ERM 2018 Global Safety Survey Report UK

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ERM Global Safety:

a source of

Safety Survey increasing risk

and opportunity
for business


I am very excited to share the findings from ERM’s first Global As a global sustainability consultancy, this work has given us some
Safety Survey. powerful insights that will help us to improve our own safety culture
and performance. I hope it will be useful for you too, as you reflect
Our team held in-depth conversations with 144 senior safety
on your next steps on your safety journey.
functional leaders from a wide range of organisations around the
world. Those conversations confirmed a number of observations we I would like to thank each of the senior leaders who participated in
have been making in our strategic and frontline safety consulting the study (most valued clients of ERM), the data analytics team from
assignments with our global clients over the last few years. It also the Institute of Environmental Analytics (IEA) at Reading University
revealed some surprises for us! in the UK, and my many colleagues in ERM who gave their time,
knowledge and expert input to this important work.
Overall, it is clear that safety continues to be a major concern for
organisations and their stakeholders. We found that organisations
are planning to increase their investment in safety for the foreseeable
Yours faithfully,
future, but the data from the study indicates that there is not a clear
link between the scale of organisations’ investment in safety and
safety performance.
The survey calls upon organisations to better understand the total
extent of their ongoing investment in safety and to more rigorously
measure the value derived from these investments. It presents a
compelling case for making better use of established processes and Keryn James
programmes to address ongoing performance challenges, especially
ERM Group Chief Executive
with regard to more serious injuries and fatalities. The survey
results put the spotlight on human capital and on leaders, who have
tremendous influence on safety culture and performance.

1 Safety: a source of increasing risk and opportunity for business

Background We undertook a major
research study
We have seen a marked increase in focus on safety in our We designed the study to provide
engagements with our clients around the world. We have also
seen a change in emphasis with a greater focus on safety
insight into five areas that we believe
are key challenges for organisations
72% Global Directors/ VPs
leadership and culture.
120 different organisations
1. Preventing serious injuries
Our clients have been reporting an uplift in stakeholder
6.8 million people
and fatalities;
expectations on safety and increasing commercial and legal Employing
penalties for poor safety performance. This, in turn, appears to 2. Safety and the growing
have caused a spike in senior leadership interest in safety. We dependence on contractors;
have also observed that companies are investing substantial
Combined annual revenues of
US$ 4,253 billion
3. Safety culture and leadership,
resources in safety processes and programmes, but significant and the role of leaders in driving
performance challenges remain, especially with regards to improvement in safety performance;
continuing occurrence of serious injuries and fatalities. There
appears to be a growing sense that traditional approaches to 4. The value derived from investments From multiple
safety may actually be impeding progress. in established safety processes and different sectors…
programmes; and
The study was designed to explore these themes, to assess if 2% Transport
there is a deeper shift in perceptions on safety, and to bring 5. Building safety competence.
5% Power
fresh insight into the implications of these developments for
organisational leaders and their safety functions. 7% Pharma
Between January and July 2018,
we interviewed 144 senior safety 8% Technology, Media
Methodology functional leaders. All were key and Telecoms (TMT)
ERM consultants with extensive experience in research studies decision makers, and most brought a
of this type conducted one-hour structured telephone interviews. global perspective from their roles and 8% Food, Beverage & Agri-business
We used a combination of quantitative measures using a five their organisations. 11% Mining & Metals
point Likert scale (strongly agree to strongly disagree) and
Most of the organisations we spoke to
qualitative inputs from the interviewees. A team of 10 ERM 17% Chemical
were multinationals with substantial
Partners and Principal Consultants from our global safety
employee and contractor bases 20% O&G
consulting team analysed the responses. The data analytics
located across multiple countries.
team at the Institute of Environmental Analytics (IEA) at Reading 22% Manufacturing
University in the UK provided substantial input on statistical
analysis of the findings and BB&A provided support on the
development and layout of this report.

ERM Global Safety Survey 2018 2

It’s not about doing
more on safety: it’s
about getting more
from what you
do already!
That is our conclusion from in-depth interviews with 144 senior safety
functional leaders from 120 corporations around the world.
3 Safety: a source of increasing risk and opportunity for business
What we learnedare increasing
their investment in safety
The survey confirmed our initial observations but also provided some insights which
were surprising. Overall nine key findings emerged.

1 2 3
Stakeholder expectations Companies are increasing Significant cultural and
are rising. their investment. performance challenges

4 5 6
Risk continues to shift to Most companies do not Lagging performance
contractors, who are harder understand how much they indicators remain dominant.
to manage. are investing in safety.

7 8 9
Established safety Harnessing data and Leadership engagement
processes and programmes technology to improve is key, but leaders need to
are not delivering sufficient safety is becoming step up and gain new skills.
impact on performance. a major focus.

