supply individual customer been made to sales order management routines
orders that extend the credit exposure temporarily, as a result of customer requests and as a means of
without resorting to permanently increasing the enhancing the flexibility of IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0.
overall credit exposure against the individual customer.
Supplier’s reference on sales orders
This credit overdraw value is expressed as a per- This function supports ‘commission orders’, when a
centage of the ordinary credit limit. For instance, manufacturer sells directly to an end customer but
on an ordinary credit limit of 100.000 and an the distributor delivers the actual goods and sends
overdraw limit of 20%, the total credit limit will be the invoice.
120.000. When taking orders, you will receive a
warning message when the ordinary credit limit is If this function is activated, a supplier and a supplier
exceeded. If the overdraw percentage is then also order number must be added when a sales order
exceeded, the order will automatically be held. is entered. This is to record and keep track of the
reference to the order from the manufacturer.
Credit hold on order line level
To enable orders to be processed up to the defined Fees defined per customer
credit limit of any customer account, a new credit Administration and invoice fees are now possible
hold on order line capability has been introduced to define per individual customer in the customer
in IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0. If the customer’s credit limit is file. This enhancement supports differentiated fees
exceeded when an order is taken, it is now possible per customer and also makes it possible to define
to hold only the order lines that have caused the the validity and application of fees through against
credit warning. If a credit hold on order lines applies, individual order types.
the sales order header will show whether any order
contains lines that are on hold; only non-held lines New customer categories
will be processed. Three additional customer categories have been
added and are available as balance file keys, SMS
TOP defined for sales order type keys, sales pricing keys and sales restriction keys.
IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 introduces the possibility to
specify terms of payment (TOP) on a sales order Handling status code on item/warehouse level
type that will override the TOP in the customer file. Handling status code has been available in earlier
This new functionality supports business practices releases on an item level. In IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0, how-
such as ‘forward charging’, which refers to goods ever, it is now also available on an item/warehouse
dispatched in one period but invoiced and due as level, as the status of a product can vary between
if dispatched in the future. Many suppliers use this warehouses.
type of extended credit terms to pull forward and
smooth out demand, both to meet sales targets If a sale is lost due to handling status codes that do
and also to get highly seasonal products - such as not allow sales, lost sales statistics can be created.

What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 9

A backlog code in the handling status table has IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 also introduces two new pricing
been introduced to control backlog handling on a methods, which are intended to simplify the
higher level than item. correction process if the price on the original order
was wrong. Instead of creating two correction order
lines (one to credit the original order and one to
IBS REQUESTS AND RETURNS debit the correct price), this method requires only
one order line with the price difference.
Within IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0, the former ASW BUSINESS • Original - Current - The difference between the
PARTNER REQUEST module has been renamed as IBS original price and the current price is set on the
REQUESTS AND RETURNS. This application has been action. E.g. if the original price was 10 SEK but
enhanced to further support the return functionality the current price is 8 SEK, the price on the
and workflow handling that was introduced in the action will be 2 SEK.
previous release. The focus for this new release • Original - Defined price - In this case, ’original
has been on visibility, automation and follow-up of price‘ is retrieved by entering a reference to the
the returns process. sales order line or invoice line. The ’defined
price‘ is entered manually.
Visibility of order
and invoice related transactions Note that when the new pricing method is used,
In order to increase the visibility of all transactions the result is a net sales price, without any discounts.
that can be associated with customer orders or
returns, IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 now makes it possible Follow-up on returns
to see all related transactions from the sales order You can now do follow-up on returns using keys
enquiry and from invoice enquiry, with full drill- such as reason, customer, item and route. Fields
across / drill-down capability. For example, you can for external problem code, internal problem code,
now view the credit note(s) related to an invoice. resolution code and action will be added to the
sales order line when a sales order is created from
Related transactions are: IBS REQUESTS AND RETURNS. These four new fields
• For an order – related invoices and related credits are also added as keys in the Business Information
• For an invoice – related orders and related credits Warehouse, thus making it possible to use the fields
• For a credit – related orders and related invoices. in Report Writer. This helps you perform follow-up
on, for example, the number of credits of a certain
Default refund percentage type per route.
A default refund percentage can be defined on
action level and not just on the request line level.
This means that a certain type of action can be IBS SHIPMENT PREPARATION
associated with a predefined refund percentage,
which removes the need for manual entry. Customer service and efficiency are in focus with
the latest version of IBS SHIPMENT PREPARATION. The
Validation of request line application supports a more flexible assignment of
If a customer tries to return a greater quantity routes and utilises planned routes for picking up
than what was originally dispatched, either a returns.
warning message or an error message can be
specified to display. If an error message is applied, Route assignment
the request line is rejected. A specific route to an order can now be assigned
manually from order entry. The route can be
New pricing methods selected from a list of all available routes. Besides
Three different pricing methods are currently selecting any ordinary routes, the order taker can
available in the action table: also assign a route where the customer’s destination
normally is not included, assign a route that is
• Current - When the action is created, the price
already closed, or assign a route where the cut-off
is retrieved according to ordinary pricing
time has expired. This means that the order taker
has a tool to force a high priority order.
• Original - The price is retrieved from the
original sales order line, i.e. the line that is Outbound shipment value control
referenced on the BPR line. Insurance reasons might require a specified limit
• Free of charge - The price is set to free of charge. on the value of goods that are transported on a
certain vehicle. On the other hand, it might not
be profitable to dispatch a shipment with a value
that is less than the cost of shipping. To be able
to handle these two situations, profitability and
value-exceeding limits for each shipment can be
specified in IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0.

10 What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0

Customer return collection The advanced mode allows more fields, has an
Some delivery situations require a driver to deliver AND/OR option and an alternative to exclude
goods for a specific route, and also to pick up values. The free text mode has one field that
customer returns and bring them back to the allows text entry for one or more words or phrases
dispatching warehouse. Whenever a route delivery to search for on an item. You can also configure
list is printed, any request lines or credit order lines which item attributes to search for. The availability
in the ‘return collection’ status will be printed on of all three modes can be configured. A search by
the delivery list. This will notify the driver of the description, ignoring case, is now also supported.
Shopping lists
Cash on delivery It is now possible to disable Shopping list images,
Some businesses commonly pay sales orders with so that the possibilities to create lists or add items
cash on delivery (COD). To make this process to a list are suppressed in menus and on screens.
easier, ‘Cash on delivery’ can be defined in the The Shopping list feature is not displayed if an
terms of payments. The COD value will auto- IBS NETSTORE user has no active lists.
matically be calculated and printed on all freight
documents for COD orders. Manner of transport (MOT)
The customer default MOT, as defined in
Warehouse diversion IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0, is used as the default in IBS
In some very rare but also costly and critical NETSTORE, but can be overridden. Available MOT
situations, such as a warehouse fire, all dispatches values can be restricted, or the field can be
from a specific warehouse might be stopped. To removed from the page.
support ongoing customer service, shipments and
sales orders need to be diverted to another ware- Stock availability information
house. A new function makes it possible to: Stock availability can be displayed in different
• Change the designated warehouse for a ways and can be defined per application, per user
whole outbound shipment group or per user. Display options include:
• Change the designated warehouse for a • Yes/No icons
specific shipment address (to prioritise certain • Yes/No text
customers) • An ‘information’ icon that links to the
• Change the designated warehouse for specific warehouse information page, where users
shipment lines. can choose how warehouse information is
You can also redirect certain sales order lines to • Actual available quantity, where a lower
another warehouse from ‘Work with sales orders’ or higher value can be defined (e.g. ‘never
in the item view panel. display minus quantities or quantities
exceeding 100’). Another example is to display
Third-party freight documents ‘0’ if quantity is less than 1
It is quite common that third-party software is • If stock is not available, an availability date can
used to produce printouts of freight documents. A be displayed.
fourth freight document type has been added to
IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0. The use of this type produces a Interrupted orders
file that is transferable to the third-party software. Temporary orders that have been interrupted are
automatically updated when accessed by web
users, in terms of stock availability, prices and
IBS NETSTORE sourcing.

IBS NETSTORE has been improved to meet the Substitute parameters

requirements of the growing number of custom- General information such as customer, company,
ers who rely on the Internet for placing orders. web user, date and time etc. are displayed using
Enhancements for IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 are aimed at ‘substitute parameters’. Here, the parameter is re-
supporting e-business and increasing your chances placed with a value as it appears in IBS NETSTORE. For
of selling more via the Internet. For example, it instance, the substitute parameter ‘&USER’ displays
is now easier for your IBS NETSTORE users to place the current web user’s name in related fields.
orders without signing on, and to visually compare
items side by side. Item comparison
Items and item information can be displayed side-
Product Search by-side to make it easier for web users to compare
In order to increase the flexibility of product search items. Item comparison can be launched either
operations, you can now toggle between three from the search result in Product Search, or from a
different search modes on the Product Search product catalogue.
page: standard, advanced and free text mode.
Standard mode contains only a few search option
fields, to enable quick and easy searches.

