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Ecol Res (2007) 22: 955–974

DOI 10.1007/s11284-007-0390-z


Takashi Osono

Ecology of ligninolytic fungi associated with leaf litter decomposition

Received: 22 March 2007 / Accepted: 7 May 2007 / Published online: 15 June 2007
 The Ecological Society of Japan 2007

Abstract Advances in our understanding of the decom-

position processes in forest ecosystems over the past
three decades have demonstrated the importance of
Fungi are eukaryotic micro-organisms and constitute a
lignin as a regulating factor in the decomposition of leaf
major component of soil biota in forest ecosystems.
litter. Consequently, increasingly more attention is being
They are heterotrophic and produce extracellular en-
focused on the ecology of fungi associated with lignin
zymes to utilize the organic substrates present in litter as
decomposition. The aim of this review is to provide a
energy and nutrient sources. Fungi play an important
critical summary of the ecology of ligninolytic fungi
role in leaf litter decomposition as they contribute up to
inhabiting leaf litter and forest floor materials. The re-
90% of the total respiration of soil organisms (Kjøller
view focuses on the following aspects of ligninolytic
and Struwe 1982) and decompose the lignocellulose
fungi: the taxonomic and functional diversity of lignin-
matrix in the litter that other organisms are only rarely
olytic fungi, the outcomes of interactions between lig-
able to decompose (Cooke and Rayner 1984). Fila-
ninolytic fungi and other organisms, the activity and
mentous cells of fungi, which are called mycelia and
abundance of ligninolytic fungi measured by the pro-
have an average diameter of 2–10 lm, account for only a
duction of bleached leaves and humus, the activity of
very small portion – on a weight to weight basis – of the
ligninolytic enzymes in soil environments, the substra-
total organic material present on the forest floor, but
tum and seral succession, spatial and temporal patterns
they extend more than 10,000 m within 1 g of dry litter
in both mycelial abundance and species distribution, and
material. Hence, the activity of fungal mycelia are clo-
the effect of environmental factors such as nitrogen
sely associated with the functioning of the belowground
deposition and global environmental changes on lig-
part of forest ecosystems, such as the accumulation and
ninolytic fungi. This review integrates the ecology,
recycling of soil nutrients, the evolution of carbon
diversity, and activity of ligninolytic fungi into the
dioxide (CO2) from soil and the buildup of soil organic
context of an ecosystem in order to provide an under-
matter (Swift et al. 1979).
standing of the roles of ligninolytic fungi in decompo-
Lignin is an aromatic polymer made up of phenyl-
sition processes.
propane-based monomers linked via a variety of bonds
that bind cell-wall components together. It is one of the
Keywords Basidiomycetes Æ Bleach Æ Fungal
major structural components of the leaf litter of tree
community Æ Leaves Æ Lignin
species, accounting for 50–500 mg/g leaf material
(Fig. 1). Due to its complex structure, lignin is highly
refractory and persistent, being less readily available to
fungi than other components such as cellulose (Eriksson
et al. 1990). In addition, lignin forms a resistant shield
around cellulose to form lignocellulose in plant cell walls
Takashi Osono is the recipient of the 11th Denzaburo Miyadi
(Cooke and Whipps 1993). This makes most of the cel-
lulose in plant material less readily available to fungi
T. Osono because the lignified cellulose must be delignified before
Laboratory of Forest Ecology, Graduate School of Agriculture, the cellulose can be consumed.
Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan
Lignin is therefore considered to retard the fungal
Tel.: +81-75-7536079 decomposition of leaf litter (Berg and McClaugherty
Fax: +81-75-7536080 2003). Negative relationships between the lignin content

of leaf litter and the decomposition rate of leaf litter Hatakka 2001), and the ecology of wood-decomposing
have been reported from laboratory and field experi- fungi has been well established (Rayner and Todd 1979;
ments (reviewed in Osono and Takeda 2005a). In addi- Rayner and Boddy 1988; Boddy 1992). In contrast, the
tion, the relative amounts of lignin and other acid- ligninolytic metabolism and decomposition of lignin by
insoluble substances in the remaining litter increase litter-decomposing fungi have been the focus of only the
gradually as the decomposition proceeds (Berg et al. occasional investigation since the comprehensive work
1997; Osono et al. 2007), retarding yet further the mass of Lindeberg (1944). The diversity and ecology of litter-
loss rate of leaf litter in the later stages of decomposition decomposing fungi have been documented by Frankland
(McClaugherty and Berg 1987). Previous studies have et al. (1982), Cooke and Rayner (1984), and Dix and
also indicated that the accumulation and release of Webster (1995). However, few attempts have been made
nitrogen (N) in litter is associated with the decomposi- to relate the activity and ecology of ligninolytic fungi to
tion of lignin and the formation of acid-insoluble sub- the processes involved in the decomposition of leaf litter.
stances (reviewed in Osono and Takeda 2004; Osono This is partly due to the inherent difficulties involved in
et al. 2006a). The lignin-mediated accumulation of car- studying the function and ecology of minute fungal
bon (C) and N in soils has implications for the long-term mycelia that have an indeterminate growth form and
development of the ecosystem and the functioning of which lack useful morphological features for the iden-
ecosystem services (Amundson 2001; Berg and McC- tification of species. As illustrated in Fig. 2, it is usually
laugherty 2003; Lal 2005). Therefore, an in-depth difficult to study both functional and ecological aspects
understanding of the ecological roles of those fungi of fungal communities using the same methodology. It is
responsible for lignin decomposition will provide useful also difficult to examine both the abundance of micro-
insights into the mechanisms of decomposition and bial communities and the species composition of those
ecosystem processes in forests. communities concurrently with any single method.
Despite the importance of lignin as a regulatory Consequently, some studies (mostly soil microbiologi-
factor in decomposition and ecosystem processes, cal) focus on the metabolic and enzymatic activity of
information regarding the diversity, activity, and ecol- entire microbial communities, whereas others (mostly
ogy of fungi associated with lignin decomposition in leaf mycological) investigate the abundance of fungi or the
litter is still limited. Intensive studies have been per- species composition of fungal communities per se. Few
formed on ligninolytic systems of wood-decomposing studies, however, adopt these approaches simulta-
fungi (Kirk and Fenn 1982; Eriksson et al. 1990; neously. This has prevented studies of the ecology,
diversity, and activity of ligninolytic fungi from being
incorporated into an ecosystem context.
40 In the present review, I attempt to provide a critical
Number of tree species

summary of the ecology of fungi associated with lignin

decomposition in leaf litter and forest floor materials
within forest ecosystems. The review focuses on: (1) the
taxonomic and functional diversity of ligninolytic fungi;
(2) the outcomes of interactions between ligninolytic
fungi and other organisms; (3) the activity and abun-
dance of ligninolytic fungi determined by the production
of bleached leaves and humus; (4) the activity of lig-










ninolytic enzymes in soil environments; (5) the spatial

and temporal patterns in mycelial abundance and the
Lignin content (mg/g) distribution of ligninolytic fungal species, including
substratum and seral succession; (6) the effect of envi-
Fig. 1 A review of lignin content (as acid-insoluble residues) in leaf ronmental factors, such as N deposition and global
litter of tree species. Shaded bar Broadleaved species, open bar
coniferous species. The mean value for all data is 243 mg/g environmental changes, on the ligninolytic activity of
(n = 154); the mean value for broadleaved species is 235 mg/g fungi. Most of the data discussed in this review were
(n = 121) and for coniferous species is 271 mg/g (n = 33) derived from temperate forests, which have been inten-

Fig. 2 Methods for studying Fungal community

decomposer fungal
communities on leaf litter
Functional aspects Ecological aspects

Metabolic Enzymatic Species

activity activity composition

CO2 Nutrient Organic C Organic Hyphal Specific

Colony Population Community
evolution mineralization compound N,P,S length compound

sively researched, but reference is also made to other Table 1 Genera of fungi associated with lignin decomposition in
climatic regions, such as tropical forests. leaf litter and forest floor materials