ERM Global Safety Survey 2018 4

1 Stakeholder expectations
are rising.
Interviewees expressed a near- We believe: Consider:
unanimous view that stakeholder
Increased stakeholder interest in safety also implies rising How are you monitoring stakeholder expectations?
expectations for improved safety
performance will increase in all expectations in terms of performance. The challenge for How are you ensuring that performance
sectors and in all continents over companies is not just to ensure that their safety performance is improvement is keeping pace with changes
the next 3 years. improving but that it improves at a pace that is consistent with in expectations?
changes in expectations: double the challenge!
88% Rising Performance
of respondents agreed or strongly
agreed that the safety performance Performance Increasing Gap between
expectations placed on them by Actual Performance and
stakeholders (employees, customers, Performance Expectations
supply-chain partners, wider society, Improving Actual We are already performing 30 times
and regulators) are increasing. Performance
Only two respondents disagreed with
better than others in our industry, but
the statement. our stakeholders expect the bar to be
raised year after year.
62% Time
agreed/strongly agreed that Increased stakeholder interest in safety also translates into
regulators are taking an increasingly growing penalties for leaders and their organisations who fail
tougher stance in relation to safety to sustain robust safety cultures and performance. That means
performance. Only 8% disagreed
with this statement.
greater impacts on an organisation’s licence to operate and on its We are progressing to a point where
bottom line, for example through lost revenue from the growing our stakeholders view any fatalities
number of customers who expect outstanding safety performance
We observed: and serious injuries as completely
from their vendors.
Stakeholders are becoming more Safety is a source of increasing risk, but it is also a growing source
concerned about safety. Leaders of opportunity for business. Many see their efforts to drive safety
who are aware of these trends are performance improvement as integral to their efforts to improve
engaging more on safety and driving operational excellence and core to their efforts to developing a
action to improve safety culture and culture of care: an increasing source of competitive advantage in
performance, especially focused on the battle for talent in an environment where people expect more
fatalities and serious injuries. from their employers than a paycheck!

5 Safety: a source of increasing risk and opportunity for business

2 Companies are increasing
their investment.
Predictably, given the increased pressure and scrutiny from stakeholders, we found that respondents We observed:
have ratcheted up their efforts to enhance their safety culture and performance in recent years.
Safety has been, and will continue to be, a focus of
The vast majority of organisations we spoke to are also planning to increase their investment over
increasing investment. Capabilities, leadership
the next three years.
development and culture change are the top priorities.
Investment in these aspects is outpacing other areas by
78% increased their level of effort on safety over the last three years. a significant margin.

83% are planning to increase their investment in safety over the next three years, with 26%
of respondents planning increases of 15% or more1.
We believe:
Increasing stakeholder pressure and focus on safety is

85% of the respondents are planning increased investments in leadership and culture in the providing safety functional leaders with a strong business
next 3 years. case for investment in safety. The level of investment
planned over the next three years is a great opportunity

40% will increase investments in leadership and culture by 15% or more.

for organisations and safety functional leaders to deliver a
step-change in safety performance. However, opportunity
does not imply achievement: organisational leaders will
Respondents shared that their highest priority for investment was developing the capabilities of their need to think hard about how they will ensure that this
people, followed by investment in improving management systems. Next highest priority was improving increased effort will translate into measurable benefits to
safety infrastructure/PPE and finally investment in software and technology. (More on investments in their organisations and their people, especially in light of
software and technology in Section 8.) the findings of this study – more in Section 7.
We developed a comparative index2 to determine the relative scale of investment in the five focus areas of
the study. Leadership Engagement and Culture Change stands out – by far – as the highest priority. Consider:
What are your investment priorities?
Leadership Engagement and Culture Change 13.5 How do you know that these are the right priorities to
Contractor Management 8.5 deliver performance improvement?
How are you engaging your leadership on these
Training and Competency 7.7 priorities?

Construction Safety 5.1

Fatality Prevention 3.9

ERM Global Safety Survey 2018 6

3 Significant cultural and
performance challenges remain.
Despite organisations increasing their level of effort on safety and most organisations reporting % of respondents reporting one or more SIFs in
improved performance, the majority are dissatisfied with both their safety culture and performance. the 12-18 months prior to their interviews
Food, Beverage & Agri-business
59% of respondents felt their safety performance was unacceptable. Mining & Metals
of respondents reported having a serious injury or fatality (SIF) occur within their operations
53% inrespondents
the 12 to 18 months prior to their interview, with significant variation in the percentage of
reporting SIFs in different sectors (see chart). Manufacturing

33% believed they had the safety culture they want. O&G
of respondents agreed/strongly agreed they have a strong culture of peer-on-peer engagement TMT
32% on the frontline: a defining characteristic of mature safety cultures (described elsewhere as an
interdependent safety culture). Power

Respondents reported that they were especially challenged by (a) variability in culture and performance Chemical
across operational entities and geographies and (b) a continuing perception that production takes Pharma
precedence over safety.
0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