What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 11

Order entry by sundry customer When working with the different settings, it is
The IBS NETSTORE default User ID is connected to a possible to see what settings currently apply on
sundry account in IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0. This means that application level, user group level and user level.
the IBS NETSTORE web user can register an order with-
out signing on. Users with IDs can sign on at any time IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 makes it easier to select items to
during the process to access customised prices, etc. add to a product catalogue. It is possible to view
If the user has no ID and password, the order is the complete catalogue hierarchy when maintaining
still registered and a temporary order number product catalogues, and to jump directly to any
created, but the user must key in shipping address, catalogue. Also, it is easier to delete items and
payment information, etc. A sundry account in categories from catalogues, as well as to delete or
IBS NETSTORE uses a credit card for the payment add customers from or to a web user profile.
method. The number series is validated instantly
but the online authorisation will be run later. Miscellaneous enhancements
IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 now offers printer-friendly for-
Cookies mats for printing order receipts or confirmations,
Cookies have been implemented for IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 including temporary orders.
and are used to:
• Load interrupted, temporary orders registered Web users can delete orders up to a pre-defined
by sundry users status level (normally status 20).
• Recall what language was used at last log-on
• Recall user IDs, so that users need only enter When activated to do so, search pages for orders
their passwords. and quotations can automatically display all
related orders or quotations. No initial search is
Notification of the use of cookies will be provided, required.
as stipulated by law in certain countries.
The shopping cart contains a scroll list. Icons will
Shopping cart indicate whether a warning or additional information
Shopping cart header information (text, delivery is available for each order line.
and payment information) have been divided
into three pages that web users can also reach Messages are displayed along with icons to
via icons on the shopping cart page. These pages indicate the severity level of the information, e.g.
will be displayed sequentially when a sundry user information, warning or error. More information
confirms the order. about the message can be displayed as a ‘mouse-
over’ feature.
The order confirmation page now holds all order
information. When an order is closed a ’thank you‘ When IBS NETSTORE is closed from the administration
text appears, along with action buttons that allow menu, a specific message can be entered instead
users to print an order receipt or perform other of the default message. Additionally, the preload
actions. function must be confirmed when activated to
prevent unintentional shut down of IBS NETSTORE.
The ’complete delivery flag‘ can be overridden on ’Back‘ buttons have been added for certain pages
a user level. ’Your order‘ is now suggested if text is to improve navigation and prevent ’Page has
not entered. expired‘ errors being displayed.

Sales restriction Many pages allow configuration for showing

IBS NETSTORE uses the sales restriction setup in product code, description or both in columns or
IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 at order entry. A sales restriction rows. Also, height, length and width have been
might concern minimum or maximum order line added to the product detail page.
value or order value. It might generate a warning
or even prevent a user from adding an item to Technical improvements
the cart. Please see the section ’IBS DISTRIBUTION’ for To make it easier for web agencies and other
more details on sales restrictions. users to adapt IBS NETSTORE in terms of colours,
fonts, format etc., the amount of code has been
Addresses reduced to fewer Java statements. The installation
When an address is entered or displayed, the routine has been improved to resemble Windows
state/province code, county and the order of style. The time required to implement IBS NETSTORE
postal code and area are determined by the and WebSphere Application Server has also been
country’s standard. reduced.

Back office
Information on which record (e.g. user profile) is
being worked on is constantly available as users
jump between different pages.

12 What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0


IBS WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT printing of put-away or replenishment suggestions.

You can put the additional labels directly on each
IBS has collaborated with customers to focus case to help ensure that the correct case is placed
IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 on improved efficiency within the in the correct location.
warehouse. For example, the same item is often
stored in different packages, making it difficult Picking
for efficient picking. New enhancements make Preferred pick unit
the picking process more effective, as the picker In earlier releases, an item could be stored and
is guided to pick large quantities in bigger cases, picked in pallets and/or stock units. In reality, a
instead of emptying the primary pick location for pallet often has outer cases, with each containing
one order. one or more boxes inside. With IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0,
these contents can be identified and labelled in
Inventory reception and replenishment the warehouse, which enables the best packages
Reception to be picked for covering the ordered quantity.
Some minor enhancements streamline the reception This helps increase efficiency, as the ordered
process and help to ensure correct reception. quantity is picked using the best available units.
These include the possibility to enter extra supplier Accuracy can also improve, since the pick list
information, and a view control to handle sorting suggests different packages to build up the whole
of lines. For example, the supplier’s item descriptions requested quantity, which reduces the risk of an
can be used because this is how the supplier incorrect quantity for picking.
presents them on the shipping documents.
Pick suggestion print
Put-away Volume picking control has been added. This
In order to control how to store and later pick function allows the system to suggest large pick
different packages of the same item, the put-away quantities from the overstock locations and small
logic can suggest the different units to be stored quantities from the primary pick location.
in different zones and/or locations within the
warehouse. Suspend short picked
When an item is ‘short picked’, there is an obvious
Replenishment problem with the stock balance on that item and
The enhanced unit handling ensures that only full location. With IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0, it is possible to
packages are picked from the overstock for the automatically suspend the location, meaning that
replenishment, no more activities are created against that location.
An alert about stock take can be created.
In order to increase accuracy, it is now possible to
print additional address labels in conjunction with

What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 13

Merge lines for pick Manufacturing -
In order to have one merged pick – instead of Warehouse Management interface
picking all independent order lines – order lines IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 now makes it possible to split
with the same item, customer number and delivery manufacturing work order handling into two dif-
address will always be merged. This means that ferent processes: picking components and working
when pick list per order is selected, the same items with the manufacturing order.
within the order will be merged. When running
pick list per customer, multiple orders with the New locations are added to be used as component
same items will be merged. locations for the manufacturing order. At the ware-
house level, you can define a common component
This enhancement also helps select a more suitable location. Additionally, a specific component location
location and more suitable pick unit for fulfilling can be defined for every work centre. Kitting list
the total merged quantity. printing and confirmation is always checked against
these component locations. If any components
Third party freight documents are left when the manufacturing order is closed,
It is quite common that third-party software is they can be put away into the normal stock using
used to produce the printout of freight documents. put-away from bulk, or they can be stored on the
Therefore a fourth freight document type has component location to be used for the next manu-
been added to IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0. The use of this facturing order.
type produces a file that is transferable to the
third-party software.
When the kitting list is printed, over-allocation
Stock take is created against component locations and the
A new interface called ‘Work with concept’ demand can then replenished from normal stock
enhances stock take handling. All open stock locations into production. This also gives the
take lists are displayed and different tasks can be possibility to merge multiple manufacturing work
selected, such as entering transactions or printing orders into a single replenishment.
a control list.
The older method of picking components directly
New percentages have been introduced to help from stock locations is of course still available. In
prioritise the counts that make up the most sig- addition, part of the normal stock locations can be
nificant part of the difference. These percentages defined as component areas. These locations are
also make it possible to eliminate or confirm larger only available for manufacturing orders and can
differences as quickly as possible, and include: not be picked for customer orders.
• Total variance percentage for counted
quantities Replenishment of component locations follows the
• A percentage of how many lines have been same process as replenishment of item assigned
counted from the total list. locations. Put-away labels and/or RF can be used
when picking for manufacturing orders.
In addition, stock-take units have been added
to location type level, which makes it possible
to count the same item using different units in
different locations.

14 What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0


As companies move towards demand-driven This enhancement for IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 offers a
supply chains, they must fulfil demand for prod- comprehensive solution that includes two methods
ucts according to customer needs or necessary of forecasting and planning:
market adjustments. This translates to a need for • Demand-driven forecasting – automatic
a comprehensive planning structure that covers forecasting controlled by rules and methods
requirements for both the manufacturing and • Planned forecasting – manual forecasting
distribution industries. IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 handles controlled by the market and capacity.
customers on both sides, and the solution now
offers one planning and forecast solution that suits This structure provides a ‘red thread’ from long-term
the entire customer base. New functionality in to short-term planning capabilities and opens up
IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0, as well as the re-architecture of much new functionality to both distribution and
some existing components, helps ensure that all manufacturing customers.
customers can benefit from IBS ENTERPRISE planning
and forecasting capabilities.
The Planning and Forecasting process consists of
four components: The new Planning and Forecasting process for
• IBS INVENTORY CONTROL IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 includes a graphical planning user
• IBS DEMAND PLANNING interface for all three new components. You can
• IBS SALES AND OPERATION PLANNING now view the planning details in a graphical mode
• IBS SUPPLY PLANNING. including pivot tables, as well as updates and
simulating functionality.
The last three components are new and are add-on
components that can run independently on top of
Note that the new structure replaces the following Enhancements to IBS INVENTORY CONTROL (IC) address
components or functions under ASW 5.50: the restructuring for Planning and Forecasting.
• Long Range Planning Demand plans or sales and operation plans with
active status are included in IC forecasts and,
• Distribution and Resource Planning
consequently, in calculations of safety stock,
• Sales and Operation planning within re-order point and economic order quantity. The
ASW INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING. retrieval of an activated demand plan or sales
and operation plan is performed automatically in
inventory calculation.