Fungus Methoda Referencesb

Terminology of lignin Basidiomycetes

Agaricus E 14
The term ‘lignin’ is commonly used to denote that Agrocybe E, M 14, 18
Clavaria B, L 3, 6
fraction assayed as ‘acid-insoluble residues’ or ‘Klason Clitocybe B, E, L 3, 6, 10, 18, 20, 24
lignin’ based on proximate analyses, such as sulfuric acid Collybia B, E, L 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 14, 17, 22,
hydrolysis. This ‘lignin’ fraction contains not only true 24, 26, 28, 29
lignin but also cutin and tannin, as revealed by the Coprinus E 13, 15, 18
Cortinellus L 3
determination of hydroxyalkanoic acids (Kögel-Knab- Cudonia B 6
ner et al. 1989) and by solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic Cystoderma B 6
resonance (NMR) spectroscopy (Preston et al. 1997). Galerina E 18
This fraction is also believed to include humic sub- Hypholoma E 18
Lepiota B, E, L 3, 6, 14, 18
stances formed by the demethylation of lignin, by the Lepista E 15
incorporation of sugars and amino compounds into Lyophyllum E 13, 15, 18
humic substances, and by the binding of inorganic N to Macrolepiota E 14
phenolic compounds (Azhar et al. 1986a, b; Kögel 1986; Marasmius B, E, L 1, 6, 7, 14, 16, 17, 18, 29, 31
Kögel-Knabner et al. 1991; Steffen et al. 2002b). Fungal Micromphale L 24
Mycena B, E, L 3, 4, 5, 6, 17, 18, 21, 23,
melanins have structural similarities to soil humic acids 24, 26, 28
(Martin and Haider 1980; Schnitzer and Chan 1986; Phaelolepiota E 18
Paim et al. 1990; Coelho et al. 1997) and may be in- Psalliota B 6
cluded in the ‘lignin’ fraction. These humic substances Rhodocybe B 6
Spathularia B 6
can be depolymerized and mineralized by the ligninolytic Stropharia E, M 18, 26
enzymes of basidiomycetes, including the litter-decom-
posing ones (Blondeau 1989; Insam 1996; Steffen et al. Ascomycetesc
Alternaria E 27
2002b). Litter and soil microfungi, as well as actino- Aspergillus E, M 8, 27
mycetes, have been examined for their ability to Coccomyces B, L 25, 31
decompose tannins (Lewis and Starkey 1969; Grant Fusarium E, M 12
1976; Rai et al. 1988), melanins (Liu et al. 1995; Butler Geniculosporium B, L 19, 21, 28
Penicillium E, L, M 11, 12, 27
and Day 1998), humic acids (Mathur and Paul 1967; Pestalotiopsis E, M 12, 27, 30
Mishra and Srivastava 1986; Kontchou and Blondeau Xylaria B, L 19, 21, 25
1992), and ferulic acids (Black and Dix 1976; Tillett and a
Walker 1990). Plant pathogenic fungi have also been B, Bleaching activity in nature; E, enzyme (manganese peroxidases
and laccase) production in the laboratory; L, loss of lignin in leaves
shown to be capable of decomposing cutin (Baker and in the laboratory; M, mineralization of lignin and related com-
Bateman 1978; Lin and Kolattukudy 1980; Kolattukudy pounds in the laboratory
1981). Litter-decomposing ligninolytic fungi are able to 1, Lindeberg (1944); 2, Harris (1945); 3, Lindeberg (1946); 4, Saito
cause substantial loss of acid-insoluble residues that in- (1960, 1966); 5, Hering (1966); 6, Hintikka (1970); 7, Latter (1977);
clude not only lignin, but also tannins, melanins, humic 8, Kaplan and Hartenstein (1980); 9, Gourbière (1983); 10, Kuyper
and Bokeloh (1994); 11, Rodrı́guez et al. (1994); 12, Falcón et al.
substances, and cutin. However, few studies have (1995); 13, Yamanaka (1995); 14, Gramss et al. (1998); 15, So-
examined their potential ability to utilize the respective ponsathien (1998); 16, Tagger et al. (1998); 17, Miyamoto et al.
components. Although the terminology may be mis- (2000); 18, Steffen et al. (2000); 19, Osono and Takeda (2001a); 20,
leading, the present review refers to the acid-insoluble Osono (2002a); 21, Osono and Takeda (2002); 22, Steffen et al.
(2002b); 23, Ghosh et al. (2003); 24, Osono et al. (2003b); 25, Koide
residues as ‘lignin’ for the sake of simplicity. et al. (2005a); 26, Baldrian and Snajdr (2006); 27, Hao et al. (2006);
28, Osono and Takeda (2006); 29, Osono et al. (2006b); 30, Hao
et al. (2007); 31, T. Osono et al. unpublished data)
Diversity of ligninolytic fungi and their ligninolytic Including anamorphic states
decompose lignin in leaves, and their mineralization of
Table 1 shows the taxonomic diversity of ligninolytic lignin and related compounds in the laboratory
fungi that decompose leaf litter and forest floor mate- (Table 1). Xylariaceous ascomycetes and their ana-
rials. The list includes a total of 31 genera (23 basidio- morphs, such as Xylaria and Geniculosporium, are
mycetes and eight ascomycetes) that have been reported commonly regarded as lignin decomposers (Whalley
to be able to decompose lignin in nature and/or in the 1996). Members of the genus Coccomyces of the family
laboratory. The major basidiomycete genera include Rhytismataceae have recently been reported to have
Clitocybe, Collybia, Marasmius, and Mycena, which are vigorous ligninolytic abilities (Table 1). These lignino-
most frequently studied for their bleaching activity in lytic fungi were successfully isolated from leaf tissues by
nature, their enzyme production, their ability to the surface disinfection method (Osono and Takeda

1999; Koide et al. 2005a). Species from other anamor- Fungi from the ascomycetes, on the other hand, gener-
phic genera of ascomycetes, such as Aspergillus spp. and ally decompose cellulose selectively over lignin (L/W of
Penicillium spp., are litter and soil microfungi, and they less than 0.6), whereas Coccomyces spp. are capable of
generally have much lower ligninolytic activities than decomposing lignin selectively (L/W of more than 2.0).
basidiomycetes (Kaplan and Hartenstein 1980; de Jong Generally speaking, basidiomycetes have a larger L/W
et al. 1990; Hao et al. 2006). Bacteria and actinomycetes than ascomycetes (Table 2).
also show some ligninolytic activity, but it is weaker The ratio between lignin and holocellulose decom-
than that of fungi (Barder and Crawford 1981; Eriksson position has an ecological implication. Lignin itself is
et al. 1990). thought not to supply sufficient energy to maintain its
Litter-decomposing fungi vary considerably in their own decomposition, so nonlignified C energy sources
respective ability to decompose lignin in leaf litter (Ta- such as holocellulose are necessary as growth co-sub-
ble 2). Care should be taken in interpreting the results strates for fungi to decompose lignin (Kirk et al. 1976).
from the various studies on lignin-decomposing ability Even fungi that highly selectively delignify litter require
of fungi listed in Table 2, however, as these are not a small amount of carbohydrate co-substrate(s) to ini-
necessarily comparable with each other because of the tiate the delignification process. Lignin decomposition is
different methodologies of litter sterilization and incu- thought to be a secondary metabolic function that serves
bation among the studies. Despite this variability in the mainly to unmask cellulose and expose it to cellulases
experimental conditions, it is commonly accepted that from which it would otherwise have been protected
basidiomycetes have greater ligninolytic abilities than (Cooke and Whipps 1993). Therefore, the ratio between
ascomycetes, as demonstrated by Osono and Takeda lignin and holocellulose decomposition indicates the
(2002, 2006) and Osono et al. (2003, 2006b) who inoc- efficiency with which ligninolytic fungi utilize energy
ulated both basidiomycetes and ascomycetes under the resources in litter. That is, fungi that selectively delignify
same conditions. Fungi with greater ligninolytic abilities litter are able to decompose lignin more efficiently per
often bring about a greater mass loss of litter. Selectivity unit of holocellulose consumed than those that remove
of lignin decomposition, expressed in Table 2 as the lignin and holocellulose at the same rate and those that
lignin-to-weight loss ratio (L/W), is also highly variable decompose holocellulose in preference to lignin.
among fungal species (Table 2). Basidiomycetes Fungi appear to be less efficient in decomposing the
decompose lignin and other components, such as holo- lignin in coniferous needles than that in broadleaved leaf
cellulose, in various proportions; for example, some litter (Table 2). Mikola (1956) and Osono and Takeda
Clitocybe and Collybia spp. preferentially decompose (2006) demonstrated this difference by inoculating the
lignin (L/W of more than 2.0), whereas Mycena spp. same fungal isolates onto both coniferous and broad-
often cause the simultaneous decomposition of lignin leaved litter under the same conditions. The difference is
and other components (L/W of between 0.7 and 1.5). partly attributable to the presence of guaiacyl lignin in