We observed: less improvement in the statistics on fatalities and an

uptick in the rate in recent years. We believe:
Whilst disconcerting, such a high proportion of
The persistence of SIFs, and other performance
interviewees reporting SIFs was not a surprise,
challenges, raises important questions about the
given the profile of the organisations included in the 8 8
extent to which established safety processes and
study. We were however surprised by the number
Non-Fatal Injury Rate

programmes and increased investment in safety can

reporting SIFs in what is a relatively short time 6 6

Fatailty Rate
deliver the required outcomes.
frame; 18 months to June 2018. The vast majority
of the reported SIFs were, in fact, fatalities, and a 4 4
number of respondents reported multiple fatalities in Consider:
this period. 2 2 Are you seeing the same pattern on TRI and serious
The data suggests the occurrence of very serious injuries as reported by the US Bureau of Labour
injuries remains a crucial and persistent challenge 0 0 Statistics? If so, what do you attribute this to?
for organisations, which is supported by data from





Are you seeing variability in your culture/performance






the US Bureau of Labour Statistics4. Their data TRIR (per 200,000 hours) Fatality Rate (per 100,000 workers) across your operations and challenges with
points to a steady downward trend in TRIR but much production over safety? Why?

7 Safety: a source of increasing risk and opportunity for business

4 Risk continues to shift to contractors,
who are harder to manage.
Organisations are relying more and more on contractors, We observed: We believe:
who often perform more hazardous activities and are more
The use of contractors across industry globally Organisations can improve contractor
challenging to manage.
has increased in recent years and our study safety by better integrating safety
indicates that this trend will continue, implying considerations into every element of
further concentration of risk in the contractor the contractor engagement lifecycle,

72% ofuserespondents reported increasing

of contractors.
workforce, a trend that is amplified by the fact that
just over half of the respondents (55%) believe
especially in the early stages. This effort
will require higher levels of engagement
their contractors are performing more hazardous from procurement personnel and

55% reported their contractors are undertaking more

hazardous activities than the company’s own employees.
activities. There is a strong case for considering
enhanced approaches to contractor safety,
contract managers who will require
upskilling. Procurement personnel and
especially given the majority of the respondents contract managers’ focus on safety can
(69%) regard contractor safety as more challenging have powerful impacts on performance
69% than addressing safety for their own employees.
regard managing contractor safety as more challenging
than managing the safety of their own employees over the whole of the lifecycle.
and an almost unanimous view that there are
opportunities to make better use of almost every Consider:
83% and beyond site inductions.
provide training to their contractors above
aspect of the contractor engagement lifecycle.
How can you make your engagement
Respondents shared a number of specific with contractors more rigorous over the
concerns on contractor management including
94% of respondents saw opportunities to make better use whole of the lifecycle?
cultural differences (contractor vs host company),
of elements of the contractor management lifecycle. How do you assess and ensure the
challenges in the procurement process (too little
safety and competency of contractors
meaningful focus on safety and too much focus on
52% ofleaders
respondents strongly agreed /agreed that frontline
engaged with contractors in a way that produces
cost) and a perceived need to maintain a hands-off
approach with contractors (a focus on managing
once they are on your site?

positive safety outcomes.

potential liability over risk). In some cases,
companies erroneously believe that by training
contractors they will diminish the liability attaching
The IEA found a positive correlation between
to contractors in the event of an accident. It is very difficult to
respondents who reported a culture of frontline
convince top leaders of the
engagement with contractors and positive perceptions
on safety culture in the survey6.
contractors’ organisations
that safety is important.

ERM Global Safety Survey 2018 8

5 Most companies do not understand how
much they are investing in safety.
We set out to understand the scale of companies’ total economic investment in safety and We observed:
the value derived in terms of impact on behaviours on the frontline and safety performance.
Few respondents had actually considered the scale of their total
We share findings on investment in this section, and discuss the survey findings on value
economic investment in safety and some were uncomfortable with
derived in Section 7.
this line of questioning:
We asked interviewees to quantify the resources expended on all safety processes and “I find it very difficult to think of safety as an investment;
programmes and to express this as a percentage of labour costs. We asked them to consider it is our first priority and we do what we need when we
time spent by all personnel engaged in their permit to work process, toolbox talks, risk need to do it.”
assessments, safety training, audits and inspections, incident investigations, management field
Safety training alone represents 1.5%7 of labour costs on average
visits and all other safety processes and programmes.
and this accounts for a very small proportion of companies’
Estimates of the direct and indirect costs of safety varied by sector ranging from 6% to 26% total economic investment in safety. It is clear from these data,
of labour costs (an overall average of 17%) with higher levels reported for higher hazard and respondents’ estimates of the amount they spend, that
industries. organisations are spending vast resources on safety.
Average Estimated Investment in Safety as a % of Labour Costs by Sector
We believe:
Companies would benefit from understanding the true scale of their
current economic investment in safety, especially in light of planned
15% increases in the next three years.
10% A better understanding of current and future costs associated
5% with the development, implementation and execution of
safety processes and programmes is fundamental to ensuring
0% organisations obtain optimal value from their investment in safety.
O&G Mining Manu- Chemical Pharma Power Food, TMT Transport
& Metals facturing Beverage More on this in Sections 7 and 9.
& Agri
We also explored how much time companies spent on safety training. Those interviewees, who Consider:
were able to provide estimates, deliver an average of 26 hours’ safety training annually per
How are you determining the true economic cost of implementing
employee, with significant sectoral variation (38 hours’ on average in the chemical sector and
safety processes and programmes?
17 hours in the manufacturing and power sectors). Respondents also indicated a wide variation
in number of hours of training provided to high vs low skilled frontline personnel with more To what extent are you using these data to ensure you are making
training provided to higher skilled personnel. informed decisions on future investments?