What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 15

In order to be able to use IC demand data as input • Internal review and delegation of demand
to IBS DEMAND PLANNING, the system also keeps track plans is supported with full security. This
of demand figures per customer. Demand data will means that several salespersons can update/
be held on item, warehouse, customer and period. maintain the same demand plan without
An enquiry program is also available. Retrieval of seeing each other’s figures.
production demand is now automated, dependent • Different calculation rules – fixed or flexible
on item class. – can be used when figures are reviewed
or maintained. This control of the change
To ensure correct forecast figures after a promo- on detailed level can be set to affect
tion or campaign, IC sales promotion has been the whole demand plan or not. For example,
enhanced to include handling of discrete values you can specify if an increase of one item
and feedback of a promotion analysis. It is now group should automatically generate a
possible to automatically normalise historic data proportioned decrease on other item groups.
for the promotion period(s). Season profiles can also be used for calculation.
• Demand plans can be defined per week or
month or day and each demand plan can
IBS DEMAND PLANNING cover unique time periods. Additionally, the
plan can exceed one calendar year, but can
IBS DEMAND PLANNING is an excellent and dynamic also be part of one year.
tool that makes it easy to work with sales fore- • A demand plan can be exported to the
casts. It allows you to quickly update, delegate Business Information Warehouse for sales
and review the forecast figures. When the sales and promotion follow-up. If the demand plan
forecast is settled, it can be: period is not equal to a month, values in
• Used as input to inventory calculations to demand planning will be recalculated to values
ensure optimal stock on monthly level.
• Transferred to the date warehouse, for future • A demand plan can be marked for control
sales analysis functions in order entry. The consumption of
• Used for promotions in quantities a customer forecast, for example, can be
• Used for stock build for new products or old registered and checked for each order line,
products on new markets. giving a warning message when the forecast is
consumed. Alternatively, the quantity on order
Demand planning is very dynamic and can be line can be placed in the next available forecast
tailored to each business need as follows: period.
• The initial figures in a new demand plan
can be based on other demand plans, sales Customer benefits
statistics, calculated forecasts or direct This planning enhancement offers IBS customers
demand from IBS INVENTORY CONTROL. an enhanced tool for creating and managing sales
• Demand planning can be performed on several budgets, armed with information about earlier
item-related fields combined with customer demand and sales figures. You can obtain a better
related keys. Altogether, the mixture of fields is perspective of the entire process and can create
combined in a demand plan hierarchy. more precise sales forecasts. You also have the
• Several forecasting units can be used, e.g. option to use the budget/demand plan as an input
sales value, cost value, weight, volume or to IC forecasts, having a direct impact on the daily
stock unit. operations.
• Both bottom-up and top-down forecasting
Note: IBS DEMAND PLANNING replaces sales forecast
are supported. You can forecast and
functionality in the 5.50 version of ASW INDUSTRIAL
retrieve a base on item level, then aggregate
the forecast to see the full forecast per
salesperson, or determine forecast per
salesperson, then break it down into item
• It is possible to view a demand hierarchy IBS SALES AND OPERATION PLANNING (SOP) is an overall
in alternating views, e.g. to view the planning tool within IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0. SOP allows
forecast bottom-up or top-down, and to see a big picture of demand and supply figures over
the summarised figures on any level within the time on an aggregated level, such as item group,
chosen hierarchy. item family or item sector. The IBS INVENTORY CONTROL
• Several demand plans with different keys can (IC) forecast or demand plans will provide input
be used at the same time. to SOP. The purpose of SOP is to balance demand
• The demand plan can be allocated different and supply figures for use in long-term budgeting.
status codes during the process. When a It can actively affect the daily operations and even
demand plan is set to status ‘active’, it will be used as a controlling mechanism.
affect forecast figures in Inventory Control
within its time range.

16 What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0

SOP allows the simulation and calculation of these A manufactured item will usually go through
supply plan values: IBS SUPPLY PLANNING, depending on the product mix
• Supply capacity and type of production. This module can also be
• Inventory turnover targets valid for a distributed item, especially items with
• Desired service level long planning time or items that are stored in several
warehouses in a hierarchy. It is normally more
• Inventory within inventory limits
economical to calculate and do purchasing based
• Lead-time targets (purchase or manufacturing). on total demand figures, instead of working with
re-ordering points in each and every warehouse.
Build-ahead to meet the demand in future periods,
e.g. moving supply to earlier periods, is made You can decide on an item or warehouse level if
possible by changing the supply figures. an item is to be included in a supply plan and then
handled with a Re-order point method, or through
Several sales and operational plans can exist at a Supply Planning method through purchase
the same time, which allows simulations before suggestion in IBS INVENTORY CONTROL (IC). Input to
one plan is selected for operational use. During the supply plan includes the IC forecast, sales and
simulation, you can change supply figures in the manufacturing orders, safety stock, replenishment
plan, which is useful in instances such as when orders etc. For supply plan items, the creation of
a build-ahead situation occurs. Changed supply purchase suggestions or internal replenishment
figures will affect the forecast figures in IC, once suggestions is based on the supply plan, if the
the SOP version is activated. planning method is specified as IBS SUPPLY PLANNING.
It will also be the base for manufacturing, as input
Customer benefits into MRP calculation. One base supply plan is
SOP continues to gain manufacturing customers, defined as base and is always considered as the
building on earlier SOP functionality in previous active one, and it is continuously updated when
releases of ASW INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING. New running the job in the IC job calendar.
capabilities for manufacturing customers include
the possibility to define more targets and limit Note: IBS SUPPLY PLANNING will replace both DRP and
definitions. Requirement forecasting in the 5.50 version of ASW.

All distribution customers will have a tool that Customer benefits

can simulate different inventory targets, such Manufacturing customers gain several enhance-
as service level or maximum stock value on an ments from IBS SUPPLY PLANNING compared to
aggregated level, in order to determine the cost Requirement forecasting:
impact. An activated operation plan maintained
• Supply Planning makes it possible to take
with desired values will, as mentioned above,
advantage of a warehouse hierarchy
update forecast figures in IC. These values can also
be transferred to the data warehouse for further • The planning period will not be fixed; that
follow-up and analysis. Furthermore, it is possible is, the nearest period can be defined as a
to simulate supply from different limitations week, the next period defined as two weeks
through a new resource table. For example, you and future periods defined as a month.
can fine-tune purchase volumes against available
resources in the warehouse area. Distribution customers also benefit from IBS SUPPLY
PLANNING in comparison to DRP:
a stand-alone module and will be disconnected manual adjustments to the plan
from IBS MANUFACTURING under IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0. • You can view the most urgent requirements
SOP planning remains as a part of ASW INDUSTRIAL with a quick glance, as all demand lines can
MANUFACTURING version 5.50. be sorted according to cover time, and a
shortage code defines the priority. For
example, you can see if back orders exist or if
IBS SUPPLY PLANNING the requirement is only a safety stock refill.

Demand can be clarified by using IBS DEMAND PLANNING

and IBS INVENTORY CONTROL, and balanced demand
and supply can be achieved through IBS SALES
AND OPERATION PLANNING. The next step is to provide
detailed planning for replenishment, or to plan
what (on an item level) should be replenished and
where (on a warehouse level). With IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0,
this is possible directly with purchase suggestions
based on IBS INVENTORY CONTROL calculations or

What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 17



new application in ASW release 5.50. This module
allows the creation of supplier marketing support
agreements that are used to calculate rebates
for sales order lines. Once the sales order lines
are invoiced, these rebates can be claimed from

IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 makes it possible to claim

discounts that are given to a customer, on sales
orders that are connected to SMS agreements. For
instance, if a customer gets a ten-dollar discount
on an order line, the system can automatically create
a claim of the same amount or a percentage of
that amount from the supplier.

