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Martin Luther King, Jr.

– Guided Questions
Question 1 of 4
How did the public feel towards Martin Luther King, Jr.?

He was loved by everyone because he made life better for all Americans.

He was hated because he was causing big changes in America.

He was both loved and hated for his new approach to race relations.

Many people didn’t care about the work he did.

Question 2 of 4
What did Martin Luther King, Jr. believe made a successful protest?

Nonviolent demonstrations against things he thought were unfair.

Nonviolent actions in places where the police supported their right to protest.

Whatever it took to create change.

By working with Bull Connor to organize demonstrations.

Question 3 of 4
How were protesters treated by law enforcement in Selma?

They were violently attacked by police who were against expanding voting rights.

They were supported for their beliefs of freedom and equality.

They were protected as long as they remained peaceful.

They were peacefully turned away by President Johnson’s National Guard.

Question 4 of 4
How did the world respond to Martin Luther King, Jr.’s death?

His enemies realized they could gain power without his opposition.

They celebrated his values of equality and nonviolence and he received several awards.
They reverted to violent protests out of anger over his death.

The completely accepted his values of equality and nonviolence and ceased fighting.

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