9 Safety: a source of increasing risk and opportunity for business

6 Lagging performance indicators
remain dominant.
We wanted to understand how organisations are monitoring the efficacy of We observed:
their established safety processes and programmes.
The data indicate that few companies are using meaningful leading indicators
70% of respondents referenced use of incident statistics (lagging indicators). to evaluate the efficacy of their safety processes and programmes. This is
surprising given the scale of companies’ investments.
Only 26% of respondents use any form of leading indicators (15% use safety
culture surveys or elements of their employee engagement surveys, 10% of That 25% of organisations are not assessing the effectiveness of their training
respondents use audit processes for this purpose and 6% reported using cost/ at all is also a surprise, with organisations spending the equivalent of 1.5% of
benefit analysis techniques). labour costs on average on this element alone. The reliance on end-of-course
evaluations, which provide little meaningful insight into whether the training has
Assessing effectiveness of investment in safety any real impact on behaviours or performance, is a concern.
0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

Incident statistics (lagging indicators) We believe:

Leading indicators There is a clear need for organisations to develop a more robust suite of indicators
Safety culture surveys / that will provide them with deeper insight into the extent to which their established
employee engagement surveys safety processes and programmes are delivering the intended outcomes.
Audit processes
Indicators should provide accurate readings on the extent to which the processes
% or respondents who are yielding the right culture, leadership and frontline behaviours and performance
Cost/benefit analysis techniques
cited technique
outcomes on the frontline.
25% of organisations do not measure the effectiveness of their safety training.
The most popular method used by organisations who do measure training Consider:
effectiveness is the use of end-of-course evaluations. We found that only 20%
of organisations are measuring the short or longer-term impact of training on To what extent do the performance indicators you are using give you a true
culture, behaviours and safety outcomes. picture of the extent to which your processes and programmes are impacting
Assessing training effectiveness 0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
What indicators can you adopt to better measure impacts on safety culture,
Post course test
behaviours and performance?
Review incident stats
Field verification
Formal competency assessment
We’ve transitioned away from numbers and toward
Incident investigations engagement and culture. Are we pleased with our
None carried out progress? Yes. Are we satisfied? No.

ERM Global Safety Survey 2018 10

7 Established safety processes and programmes are
not delivering sufficient impact on performance.
We wanted to shed light on the extent to which established investments in safety are delivering value to companies. To this end, we analysed data from the
respondents on their investments in safety, performance improvement, occurrence of fatalities, Fatality Prevention Programmes (FPPs) and Life Saving Rules
(LSRs). We also asked respondents to consider their economic investment in safety processes and programmes and to estimate what percentage of this total
effort is impacting culture and behaviours.

Changes in investment in safety vs performance improvement Fatality Prevention Programmes

We found that changes in investments in safety over the past 3 years had no Surprisingly, the proportion of respondents who reported having one or more recent
bearing on performance improvement. SIFs11 was significantly higher for those who had implemented an FPP versus those
who had NOT.
68% of those who increased their investment in
68% safety reported improved performance. 59% of respondents who had implemented an
59% FPP reported one or more recent SIFs11.
67% 67% of those whose investment in safety was static
or reduced reported improved performance.
45% 49% of respondents who had NOT implemented
a Fatality Prevention Programme reported one or
Life Saving Rules more recent SIFs11.
111 respondents had established LSRs in their organisations. 70% of these The IEA found NO statistical evidence in the data that implementing an FPP had
agreed that their people understand how to apply LSRs in practice − any bearing on the number of years since the last SIF12.
perhaps on the low side. Surprisingly, only 61% of respondents agree that
LSRs were a positive aspect of their safety programmes. Value Derived from Investment in Safety
“The Life Saving Rules are too vague for people to comply with and the The IEA found NO statistical evidence in the data of a correlation between the level of
expectation of accountability leads to a blame and shame culture.” spend on safety (measured as a % of labour costs) and perceived value derived13.