This enhancement will work for all new discount

types that are available in IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0, including
order summary discount. Refer to Sales Order
Management and Pricing for more information.

18 What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0


In line with IBS’ commitment to existing customers, Batch number generation at

most of the new functionality in IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 manufacturing order creation
is a result of requests from our customer base. The You can now generate a batch number for the end
range of enhancements helps to ensure that both product and the alternative products according to the
existing and new customers within manufacturing batch mask setup at manufacturing order generation.
will be able to run their processes more efficiently A new panel has been created to handle manufac-
and with improved profitability. turing order reception, which allows entry of dates
for batch-controlled, date-handled items. Those
dates include manufacturing date, incubation
IBS MANUFACTURING date, last arrival date and use-by date.

Enhanced batch handling Kitting list allocation

As of January 2005, traceability is a legal obligation Some changes regarding the kitting list (WHM)
in the European food sector. This means that generation and re-creation are also included in
traceability has become a vital market access issue: IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0. To ensure that all components
suppliers who are unable to meet traceability within a manufacturing order come from the
requirements can be denied access to European same batch or the same location, the component
markets and customers, regardless of the quality allocation created when the kitting list is printed
or price competitiveness of their products. Within will remain reserved until the order is closed. The
IBS, we understand that the same trend is valid for material will also be re-allocated when you refresh
many industry segments. This trend has fostered the kitting list if components were unavailable
IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 enhancements within batch at the original allocation time. Accordingly, the
handling, all in order to increase full traceability printing and creation of pick lists now includes any
throughout the supply chain. available or reserved batches.

Reserving batches and booking material Manufacturing alternative products

When components are batch-controlled, it is (co-products)
sometimes necessary to reserve a certain batch Sometimes manufacturers are not sure what the
before the pick list is printed. IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 end-product will be. A producer of porcelain,
now makes it possible to reserve batches for the for example, might have an end result of either
included material in Manufacturing order mainte- a first-class or a second-class product, or even a
nance for the bill of materials (BOM). combination of the two. To resolve this issue,
IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 introduces a functionality that
allows manufacturers to produce alternative
products or even co-products as a result of a
manufacturing order.

What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 19

Alternative products are defined in the manufactur- • You can now make mass deletions or
ing structure file as possible items to be produced, replacements of components with a selection
as a specified percentage or quantity that can be on parent item information. You can, for
produced as an alternative product in relation to example, specify that a component should
the real product. be replaced in all BOMs for all produced items
The manufacturing reception function is used to within a specific item group. Besides the ability
define whether the product is the planned end- to delete or replace components, it is also
product or an alternative that should be received possible to update or replace work centres and
to stock. to update component quantities in BOMs and
BORs for a selected work centre. The run
This new enhancement in IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 will labour, machine, set-up internal and set-up
benefit all manufacturers of products that can be external times can also be updated.
classified into different qualities. • In the time axis enquiry program, MRP
forecasting has been added to specify
Pull planning option for MRP products information about ATP (available to promise).
IBS manufacturing software is based on two
different policies for production planning. Some
items are connected to traditional MRP planning, IBS PRODUCT CONFIGURATOR
which is normally based on forecast and demand.
Other items are demand-driven, which is based on Increased flexibility
the pull concept. The pull concept’s many benefits A product configurator must be able to meet all
include the possibility to do priority and shortage different requests and requirements from your
analysis based on current demand situation. customers. This requirement for a flexible response
is the reason why IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 offers increased
Some items can not be handled, however, according flexibility with IBS PRODUCT CONFIGURATOR. The en-
to the pull concept, as they have long production hancement can make it easier for you to define, for
times or very complex structures. IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 example, different rules for calculating both prices
now makes it possible to do priority and shortage and cost, based on the customer ordering the
analysis even for MRP products, as those can be product and on different product dimensions.
included in the pull-planning proposal creation.
Besides giving you a tool to increase your customer User-defined tables
service levels, it also gives you the possibility to User-defined tables for IBS PRODUCT CONFIGURATOR
simulate a pull-planning concept without changing are introduced. These tables provide you with the
the basic data. ability to define data in two-dimensional tables.
The keys for the dimensions can be selected from
Miscellaneous manufacturing enhancements predefined keys (customer group, customer, item
IBS MANUFACTURING for IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 contains a group, item, price list, configurator attributes,
number of enhancements in addition to the major etc.). The user-defined tables can be referenced in
improvements that were described earlier, including: Product Configurator formulas and accessed by the
• Cancellation of completed back reporting with Product Configurator for calculating the usage of
back flushing of material has been enhanced. material, times per operation and additional price.
• A new function makes it possible to lock/unlock
a manufacturing order. This function also offers Sales price and product costing
the option to choose a specific attribute for It is now possible to reference the above user-
re-scheduling and/or locking the selected defined tables in the cost model. These tables allow
operations. you to define customer- and/or item-related margin/
• ASW 5.50 added functionality to calculate markup of cost to the set price of a configurable
product costing by using a maximum of six item. You can also define a separate cost model
decimals, which proved to be insufficient. to be used in the Product Configurator for pricing
With IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0, six more decimals are based on product costing.
added. Calculations are also more accurate,
due to basing the calculated cost on the s Miscellaneous enhancements
standard quantity of produced items. This has In the old version of the IBS PRODUCT CONFIGURATOR,
the effect of further minimising the rounding of the variant of a component item was always the
cost figures. standard/main variant when the manufacturing
• To ensure that manufacturing orders or order was created from a configuration. It is now
purchasing orders are not indicated as possible to define the variant of the component
re-scheduled as soon as a customer order items in the configuration BOM.
or a production demand is re-scheduled,
IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 now has a feature that For configurable items, you can now define the
fine-tunes the re-scheduling indication. It lets order type to be used when creating a manufacturing
you define a specific number of days when order from a configuration.
re-scheduling should not be suggested.

20 What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0

Key words for an effective time system are flexibility,
in order to adopt new rules or working processes,
and ease of use. As part of IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0, the
IBS TIME module contains a number of enhance-
ments that help increase flexibility while improving

Miscellaneous enhancements
IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 allows the creation of a separate
table for ‘balance calculation’ (rules to define how
time transactions are created), which simplifies
maintenance of day schemes. This means that all
‘balance calculation rules’ are defined only once,
and several different ‘day schemes’ may use the
same rules.

To reduce maintenance, it is now possible to

define a rolling scheme that it is valid for several
scheme groups. For example, you may use the
same rolling scheme for several groups of employees
when you create calendars.

The definition of overlapping intervals is extended,

making it possible to automatically create additional
time transactions. In earlier releases, it was only
possible to create transactions for ‘presence’ time.

To further increase efficiency, it now possible

to do mass-update attesting transactions. This
means that you can simultaneously attest a whole
group of employees for a defined time interval.
An alternative start panel shows total time per
employee for a selected time interval.

What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 21


IBS FINANCIALS If the goods have not yet arrived when the invoice
is transferred, the invoice is still updated in the A/P,
In order to offer more automation within the finan- as preliminary or final depending on the set-up.
cial processes and to improve user-friendliness, You may re-start the automatic matching routine
usability and performance, enhancements have once the goods have arrived.
been made to financial routines in IBS ENTERPRISE.
Tolerance limits are possible to define not only on
AP invoice matching invoice level, as available in the previous release,
Automatic invoice matching but on invoice line level as well. Invoice and
IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 introduces a routine for auto- invoice line level tolerance limits may be set up on
matic matching of A/P invoices received by Data a supplier level or on a system general level.
Interchange and similar techniques. This routine
makes it possible to receive electronic invoices The acceptable divergence on invoice level, e.g.
from suppliers and let the invoice land in your A/P coin adjustments, is automatically posted using the
completely accounted for – with no manual inter- pseudo account philosophy. The acceptable price
ference. This feature can save time and resources difference on invoice line level is posted automati-
in the workflow for handling incoming invoices. cally, based on a new transaction type definition.

The automatic matching is performed when the To easily follow up invoices that do not fall within
invoices are transferred to the A/P from the General the acceptable tolerance limits, a new list and a
Interface. Invoice line information stored in a new new enquiry program are provided to identify the
General Interface file is retrieved and validated. rejected invoices. Unless the tolerance limits are
adjusted and the A/P automatic routine matching
Invoices that are accepted based on the tolerance routine is re-started, the rejected invoices must be
limits are matched automatically to the purchase matched manually.
order lines identified in the invoice line file. You
have the option to keep the matched invoice Three-way match – Sort order
as preliminary or to automatically make it final. Additional sorting sequences make it easier for
Each preliminary invoice document type can be you to check the items listed on the supplier’s
associated with a final document type, which gives invoice against the purchase order when working
flexibility in deciding the final document type that with the manual matching panel.
an invoice should receive.
To make it even more usable, this panel also shows
Once the invoice is transferred successfully to the remaining quantity, unit net price and extended
A/P, with or without complete matching, you can value. You can choose whether the extended value
view and print the invoice lines in the A/P transaction is presented with VAT (GST in Australia) included
enquiry and printout programs. or excluded.