Table 2 Mass loss (% original mass) of lignin in leaf litter and lignin-to-weight loss ratio (L/W) caused by basidiomycetes and asco-
mycetes tested in pure culture (nd not determined)

Litter species Taxona Method Mass loss of lignin L/Wb n Referencesc

Litter Incubation Mean Minimum, Mean Minimum,

sterilization maximum maximum

Broadleaved trees
Fagus sylvatica B Autoclaving 25C, 160–171 days 49.0 19.4, 76.5 1.9 1.1, 3.1 17 1
Fagus crenata B Autoclaving 20C, 56 days 29.8 6.5, 59.8 0.9 0.4, 1.1 6 3
A Autoclaving 20C, 56 days 5.5 2.0, 12.2 0.6 0.2, 1.5 8
Betula spp. B Gas sterilization 20C, 84 days 31.5 0.3, 72.8 1.1 0.0, 2.5 9 6
A Gas sterilization 20C, 84 days 1.5 1.9, 5.9 0.2 0.2, 0.8 6
Camellia japonica A Gas sterilization 20C, 56 days 9.7 10.3, 28.1 0.8 0.8, 2.3 9 5
Coniferous trees
Picea spp. B Gamma irradiation 23C, 56 days 21.8 9.0, 40.0 nd nd 10 2
Larix leptolepis B Gas sterilization 20C, 84 days 18.4 4.2, 39.6 1.9 0.5, 3.3 7 4
A Gas sterilization 20C, 84 days 1.7 3.7, 0.3 0.3 0.5, 0.0 5
Chamaecyparis obtusa B Gas sterilization 20C, 126 days 15.3 4.5, 36.7 0.6 0.4, 1.3 7 7
A Gas sterilization 20C, 126 days 0.6 5.1, 7.3 0.1 0.5, 0.5 5
Abies spp. B Gas sterilization 20C, 84 days 11.1 0.2, 36.0 1.3 0.1, 2.9 8 6
A Gas sterilization 20C, 84 days 1.1 4.2, 1.5 0.2 0.9, 0.5 3
B, Basidiomycetes; A, ascomycetes
L/W is an index of selective delignification caused by fungal species (Worrall et al. 1997). L/W = mass loss of lignin (% original mass)/
mass loss of litter (% original mass)
1, Lindeberg (1946); 2, Miyamoto et al. (2000); 3, Osono and Takeda (2002); 4, Osono et al. (2003b); 5, Koide et al. (2005a); 6, Osono and
Takeda (2006); 7, Osono et al. (2006b)

gymnosperms, which is more recalcitrant than the gua- enzymes is responsible for the fungal decomposition of
iacyl-syringyl lignin present in angiosperms (Eriksson lignin (Eriksson et al. 1990). Phenol oxidase (e.g., lac-
et al. 1990). The lower amount of lignin decomposition case) and manganese peroxidase (MnP) are considered
that occurs on coniferous litter is more distinct for as- to be the major enzymes involved in lignin decomposi-
comycetes than for basidiomycetes (Table 2). Fungal tion by litter-decomposing basidiomycetes (Steffen
decomposition of leaf litter is also affected by the lignin 2003). To date, lignin peroxidase, another peroxidase
content of the leaf litter, which not only differs among commonly found in ligninolytic wood-decomposing
litter species but also increases over successive stages of fungi, has not been found in litter-decomposing fungi. A
decomposition (Fig. 3). few studies have purified and characterized ligninolytic
Fungi associated with the decomposition of leaf litter enzymes from litter-decomposing basidiomycetes
and forest floor materials are functionally grouped as (Dedeyan et al. 2000; Steffen et al. 2002a; Farnet et al.
litter-decomposing fungi. Fungi in other functional 2004). Relatively little is known about the enzymatic
groups, such as wood-decomposing and mycorrhizal system of ligninolytic ascomycetes, despite the ability of
fungi, can also take part in lignin decomposition in leaf some species to cause selective delignification (Osono
litter. Examples of ligninolytic species in overlapping and Takeda 2001a; Koide et al. 2005b).
groups between wood- and litter-decomposing fungi in-
clude Hypholoma spp. and Mycena crocata (Steffen
2003). There are a number of reports on the production Outcomes of interactions between ligninolytic fungi
of ligninolytic enzymes in pure culture for ericoid and and other organisms
ectomycorrhizal fungi (reviewed in Burke and Cairney
2002). The levels of peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase The ligninolytic fungi present in natural environments
increased when an ectomycorrhizal fungus, Suillus are rarely found under ‘pure culture’ conditions as in
granulatus, was in symbiosis with Pinus sylvestris under nature they are in contact and interact with other
laboratory conditions (Günther et al. 1998). However, organisms, such as ligninolytic and nonligninolytic
the enzymatic activities of mycorrhizal fungi are gener- fungi, bacteria, actinomycetes, and soil animals. How-
ally lower than those of saprobic fungi and they have not ever, most of the studies on the outcomes of interactions
yet been demonstrated in the field. Interestingly, Entry between ligninolytic fungi and other organisms have
et al. (1991) reported an enhanced decomposition of been performed under laboratory conditions and, con-
lignin in mycelial mats of an ectomycorrhizal fungus, sequently, little is known of the importance of these
Hysterangium setchellii, associated with Pseudotsuga interactions in the field.
menziesii roots compared with adjacent non-mat soils. When one fungal mycelium is in contact with an-
The causal agents of lignin decomposition in the ecto- other, mycelial interactions will occur. These include
mycorrhizal mat soils remained unknown, but this find- synergic, neutral, and competitive and antagonistic
ing suggests that the mycelial growth of ectomycorrhizal interactions, of which competitive and antagonistic
fungi could enhance ligninolytic activity in soils. interactions are the most important for the development
Lignin decomposition involves numerous chemical of fungal communities (Rayner and Webber 1984).
reactions, which indicates that a set of extracellular Studies on wood-decomposing fungi have shown that

a 40 b 40
Mass loss of F layer material

Mass loss (%)

20 20 MY


0 150 300 450 0 20 40
Initial lignin content (mg/g) Mass loss of freshly fallen litter

Fig. 3 Effects of lignin content on the decomposition of leaf litter unpublished data). Content of acid-insoluble lignin was lower in
by ligninolytic fungi. a Mass loss (% original mass) of leaf litter of freshly fallen litter than in F-layer materials. CL Clitocybe spp., CO
15 tree species inoculated with Geniculosporium sp. as a function of Collybia spp., MR Marasmius spp., MY Mycena spp., O species in
initial lignin content (T. Osono, unpublished data). R2 of the other genera (Cyathus, Pseudoclitocybe, Gerronema, and
regression line is 0.80. Bars indicate standard errors (n = 5). Psathyrella). The 1:1 line is indicated. Note that some Collybia
b Mass loss (% original mass) of freshly fallen litter of Fagus spp. caused greater mass loss on F-layer materials than on freshly
crenata compared with that of F layer materials (humic material) fallen litter, whereas Mycena spp. caused greater mass loss on
caused by 19 isolates of litter-decomposing basidiomycetes (T. Osono, freshly fallen litter