The data suggest that implementing Life Saving Rules has little bearing on “On one level I could say we derive great value, but I see that day-to-day
the likelihood of occurrence of SIFs. it seems that we put so much effort into things that return only
incremental change.”
79% of organisations which had zero recent
79% SIFs10 had implemented LSRs.
Respondents estimated that only 42% of their total investment in safety – on average
− is yielding benefit measured in terms of impact on behaviours on the frontline.
There was significant variation in the responses by sector with respondents from
77% of organisations which had one or
77% more recent SIFs11 had implemented LSRs.
the Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Sector advising 52% of the total investment in
safety impacts performance, and a low of 30% in the Transport and Power Sectors.

11 Safety: a source of increasing risk and opportunity for business

7 Established safety processes and programmes are
not delivering sufficient impact on performance.
Training hours vs perceptions of culture We observed:
We found that there is a positive correlation between hours of training provided and perceptions of safety The data present a clear and convincing body of
culture8. Investing in training seems to have a positive impact on culture. However, the IEA found statistical evidence that the benefits derived from investments
evidence in the data that the quality of training provided is a better predictor of perceived performance than in established safety processes and programmes
the number of hours of training provided. are not consistent with the scale of the investment in
them. Established safety processes and programmes
We were surprised that 40% of respondents believed their safety training does not change how their people
are not delivering sufficient impacts on leadership and
think: NO impact on how people think implies NO impact on performance!
frontline behaviours or performance.

We believe:
There is enormous trapped value in established safety processes and programmes.
How can you transform the value derived from your
There is, however, an inherent conflict between the underlying purpose of safety processes and human established safety processes and programmes, so
performance. The underlying purpose of all safety processes such as permit to work, toolbox talks and these yield much greater impact on behaviours and
safety inductions is to ensure people are alert on the job, conscious of the hazards and using appropriate performance outcomes?
mitigations to address them. However, repetition inherent in the processes induces people to engage with
Are your leaders equipped to breathe life into your
them unconsciously − in tick box mode − as described by Eliezer Sternberg in NeuroLogic14.
process and programmes?
We are not advocating that organisations abandon their safety management systems. However, seeking to
How can you ensure that human factors are
moderate behaviours without considering the context that influences them will not be effective. Sustainable
addressed within safety processes and programmes
change requires that we consider what people are asked to do, the feasibility of the task and the usability of
and the consequences of human error are minimised?
the processes, equipment and systems that they are expected to rely upon.
Approaches to the development, deployment and execution of safety process and programmes need to take
much better account of the dilemma set out by Sternberg, and human factors more generally, if they are to
deliver benefit that is commensurate with the investment in them. We believe there is an imperative for using
smarter user-friendly approaches to the communication of essential requirements, especially those related to
I think that our investment in safety
critical controls which have been designed to address potential serious injuries and fatalities. always generates value; the question
We also believe the frontline should be more engaged in the design of safe working procedures and
is: Are we investing in the
safety programmes: recognising their operational expertise and harnessing their ingenuity is essential to right areas?
sustainable safety improvement. We believe leaders, at all levels, have an absolutely crucial role to play in
breathing life into their processes and programmes so they deliver the desired impact on behaviours and
outcomes on the frontline. More on this in Section 9.

ERM Global Safety Survey 2018 12

8 Harnessing data and technology to improve
safety is becoming a major focus.
We wanted to understand how organisations are harnessing data and technology to support We observed:
safety. The vast majority of those we spoke to regard harnessing data and technology as vital
Organisations recognise the benefits that data and technology
to improving safety performance and three quarters had a strategic priority to make better use
can bring in the drive to improve safety performance and it has
of data and technology. These findings were consistent across all sectors.
been identified as a strategic priority but it has not yet translated
into an investment priority.
92% regard harnessing technology and data as vital to improving safety performance and
75% have a formal one to two year strategic priority to increase use of technology/data to
improve performance. We believe:
Respondents were evenly spread in terms of the maturity in their use of information to There is a great deal of excitement about the potential for better
support decision-making. use of data and technology – including wearables – to transform
safety performance. Organisations are at different stages of
21% Disparate/disconnected management maturity, with many organisations still evaluating the role that
information systems, with a number of manual data and emerging technologies can play. We expect investment
and/or duplicative processes. in data and technology to become a higher investment priority
over the next few years as organisations progress from the
Evaluate to Implement stage in the investment cycle.
24% Management information systems,
but these are not well used across the
organisation (partially deployed). Consider:
What plans do you have in place to harness data and technology
33% Management information systems, but to support improved safety performance in your organisation?
these tend to be used only for specific purposes How will you help your people adapt to the changes data and
(e.g. regulatory reporting) but are not integrated technology will bring?
into a single source.

22% Integrated approach to technology and Digitisation is a lot more than migrating from
data, which is used continuously to make paper onto the computer. We need to use
data-driven decisions across the organisation. virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and clever
robotics, but only so that we can better protect
Larger organisations (>US$75 billion revenues) reported greater maturity and there was each other.
little variation between sectors.