22 What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0

Forward charge date • Create reverse difference documents in A/R
If the trading terms on the supplier invoice differ and A/P
from the terms on the matched purchase order, • Create reversal of all related G/L postings
then it’s most common that the purchase order such as cash discounts and control account
terms should be used and the invoice’s due date adjustments
should be recalculated. A new option in the • Print a receipt of the performed cancellation.
manual matching in IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 lets you
override the invoice’s current Terms of Payment. Work with cash book reconciliation
A new ‘Cancel’ option is now introduced in the
A/R payments Cash Book reconciliation routine. Another option
IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 features further enhancements that lets you view settlements connected to a
in the handling of A/R payments and receipts in document prior to cancellation is also available.
order to improve usability, flexibility and automation.
Assisted by a new entry panel, the ‘Cancel‘ option
The manual payment programs have been will automatically:
redesigned using the ‘Work with’ concept. More • Create new reversal A/R or A/P documents
sequences and positioning possibilities have made from each of the payment documents related
the manual payment handling more flexible and to the Cash Book entry
user-friendly. It is possible, for example, to leave
• Re-open previously settled documents and
the settlement panel without completing or
create reverse difference documents in A/R
cancelling the whole settlement.
and A/P
IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 now displays status error messages • Reverse all related G/L postings
on a settlement level. These messages can guide • The new reversal A/R or A/P documents
any user in recovering an abnormally interrupted will settle the re-opened main settlement
A/R settlement, without help from a system admin- documents
istrator or IBS consultant. The system will show • Create a new reversed Cash Book entry
exactly which settlement(s) must be reviewed • Change the status to ‘cancelled’ in the
because of the interruption. Cheque inventory.

Cancellation of settlements Cheque inventory

Customer financial environments usually have A new status of 9 = cancelled has been introduced
high transaction volumes with complex settle- in the Cheque inventory. The status will be either
ments, including several invoices and settlement updated automatically when cancelling a Cash
discounts. The need for a completely automated Book entry or manually in the Cheque inventory
settlements cancellation process has become maintenance.
inevitable. Recent system development brought
more functionality to the process of handling A/P payment proposal
payments/receipts in A/R and A/P, such as: Cash A link between the A/P payment document type
Book, A/P Payment proposal, Cheque writer, and the Cheque inventory entry is established
Cheque inventory and A/R manual payments. The during payment order confirmation in order to
existing ‘Reverse settlement’ routines, however, automatically update a cancellation status for
had not been developed according to these voided or lost cheques.
changes and were therefore neither sufficient nor
considered user-friendly. Consolidation
In order to increase usability and performance,
Because of this, a new ‘Cancel settlement’ function a number of improvements have been made in
has been developed for both A/R and A/P within IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 to the company consolidation
IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0, with or without the use of Cash process:
Book and Cheque inventory. In addition, a new • G/L balances from the originating company
‘Cancel’ function is available in the Cash Book. will create transactions in the corporate
Re-opening a settled document is now a completely company interface file.
automated process and therefore much more user- • The update in the corporate company can be
friendly than the previous method. The following done for one period at a time, enabling the
routines have been enhanced: use of different exchange rates for each
period. If an update is performed for a period
Work with A/R and A/P transactions range, the same exchange rates will be applied
A new ‘Cancel settlement’ option has been added for all periods.
to the existing routine to work with A/R and A/P
• Several updates can be run for each period,
transactions. An option that lets the user view
and only differences will be transferred.
settlements connected to a document prior to
• It is also possible to run a complete new
cancellation is also available. The new ‘Cancel
update for a selected period or period range.
settlement’ option will automatically:
• Re-open previously settled documents by
restoring amounts previously settled

What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 23

• Budget balances are transferred from the • Deletion of log file records will use the same
requested period and the remaining periods of parameters and almost the same principles as
the selected year. deletion of G//L transaction records
• You can drill down from an online report in the • Log file and VAT transactions file records will
corporate company to the actual balances in not be deleted if they are linked to existing
the originating companies. A/R-A/P documents
• Account parts may be used in combination • Deletion of logistic accounting transactions log
with summary identities when defining file records will be based on ’last closed period’
the consolidation structure for the originating instead of ’actual period’.
• Redesign of the menus and improvements of Asset management
the descriptive field text for several panels and In order to improve the flexibility in the IBS Asset
printouts. Management module, a number of enhancements
have been added within IBS Enterprise 6.0.
The advantages with these enhancements include:
• All updated transactions in the corporate Depreciation time axis list
company will remain as is, with correct In addition to calculating the depreciation value
exchange rate for each period. based on the actual depreciation type values, it
• Possibility to transfer preliminary financial is now possible to simulate depreciation value
statements, with an option to transfer by referring to a related depreciation type. This
only the changed account values for the final feature is available even if the actual and the
financial statement. related depreciation type are not in phase or do
not have the same time schedule.
• Enhanced follow-up of the consolidation since
a G/L journal will be created for
Enhancements also include improved maintenance
each company/transfer.
of the depreciation time axis list program.
• No deletion of balances when new updates
to the corporate company are done, which will Asset balance list
improve the performance. You now have the option to print the residual
• It is possible to identify account balances value with the non-depreciable amount included
before and after revaluation in the corporate or excluded.
company. Revaluated transactions will receive
the company code of the corporate company, Additional depreciation variables
whereas the balances before revaluation are The following two new variables are now available
identified by the company code of the to use in the depreciation process:
originating companies. This is achieved 1. Accumulated depreciations at period start
by updating the company code on a
2. Insurance value.
transaction level in the corporate company. In
other words, the company code is now
The variable previously named ‘Accumulated de-
available in the G/L transaction files solely
preciations at period start’ has now been renamed
for the purpose of supporting the enhanced
to ‘Accumulated depreciations up to period’.
consolidation routine.
• Enhanced user friendliness and improved Serial number
flexibility in the set-up. It is now possible to define a Serial number for an
asset. The field is available for viewing and mainte-
Re-ageing of open documents nance in the following routines:
When a debtor or a supplier changes ownership, it
• Asset base information file (AAOABI)
is desirable to have an overview of all documents
that need to be settled. • Asset maintenance – panel Additional
A new feature called ‘Re-ageing of open • Asset maintenance template – panels for
documents’ allows you to see the outstanding Additional information
department, including settlement credit, and to • Asset enquiry – panel Additional information
change due dates for all open documents for a • Asset file printout.
specific debtor or supplier.
Miscellaneous enhancements
Deletion of outdated records EU Intrastat – IDEP
Outdated transaction file records are deleted The Intrastat Data Entry Package (IDEP) was devel-
at period roll-over. The currently used routine oped by Revolux for the Eurostat Statistical Office
works error-free, provided that the saving periods of the European Union. IDEP is free software
defined in the G/L control file are adequate. The and may be installed from CD or via the web. It
aim is to simplify and streamline the handling. The is a multi-lingual package supporting all official
performance of the deletion process has also been European languages.
improved, including:

