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Allowable vapor control valve

pressure drops
Understand the relationship between the pressure drop
and the process system
F. YU, Jacobs Engineering Group, Houston, Texas

ing a ball or hutterfly rotary control valve is to select the ball type

n a previous article, the author stated the advantage of sizing
control valves using the minimum allowahle control valve first since it has a wider operating range. Then, select the butterfly
pressure drop at maximum flow over other methods.' In this rotary control valve for higher flow applications.
article, more information is provided about the relationship The acceptable operating range of each control valve type var-
between the allowable control valve pressure drop and the pro- ies among the professionals. In general, the acceptable operating
cess system it serves. Only vapor control valve allowable pressure range for a globe control valve is 20% to 90% open. The accept-
drop is discussed. able operating range for a ball rotary control valve is 15° to 90"
From an engineering design viewpoint, we want to select a open. The acceptable operating range for a butterfly rotary control
control valve that is able to regulate the process fluid over a desired valve is 15° to 60° open.
flow range, a smaller valve control valve to reduce capital cost and In this article, it is assumed that the acceptable globe control
less control valve pressure drop to reduce operating cost. valve operating range is 20% to 90% open, and the acceptable
The control valve is part of a process system. Its function is rotary control valve operating range is 20° to 90" open. Further-
to regulate process flow so that certain process conditions can more, it is assumed that the piping geometry factor is ignored.
be maintained. A process system consists of source and destina-
tion ec]uipment, wich a process line to move process fluid from Basic e q u a t i o n s . Each process system is designed to handle
the source to the destination. In the process line, there are other process fluid over a maximum to minimum flow range, with
process equipment, instruments, valves and fittings to process normal flow between these two extremes. The process engineer's
the process fluid. Process variables in a process system are inlet/ job is to carry out a hydraulic calculation for the process system
outlet temperatures and pressures, flowrate, line size, and control based on normal flow to flnd out its pressure profile and allowable
valve and system pressure drops. In this article, system pressure control valve pressure drop. Besides the system hydraulic calcula-
drop is deflned as the total pressure drop of process equipment, tion, another source of allowable control valve pressure drop is
instruments and line excluding the control valve pressure drop in from the compressor hydraulic calculation, which is usually based
a process system. The static head diflerence in a vapor system is on rated flow.
small and can be ignored. Increase the flowrate and the availahle Control valve size usually depends on the maximum flow and
pressure drop for a control valve and system will be reduced and the allowable control valve pressure drop. A smaller allowable
vice versa. control valve pressure will result in a larger control valve. In most
If the process system has a compressor, it will be the source cases, it is justified to have a larger control valve with a smaller
equipment. Usually it is a centrifugal compressor, and the system pressure drop, since the higher control valve cost can be recovered
pressure will be affected by its performance curve. A centrifugal by the reduced operating cost.^ If we assign a small allowable
compressor will generate lower head or lower system inlet pres- vapor control valve pressure drop, DP^, at maximum process
sure at high flow, and higher head or higher system inlet pressure flow rate, Q^, allowable control valve pressure drop at normal and
at low flow. minimum flow can be calculated as:
In most cases, the process engineer will supply tiie allowable
vapor control valve pressure drop for the instrument engineer DP =DP + DP DP. x = \,2 (1)
to size and select the control valve. Process engineers sometimes
specify the allowable control valve pressure drop at maximum, where DP^^, is system pressure drop at maximum flow and DP^ is
normal and minimum process flowrates, but sometimes only control valve pressure drop at normal flow, (Q,, x = I), or mini-
provide it at normal flowrate {since it is readily available from a mum flow, {Qi' ^ = 2)- The system pressure drop in this study
hydraulic calculation). is the sum of all the line, equipment and instrument pressure
drops that vary with flow. DP/, is the compressor head or pressure
B a s i s . The most common control valves used in industry are increase at normal or minimum flow over the maximum flow. Eq.
globe and rotary (butterfly or ball). A globe control valve is usually 1 is a general equation, applicable to any process system.
smaller than a rotary control valve. The division between these Since in most cases, system pressure drop at normal flow, DP^i,
two types of control valves is 6 in. to 8 in. The strategy of select- is calculated, system pressure drop at maximum flow, DP^, can be