13 Safety: a source of increasing risk and opportunity for business

9 Leadership engagement is key, but leaders
need to step up and gain new skills.
Given their profile and the depth of their experience, we thought there would These findings were corroborated by the IEA’s analysis of the data that found
be much value in understanding the interviewees’ collective view on what they positive correlations between respondents’ perceptions of their safety culture
saw as the key to driving safety performance improvement on the frontline. and all aspects of leadership engagement tested in the survey15,16, 17. The IEA’s
We also wanted to understand if the respondents believed senior, mid-level analysis also found positive correlations between perceptions of safety culture
and frontline leaders in their organisations are sufficiently engaged in driving and performance and all aspects of frontline leadership engagement tested in the
improvements in safety, and whether they had the necessary skills to positively survey15,16,17.
impact their culture, behaviours and safety performance.
Leadership Engagement:
The Key to Safety Performance Improvement
The respondents believe there is a greater challenge of engagement with frontline
We asked all 144 respondents to share their perspectives on ‘the most leaders than with senior leaders. Top level commitment is not always making its
effective approaches to delivering behavioural change on the frontline’. Ten way to the frontline!
ERM Partners and Senior Consultants, who work in the field, performed an

independent evaluation of the responses to this question. They found the of respondents believe their senior leaders are engaged in
respondents overwhelmingly identified leaders’ presence in the field as the most driving safety,
effective means of delivering behavioural change on the frontline, followed by
communication/knowledge sharing and training and competence.

60% of respondents believe their mid-level managers are, and

75% 48%
of respondents identified leader visibility believe their frontline leaders are.
on the frontline as the most effective means
of changing behaviours (and consequently
delivering performance improvement) on
the frontline.

ERM Global Safety Survey 2018 14

9 Leadership engagement is key, but leaders
need to step up and gain new skills.

The survey data indicate that there is potential to We observed: Consider:

make much better use of this powerful resource.
The respondents broadly recognised leadership How are you currently influencing your leadership
Senior, mid-level and frontline leaders aren’t
engagement on the frontline as the key to improving colleagues to engage on safety?
spending sufficient time in the field and they aren’t
safety culture and performance; however, leaders What actions can you take to ensure your leaders
equipped with the skills they need to allow them to
are not sufficiently present in the field and they aren’t are engaging on safety generally, and with the
be effective when they are there.
as effective as they could be when they are there. frontline specifically?
What actions can you take to ensure your leaders’

30% of respondents agree their senior We believe: engagements are delivering meaningful, positive
leaders are spending sufficient time Senior, mid-level and frontline leadership impact on behaviours, culture and performance?
in the field. engagement is key to improved safety culture and

of respondents agree their The challenge is how companies can effectively At the executive level there is, I think,
mid-level leaders are spending engage leaders, whose immediate priorities are often more alignment and clearer purpose
sufficient time on the frontline. focused elsewhere and who may not understand the around safety leadership and the
direct and often long-term impact the decisions and culture we are trying to create.
Unfortunately as we go further down

actions they take have on safety culture, behaviours
of respondents agree their frontline and performance. We believe leaders have much the organisation we see a lot more
leaders are spending sufficient time greater impact on safety culture and performance diversity of opinion.
on the frontline. Surprisingly low! than they realise.
The study calls for actions to better engage leaders

at every level of the organisation on safety, to help
felt leaders at all levels were them understand the role they do play in setting the I think the senior leaders want to do
effective at hazard recognition/ culture and influencing the behaviours of their people the right thing but they don’t know

engaging effectively as coaches in the office and on the frontline. It also suggests what the right thing is and they are
on the frontline. that leaders at all levels require upskilling to ensure afraid to say they don’t know.
that their engagements are delivering much greater
impact on their culture and performance.