mycelial interactions between ligninolytic fungi result in readily seen in nature because their mycelia, which are of
the induction of laccase and peroxidase activities (White an indeterminate growth form, are too minute to be
and Boddy 1992; Savoie et al. 1998; Tsujiyama and delimited, quantified, and identified. However, the lig-
Minami 2005). It is uncertain, however, whether similar ninolytic activity of fungal species can be detected and
results would be expected for mycelial interactions be- evaluated in nature by determinating the occurrence of
tween ligninolytic litter-decomposing fungi. The rate of fungal colonies or the portions of the resource (i.e. leaves
leaf litter decomposition and laccase activity were found or forest floor materials) occupied by fungal mycelia as
to decrease when litter-decomposing basidiomycetes ‘bleached portions’ on leaf surfaces and ‘bleached hu-
were mixed with nonligninolytic fungi, bacteria, or mus’ within the forest floor (Fig. 4). This approach has
naturally occurring microbes owing to their antagonistic two advantages. Individual colonies are easily delimited
interactions (Saito 1960; Kaplan and Hartenstein 1980; by black zone lines or by sharp boundaries between
Dix and Simpson 1984; Lang et al. 1997). them and the nonbleached litter around the colony. This
The addition of earthworms or millipedes enhanced enables researchers to quantify the number of colonies
lignin decomposition by naturally occurring microbial and the area or amount of resource colonized by lig-
communities in Fagus sylvatica leaf litter (Scheu 1993). ninolytic fungi (e.g. Hirose and Osono 2006). Further-
The colonization of leaf litter by an unidentified saprobic more, fungi associated with the bleaching can be
basidiomycete was enhanced by the presence of a identified based on the occurrence of fruiting bodies or
collembolan, Onychiurus subtenuis, which fed selectively the isolation of fungi from the substrata.
on a competing microfungus (Parkinson et al. 1979). According to Cooke and Rayner (1984), it is useful to
The decomposition rate of needle litter by Marasmius recognize that the ligninolytic activity of fungi in nature
androsaceus was also enhanced by grazing by Onychiurus operates at two levels of litter organization that are
latus, whereas that of Mycena galopus was suppressed associated with different modes of fungal colonization.
(Newell 1984b). Some soil animals seem to have prefer- At one level, fungal colonies occur as bleached portions
ences for certain litter fungi (Mitchell and Parkinson on individual leaves (Fig. 4a). Litter in this case can be
1976; Visser and Whittaker 1977; Kaneko et al. 1995), regarded in terms of its component units – i.e., leaves –
but the effect of grazing depends on the animal density each of which is considered to be an independent re-
(Hanlon and Anderson 1979). Thus, the presence of source for fungal occupation. Many of the fungi are
collembola does not necessarily lead to the stimulation of ‘component-restricted’ in that individual colonies are
decomposition (e.g. Visser et al. 1981; Hassall et al. 1986). limited in extent by the physical boundaries of the units
The presence of some fungi can indirectly influence they occupy. At the second level, fungal colonies occur
the decomposition activity of other fungi through the as bleached humus within the forest floor (Fig. 4b). In
modification of litter quality. Pretreatment of leaf litter this case, the entire litter system – and not its individual
with endophytic fungi and concomitant changes in litter components – provides a habitat for fungi. Thus, sam-
quality were found to affect the substrate utilization pling methods should be scaled up accordingly. These
patterns of Mycena spp., which shifted from simulta- fungi are ‘component-unrestricted’ in that mycelia are
neous removal of lignin and carbohydrates to selective not restricted by the spatial limitations of individual
delignification (Osono 2003). In turn, the removal of component units.
lignin by ligninolytic fungi enhanced the decomposition Osono (2006b) summarized data on the occurrence of
of leaf litter by succeeding fungi under both laboratory bleached areas on individual leaf litter of broadleaved
and field conditions (e.g. Table 3) (Cox et al. 2001; tree species in tropical and temperate forests. Bleaching
Koide et al. 2005a). of this type is caused by both ascomycete and basidio-
mycete species that are component-restricted. Well-
studied examples include Xylaria spp. on Fagus crenata
Bleaching: lignin decomposition by fungi leaf litter (Osono and Takeda 2001a) and Coccomyces
sp. on Camellia japonica leaf litter (Koide et al. 2005a,
Contrary to laboratory experiments, the exact role of b). Osono (2006b) found that the lignin content in the
individual fungal species in lignin decomposition is not bleached areas was consistently lower than that in the

Table 3 Mass loss (% original mass) of bleached and nonbleached areas of Camellia japonica leaf litter (T. Osono, unpublished data)

Bleached areasa Nonbleached areasa Probability

Coccomyces sp. 10.3 ± 1.1 5.8 ± 1.0 P < 0.01

Dermateaceae sp. 7.4 ± 0.8 5.2 ± 1.2 0.10 > P > 0.05
Xylaria sp. (anamorph) 23.6 ± 2.4 17.9 ± 2.2 0.10 > P > 0.05

Values indicate means ± standard errors (n = 5)

Portions of C. japonica leaf litter were naturally colonized and delignified by Coccomyces sp. (Koide et al. 2005b). The bleached areas had
lower lignin content (272 mg/g dry material) than the nonbleached areas (351 mg/g). Leaf tissues from the bleached and nonbleached
areas were sterilized with ethylene oxide gas, inoculated with three fungal isolates on water agar, and incubated at 20C for 8 weeks to
determine the mass loss rates of litter

The occurrence of bleached litter and humus in nat-

ure appears to depend on the ability of fungi to
decompose lignin selectively and effectively from sub-
strata. Xylaria spp. and Coccomyces spp., component-
restricted ascomycetes, have been shown to selectively
delignify litter to produce bleached areas on individual
leaves (Osono and Takeda 2001a; Koide et al. 2005a).
Clitocybe spp. and Collybia peronata, both component-
unrestricted basidiomycetes, are selective decomposers
of lignin that produced bleached humus in a cool tem-
perate forest (Osono 2002a). On the other hand, Mycena
filopes and M. polygramma were rarely associated with
bleached humus in the same forest, despite the frequent
occurrence of their fruiting bodies. These mycenas are
less effective in the decomposition of forest floor mate-
rials as they are simultaneous decomposers of lignin and
holocellulose (Fig. 3; Osono and Takeda 2002).
How frequently are bleached litter and humus
encountered on the forest floor? Bleached humus pro-
duced by component-unrestricted basidiomycetes cov-
ered 0.4–11.3% of the total area of the forest floor in
boreal forests (Hintikka 1970). Bleached humus
occurred around the base of fruiting bodies of Clitocybe
sp. in a cool temperate forest, but only two colonies
(each approximately 5 · 5 cm in size) were encountered
within a 0.1-ha area (Osono 2002a). These values are
lower than one would expect given that members of the
genera Clitocybe, Collybia, Marasmius, and Mycena are
Fig. 4 Bleaching of leaf litter by component-restricted (a) and
component-unrestricted fungi (b). Bar 1 cm well represented in assemblages of litter-inhabiting bas-
idiomycetes. Their fruiting bodies occur on the forest
floor much more frequently than bleached humus
(Table 4). This discrepancy suggests that only a portion
nonbleached parts of the same leaves. Leaf mass per of these ligninolytic basidiomycetes are able to delignify
area was also lower in the bleached than in the non- leaf litter and forest floor materials effectively under field
bleached parts, indicating that colonization and lignin conditions – at least within temperate forests. The
decomposition by fungi led to a greater loss of leaf tissue bleached areas on leaf surfaces produced in a compo-
mass in the bleached portions. nent-restricted manner accounted for 6.3–14.5% of the
Bleached humus, also called white-rot humus (Hint- total leaf area (mean: 9.8%) in temperate forests and
ikka 1970), is produced by component-unrestricted 7.9–29.7% (mean: 17.4%) in tropical forests (Osono
basidiomycetes. The mycelia of these basidiomycetes 2006b).
accounted for 1–13% of the length of the total fungal Based on the available data on the occurrence of
mycelia in the forest floor of temperate forests (Ruscoe bleached litter and humus, it is reasonable to assume for
1971; Bååth and Söderström 1977; Osono 2002a; Osono temperate forests that ligninolytic fungi comprise as
and Takeda 2001b; Osono et al. 2002, 2006c), but the much as 10% of the entire decomposer fungal commu-
ratio increased significantly in bleached humus (Frank- nities or of the total resources available for fungal col-
land et al. 1981; Osono 2002a). Major fungal genera onization. This is in good agreement with the estimate of
known to produce bleached humus include Clitocybe, Gourbière (1983) that Collybia butyracea and C. macu-
Collybia, Marasmius, and Mycena (Table 1). In bleached lata bleached and decomposed 18 kg/ha/year of Abies
humus, the lignin content was lower and the soil respi- needles in the fermentation (F) layer. This decomposi-
ration rate greater than in the surrounding nonbleached tion rate was minor when compared with the total
humus (Harris 1945; Saito 1957; Hintikka 1970; Osono amount of litter in the F layer (6.4 t/ha) or with the
2002a). Thus, colonization and lignin decomposition by annual rate of disappearance of the litter (1.0 t/ha/year).
fungi enhance the mineralization of organic matter in Information on the occurrence of bleached litter and
the forest floor. Lignin decomposition in bleached hu- humus in nature is still limited, despite its usefulness in
mus also led to the mineralization of organic N (Hint- evaluating in situ ligninolytic activities of fungal species.
ikka 1970; Osono 2002a). Kuyper and Bokeloh (1994) This is especially so in climatic regions other than tem-
demonstrated the relationship between fungal decom- perate forests, such as tropical forests. More studies are
position of lignin and N mineralization in a laboratory necessary on the occurrence of bleached litter and hu-
experiment. mus in nature.