estimated by the following equation: the process fluid. Air pressure at the control valve inlet is 100 psig.
Line size is chosen so that line pressure drop is about I psi/100 ft
(2) at maximum flowrate.
The process flow operating range is selected to be from 50%
For a vapor control valve, control valve CV^ at maximum pro- (minimum) to 110% (maximum) of normal flow. The allowable
cess flow or CV^ at another flow can be calculated by the following vapor control valve pressure drop is assigned based on maximum
equations: flow rate, Q,,- f'or each flow case, a control valve is selected using
the manufacturer's control valve catalog.
CV = (3a) Results of the study for globe control and rotary control
valves are:
A. For a globe control valve, maximum air flowrates of 600,
CV = 3,000, 150,000, 420,000 and 840,000 scfh are selected, using 1
= \,2 (3b)
in., 2 in., 4 in., 6 in. and 8in. lines respectively. Five system pres-
G r\z }\ sure drops (based on maximum flow) are selected: 5, 25, 50, 75
and 100 psi for each flow case.
where 7*1 is control valve inlet pressure in psia, 71 is control valve The following factors are studied:
inlet temperature in R (Rankine), 6,, is the ratio of gas molecular 1. Allowable vapor control valve pressure drop. DP,,, at maxi-
weight to air and Z is the gas conipressibility factor. CV^ and mum flow, Q,:
CV^ are control valve CKat maximum and other flovt-rates, Q^ Allowable vapor control valve pressure drops of 5, 10 and 15
In scfti. psi are selected. The control valve is selected close to the maximum
X^ Is the ratio of control valve pressure drop (DP^, A: = 0,1,2) to acceptable valve opening (90% open) with an equal-percentage
PI, dimensionless. It is calculated by the following equation: characteristic. Table 1 shows the results.
X^=DPjP\ ;f = 0,1,2 (3c) From Fable 1, we see that, in general, a larger globe control
valve is required if the allowable control valve pressure drop is
Y^ is the expansion factor (ratio of flow coefllcient for a gas to smaller. But sometimes the same control valve is selected for dif-
that for a liquid at the same Reynolds number), dimensioniess. It ferent allowable control valve pressure drops (see the maximum
is calculated by the following equation: flow = 3,000 scfli).
l-X 2. Control valve performance at different system pressure
Y = ^^ \— 0 19 {%A\ drops, D/>,^:
This study is based on a control valve selected using an iillowable
^k/1.4 (3e) control valve pressure drop of 5 psi at maximum air flow (Table 1).

F(, is the ratio of specific heat ratio of gas, k, to chat of air, 1.4. XT^. y n o i w^ ,., Control valve selection at different control
is the pressure drop ratio factor for a control valve without attached valve pressure drops
fittings. It is the pressure drop ratio required to provide critical or
sonic flow dirough the valve when F/, = 1.0. Y^ is larger than 0.667 Maximum air flow =i 600 scfh
when flow through the control valve is subsonic, and it is 0.667 when DPo. psii CV-calc Valve Selected valve
flow through the control valve is sonic. XT^. varies with control valve opening, %
opening ;md its value is given in the valve manufacturer's catalog. 5 0.431 69.8 1 in., 0.25 in. port, three flutes, cv - 1.07
By taking a ratio of Eqs. 3a and 3b, the following equation 10 0.313 60.0 1 In., 0.25 in. poo, three flutes, cv = 1.07
can be obtained:
15 0.260 87.3 1 in., 0,25 in. port, one flute, cv = 0.354
CV Qx Y ^ DP Maximum air flow = 3,000 scfh
x_ 0 0
(4) 5 2.153 8S.6
Y DP 1 in., 0.375 in. port, c v - 3.07
cv X X
10 1.566 75.4 1 in., 0.375 in, port, cv = 3.07
From Eqs. 1 and 4, following equation can be obtained in 15 1.315 70.5 1 in., 0.375 in. port, cv = 3.07
terms of Q y
Maximum air flow = 150,000 scfh
,0.5 5 107.3 84.5 3 in,, 3'/i(in. port, c v = 136.0
DP^ DP CV DP 10 77.66 83.6 2.5 in., 2'A in. port, cv = 99.4
DP -~ (5)
CV DP 15 64.90 77.2 2.5 in., 2% in. port, cv = 99.4
0 X o
Maximum air flow = 420,000 scfh
Qo' ^^o' ^^so' y<i ^"li CVg (at maximum flowrate) are known 5 299.9 77.9 6 in., 7 in. port, cv ^ 394.0
since they are used to select a control valve. Once a control valve is
selected, its CV^ at any other control valve opening can be found 10 218.1 87.8 6 in., AVs in. port, cv = 274.0
from a control valve catalog. Flow at this control valve opening, 15 180.4 82.8 4 in., 4% in. port, cv = 224.0
Q^., can be calculated by iteration using Eqs. 5, 3c, 3d and 1. Maximum air flow = 840,000 scfh
5 600.2 69.6 8 in,, 8 in. port, c v - 8 1 8 . 0
A p p l i c a t i o n s . I he previous equations are used to study the
10 43S.4 86.1 8 in., 8 in. port cv = 567.0
relationship of allowable vapor control valve pressure drop and its
15 359.8 88.4 6 in., 7 in. port, cv = 394.0
process system. To simplify the analysis, air at 60"F will be used as