15 Safety: a source of increasing risk and opportunity for business

In conclusion

Our engagements with 144 safety functional leaders identified leadership engagement as the key to driving • Accelerate their plans to harness data for
with operations spanning the globe and across a performance improvement on the frontline. enhanced decision-making and new
wide range of industry sectors has provided us with a But the study data strongly suggest that ‘more of the technology to de-risk their operations.
wealth of insight. same’ is unlikely to deliver the desired outcomes − • Better recognise that all leaders, from the
These deeply informed individuals were virtually many established safety processes and programmes CEO to frontline leaders, play an absolutely
unanimous in their belief that stakeholders will are failing to deliver the intended outcomes. It is time to crucial role in defining the safety culture and
continue to drive increased pressure on safety in pause and reflect. performance of their organisations through their
the coming years. Increased pressure will raise the Leaders can use the insights presented here to behaviours and the decisions they make every
bar on performance expectations. The penalties for challenge their own organisations to: working day. 75% of the survey respondents
organisations and their leaders who fail to meet these identified leadership engagement as the key to
expectations will continue to rise. • Better understand the total scale of their
driving improvement in safety performance and it
economic investment in safety.
Most organisations continue to be challenged by emerged as the number one focus for investment
variability in culture and performance across their • Routinely evaluate if all their key safety in the next 3 years. This is a great opportunity
operational footprints and a continued (inferred) processes and programmes are impacting culture to coach leaders so their engagements in the
emphasis on production over safety. Further and behaviours, asking “Could our effort be office and on the frontline are more impactful
migration of risk into the contractor base is a growing better deployed in a way that would create (a need identified by 71% of the respondents).
concern as most regard contractor safety as more greater impact?”. It is also an opportunity to equip leaders with
challenging to address than the safety of their own • Direct future investments to enhancing the value the skills to breathe life into their processes and
employees. derived from established safety processes and programmes so these deliver much greater impact
programmes, so these don’t become a tick-box on safety culture, behaviours and performance on
It’s clear from the study that organisations have
activity. That means ensuring that processes the frontline: for good.
not got a good grasp on the extent of their total
economic investment in safety. are fit-for-purpose and using smarter user-friendly The survey tells us, and we believe, that safety is an
tools (less words more pictures) to ensure critical increasing source of risk to business and business
The respondents’ estimates and other data suggest requirements are better understood by the users leaders, but it is also an opportunity. Organisations
the scale of the effort is huge (17% of labour costs on the sharp end, at the point of use. It also that respond to the challenge will see real operational
on average for the respondents) and growing, with requires leaders to take action to breathe life into advantages in customer engagement, maintaining
most organisations planning increased investment in their safety processes and programmes. their licence to operate, recruitment and retention
the next three years, especially focused on capability
• Make people the primary focus: people of talent in a world that cares more and more about
development, leadership and culture. This is an
on the frontline including contractors, design safety at work.
entirely rational response to rising expectations
on safety performance, the very real cultural and engineers, procurement staff, and other key
performance challenges that remain and especially in office-based personnel whose actions directly
light of the fact that three quarters of the respondents impact occupational and process safety outcomes.

ERM Global Safety Survey 2018 16

Contact us

Please contact us if you would like to learn more Brian Kraus –

about the survey or ERM’s broad-based work Global Managing Partner,
on safety performance improvement, including Safety Transformation
expertise in fatality prevention, contractor safety,
process safety, human factors, cultural change/
safety leadership and high impact training.
Charles Schalkwyk –
Americas Regional Safety Lead

Valery Kucherov –
EMEA Regional Safety Lead

Christina Phang –
APAC Regional Safety Lead

17 Safety: a source of increasing risk and opportunity for business

It’s not about doing
more on safety: it’s
about getting more
from what you
do already!
ERM Global Safety Survey 2018 18

1 2 5
The index has been calculated by multiplying the number
Safety Investment – 3 % of Frontline leaders from my organisation typically engage with contractors in a way that produces positive safety outcomes
of respondents increasing their investment in a given
year forecast versus respondents
focus area by 5%-10% x 0.075, plus the number of Level of Chemical Food, Manufacturing Mining Oil Pharma & Power TMT Transport Grand
2017 baseline
respondents increasing their investment in focus area Agreement Beverage & & Metals and Healthcare Total
Increase 15% + 26% by 10%-15% x 0.125; plus the number of respondents Agri-business Gas
planning to increase investment by >15% x 0.175.
Increase 10 -15% 35% Strongly 8% 0% 3% 13% 17% 20% 14% 0% 0% 9%
Increase 5 - 10% 21% (rs = 0.33, rs = 0.11, p-value = 6.29E-05).

4 Agree 56% 58% 35% 31% 41% 30% 57% 40% 67% 43%
No Significant Change 17%
Bureau of Labour Statistics, 1993 – 2016 (Census of Positive 64% 58% 38% 44% 58% 50% 71% 40% 67% 52%
-5% to +5%
Fatal Occupational Injuries Summary, 2017), available at - Agreement
Decrease -5 - 10% 1% (Strongly
Agree /