24 What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0

The system’s Intrastat Declaration routine is now The previous cash flow analysis showed expected
extended to optionally create two files, Arrivals payments retrieved in real-time from A/R, A/P,
and Dispatches, to be used as input to IDEP. Sales order and Purchase order lines on a day
level, based on the payment terms. It was possible
A/P transaction list to show the balance for each day as well as the
Two additional sequence fields have been added. accumulated balance for the selected currency.
It is now possible to both select and sequence on
attester and payment mode. Major enhancements
The new IBS CASH FLOW MANAGER module includes a
VAT handling code table number of improvements.
A copy function has been added to the VAT
handling code table. It is possible to manually add taxes, loans to be
paid off by instalments, upcoming payrolls, and
Balance enquiry – Inventory transactions other recurring cash expenses to get a complete
You can now drill down to inventory transactions picture of a company’s cash flow.
from the balance enquiry.
The actual opening balance for the cash and bank
Elimination over year-end accounts is included as a starting value for the
When using the elimination feature in the routine cash flow forecast.
Enter G/L transactions, it is now possible to
decide whether to create the elimination transac- A true multi-company environment is available
tions in the year-end period or in the first period for the Cash manager role. You can view the cash
of the next fiscal year. The option to use is set up flow forecast on a company by company basis, as
on company level in the G/L control file. well as an aggregated forecast for several compa-
nies. IBS PLANNER VIEW can retrieve information from
INVOIC DI-documents different database environments, such as DB2
– transfer of A/P invoice lines on an iSeries server or Microsoft SQL server on a
The DI routine, which transfers INVOIC DI-documents Windows server.
to A/P invoice interface files, now also handles the
transfer of A/P invoice lines. This change makes it Because debtors do not always pay their outstanding
easier to use the DI interface for retrieving invoices debt on the due date, it is possible to adjust the
for automatic matching. Please note that the projected payment date for sales orders, accounts
online correction program is still only available receivables, purchase orders and accounts payable
for the A/P invoice header information and is not based on the previous payment behaviour of the
available for the A/P transaction lines. debtor. The previous payment behaviour reflects
the average payment deviation days, in relation to
The bank reference number is now also transferred the due date, utilised during a selected time span.
from the INVOIC file to the A/P invoice interface file. The cash flow forecast can be based on due dates
or on previous payment behaviour of the debtor
A/P manual invoice entry and on the supplier payment history.
Making a preliminary invoice final has been im-
proved and made more user-friendly. The system The cash flow forecast can be presented in system
now automatically suggests the final document and reporting currency, in addition to transaction
type associated with the preliminary document currency. Optionally, you can view the cash flow
type in the document type table. forecast based on the initial calculated system/re-
porting value, or a revaluated system/reporting
value that is calculated using the latest available
IBS CASH FLOW MANAGER exchange rates in the system.

Managing and improving your cash flow requires In order to improve the flexibility and performance
immediate access to reliable information about ex- of the cash flow forecast, a new cash flow balance
pected payments. With the completely integrated file has been introduced. Loading the balance file
IBS PLANNER VIEW tool, information about expected by batch jobs run on a regular basis (e.g., nightly
payments is automatically and continuously or weekly) also provides a greater flexibility in
collected from IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 and presented in a calculating the expected payment amount.
calendar view.
A user guide that describes the Cash manager role
The existing cash flow forecast role in IBS PLANNER VIEW, is included for this release. With IBS PLANNER VIEW, it
named Cash flow manager, has been enhanced is easy to change sorting sequences, add calcula-
into a new product for IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 named tion columns and make changes to the panel
IBS CASH FLOW MANAGER. This module may be layout. The user guide describes how to work with
activated and sold separately. You can perform all the specific Cash manager role panels in the UI.
tasks related to the Cash flow manager role, even
if the data is stored in and retrieved from the

What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 25


Businesses in all industries are developing an General and technical improvements

increasing reliance on business intelligence and IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 includes a number of technical
performance management to help them identify enhancements within Business Intelligence. The
and set goals, measure and improve perform- Central Data Warehouse (CDW) and OLAP cubes
ance, and use information to build profitability. are extended to include more predefined dimensions
IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 extends the industry-leading and properties. The incorporated demo environment
standards of IBS business intelligence software has been broadened to include demo data for
with further improvements in inventory analysis, Financials and Inventory.
financial reporting and SCOR metrics.
The installation process has been improved in each
new version of IBS BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE, and this
IBS BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE release is no exception. The Business Intelligence
processes are configured automatically during
Introduction installation, as are the included OLAP cubes. The
At its initial inception, Business Intelligence at IBS was new version will also support MS SQL Server 2005,
developed primarily as a reporting tool to support which is expected to be released before the end of
the Virtual Enterprise solution environment. However, this year.
with changing demand in the general market and
an identified need for IBS to extend its reporting and Financial reporting application
business analysis capabilities outside of traditional As part of IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0, a Business Intelligence
IBS ENTERPRISE solutions, the scope of the product, and financial application has been developed in co-
therefore its potential, was extended. operation with IBS customers. Data is collected
from G/L actual transactions and from the budget.
This resulted in the launch of IBS BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE The application makes it possible to ‘slice and dice’
as part of the ASW 5.50 release and its promotion for any combination of all account parts and all
in the market as a general data warehouse and summary identities. Hierarchies are built up in the
business performance analysis tool. It was used OLAP cube so that a number of summary levels
not only with the total IBS international product can be accessed. Any time dimension from year
portfolio, but with potential as a stand-alone solution through to quarter, month and day can be used.
for companies operating multiple solutions from Values can be shown in transaction, system and/or
multiple vendors. reporting currency and quantity.

IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 extends and improves IBS BUSINESS

INTELLIGENCE in a number of areas.

26 What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0

Inventory analysis application A set of standard reports can be tailored to what
The Inventory analysis application in this release of is actually possible to get from IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0.
IBS BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE includes the following main However, the underlying database has also con-
areas of analysis: sidered other values and dimensions that provide
• Monthly analysis with comparison over time, valuable information and which might be found in
such as same period previous year, last twelve other sources. Therefore, a set of sample reports
months and last twelve months previous that demonstrates the full possibilities of IBS BUSINESS
year, etc. It gives possibilities to slice and dice INTELLIGENCE is also provided with this release.
by company, warehouse, period, and a variety
of product categorisations and classifications, The SCOR card at level 1 contains thirteen metrics,
product responsible, main supplier etc., down and the following list of seven metrics is available
to individual items. with this release of IBS Enterprise 6.0:
• The inventory analysis reviews stock levels • Delivery performance (to customer commit
both in quantity and capital, tied up and request date)
capital, stock turn around rates, inventory • Fill rates
days of supply and much more. It will reveal • Order fulfilment lead-times
goods without movement as well as any slowly • Cost of goods sold
moving goods etc. • Value-added employee productivity
• Inventory days of supply
Extension SCOR application
The Supply-Chain Operations Reference-model • Asset turns.
(SCOR) is a powerful tool for streamlining the
supply chain, from the suppliers’ supplier to the Implementation methodology
customers’ customer. SCOR makes it possible for IBS has been involved in a number of business
companies to define important key values and intelligence customer projects in Sweden. The
measure processes, regardless of the business knowledge gained from this collaboration has been
software that is used. Companies can use the used to create an implementation methodology for
model to discover deviations and eliminate weak business intelligence projects.
links in the supply chain, as well as to compare
results with other groups. This methodology contains three main parts:
• A guide documenting how to set up and
The SCOR application is an important component execute a business intelligence project.
of IBS BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE. A first version of this was • A set of examples on how to document your
delivered with release 5.50. With IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0, requirements.
the application is extended to an expansive • A set of examples on how to document the
degree. Seven of the thirteen level 1 metrics from technical business intelligence information.
SCOR 6.1 are covered in the application, as are
corresponding level 2 and level 3 metrics. The Documentation of this methodology will be
application contains a flexible drill-down structure, included for IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0.
where SCOR performance attributes and the SCOR
process structure (Plan, Source, Make, Deliver,
Return) are two important report views.

What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 27


IBS INTEGRATOR has now been installed at over IBS INTEGRATOR

100 customer sites, and development is rapidly
enhancing the product. IBS INTEGRATOR 6.0, released Major new areas of functionality
in conjunction with IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0, is a major EDI framework
release that contains one new module, four new Many companies have a need to use EDI for
areas of functionality and some minor additions, communicating with selected business partners.
plus various bug fixes and other enhancements. With IBS INTEGRATOR, it is possible to consolidate all
electronic communication and convert between
different formats such as EDI and XML. This has
IBS BUSINESS PROCESS TRACKER two advantages: you can allow any type of message
into and out of your business application without
IBS INTEGRATOR streamlines business processes by altering it, and it does away with the need for
bridging the gaps between the business systems of specialised EDI solutions.
supplier and customers. Today’s process chains are
ever more complex and require much time spent in Integrator EDI framework was shipped with
error handling and finding errors in a supply chain. IBS INTEGRATOR 3.1 in November 2004. The first sup-
With the new IBS BUSINESS PROCESS TRACKER (BPT) ported EDI standard was EDIFact and ANSI X.12 is
module, you can view your business processes in now added. IBS INTEGRATOR is able to work with the
real time. The BPT gives a consolidated view of all following versions of EDIFact:
critical business processes and monitors them to
show errors. D93A D94A D94B D95B D96A D96
D97A D97B D98A D98B D99A D99B
The BPT module is especially useful for support D00A D00B D01A D01B D01C D02A
organisations, with automatic error handling that D02B D03A D03B D04A
helps reduce manual work.
In coming releases more EDI standards, such as
The module also has support for non-events, mean- Odette, will be included, but already today there is
ing that it issues an alert if an expected process has support for easily adding new standards as customer
failed within a given time. In addition, the BPT also modifications. The documentation for EDI has
provides a monitoring tool for seeing which parts of been extended to cover not only the normal help
a process are functioning and how many orders or text but also an EDI guide.
other documents are being processed at a particular
separate module for IBS INTEGRATOR and can run on
several operating systems.