At accqjtabte minimum and maximum control vake openings (20% is selected if valve selection is away from the maximum acceptable
and 90%), flow through the control valve in terms of percentage opening (higher capital cost). Comparing the operating ranges of
of normal (low is calculated for various system pressure drops (at Table 3 conurol valves to those in Table 2, Table 3 control valves are
Eiiiiximum flow). Results are listed in Table 2 for maximum air flows not able to operate at the minimum flow (50% of normal flow)
of 3,000, 150,000,420,000 and 840,000 scfh. Our target is that the for a system with a larger system pressure drop (25 or 50 to 100
control valve is able to operate over 50 to 110% of normal flow. psi) since at 50% of normal flow, control valve opening will be less
From this table we see that the selected globe control valves are than the acceptable lower limit, 20% open. Separate calculations
Lible to operate over a 50% to 110% flow range, operating flow for 150,000 scfh and 420,000 scfh show that if the control valve is
range is 103% to 108% of normal flow for a system pressure drop selected at 66% and 7 3 % opening, selected control valve-s (4 in., cv
of 5 psi and 95% to 79% of normal flow for a system pressure drop = 224; 8 in., cv =567) are still able to operate over the whole flow
of 25 to 100 psi. The operating flow range reduces as the sy.stem range. Table 3 control valve operating flow range is larger than Tiible
pressure is increased. For the 100 psi system pressure drop cases, 2 control valve operating flow range only for a system pressure drop
flow ar 20% control valve opening is sonic, since V2 = 0.667, o f 5 p s i ( 1 0 8 % v s 103%, 3,000 scfli), (114% v-s 105%, 150,000
3. Select control valve away from the acceptable maximum scfh), (116% vs 108%, 420,000 scfli), and is smaller for the rest of
the system pressure drop cases (for 25 psi /)/*,„, 58% vs 90%, 3,000
control valve opening:
scfli), (66% vs 95%, 150,000 scfh), (75% vs 93%, 420,000 scfh);
Table 2 control valves are selected close to the acceptable maxi-
(for 100 psi DP^, 33% vs 80%. 3,000 scfli), (42% vs 87%, 150,000
mum opening (90% open). Control valve performance selected
scfH), (55% vs 82%, 420,000 scfli case).
away from the maximum opening is listed in Table 3.
Comparing the globe control valve performance to the cor- 4. Effect of higher maximum flow limit (wider flow range):
responding one in Table 2, it can be seen that a larger control valve Table 1 control valve selection is based on maximum flow
being 110% of normal flow. In this section we will study the con-
trol valve selection based on higher maximum flows: 120% and
TABLE 2. Control valve performance at different 150% of normal flow (system with wider flow range). The results
process system pressure drops are shown in Tables 4a and 4b. Maximum flow and maximum
system pressure drop are increased proportionally to have a fliir
Maximum air flow = 3,000 scfh; use 1 in., 0.375 in. port valve, cv = 3.07;
cv (20% open) = 0.199, cv (90% open) = 2.43
Table 4a shows that when increasing maximum flow from
i Percent flow Percent flow Flow range, % Covered
50-110% flow
110% to 120% of normal flow, the same size globe control valves
at 20% open at 90% open
are selected.
5 14.0 116.7 102,6 Yes
25 21,9 112.1 90,2 Yes
TABLE 3. Select control valve away from the
50 26.0 111.2 85.2 Yes acceptable maximum control valve opening (90% open)
75 27.1 110.8 83.7 Yes
Maximum air flow = 3,000 scfh; use 1 in., 0.75 in. port valve, cv = 8.84;
100 30.6 (sonic) 110.6 80,0 Yes
cv (20% open) = 0.622, cv (90% open) = 8.17
Maximum air flow = 150,000 scfh; use 3 in., 3716 In. port valve, cv = 136;
DPjo, psi Percent flow Percent flow Flow range, % Covered
cv (20% open) = 7.53, cv (90% open) = 120
at 20% open at 90% open 50-110% flow
5 10,7 116-1 105,4 Yes
5 42.4 150.7 108.3 Yes
25 16.8 111.9 95.1 Yes
25 61.4 > 50 119.7 58.3 No
50 20.1 111,1 91.0 Yes
50 71.3>50 115.0 43.7 No
75 21.1 no.7 89.6 Yes
75 76.4 > 50 113.4 37.0 No
100 23.6 (sonic) 110.6 87.0 Yes
100 79.4 > 50 112.5 33.1 No
Maximum air flow = 420,000 scfh; use 6 in., 7 in. port valve, cv = 394;
Maximum air flow = 150,000 scfh; use 6 in., 7 in. port valve, cv = 394;
cv {20% open) = 25.8, cv (90% open) = 368
cv (20% open) - 25.8, cv (90% open) = 368
S 13.0 120,8 107.8 Yes
5 35,7 149.6 113.9 Yes
25 20.4 113.3 92.9 Yes
25 53.3 > 50 119.5 66.2 No
50 24.3 111.8 87.5 Yes
50 62.8 > 50 114.9 52.1 No
75 25.4 111,2 85.8 Yes
75 67.7 > 50 113.3 45.6 No
100 28.5 (sonic) 110.9 82.4 Yes
100 70.3 > 50 112.5 42.2 No
Maximum air flow ^ 840,000 scfh; use 8 in., 8 in. port valve, cv = 818;
Maximum air flow = 420,000 scfh; use 8 in., 8 in. port valve, cv = 818;
cv (20% open) - 58.1, cv (90% open) = 761
cv (20% open) ^ 58.1, cv (90% open) = 761
5 14,6 122,4 107.8 Yes
28.9 145.0 116.1 Yes
25 22.8 113.8 91.0 Yes
25 43.9 118.7 74.8 Yes
50 27.0 112.0 85.0 Yes
50 51.8 > 50 114.5 62.7 No
75 28.1 111.4 83.3 Yes
75 55.3 > 50 113.0 57.7 No
100 31.9 (sonic) 111.1 79.2 Yes
100 57.2 (sonic)> 50 112.3 55.1 No
Note: The 1-tn valve is selected hased on maximum flow with c<f= 2.153 and 85.6% waive
opening. The 3-in. valve is selected based on maximum flow with cv - 107.3 and 84.5% valve Note: The 1-in. valve is selected based on maximum llow with cv = 2.155 and 49.8% valve
opening. The 6-in, valve is selected based on maximum flow with cv = 299.9 and 77.9% valve opening. The 6-in. valve is selected based on maximum flow wilh cv = 107.3 and 50,6% valve
opening. The 8-in vatve is selected based on maximum How with cv = 500,2 and 59,6% vaive opening The 8-in. valve is selected based on maximum flow wiih cv = 300.9 and 49,5% valve
opening. DPo = ^ pst. opening. DPo= B psi,