Table 4 Frequency of occurrence (%) of fruiting bodies of four genera of ligninolytic basidiomycetes on the forest floor

Forest type Location Observation plot Clitocybe Collybia Marasmius Mycena Referencea

Size (m2) Number

Broad-leaved forest
Fagus sylvatica Sweden 5 295 7 (3) 57 (4) 35 (3) 54 (13) 1
Quercus ilex France 100 64 27 (5) 27 (3) 3 (1) 41 (8) 8
Fagus crenata Japan 4 250 1 (1) 2 (2) 1 (2) 45 (8) 6
Alnus spp. USA 4 500 14 (10) 24 (4) <1 (1) 8 (5) 4
Mixed forest
Acer, Betula, Abies, Picea Canada 4 2000 8 (4) 16 (5) 11 (2) 24 (4) 3
Coniferous forest
Pinus sylvestris Finland 750 23 78 (2) 52 (5) 26 (1) 13 (4) 2
Picea abies Japan 1 100 0 (0) 42 (2) 7 (1) 46 (8) 5
Picea glehnii Japan 1 100 0 (0) 28 (2) 9 (3) 24 (5) 5
Thuja plicata Canada 9 96 <1 (2) <1 (2) 0 (0) 14 (19) 7
Picea sitchensis Canada 9 96 <1 (1) 0 (0) 0 (0) 11 (29) 7
Tsuga heterophylla Canada 9 96 2 (1) <1 (1) 1 (1) 8 (15) 7
Pseudotsuga menziesii Canada 9 96 2 (4) <1 (2) 1 (1) 7 (25) 7

Numbers indicate the frequency of the most frequent species within the genus. Numbers in parenthesis indicate species richness of the
genus. Note the great difference in size and number of the observation plots among studies
1, Tyler (1985); 2, Hintikka (1988); 3, Villeneuve et al. (1989); 4, Brunner et al. (1992); 5, Miyamoto et al. (2000); 6, Osono (2002a); 7,
Outerbridge (2002); 8, Richard et al. (2004)

stand (Gallo et al. 2004). The results from decomposi-

Activity of ligninolytic enzymes in soil environments tion studies indicated that laccase activity was more
linearly associated with mass loss of litter and varied less
An alternative method for detecting and examining the with seasonal changes in moisture content than MnP
ligninolytic activity of fungal communities in nature is to activity (Fioretto et al. 2000; Kourtev et al. 2002; Allison
measure the activity of extracellular enzymes in soil and Vitousek 2004; Di Nardo et al. 2004). The activities
environments (Sinsabaugh et al. 1991; Sinsabaugh of cellulases and glycosidases have also been found to be
1994). Enzyme assays are useful in that they directly subject to pronounced seasonal controls (Fioretto et al.
provide functional information on bulk microbial com- 2000, 2001; Criquet et al. 2002). Di Nardo et al. (2004)
munities that mediate leaf litter decomposition, although investigated the isoenzyme distribution of laccases and
the composition and activity of individual fungal species peroxidases and found that some enzyme isoforms
are not taken into consideration (but see Waldrop et al. contributed more than others to overall laccase and
2000 for the relationship between enzyme activities and peroxidase activity. This result suggests that some lig-
microbial community composition). Among the hun- ninolytic fungi dominate over other species with similar
dreds of different enzymes released by microbes into the functional activities.
environment, soil enzymes directly involved in the
decomposition of lignocellulose and the cycling of major
nutrients have been the focus of recent studies. These Spatial and temporal patterns in mycelial
soil enzymes include phenol oxidase (laccase), peroxi- abundance and distribution
dase, glucosidases, cellulases, hemicellulases, proteases,
and phosphatases (Eriksson et al. 1990; Sinsabaugh and Substratum succession of ligninolytic fungi
Liptak 1997; Sinsabaugh 2005).
Of the major ligninolytic enzymes, laccase, followed Succession is a directional change in the composition,
by MnP, have been found to be the predominant en- relative abundance, and spatial pattern of species com-
zymes in the forest soils examined to date, while lignin prising biological communities. Succession has been the
peroxidases have only rarely been detected (Criquet focus of research by mycologists working on litter-
et al. 2000; Fioretto et al. 2000; Baldrian et al. 2006). decomposing fungi as it provides useful information on
The activities of laccase and MnP decreased with soil resource utilization, interspecific interactions, and the
depth (Baldrian et al. 2006), as did the diversity of lac- effects of physical and chemical environmental factors
case gene sequences (Luis et al. 2005). The activities of on fungal populations. The succession of fungal com-
laccase and MnP in decomposing leaf litter has also been munities has been more precisely defined as ‘the
found to vary with litter species (Kourtev et al. 2002; sequential occupation of the same site by thalli (nor-
Sinsabaugh et al. 2002; Allison and Vitousek 2004; Hu mally mycelia) either of different fungi or of different
et al. 2006), with the type of ground cover, such as moss associations of fungi’ (Rayner and Todd 1979; Frank-
and lichen (Sedia and Ehrenfeld 2006), and with forest land 1992). Fungal successions are classified into sub-

stratum succession and seral succession (Frankland was due to the selective decomposition of holocellulose
1998). Substratum successions of saprobic fungi have by succeeding fungi (Koide et al. 2005a).
been described for a wide variety of litter types in Changes in mycelial abundance in decomposing litter
decomposition processes (Hudson 1968). Here, the have been investigated (e.g., Berg and Wessén 1984;
decomposition processes refer to the ‘initial’ processes of Berg 1991; Virzo de Santo et al. 2002; Osono et al.
transformation from freshly fallen leaves on the surface 2003a), but few data are available on the mycelial
of the litter (L) layer to near-humus materials in the F growth of ligninolytic fungi during the decomposition
layer. In contrast to substratum succession, less atten- processes. It is clear that a measure of the abundance of
tion has been paid to the seral succession of saprobic the total mycelial mass from the whole fungal commu-
fungi in association with changes in the vegetation of nity is a poor guide to the colonization of the litter by
developing ecosystems. ligninolytic fungi. It is difficult, however, to identify the
Changes in the area of the bleached portions on leaf mycelia of individual species based on the observation of
surfaces indicate the succession of component-restricted hyphae, except by means of the development and
ligninolytic fungi during decomposition (Osono 2006b). application of antibodies, the direct extraction of DNA
In a tropical forest, the bleached area on Shorea obtusa from soils, or other molecular techniques (Frankland
leaf litter increased slowly to 1% of the total leaf area et al. 1981; Hitchcock et al. 1997; Luis et al. 2004;
during the first month and then increased sharply Cairney 2005). Alternatively, Osono and coworkers
thereafter to 30% after 9 months (Fig. 5). In a temper- followed changes in the mycelial abundance of basidio-
ate forest, on the other hand, the bleached area on mycetes, some of which were expected to have lignino-
Camellia japonica leaf litter increased sharply to 17% lytic ability (Fig. 6). Basidiomycetous mycelia increased
during the first 2 months and decreased gradually to 2% linearly with mass loss from Fagus crenata leaf litter,
after 18 months (Fig. 5). The bleaching agent for S. with a few seasonal flushes, reaching approximately
obtusa litter has not been determined, but the pattern of 20% of total hyphal length at the end of a 3-year period
extension of the bleaching area suggests that lignin of decomposition (Osono and Takeda 2001b). Osono
decomposition was associated with colonization by and Takeda (2001b) attributed this increase to the rel-
basidiomycetes in the later stages of decomposition ative enrichment of the remaining litter with lignin. In
(Osono 2006b). Conversely, colonization by ligninolytic contrast, basidiomycetous mycelia remained at lower
ascomycete species was responsible for the bleaching of levels during the decomposition of Swida controversa
C. japonica litter (Koide et al. 2005b). These were and Camellia japonica leaf litter, accounting for an
endophytic on attached leaves and were capable of average of 2% of the total hyphal length in both litter
removing lignin in freshly fallen leaves as prior colo- types. It should be noted that not all basidiomycetes
nizers. They were isolated from the bleached portions colonizing litter are saprobic or ligninolytic, but the
after no more than 4 months of decomposition. The difference among litter types suggests that the coloni-
decrease (or darkening) of bleached areas after 4 months zation of litter by basidiomycetes is possibly associated