28 What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0

Web services Minor additions
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is rapidly General information
becoming a standard that many larger companies Any text information can now be added into a
use to get data in and out of their systems. In many data container for use in scripts. For example, the
cases, larger manufacturers require their business outgoing SMTP mail server can be added as an
partners to use this functionality – especially using attribute that, at a later stage, can get the value
web services. SOA is supported in IBS INTEGRATOR 6.0. for any script. It is very easy to add a new field
with data. This makes scripts more flexible and
SOA replaces old standards such as DCOM or less dependent on external data sources, while
CORBA and also makes it easier for companies to also improving performance.
outsource parts of their business by implementing
service architecture. Connection pool monitor
The runtime server now comes with a pool moni-
Publishing an IBS INTEGRATOR script as a web service tor, which shows an administrator the current
is now very straightforward. A web wizard guides status of active Connection pools. The following
the user through the steps needed for publishing properties will display after a Connection pool is
a script as a web service. selected:
• Locked resources - The number of resources
Microsoft MQ that are currently locked
IBS INTEGRATOR 6.0 supports working with Microsoft • Unlocked resources - The number of resources
Message Queuing (MSMQ). This technology that are currently unlocked
enables applications running at different times to • Resource count - The total number of
communicate across heterogeneous networks and resources currently managed by this pool.
systems. Applications send messages to queues
and read messages from queues. MSMQ provides Other IBS INTEGRATOR enhancements
guaranteed message delivery, efficient routing,
• The timer service has had a calendar function
security, and priority-based messaging. This
added, so that the timer can run on a specific
further enhances support for different platforms,
date. The folder watcher has been updated so
as it is now easier to integrate to a Microsoft
that it can now monitor Linux systems.
environment that is using MS MQ, available in all
Microsoft servers. There is now a MS MQ category • IBS INTEGRATOR includes IBS ENTERPRISE order
in design studio, making it easy to drag and drop functions and other, more specific functions
a connection, send a message and generally that make integration to IBS ENTERPRISE simpler
work with Microsoft in a similar manner to iSeries and faster.
queues, Oracle queues and MQ Series queues. • MQ SSL support is to be added for SSL
(encryption) for IBM MQ Series connectivity.
Exchange partner information • An external IBS INTEGRATOR Quickplace
When setting up rules for communication with and discussion forums will be accessible for
business partners there is not always support in customers, and will provide a place for sharing
the ERP system Names File for all possible forms of information about projects.
communication. These forms, such as FTP server
and HTTP port settings, might also be different Minor fixes and enhancements
for various documents such as order confirmation • General fix for IBM MQ Series, a new package
and invoice. The new Exchange Partner Informa- that works with MQ version 5.3
tion function now provides an easy way to store • A new enhancement that allows setting of a
information about business partners. Any type of MQ Series message type
text-based information for an exchange partner, • Fix so that the language property can be set
such as an e-mail address or an FTP server address, on any data base connection
can be added. That information can then be
• The EDI ’saveToEDI‘ can now create an
retrieved from Design Studio for dynamic use in
interchange with multiple messages
(UNH/UNT messages).
• Corrected error caused by multiple segments
in EDI documents.
• Enhanced documentation for iSeries category
• Minor fixes for Domino
• Upgrade of MySQL driver
• A small fix for ODBC pool on select connection.

What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 29


IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 automatically to the user’s PC. This minimises

maintenance and support for the companies using
Mass-update and forward maintenance of IBS ENTERPRISE, but still provides a rich-client UI for
items and business partners the end user, with all the functions and features
The maintenance of files for large numbers of of a traditional Windows-based UI. The new
items and business partners should be as easy and client uses the same communication protocol as a
efficient as possible. IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 introduces a browser and runs over the Internet or an intranet.
new mass-update function called Forward main- The data exchange between the client and the
tenance that can be used to mass-update items or server is thin, which makes remote access over
business partners. The changes can be specified slow modems possible.
to take place immediately or scheduled to be
applied on a future date, thus the name Forward The new UI has more dynamic features compared
maintenance. to the previous UI in terms of using Eclipse stand-
ard features for tailoring views and perspectives.
Items and business partners to be changed can be The fields in the subfiles on the application panels
chosen through several selection criteria. can also be rearranged by the end user. It is also
possible to run several functions in parallel, each
The mass-update process is performed in several steps: opening a view within the client and enabling
• Creation of a forward maintenance proposal several parallel functions to run in IBS ENTERPRISE.
including the selection of items or business Other important features from the former UI
partners to be changed – such as the tree menu structure with free text
• Maintenance of new values for attributes (e.g. search – are still available in the new UI. The new
item group, customer group) to be changed client also supports more advanced extensions in
on the selected items or business partners Java, which opens up access to all controls and
• Applying the new attribute values to the data on the screens.
selected items or business partners.
The new Java UI for the iSeries-version of
IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 will be identical to the UI for the
IBS USER INTERFACE future versions on multiple platforms that will
be launched during 2006. The new Java client
As part of IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0, IBS introduces a totally will also be deployed for all other IBS standard
new User Interface (UI). This new UI is based on applications in the future, which will ensure one
Java and Eclipse and replaces the former JWalk- standardised and consistent UI for end users.
based UI.

The new UI is actually a Java-based thin client

application that is downloaded and installed

30 What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0

The new Java client basically replaces the General General client enhancements
UI from ASW 5.50. The Advanced UI from ASW Restructure
5.50 will still remain, however, working together Major changes have been made to the general
with the new Eclipse-based client of IBS ENTERPRISE structure of the application. These enhancements
6.0. This means that an end user can take advan- make the application more flexible to install and
tage of Advanced UI features, while using the new administrate in different environments such as MS
client for the rest of the system not covered by the Terminal server and Citrix.
Advanced UI.
Flexible role structure
The new IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 client works with system It is now possible to manually create a role
data via queues and, therefore, does not use the structure with Windows Explorer, put panels inside
interactive feature of the iSeries server. This means each role and then bring in the whole structure
that IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0, with this new UI, can be automatically to IBS PLANNER VIEW. Users can ef-
sold and installed on an iSeries with no interactive fortlessly drag a complete role with panels and
processing power (cpw). procedures from one client to another.

The new IBS XT framework includes the tooling to Client administrator removed
work with the new UI client when designing and The Client administrator functionality has been
modifying panels. moved into the property handling in IBS PLANNER
VIEW. With administrator rights, the user can now
maintain servers, connections, roles, business
properties panel.
tool used for the dynamic steering of projects and Changed procedure handling
processes, gives you full control of all resources Each procedure has a separate setting file, which
– both material and human. makes it possible to specify much more functional-
ity for each dialogue. This enhancement also
IBS ADVANCED PROJECT MANAGEMENT is already available provides more possibilities to run different process
for release 5.50 (ASW). The new version of this procedures from each panel (e.g., BeforeDataRe-
module will be available for new customers fresh, AfterDataRefresh etc.).
from IBS ENTERPRISE 6.x – the next version after
6.0. Meanwhile, release 5.50 will be available to Restructure of workspace
customers who request this functionality. (formally known as Main panel)
The main workspace of IBS PLANNER VIEW has been
IBS ADVANCED PROJECT MANAGEMENT functionality restructured to make the workspace easier and
includes: more logical to work with:
• Handling of a combination of vertical and • The side bar has been replaced with a
horizontal management flows Navigator containing a tree view with all
• Support of virtual teams Perspectives, Panel type panels and Business
• Support of a distributed working force object panels. It is now possible to search
• Management of shared resources in the tree and get a list of all perspectives
and panels that match the searched string.
• Facilitates shorter lead-times
It is possible to show/hide pictures in the
• Integrated for handling financial transactions, tree view and also decide if the Navigator
procured material and bought services. should stay visible when you open a panel or
perspective from it.
• Available roles are moved to an ordinary menu
an add-on to the existing ASW PROJECT CONTROL
• Connected connections can be found in an
ordinary menu item, where it is possible to
IBS PLANNER VIEW switch the default connection directly by
clicking one of the connected connections.
IBS PLANNER VIEW is a graphical planning and simula- • Role-related property pages and Client-related
tion tool that serves a wide range of purposes for property pages have been separated and can
IBS customers. The IBS PLANNER VIEW client itself is be called from individual menu items.
not bound to any specific ASW / IBS release, so all
enhancements made to the general client will be Perspectives (formerly known as Panel groups)
available on all roles and panels, regardless of the To enhance availability, it is now possible to define
ASW / IBS release. Enhancements and changes in a start-up perspective for each role. The start-up
the roles and panels are described in the following perspective will be opened automatically when
text. the role is selected. For each perspective it is also
possible to specify if an automatic data refresh
should occur when the perspective is opened.