5. Effect of compre,ssor head variation with flow:

A centrifugal compressor curve shows compressor head varia-
tion with flow (Fig. 1). The shape of the compressor curve depends
on compression ratio, speed, type of gas and compressor design.
In general, compressor head or discharge pressure will increase
when Howrate i.s decreased, or it will decrease when flowrate is
increased. The amount of head increase or decrease depends on
the compressor curve and the operating point.
Since the control valve is selected based on maximum flowrate
and a valve opening close to 90% open, compressor head will
increase for 20% control valve opening and decrease for 90%
control vaive opening. The effects of compressor head increases
Flow, gpm of 5 psi and 10 psi at 20% control vaive opening and compressor
head decreases of 5 and 10 psi at 90% control valve opening are
FIC-1 A centrifugal compressor curve shows compressor head listed in Table 5.
variation with f lovtf.
From these tables we see the efl"ect of a compressor head increase
on the globe control valve performance at 20% valve opening (the
Table 4b shows that when increasing maximum flow from lowest acceptable opening). As the compressor head increased (5
1 10% to 150% of normal flow, larger globe control valves are psi or 10 psi), flow also increased, but slightly. The increase is about
required, the .selected control valve for 204,546 scfli is able to 3.2% to 0.1 % {based on normal flow) for a 5 psi compressor head
operate at the minimum flow limit (50% of normal flow), but increase and 5.9% to 0.1 % for a 10 psi compressor head increase
for 4,091 scfli and 572,727 scfh, the selected control valves are at different maximum system pressure drops. The largest increase
not able to operate at mininuim flow for a system with a larger occurred for the system with the smallest system pressure drop {5
pressure drop (> 139.5 psi or > 186 psi). An option to avoid this psi). Also shown is the eflect of a compressor head decrease on the
problem is to use a second smaller control valve for the low- globe control valve performance at 90% valve opening (the highest
flow service. Separate calculation shows that increasing allowable acceptable opening). For a 5 psi compressor haid decrease, percent
control valve pressure drop docs not improve the flow limitation flow (based on normal flow) decrease is about 35.8 to 0.3. For a 10
at minimum flow at 20% valve opening by selecting different psi compressor head decrease, percent flow decrease is about 120.8
control valves. to 0.3. The largest decrease again occurred for the system with the

T A B L E 4 a , Control valve performance—valve selected T A B L E 4 b , Control valve performance—valve selected