Bleached area (%)

m/g dry litter

20 2
5 6
10 14 250

1 18
0 50 100
0 10 20 30 40 50 Accumulated mass loss of litter (%)
Accumulated mass loss of litter (%)
Fig. 6 Changes in the mycelial abundance of basidiomycetes with
Fig. 5 Changes in the bleached area (% total leaf area) with respect respect to accumulated mass loss of leaf litter of Fagus crenata
to accumulated mass loss of leaf litter of Shorea obtusa (filled (open squares), Swida controversa (open circles), and Camellia
squares) in a tropical forest in Thailand and of Camellia japonica japonica (open triangles). The length of basidiomycete mycelia was
(open circles) in a temperate forest in Japan. Numbers indicate the determined under a microscope based on the presence of clamp
months of decomposition. Bars indicate standard errors (n = 10). connections on their hyphae. Data are from Osono and Takeda
Data are from Osono (2006b) (2001b), Koide et al. (2005a), and Osono (2005)

with the lignin contents of the litters. Lignin content was

not only greater in F. crenata (437 mg/g) than in S.
controversa (196 mg/g) and C. japonica (212 mg/g), but
it also increased during the decomposition of F. crenata
leaf litter (Fig. 6).
Studies on the composition of fungal species using
isolation and/or direct observation methods have also
shown the frequent occurrence of basidiomycetes on leaf
litter in the later stages of decomposition (Saito 1956;
Kendrick and Burges 1962; Hudson 1968; Soma and
Saito 1979; Ponge 1991). A few basidiomycetes were
found in the early stages of needle litter decomposition
(Tokumasu 1996b, 1998; Virzo de Santo et al. 2002); at
this stage, they may take part in the removal of phenolic
compounds in the needles. In contrast, ligninolytic as-
comycetes appeared to take part in decomposition dur-
ing earlier stages than the basidiomycetes (Osono and Fig. 7 Idealized diagram of the succession of ligninolytic fungi of
Takeda 2001b; Koide et al. 2005a), partly due to the the ascomycetes and the basidiomycetes in litter types with different
endophytic nature of some ligninolytic ascomycetes lignin contents. Axis a indicates litter type with greater lignin
content, axis b indicates decomposition stages with increasing
(Osono 2002b; Koide et al. 2005b). This does not ex- lignin content, axis c indicates the relative abundance of the fungi.
clude the possibility, however, that ligninolytic asco- Relative abundance of ligninolytic fungi is represented as the
mycetes persist until later stages of decomposition. In volume below the bold lines, which is further divided into
fact, xylariaceous ascomycetes were frequently isolated ascomycetes (darkly-shaded portion below the dotted lines) and
basidiomycetes (lightly-shaded portion above the dotted lines). The
from F. crenata and Pinus densiflora litter, even after decomposition stages in axis b represent the processes of
4 years of decomposition (T. Osono, unpublished data). transformation from freshly fallen leaves on the surface of the L
The colonization by xylariaceous fungi also varied with layer to near-humus materials in the F layer
litter types. In a cool temperate forest in Japan, for
example, the relative frequency of xylariaceous fungi
with respect to the entire fungal communities was substrates, microenvironmental conditions, and com-
greater in freshly fallen (14% of total isolated fungi) and petitive and antagonistic mycelial interactions, which are
decomposing leaves (54%) of lignin-richer F. crenata discussed in detail in Osono (2006a). Of these factors,
(Osono 2002b) than in decomposing leaves of S. con- the efficiency with which fungi utilize resources is
troversa (9%) (Osono et al. 2004). In a study of mi- important for controlling the effect of lignin on the
crofungal assemblages on leaf litter from 29 tree species, organization of the fungal community. A relative in-
litter from which Xylaria spp. were isolated had a greater crease in lignin content in decomposing litter will favor
lignin content (316 mg/g dry litter on average, n = 17) competitive colonization and the replacement of asco-
than litter from which no Xylaria spp. were isolated mycetes with basidiomycetes, with the latter generally
(242 mg/g, n = 12) (T. Osono, unpublished data). decomposing lignin more efficiently than ascomycetes, as
Based on evidence currently available on temperate discussed above. Some authors also ascribe the increase
forests, I propose an idealized diagram of the succession in the abundance of basidiomycetes in the later stages of
of ligninolytic fungi in litter with varying lignin contents decomposition to an increase in the moisture content of
during decomposition (Fig. 7). Overall, the relative the lower litter layers (Dix 1984, 1985; Dix and Frank-
abundance of ligninolytic fungi increases not only land 1987). However, this is not always the case, as
with the lignin content of the litter but also with the demonstrated by Osono et al. (2006c) in a field experi-
relative enrichment of the litter with lignin during ment in which the stage of decomposition was more
decomposition. This is primarily due to competition important than the moisture content for allowing the
with nonligninolytic fungi such as cellulolytic and sugar colonization of the litter by basidiomycetes. The abun-
fungi whose hyphal growth is generally faster than that dance of basidiomycetes can be much greater than is
of ligninolytic fungi. The lower the lignin content of the schematically described in Fig. 7 when the litter is
litter, the greater the availability of nonlignified carbo- decomposed in exactly the same location as the colonies
hydrates that favor competitive colonization by nonlig- of component-unrestricted basidiomycetes distributed
ninolytic fungi and the concomitant exclusion of unevenly on the forest floor.
ligninolytic fungi. Within the ligninolytic fungi, asco-
mycetes are more abundant in freshly fallen leaves than
basidiomycetes, but ascomycetes gradually decrease in Seral succession of ligninolytic fungi
abundance during decomposition to be replaced by
basidiomycetes in the later stages. The extent and rate of Successional changes in saprobic fungal communities in
the decrease in the abundance of ascomycetes depend litter and soils have been described in relation to primary
upon such factors as life cycle, ability to utilize (Brown 1958a, b; Cooke and Lawrence 1959) and sec-

ondary vegetation development (Tresner et al. 1954; known of the post-fire succession of ligninolytic fungi
Wicklow and Whittingham 1974; Countess et al. 1998). (Widden and Parkinson 1975; Bissett and Parkinson
Fruiting bodies of component-unrestricted basidiomy- 1980; Visser 1995).
cetes have commonly been used as indicators of the The occurrence of bleached areas on leaf surfaces was
occurrence of ligninolytic fungi in successional series. examined in successional forest stands of regenerated
However, this method may underestimate the occur- Pseudotsuga menziesii, using leaf litter of Gaultheria
rence of basidiomycetes because the absence of a fruiting shallon, a dominant understory shrub of the forests (T.
body does not necessarily indicate the absence of myc- Osono et al., unpublished data). The bleaching was
elia in the soil. Thus, relatively little is known of the caused by Marasmius sp. and Coccomyces sp., which was
changes in the abundance of the mycelia of ligninolytic verified by the ability of these fungi to cause selective
fungi or of the ligninolytic activity of fungal communi- delignification in pure culture. Bleached areas on leaf
ties throughout vegetation development. surfaces were smaller in young regeneration sites of 13–
The establishment of host plants appears to be crucial 14 years (2% of total leaf area) than in older sites of 50–
for the development of saprobic fungal communities in 324 years (17–22%). The smaller bleached areas in the
early stages of primary succession – for example, in re- regeneration sites may be due to changes in the micro-
cently deglaciated terrains (Bardgett and Walker 2004). environment and litter quality. The effect of clearcutting
On deglaciated chronosequences in Alaska, the occur- on ligninolytic fungi will be discussed below.
rence of fruiting bodies of Clitocybe, Collybia, Mycena,
and Marasmius spp. was associated with the presence of
host trees that provided the substrata for colonization Spatial and temporal distribution of ligninolytic
(Sprague and Lawrence 1959a, b, 1960). In fact, an fungal populations
investigation of soil fungal assemblages inferred from
rDNA sequence analyses revealed the absence of sapr- The spatial and temporal distributions of ligninolytic
obic fungi, but the presence of mycorrhizal and parasitic fungi, other than in the substratum and in seral succes-
fungi, in nonvegetated areas of a glacier forefront sion, have been studied under undisturbed conditions at
(Jumpponen 2003). Forest areas recently destroyed by various scales. Spatial distribution has been examined
the thick deposition of volcanic debris were devoid of between forest types, between sites of various topo-
fruiting bodies of Clitocybe and Collybia, which were graphical position, within single forest stands, and be-
common components of macrofungal assemblages in tween soil horizontals. Temporal variations in the
adjacent nondevastated forest areas (Obase et al. 2005). distribution of ligninolytic fungi have been studied sea-
Remarkable changes in ligninolytic basidiomycete sonally and annually. As in the case of seral succession,
assemblages have been demonstrated during secondary the information currently available refers mostly to the
forest succession after harvest. Fujita (1989) and Iw- occurrence of fruiting bodies on component-unrestricted
abuchi et al. (1994), for example, reported a greater basidiomycetes, and relatively little is known of the
number of species and more fruiting bodies of Collybia, distribution patterns of mycelia of ligninolytic fungi or
Mycena, and Marasmius spp. in forest stands after of the ligninolytic activity of fungal communities.
20 years of stand development than in younger stands. The occurrence of fruiting bodies of some ligninolytic
These authors suggested that this change was possibly basidiomycetes is related to tree species and forest type.
attributable to the accumulation of forest floor materials Tyler (1992) and Hansen and Tyler (1992) found that in
as the stand aged. The opposite pattern was reported by southern Sweden species of Marasmius had a high
Hintikka (1988) who found that fruiting bodies of Col- affinity for pure stands of F. sylvatica (M. alliaceus) or
lybia and Clitocybe were concentrated in open stands 5– Quercus robur (M. androsaceus and M. recubans),
15 years old and decreased in number in older stands. whereas little or no relationship to tree species was re-
Similar to Fujita (1989) and Iwabuchi et al. (1994), corded for species of Clitocybe and Collybia. The genus
Hintikka (1988) also considered that the greater amount Mycena was intermediate between these two sets of
of litter residues left on the soil of the young stands after species. Tyler (1992) suggested that fungal species
felling had an effect on the ligninolytic basidiomycete growing on leaf litter in the early stages of decomposi-
assemblages. Dighton et al. (1986) noted that both tion tended to have a higher affinity for one tree species
Mycena and Marasmius spp. showed a pattern of greater than those producing fruiting bodies from materials in
abundance of fruiting bodies in older stands of Picea more advanced stages of decomposition. In a survey of
sitchensis than in younger stands, whereas the opposite fruiting bodies over 104 plots within plantations con-
pattern was observed in the abundance of fruiting bodies taining 12 tree species in Denmark, Lange (1993) noted
in younger and older stands of Pinus contorta. The dif- that some species in the genera Clitocybe, Mycena, and
ference in stand age-related patterns of fruiting between Marasmius showed a preference for coniferous or
the forest types has not yet been fully explained, but broadleaved trees, whereas Collybia spp. showed no
Dighton et al. (1986) suggested the importance of litter preference for any host.
quality, which differed between the two tree species. The occurrence of fruiting bodies also varies with
Bush fire affected the production of fruiting bodies of topographical position. The biomass production of
basidiomycetes (Marı́n-Pinto et al. 2006), but little is fruiting bodies of Clitocybe, Collybia, Marasmius, and