What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 31

Enhanced Panel properties dialogue New panel type - Pivot View
A number of enhancements have been made The typical use of the Pivot View panel is to analyse
in the Panel properties dialogue. It is easier to data interactively. Data is displayed in a row and
navigate between the different columns in the column format and can be moved, filtered, sorted
panel grid. All field tabs now include a number and calculated in any way. The content can be
of categories that can be used when displaying exported to MS Excel and can also be shown in a
different types of settings for the columns. chart. The Pivot View is based on Microsoft Web
The main tab now includes the possibility to define components.
sub-panels (see below).
Miscellaneous changes
Timer-Automatic refresh of open panels Almost all of the supporting panels in IBS PLANNER
It is now possible to set a timer that will refresh all VIEW have been redesigned for IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0
opened panels in the workspace with the interval (e.g., Login panel, Role properties panel and Panel
that you specify. The timer can be used on com- properties).
puters that are left unattended (e.g. shop floor,
etc.). It can also be used in combination with a New and changed roles
projector that displays the workspace on the wall, Users can customise all IBS PLANNER VIEW settings,
so that everyone can see actual information. such as menus, panels, and panel groups, by
roles that include warehouse planner, service
Sub-panels planner and so forth. IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 introduces
This release of IBS PLANNER VIEW makes it possible to a number of new roles, some of which are based
define sub-panels for each specific panel in a role. on new modules launched with this version. For
Sub-panels are related panels that can be opened an overview of the content of these modules,
from the panel toolbar or by right-clicking on a please read the corresponding sections in ‘What’s
selected row. When the sub-panel is opened, all Planned’. In total, more than 400 panels in differ-
relational keys are sent to the panel and a data ent roles are available.
refresh is performed.
New roles
Multiple filters Cash flow manager
In the release 5.50 IBS PLANNER VIEW client, users This role is used to work with a company’s cash
could define one filter for a panel. In the new flow. Many new enhancements are introduced to
IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 release, multiple filter handling is support this role, making it more flexible to work
introduced. It is now possible to define and name with the information from IBS PLANNER VIEW. Pay-
an infinite number of filters and switch between ment data is stored in the system in a new balance
them from the filter tool. One of the filters can file. It is now possible to maintain budget values
be used as default filter for the panel. This filter is from the IBS PLANNER VIEW client.
applied automatically when the panel is opened.
The name (description) of the filter is shown in the Demand planner
panel caption when the filter is used. This role is used to work with sales forecasts. All
work with sales forecasting, except basic data
New column function - Substitutions maintenance, is now possible from IBS PLANNER VIEW.
The new Substitutions column function makes it
possible to substitute a specific column value for Sales and operations planner
a text string. The substitutions are managed from This role supports planning for balancing demand
the Panel properties dialogue and are combined and supply on an aggregated level. All work
with the existing column icon’s function. except basic data maintenance is now possible
New panel type - GANTT Scheduler View
The GANTT Scheduler View panel is typically Supply planner
used to display appointments, tasks or other This role is used to plan the replenishment of the
programmed activities for a resource. The different demand generated in the demand plan. All work
tasks are presented as GANTT items or milestones, except basic data maintenance is now possible
and users can re-schedule these items directly in from IBS PLANNER VIEW.
the scheduler. Users can also zoom in or out on
the schedule in 15 different levels (from minutes
up to approximately 10 years in one view).

Sample panels include:

• Service engineer group schedule for
re-assigning and re-scheduling various service
• Manufacturing order operations schedule
• Project overview.

32 What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0

Many new panels are added to the existing roles
for IBS PLANNER VIEW in IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0. A number The supply chain event management concept
of these new panels use the new panel types Pivot continues to be expanded within IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0.
View and GANTT Scheduler View in many existing All enhancements mentioned below make it easier
roles. for you to dynamically tailor the alert system to your
unique needs. IBS’ ambition is to make it easy for
Some of the new IBS PLANNER VIEW role changes you to set up the system as effectively as possible.
• Purchase order handler – new procedures Easier to connect action handling to alerts
- Change or delete purchase suggestion One of the great benefits of IBS ALERT MANAGEMENT
- Create purchase order from suggestion is the ability to perform actions directly from an
- Change purchase order reference alert. New technical enhancements make it easier
- Confirm purchase order for each installation to set up actions through
pre-loaded tables.
- Adjust base forecast and demand.
• Manufacturing order handler – new Exclude parameters for filter comparison
procedures The creation of too many alerts harms the con-
- Release preliminary manufacturing order ceptual thought behind alert management. Alerts
- Create batch clearance should be limited to significant events that do not
- Change manufacturing order priority and occur frequently. With IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0, it is possible
sequence. to exclude parameter values when filtering events.
• Pull planner – new procedures For example, by excluding ‘line number’ on the
- Create purchase order from priority or shortage. ‘late purchase order line’ event, it is possible to set
• Service engineer planner – new procedures up the system so that only one alert is created per
purchase order, instead of having an alert for each
- Propose engineers to service job
single purchase order line.
- Assign traditional engineer to service job.
Event parameter replacements
A parameter value replacement is introduced in
this version of IBS ALERT MANAGEMENT. This makes
it possible to replace parameter values: in other
words, to change a code into more proper and
understandable text. The replacement value will
be retrieved and displayed when more information
about an alert is requested.

What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 33


IBS PHARMA Shipment enhancements

After the container confirmation has been com-
IBS PHARMA includes a wide range of enhancements pleted, shipment documents are usually created
in conjunction with the release of IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0. which supply information on the shipment to be
dispatched. These documents can include:
Logistics • Loading list
Container assignment basics • Route delivery list
Many improvements enhance and automate • Shipment manifest
container workflow with the introduction of:
• Shipment confirmation sheet.
• Pick labels
• Number of pick instruction lines per container
• Fill rate enhancement in container assignment IBS PHARMA adds container information to all of the
• Item consolidation sequence shipment documents mentioned above.
• Container documents output formats
• Container confirmation for batch controlled items. Single step RF reception
The IBS PHARMA Radio Frequency (RF) reception is
Loading location information enhanced with the following functionality:
To ensure that all goods that are to be delivered by • It is possible to decide, per RF reception,
a given route actually arrived at the loading location, if items are to be put away directly to the
a new function supports the final completion check. warehouse locations without any review.
• All new functionality in the standard
Pick quality control IBS WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT module, ‘Inventory,
A new pick quality control routine confirms quality reception’, described earlier in this document,
controlled containers. is also included in the IBS PHARMA RF reception
process. These enhancements include label
printouts, entry of supplier invoice information,
the use of the so-called preferred put-away
unit and issue of warning in case of ‘over

34 What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0

Wake-up call as alert
The purpose of the wake-up call function is to re-
mind customers who have not placed their orders
before the order deadline of a route to do so.

With IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0, the present function is

extended with an alert message which is displayed
in the AMT module. It is possible to distribute the
alert with the standard client function via mail,
5250, GSM, SMS etc.

Invoice splits for narcotics

Some businesses require separate invoicing for
certain items (or groups), such as narcotics. With
IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0, rules can be set up for splitting
items into several invoices.

Item cross reference for

promotional campaigns
The upcoming version of IBS Pharma makes it
possible to define a quantity and unit for promo-
tional campaigns and substitutions in the item
cross-reference, e.g., one Aspirin 20 is substituted
by two Aspirin 10.

It is now possible to activate item substitutions on
the customer level in the Business Partner file.

General enhancements
CDM (corporate data maintenance) and Forward
maintenance support for the IBS PHARMA business
partner, item and table extensions have been added.

What’s New - IBS ENTERPRISE 6.0 35

IBS worldwide

IBS, International Business Systems, is a leading IBS has some 5,000 customers in more than
provider of specialised enterprise solutions that 40 countries, including ABB, CIBA Vision, Galexis,
optimise and increase the efficiency of the entire Nautor’s Swan, Nintendo, General Electric, Honda,
supply chain. IBS’ solutions include effective routines Maxell, Scribona, Miele and Volvo.
for sales support, customer relations, order handling,
procurement and supply chain management,
demand-driven manufacturing and distribution,
financial control and flexible business performance
measurement. Regardless of platform, our solutions
let you collaborate with your business partners and
integrate both your processes and systems.

IBS AB Corporate Headquarters • P.O. Box 1350 SE - 171 26 Solna, Sweden

Telephone + 46 (0)8 627 23 00 • Fax + 46 (0)8 764 59 65 • •

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