based on maximum flow at 120% of normal flow based on maximum flow at 150% of normal flow
Maximum air ftow = 3,273 scfh; use 1 in., 0,375 in. port valve, cv = 3.07; Maxinnum air flow = 4,091 scfh; use 1 in., 0, 5 in. port valve, cv = 4,91;
cv (20% open) = 0.199, cv (90% oper)) = 2.43 cv (20% open) ^ 0 . 3 1 9 , cv (90% open) = 4, 17
0P,o, psi Percent flow Percent flow Flow range, % Covered DPso. psi Percent flow Percent flow Flow range, % Covered
at 20% open at 90% open 50-120% flow at 20% open at 90% open 50-150% flow
6.0 14,6 122,0 107.4 Yes 9.3 26.2 165.7 139.5 Yes
29.8 23.1 120.6 97.5 Yes 46.5 40.5 153.9 113.4 Yes
59.5 26.7 120.3 93.6 Yes 93.0 47.0 (sonic) 152.0 105.0 Yes
89.3 29.3 (sonic) 120.2 90.9 Yes 139.5 55.7 (sonic)>50% 151.4 95.7 No
119.0 33.3 (sonic) 120.2 86.9 Yes 186,0 62,7 (sonic)>50% 151.0 88.3 No
Maximum air flow = 163,636 scfh; use 3 in., 3%* in. port valve, cv = 136- Maximum air flow ^ 204,546 scfh; use 4 in., 4% in. port valve, cv = 224;
cv (20% open) = 7,53. cv (90% open) = 120 cv (20% open) = 11.6, cv (90% open) = 205
6.0 11.1 121.4 110.3 Yes 9.3 19.1 165.1 146.0 Yes
29.8 17.7 120.4 102.7 Yes 46.5 29.8 153.8 124.0 Yes
59.5 20.7 120.2 99.5 Yes 93.0 34.9 (sonic) 152.0 117.1 Yes
89.3 22.5 (sonic) 120.2 97.7 Yes 139.5 41.9 (sonic) 151.3 109.4 Yes
119.0 25.6 (sonic) 120.1 94.5 Yes 186,0 47.5 (sonic) 151.0 103.5 Yes
Maximum air flow = 458,182 scfh; use 6 in., 7 in. port valve, cv = 394; Maximum air flow = 572,727 scfh; use 8 in., 8 in. port valve, cv = 567;
cv (20% open) = 25.8, cv (90% open) =368 cv (20% open) = 38, cv (90% open) = 476
6.0 13.6 126.4 112.8 Yes 9.3 22,3 157.5 135.2 Yes
29.8 21.5 121.9 110.4 Yes 46.5 34.3 152.0 117.7 Yes
59.5 25.0 121.0 96.0 Yes 93.0 40.5 (sonic) 151.0 110.5 Yes
89.3 27.2 (sonic) 120.7 93.5 Yes 139.5 48.3 (sonic) 150.7 102.4 Yes
119.0 31.0 (sonic) 120,5 89.5 Yes 186.0 54.7 (sonic)>50% 150.5 95.8 No
Note: The 1-in, valve is selected based on maximum flow with cv = 2.347 and 88 7% wive NotarThe 1-in valve is selected based on maximum flow with cv= 2 933 and 79 3% valve
opening. The 3-in, valve is selected based on maxiinum flow vtnth ci- = 117 1 and 88 7% valve opening. The 4-in, valve ts selected based on maximum flow with cv = 146 2 and 74 6% valve
opening. The 6-in. valve is selected based on maximum flow with cv = 327 1 and %2 1 % valve opening. The B-irt. waive is selected based on maximum flow with cv = 410 4 and 83 8% valve
opening. Dp^ = 5 psi. opening. 0?^ = 5 psi.



smallest systetn pressure drop. This table also show.s that selected for demanding applications
globe control valves arc able to operate at a lower flow limit (50%
of normal flow). Since selected control valves are ba.sed on the upper
flow limit, they are able to operate over the whole flow range. At the
acceptable tnaximum valve opening (90% open), cbe selected globe
control valves may not be able to operate at the upper flow limit
due to a compressor head decrease; especially for a smaller control
valve and system with a smaller system pressure drop ( <25 psl), or
larger compressor head decrease (>10 psi).
Flow also increased slightly for a system with 50 psi or less system
pressure drop. Tbe increase is about .3.2 to 0.1 % (based on normal
flow) for a 5 psi aimpressor head increase and 5.9 to 0.1 % for a 10
psi conipres.sor head increase. The largest increase occtirred for tbe
system witb the smallest system presstire drop (5 psi). Also shown is
the effect of a compressor head decrease on die globe control valve
performance at 90% valve opening (the highest acceptable open-
ing). For a 5 psi compressor head decrease, percent flow (based on
normal flow) decrease is about 35.8 lo 0.3. For a 10 psi compressor
head decrease, percent flow decrease is about 120.8 to 0.3. The larg-
est decrease again occurred for the system with the smallest system
pressure drop. This table also shows that the selected globe control
valves are able to operate at a lower flow limit (50% of normal flow).
Since tbe selected control valves are based on the upper flow limit, Introducing the Series
they are able to operate over the whole flow range. At tbe acceptable 3000 XPIS-advanced
maximum valve opening (90% open), tbe selected globe control gas detection for two
valves may not be able to operate at the upper flow limit due to a wire systems.
compressor head decrease; especially for a smaller control valve and
,system with a smaller .system pressure drop (<25 psi), or compressor The Series 30CX) XPIS is the
latest addition to Honeywell
head decrease larger than 5 psi. Analytics' line of fixed
R, For rotary control valves, maximum air flowrates of and portable products that monitor for toxic and
420.000, 2,500,000 and 8,500,000 scfh are selected using 6 in., explosive gases. Adding 2-wire capability to the
12 in. and 20 in. lines respectively. Five system pressure drops industry's most complete range of gas detectors.
the Series 3CXX) XPiS offers toxic gas detection and
(based on maximum flow) are selected: 5, 25, 50, 75 and 100 psi
oxygen monitoring combined with easy operation in
for each flow case. existing two-wire systems. Smart sensors are pre-
Tbe following factors are studied: calibrated arwd configured for immediate use—just
plug in the sensor and go, Hot-swapp^te,
T A B L E 5. Effect of compressor head variation with intrinsically safe sensor exchange eliminates
flow—increase compressor head at 20% opening, downtime—no need for hot work permits. Remote
decrease compressor head at 90% opening mounting up to 15nV50 ft, expands area coverage,
Rameproaf housing and ATEX. UL and CSA certified
Maximum air flow = 3,000 scfh; use 1 in., 0.375 in. port valve, cv = 3.07; for use in hazardoLE aBas, Ortioard diagrx3stics
cv (20% open) = 0.199, cv (90% open) =:2.43 and digital display pfovides valuable operational/
troubleshooting infonnation. Honeywell Analytics.
DP,^ psi Percent flow Percent flow Percent flow Percent flow Experts in gas detection.
at 20% open, at 90% open, at 20% open, at 90% open,
increase decrease increase decrease
5 psi head S psi head 10 psi head 10 psi head