Mycena spp. was greater on the lower slope than on the The occurrence of fruiting bodies of ligninolytic
upper slope of a Picea abies forest (Rastin et al. 1990a). basidiomycetes usually shows a seasonal pattern, with
The number of plots in which fruiting bodies of Mycena two peak periods in the early summer and autumn, at
spp. occurred was greater on the lower slope than on the least in northern hemisphere temperate forests (Okabe
upper slope of a Fagus crenata forest in Japan (Osono 1983; Murakami 1989; Rastin et al. 1990b; Miyamoto
2002a). However, this pattern of distribution of fruiting and Igarashi 1993; Osono 2002a; Kinoshita and Fuk-
bodies along forest slopes can vary depending on the uda 2004; Yamashita and Hijii 2004). Seasonal varia-
vegetation type and the genera of ligninolytic basidio- tion in the occurrence of fruiting bodies has been found
mycetes (Okabe 1979). The amount of basidiomycete to differ among species. Individual species generally
mycelia in the litter layer also varied with slope position have one peak period of fruiting, leading to changes in
and was greater on the upper slope than on the lower the species composition with changes in season
slope in the F. crenata forest (Osono 2002a). This dif- (Murakami 1989; Miyamoto and Igarashi 1993;
ference may reflect the predominance of mycorrhizal Yamashita and Hijii 2004). It should be noted that the
fungi on the upper slope. peak period of fruiting does not necessarily correspond
Mycelia of major ligninolytic basidiomycetes are to the peak period of ligninolytic activity of fungal
considered to be perennial. Consequently, they are dis- mycelia, but field evidence implies that there may be a
tributed extensively and unevenly over the forest floor relationship between these two variables. For example,
because of their tendency to develop ‘fairy rings’ or Osono (2002a) found an increase in basidiomycetous
‘arcs’ (Shantz and Piemeisel 1917; Weaver 1975; Dow- mycelia in November when the frequency of fruiting
son et al. 1989; Frankland et al. 1995). Fruiting bodies of bodies also reached its maximum. Criquet et al. (2000)
these fungi have often been found to aggregate on the also reported increases in laccase and MnP activities
forest floor in areas varying in size from 0.5 and 5 m during the autumn, the period of favorable moisture
(Murakami 1989; Fukiharu and Kato 1997; Miyamoto conditions. The fruiting of basidiomycetes varied be-
and Igarashi 2004; Yamashita and Hijii 2006). Analyses tween years (Eveling et al. 1990; Straatsma et al. 2001),
of population structures revealed that the population but the annual variation of ligninolytic fungi and the
densities of Collybia subnuda and Marasmiellus prae- factors affecting the variation have not been fully
acutus were 4–9 and 7–12 different individual genets per evaluated.
100 m2, respectively (Murphy and Miller 1993, 1997).
Individuals of a rhizomorph-forming fungus, Marasmius
androsaceus, had high population densities of up to 18 Geographical locations
individual genets within an area of 3 m2 (Holmer and
Stenlid 1991). Spatial variation in the number of fruiting Geographical variations in litter decomposition rates
bodies and fruiting fungal species on the forest floor has have been observed in temperate regions and have been
been correlated to the coverage and composition of trees ascribed to climatic variables such as mean annual
(Ferris et al. 2000), ground vegetation (Såstad 1995), or temperature, summer and winter precipitation, and ac-
the amount or thickness of the forest floor (Tyler 1991; tual evapotranspiration, as determined by (Berg et al.
Yamashita and Hijii 2006). Conversely, Miyamoto and (1993) in Europe and Trofymow et al. (2002) in Canada.
Igarashi (2004) found that the number of fruiting bodies Berg et al. (1997) examined the rates of increase of lignin
of Collybia pinastris within each plot of 0.5 · 0.5 m was content in needle litter with respect to mass loss of litter
not correlated with the thickness of the litter layer. In- during decomposition in 30 sites across Europe. The
stead, plots in which the fruiting bodies of C. pinastris rates of increase of lignin concentration showed a posi-
occurred had a thinner litter layer than those in which tive correlation with actual evapotranspiration at the
the fruiting bodies did not occur, probably due to the sites, indicating that more lignin was decomposed in
decomposition of needle litter by the fungus. cooler and drier climates than in warmer and wetter
Mycelia of basidiomycetes are often concentrated in climates. In other words, the efficiency at which fungal
the interface between the L and F layers of temperate communities decomposed lignin was higher at those sites
forest soils (Saito 1956; Ruscoe 1971; Bååth and Sö- in cooler and drier climates and lower at those in warmer
derström 1977; Osono 2002a). In the forest floor of a and wetter climates. This pattern is consistent with the
Picea sitchensis forest, the distribution of Marasmius results of incubation experiments that manipulated
androsaceus was restricted to the L horizon, whereas temperature and moisture, as discussed below (Donnelly
Mycena galopus occurred in the F1 horizon (Newell et al. 1990; Osono and Takeda 2006). Berg et al. (1997)
1984a) despite the fact that, in a laboratory test, M. interpreted the findings to mean that fast-growing
androsaceus was able to colonize litter from both L and cellulolytic fungi would have an advantage over slow-
F1 horizons more than twice as fast as M. galopus. Ne- growing ligninolytic fungi under more favorable condi-
well (1984b) explained this result by attributing it to tions and that the opposite would be true under less
grazing by collembola, demonstrating that mycelia of favorable conditions. Indeed, the relative abundance of
M. androsaceus were grazed selectively by Onychiurus individual fungal species showed geographical patterns
latus, which was more abundant in the F1 horizon than that correlated with climatic variables (Tokumasu
in the L horizon. 1996a, 2001; Iwamoto and Tokumasu 2001).