6 9 – Table 1 9 – Table 2
(rs = 0.49, rs2 = 0.24 and p-value = 1.00E-09). Correlation data between hours of safety training per employee per annum versus various Correlation data between perceptions of effectiveness of training (“Our safety training really impacts
7 measures of ‘Leadership Engagement’, ‘Safety Leadership Skills’, ‘Time in the Field’ people’s thinking on the frontline and hence their behaviours and actions”) versus various measures
26 hours of safety training accounts for 1.5% and ‘Peer-on-Peer Engagement’. of ‘Leadership Engagement’, ‘Safety Leadership Skills’, ‘Time in the Field’ and ‘Peer-on-Peer
of the average hours worked annually per Engagement’.
employee (1759 hours) in OECD countries Statement Leadership Level
in 2017 ( Statement Leadership Level
Frontline Mid-Level Senior
worked.htm). Frontline Mid-Level Senior
Leaders are deeply engaged in rs 0.14 0.24 0.28
Leaders are deeply rs 0.30 0.29 0.21
8 driving improvement in our rs 2
0.02 0.06 0.08
engaged in driving rs2 0.09 0.08 0.05
(rs = 0.26, rs2 = 0.07 and p-value = 8.35E-03). safety culture and performance p-value 0.22 0.01 4.89E-03
improvement in our safety
rs p-value 4.23E-04 6.41E-04 0.01
Our leaders have the necessary 0.11 0.08 0.27 culture and performance
skills to allow them to rs2 0.01 0.01 0.07 Our leaders have the rs 0.19 0.28 0.26
be effective safety necessary skills to allow rs2 0.06 0.08 0.07
leaders p-value 0.28 0.43 0.01 them to be effective safety p-value 0.03 8.90E-04 2.28E-03
rs -0.01 -0.09 0.13 leaders
Leaders spending rs2
rs 0.12 0.22 0.29
2.04E-04 0.01 0.02 Leaders spending
sufficient time in the field rs2 0.01 0.05 0.08
p-value 0.89 0.39 0.21 sufficient time in the field
p-value 0.16 0.01 6.13E-04
Our leaders are effective at rs 0.22 0.29 0.26
Our leaders are effective at rs 0.28 0.27 0.24
hazard recognition and rs2 0.05 0.08 0.07
hazard recognition and rs2 0.08 0.07 0.06
engage effectively as coaches engage effectively as
p-value 0.03 3.88E-03 0.09 p-value 1.10E-03 1.66E-03 6.43E-03
with their people coaches with their people
There is a strong culture of rs 0.25 N/A N/A There is a strong culture of rs 0.24 N/A N/A
peer-on-peer engagement rs2 0.06 N/A N/A peer-on-peer engagement rs2 0.06 N/A N/A
on safety (brother’s keeper) p-value 0.01 N/A N/A on safety (brother’s keeper) p-value 4.69E-03 N/A N/A

21 Safety: a source of increasing risk and opportunity for business


10 15
Zero SIFs in the 12-18 months prior to the Correlation data between perceptions of safety culture (Statement 1) versus various measures of frontline leadership characteristics (Statement 2) − ‘Leadership Engagement’, ‘Safety
respondent’s interview. Leadership Skills’, ‘Time in the Field’ and ‘Peer-on-Peer Engagement’.

11 Statement 1 Statement 2 rs rs2 p-value

One or more SIFs in the 12-18 months prior Our frontline leaders are deeply engaged in driving improvement in our 0.40 0.16 8.16E-07
to the respondent’s interview. safety culture and performance
12 Our frontline leaders have the necessary skills to allow them to be 0.40 0.16 9.55E-07
Our organisation has the safety
(rs = 0.10, rs2 = 0.01, p-value = 0.23). effective safety leaders
culture that we want
Our frontline leaders spend sufficient time in the field 0.35 0.12 2.63E-05
Our frontline leaders are effective at hazard recognition and engage 0.40 0.16 9.96E-07
(rs =0.14, rs2 = 0.02, p-value = 0.14).
effectively as coaches with their people
(Sternberg, 2016) NeuroLogic: The Brain’s 16
Hidden Rationale Behind Our Irrational Correlation data between perceptions of safety culture (Statement 1) versus various measures of mid-level leadership characteristics (Statement 2) − ‘Leadership Engagement’, ‘Safety
Behavior Leadership Skills’, ‘Time in the Field’ and ‘Peer-on-Peer Engagement’.
“There are two parallel systems in the brain
Statement 1 Statement 2 rs rs2 p-value
that control behaviour. When we practice
Our mid-level leaders are deeply engaged in driving 0.45 0.21 1.27E-08
a behavior enough, we can automate it,
improvement in our safety culture and performance
allowing the habit system to take over. This
frees up the conscious, non-habit system Our mid-level leaders have the necessary skills to 0.41 0.17 3.40E-07
to focus on something else. For example, Our organisation has the safety culture allow them to be effective safety leaders
the complex activity of driving a car requires that we want
Our mid-level leaders spend sufficient time in the field 0.27 0.07 9.86E-04
vision, touch and exquisite motor control.
Our mid-level leaders are effective at hazard recognition and 0.44 0.19 6.96E-08
But it can become mostly unconscious
engage effectively as coaches with their people
when the driver takes the same route day
after day”.
Correlation data between perceptions of safety culture (Statement 1) versus various measures of senior leadership characteristics (Statement 2) − ‘Leadership Engagement’, ‘Safety
Leadership Skills’, ‘Time in the Field’ and ‘Peer-on-Peer Engagement’

Statement 1 Statement 2 rs rs2 p-value

Our senior leaders are deeply engaged in driving 0.25 0.06 2.35E-03
improvement in our safety culture and performance
Our senior leaders have the necessary skills to 0.42 0.18 1.72E-07
Our organisation has the safety culture allow them to be effective safety leaders
that we want Our senior leaders spend sufficient time in the field 0.28 0.089 7.33E-04
Our senior leaders are effective at hazard recognition and 0.27 0.08 1.32E-03
engage effectively as coaches with their people

ERM Global Safety Survey 2018 22

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