5 17.2
82.0 < 110
0.0 < 110
108,2 < 110
50 26.1 110.6 26.2 110.1
75 27.2 110.5 27.2 110.3
100 30,7 (sonic) no.5 30.7 (sonic) 110.3

Maximum air flow = 420,000 scfh; use 6 in., 7 in. port valve, cv = 394;
cv (20% open) = 25.8, cv (90% open) = 368
5 16,0 85,0 < 110 18.4 0.0 < 110

25 20.7 ni.4 21.1 109.4 < no

To learn more, or to obtain afreecopy of Gas Book,
50 24.4 111.3 24.5 110.7 our 84-page guide to gas detection, call 1 -800-538-0363,
75 25.5 111.0 25.5 110.7 visit or
100 28.6 (sonic) 110.8 28.6 (sonic) 110.6 email detectgas@honeywell.coni
O CfflW HiiF"-yv/i.'N I
Note: The 1-in, valve ts selected based on maKimum flow with cv= 2,153 and 85,5% valve
opening. The 6-in. valve is selected based on maximum flow wllh cv - 300,0 and 76.9% valve
opening. DP^ = 5 psi.
Select 160 at

1. Allowable vapor control valve pressure drop, DP„, at maxi- openings (20° and 90"),flowsthrough the control valves in terms
mumflow,Qw- of percentage of normal flow are calculated for various system
Allowable vapor control valve pressure drops of 5, 10 and 15 pressure drops (based on maximum flow). Results are listed in
psl are selecred. The control valve is selected close to the maxi- Table 7 for maximum air flows of 420,000 and 8,'iOO.OOO scfh.
mum acceptable valve opening (90°) with an equal-percentage Our target is that the control vaive is able to operate over 50 to
characteristic. Table 6 shows the results. 1 10% of normal How.
From the tahle we see that, in general, a larger rotary control From this table we see that selected rotary control valves are
valve is required if the allowable control valve pressure drop is able to operate over 50% to 110% flow range, operating flow
smaller and vice versa. But sometimes the same control valve will range is 114% to 107% of normal flow for a system pressure drop
be selected for different allowahle control valve pressure drops (.see of 5 psi and 103% to 93% of normal flow for a system pressure
420,000 scfh case). For 420,000 scfh flow with Z)P, = 5 psi, a 3 drop from 25 psi to 100 psi. Compared to a globe control valve
in. rotary control valve is selected, but for the same service a 6 in. (Table 2, 420,000 scfh), a rotary control valve has about tbe .same
globe control valve is required. flow range at 5 psi system pressure drop (107.3 vs 107.8%), but
1. Control valve performance at different system pressure it has wider flow range for the rest system pressure drop cases
drops, DP,,,: (10.^99% vs 93-82%). A rotary control valve has a wider flow
This study is based on a control valve selected using an allow- range than a globe control valve, especially for tbe system with a
able control valve pressure drop of 5 psi at maximum air flow larger system pressure drop (> 5 psi).
(Table 6). At acceptable minimum and maximum control valve 3. Select control valve away from the acceptable maximum
control valve opening:
'•^-' -•• Control valve selection at different Table 7 control valves are selected close to the maximum open-
pressure drops ing (90° open). Performance of control valves selected away from
the maximum opening is listed in Tahle 8.
Maximum air flow - 420,000 scfh Comparing the rotary control valve performance to the corre-
DP^psi CV-calc Valve opening, degrees Selected valve sponding one in Tahle 7, it is seen that a larger control valve will
5 308.4 88.4 3 in., cv = 321 he selected if control valve selection is away from ilie maximum
10 224.8 77.4 3 in., cv = 321
acceptable opening (higher capital cost). Comparing the oper-
ating ranges of Table 8 control valves to those of Table 7, Tahie
15 189.2 72.6 3 in., cv = 321
8 control valve operating range is larger for a system pressure
Maximum air flow = 2, 500,000 scfh drop of 5 psi (133% vs 107%, 420.000 scfti), (122% vs 114%,
5 1,832.9 76.7 10 in., cv = 3,000 8,500,000 scfh), and is smaller for the other system pressure
10 1,382.2 84.5 8in.,cv = l,820 drops (for 25 psi DP,,,92% vs 103%, 420,000 .scfh), (98% vs
15 1,165,2
100%, 8,500,000 scfli); (for 50 psi /)/>,„, 81% vs 101%, 420,000
81.7 8in.,cv=l,820
scfli), (91% vs 97%, 8,500,000 scfli); (for 75 psi DP^^, 77% vs
Maximum air flow = 8, 500,000 scfh 101%, 420,000 scfh), (87% vs 95%, 8,500,000 scfh); (for 100
S 6,414.6 84.8 16 in., cv = 8,270 psi DP,^, 75% vs 99%, 420,000 scfh), (86% vs 93%, 8,500,000
10 4.748.1 86.1 14 in., cv = 5,610 scfh). Selected rotary control valves are still able to operate at
15 4,009.1 82.7 14 in., cv = 5,610 design flow range (50% to i 10% normal flow).