The decomposition rate of leaf litter in general was Sulfur dioxide, another major pollutant in atmo-
twofold higher in tropical forests than in temperate spheric deposition, strongly inhibited the respiration of
forests (Takeda 1998; Takeda and Abe 2001). Lignin Mycena galopus, and this inhibitory effect was increased
decomposition also appeared to be faster in tropical by increasing concentrations of sulfur dioxide (Dursun
forests than in temperate forests (Takeda and Abe 2001; et al. 1996a, b). High concentrations of lead at shooting
Hirobe et al. 2004). The bleached area on the leaf sur- ranges inhibited the growth of litter-decomposing
faces was on average 1.8-fold greater in tropical forests basidiomycetes and the activity of ligninolytic enzymes
than in temperate forests, suggesting that the coloniza- (Tuomela et al. 2005).
tion of leaf litter by component-restricted fungi that Osono and coworkers (Osono et al. 2002, 2006a, b)
cause selective delignification can be greater in tropical demonstrated the effect of the excessive supply of bird
forests (Osono 2006b). Consistent with this, Hirobe et al. excreta rich in N and phosphorus (P) on ligninolytic
(2004) presented an interesting result that lignin was fungi in a coniferous forest . The mycelial abundance of
removed more efficiently from decomposing leaves of 15 ligninolytic Marasmius sp. decreased in forest stands
tree species in a lowland tropical rain forest than in amended with a large amount of excreta (Osono et al.
temperate forests (e.g., Berg et al. 1997; Osono and 2002). Consequently, the excreta deposition reduced
Takeda 2005b). Our knowledge of the pattern of lignin lignin decomposition in litter and led to the accumula-
decomposition and the ecology of ligninolytic fungi in tion of recalcitrant materials and excreta-derived nutri-
tropical forests is still limited and should be studied ents in the forest floor (Osono et al. 2006a). Osono et al.
further. (2006b) then explicitly demonstrated in laboratory
experiments that avian excreta reduced hyphal growth
rate and lignin decomposition in litter by ligninolytic
Effects of changing environment basidiomycetes. The decrease in net mass loss of lignin
was attributable not only to direct inhibition by the high
Excessive supply of nutrients concentration of inorganic N and salts in the excreta,
but also to the formation, or net gain, of acid-insoluble
An excessive supply of N of anthropogenic origin, such substances.
as atmospheric deposition and the addition of fertilizers,
affects lignin decomposition in leaf litter (Fog 1988; Berg
and Matzner 1997). Nitrogen amendment had a greater Global environmental changes
effect on phenol oxidase activity than on peroxidase
activity, and the content of lignin and recalcitrant The atmospheric concentration of CO2 has increased in
materials in litter and soils controlled the effect of N recent years because of anthropogenic emissions, and
amendment (Carreiro et al. 2000; Hobbie 2000; Saiya- models predict that this rise in CO2 will increase global
Cork et al. 2002; Sinsabaugh et al. 2002, 2005; Waldrop temperature. Scientists are paying increasingly more
et al. 2004a). Thus, N amendment can stimulate phenol attention to the effect of these global environmental
oxidase activity and decomposition in low-lignin litter, changes on the structure and functioning of terrestrial
whereas it often suppresses phenol oxidase activity and ecosystems and on terrestrial ecosystem processes,
decomposition in high-lignin leaf litter (but see DeForest including the decomposition of litter and soil organic
et al. 2004a for decreased activity of phenol oxidase in matter (Norby et al. 2001; Ito 2002; Berg and
low-lignin litter). A probable explanation for the stim- McClaugherty 2003).
ulation of phenol oxidase in low-lignin litter is the It is well known that decomposition rates of bulk leaf
stimulation of cellulose decomposition that supplies co- litter increase with temperature (e.g. Carreiro and Koske
substrates for lignin decomposition. Phenol oxidase 1992b). Lignin decomposition in leaf litter is also ex-
activity and decomposition in mineral soils have been pected to increase with temperature, but relatively few
found to be suppressed by N amendment irregardless of studies have examined the influence of temperature on
forest type. Gallo et al. (2004) suggested that the inhi- lignin decomposition. Laccase and peroxidase activities
bition of oxidative activity in soils by N amendment in the upper horizons of temperate forest soils responded
involved the inhibition of bacterial activity but that linearly at temperatures between 2 and 30C in labora-
changes in phenol oxidase activity were not always tory incubations (McClaugherty and Linkins 1990), as
attributable to specific groups of microbes (DeForest did the mineralization of 14C-labeled lignin (Donnelly
et al. 2004a; Waldrop and Zak 2006). Nitrogen et al. 1990). At the species level, mass loss rates of lignin
amendment also stimulated the decomposition and in Abies needles and Betula leaf litter caused by Collybia
fungal assimilation of vanillin, a major product of lignin dryophila were greater when the leaf litter incubated at
depolymerization, in low-lignin litter, but inhibited it in 20C than at 10C (Osono and Takeda 2006). Donnelly
high-lignin litter (DeForest et al. 2004b; Waldrop et al. et al. (1990) and Osono and Takeda (2006) reported that
2004b). Waldrop and Zak (2006) showed that phenol cellulose decomposition increased more rapidly than
oxidase activity responded directly and positively to the lignin decomposition at higher temperatures, leading to
amount of nitrate supplied in low-lignin litter but neg- the decreased efficiency of lignin decomposition at
atively to that in high-lignin litter. higher temperatures. Temperature affected the outcomes

of competitive interactions among fungal species richness of fruiting bodies that are visible on the forest
(Widden 1984; Widden and Hsu 1987; Widden and floor, and the ability of individual species to decompose
Scattolin 1988; Carreiro and Koske 1992a), which leaf litter in pure culture. The patterns of substratum
may also account for the shift in substrate utilization succession on various litter types were summarized in
efficiency at the community level. Hudson (1968), and the origin, development, and suc-
The effect of CO2 concentration on lignin decompo- cession of early colonizers were recently reviewed in
sition can be indirect or direct. Indirectly, CO2 enrich- Osono (2006a). Data on the diversity and decomposing
ment is correlated with an increase in the lignin content ability of ligninolytic fungi have been published over the
of leaf litter compared with ambient CO2 concentration last 60 years (see Tables 2, 4). However, the ecology,
(Norby et al. 2001). The higher lignin content in leaf diversity, and activity of specific ligninolytic fungi have
litter produced at elevated CO2 concentrations will favor been explored individually, and they have been rarely
competitive colonization by ligninolytic fungi but, in incorporated into an ecosystem context despite general
turn, it will decrease the rate of decomposition of leaf agreement among researchers that fungal communities
litter, as discussed above. In contrast, there are few play irreplaceable roles in decomposition.
observations of the direct effect of elevated CO2 on the However, advances based on decomposition studies
activity of ligninolytic fungi. The development of fruit- carried out during the last three decades have demon-
ing bodies of basidiomycetes may be inhibited by high strated the importance of lignin as a regulating factor in
CO2 concentrations (Tabak and Cooke 1968), which the decomposition of leaf litter and the accumulation of
would affect the distribution of fungal propagules. The soil organic matter (e.g. Berg and McClaugherty 2003).
growth of many litter-inhabiting fungi, including lig- These have provided an opportunity for the integration
ninolytic species, is not significantly affected by high of ecology, diversity, and activity of ligninolytic fungi in
CO2 levels according to Tabak and Cooke (1968) and the present review. This integrative approach is useful
Hintikka and Korhonen (1970). Overall, the predicted for understanding the ecological aspects of fungal
concentrations of CO2 in the near future will have a decomposition of lignin. More recently, progress in
negligible direct effect on the distribution and decom- molecular techniques has thrown light upon the enzy-
position activity of ligninolytic fungi. matic activity and genetic diversity of ligninolytic fungi
at a community level in the environment and at an
individual species level. Planning for future advances in
Forest practices the studies of decomposition by ligninolytic fungi in
molecular, species, and community terms will allow us to
Fungi can serve as indicators of stress and disturbance evaluate better the functioning of fungal communities in
resulting from forest management practices, such as ecological systems.
clearcutting, postharvest treatments, and transforma-
tion to agricultural fields (Durall et al. 2005). The Acknowledgments I thank Dr. Hiroshi Takeda and Dr. Seiji
clearcutting of forests has been found to inhibit lignin Tokumasu for encouragement and useful comments on the ecology
of fungi; Dr. Dai Hirose and Ms. Kanade Koide for useful dis-
decomposition in leaf litter (Zhang and Liang 1995; cussions; Dr. Tony Trofymow for comments on decomposition;
Ishikawa et al. 2007) and phenol oxidase activity in the Dr. Caroline M. Preston for helpful comments on chemical anal-
forest floor (Waldrop et al. 2003). The decrease in ysis; and Dr. Kari T. Steffen for comments on ligninolytic enzymes
ligninolytic fungi after clearcutting was partly attrib- of litter-decomposing basidiomycetes.
utable to the desiccation of the forest floor due to
canopy removal, and this may be responsible for the
slow decomposition rates of leaf litter in clearcut areas
(Edmonds 1978; Addison et al. 2003). Forest manage-
ment procedures other than clearcutting, such as the Addison JA, Trofymow JA, Marshall VG (2003) Functional role of
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