TAB" Control valve performance at different Seiect control valve away from the
process system pressure drop acceptabie maximum control valve opening (90° open)

Maximum air flow = 420,000 scfh; use 3 in. valve, cv = 321; Maximum air flow = 420,000 scfh; use 6 in, valve, cv = 1, 100;
cv (20" open) = 9.72, cv {90° open) = 321 cv (20° open) = 34,6, cv (90° open) = 1,100
DP,o. psii Percent flow Percent flow Flow range. Covered )si Percent flow Percent flow Flow range, Covered
at 20% open at 90% open 50-110% flow at 20% open at 90% open % 50-110% flow
5 4.9 112.2 107.3 Yes 5 17,6 150.2 132,6 Yes
25 7.7 110.7 103.0 Yes 25 27.8 119.6 91.8 Yes
50 9.0 110.4 101.4 Yes 50 33.8 115.0 81.2 Yes
75 9.7 (sonic) 110.3 101.2 Yes 75 36.7 113.3 76.6 Yes
100 ll.Ksonic) 110.2 99.1 Yes 100 37.6 112.5 74.9 Yes
Maximum air flow = 8,500,000 scfh; use 16 in. valve, cv - 8,270; cv (20° Maximum air flow = 8,500,000 scfh; use 20 in. valve, cv =: 10,300;
open) = 319, cv (90° open) = 8,270 cv (20° open) = 459, cv (90° open) = 10,300
5 8.0 122.4 114.4 Yes 5 11,6 133.3 121,7 Yes
25 12.7 112.9 100.2 Yes 25 18.6 116.5 97.7 Yes
50 15.2 112.1 96,9 Yes 50 22.9 113.4 90.5 Yes
75 16.1 111.4 95.3 yes 75 25.0 112.3 87.3 Yes
100 17.8 (sonic) 111.1 93.3 Yes 100 25.3 (sonic) 111.7 86,4 Yes
Note: The 3-in, valve J5 selected based on manimum (low wilh cv - 308.4 and 88.4° vaive Note: Thp 6-in valve is selected based on maximum flow wilh cv = 302,0 and 55.7° valve
opening and Ihe 16-in, valve is selected based on maximum flow wdh cv = 6.414.6 and 84.8° opening and the 20-in. valvp is selected based on maximum flovif with cv = 6,298,3 and 80.1 °
valve ofjeriing. DPj, = 5 psi vatve opening, DP,, = 5 psi.


4. Effect of higher maximum flow limit (wider flow range):
Table 6 control valve selection i.s based on maximum flow as
110% of normal flow. In this section we will study control valve
selection hased on higher maximum flows: 120% and 150%
of normal flow (system witb a wider flow range). Tbe results
arc sbown in Tables 9a and 9b. Maximum flow and maximum
system pressure drop are increased proportionally to bave a tair
Table 9a sbows that wben increasing maximum flow from
1 10% to 120% of normal flow, a larger control valve (4 in. vs 3
in.) is selected for 420,000 scfh flow, but tbe same control valve
is selected for 8,'>00,000 scfli flow.
Tahle 9b sbows that when incre^Lsing maximum flow from 110%
lo 150% of normal flow, larger rotary control valves are required.

T A B L E 9 a . Control valve performance—valve selected

based on maximum flow at 120% of normal flow

Maximum air flow = 458,182 scfh; use 4 in. valve, cv = 596;

cv (20° open) - 21,1. cv (90° open) = 596

Percent flow Percent flow Flow range, Covered

at 20% open at 90% open % 50-120% flow

6.0 11.2 145.1 133.9 Yes

29.8 18.1 126.5 108.4 Yes

59.5 21.6 123.4 101.8 Yes
89.3 22.6 122.3 99.7 Yes
119.0 25.6 (sonic) 121.7 96.1 Yes
Maximum air flow = SJllJll scfh; use 16 in. valve, cv = 8,270;
cv (20° open) = 319, cv {90° open) = 8,270
6.0 8.3 127,6 119,3 Yes
29.8 13.4 122.4 109.0 Yes
59.5 15.7 121.3 105.6 Yes
89.3 16,9 (sonic) 120.9 104.0 Yes
119.0 19.3 (sonic) 120.7 101.4 Yes
Note: The 4-in valve is sefecled based on maximum flow with cv = 533 and 73,8° valve
opening and Ihe 16-in. valve is selected based on maximum flow witb cv = 7,073 and 86.7°
valve opening, DPg = S psi.
An all-round talent
T A B L E 9 b . Control valve performance—valve selected
based on maximum flow at 150% of normal flow In SAMSON'S Series 3730 Positioners,
everything revolves around just one rotary
Maximum air flow = 572,727 scfti; use 4 in . valve, cv = 596;
cv(20° open) = 21.1, cv {90" open)= 596 pushbutton: turn to select parameters, press
to activate them. The large display is your
isi Percent flow Percent flow Flow range. Covered
at 20% open at 90% open 50-150% flow
windov^' to the system. Alternatively, you
can easily configure the positioner from a
9,3 12,6 165,5 152.9 Yes
PC using the TROVIS-VIEW software.
46.5 20.5 153.9 133.4 Yes
93.0 23.0 (sonic) 152.0 129.0 Yes The positioners are easy to integrate into
139.5 27.8 (sonic) 151.4 123.6 Yes any loop of field devices over HART,
186.0 31.8 (sonic) 151.0 119.2

Maximum air flow = 11,590,909 scfh; use 20 in. valve, cv = 10,300; Its range of functions is rounded off by
cv (20° open) = 459, cv (90° open) - 10,300 limit switches, position transmitters and
9.3 13.7 158.6 144.9 Yes solenoid valves.
46.5 22.6 152.3 129.7 Yes
Definitely a turn for the better.
93.0 25.7 151.2 125.5 Yes
139.5 29.8 (sonic) 150.8 121.0 Yes
186.0 34,1 (sonic) 150.6 116.5 Yes
Note: The 4-in valve 5 selected based on maximum flow with cv = 421 and 80.0% valve USA E-mail: samson@samson-osa,com
openini) and the 20-in. valve \i, selected based on mammum flow with cv - 8.596 and 85 8% internet; http://www.somson-usa,com
valve opening DPa = 5 psi
Germany E-mail: samson@samson,de
Select 161 at •• interneh http://vrtvw.samson,de

Selected rotary control valves are able to operate at minimum flow i n Effect of compressor head variation
(50% of normal flow) for all the system pressure drops. with flow—increase compressor head at 20° opening,
5. Effect of compressor head variation with flow; decrease compressor head at 90° opening
The effect of compressor head increases of 3 and 10 psi at 20"
valve opening and compressor head decreases of 5 and 10 psi at Maximum air flow = 420,000 scfh; use 3 in . valve, cv = 321;
cv (20° open) = 9.72, cv (90° open) = 321
90° valve opening are listed in Table 10.
From these tables, we .see the effect of compressor head increase DPjo, psi Percent flow Percent flow Percent flow Percent flow
at 20% open, at 90% open, at 20% open, at 90% open,
on rotary control valve performance at 20" valve opening (the low-
increase decrease increase decrease
est acceptable openingj. As the compressor head increased (5 psi 5 psi head 5 psi head 10 psi head 10 psi head
or 10 psi), flow also increased, but slightly. The increase is about
6-0 78.3 c 110 6.9 0<110
1.8% to 0% (based on normal flovi') for a 5 psi compressor head
increase and 2.0% to 0% tor a 10 psi compressor head increase 25 7.8 108.7 < 110 7.9 106.7 < 110

at different system pressure drops. The largest increase occurred 50 9.0 109.9 < n o 9.0 109.3 < 110
for the system with a 5 psi system pressure drop. Also shown is 75 9.7 (sonic) 110.0 9.7 (sonic) 109.8 < 110
the effect of a compressor head decrease on rotary control valve 100 11.1 (sonic) 110,1 11.1 (sonic) 109.9 < 110
performance at 90° valve opening (the highest acceptable open-
Maximum air flow = 8,500,000 scfh; use 16 in. valve, cv =: 8,270;
ing). For a 5 psi compressor head decrease, percent flow (based on cv (20° open) = 319. cv (90° open) = 8,270
normal flow) decrease is about 38.7 to 0.1. For a 10 psi compres-
5 9,8 83,7 < n o 11.3 o<no
sor head decrease, percent flow decrease is about 122.4 to 0.3.
The largest decrease occurred tor the system with a 5 psi syscem 25 12.9 111.7 13.1 109.4 < no
pressure drop. This table shows that the selected rotary control 50 15.3 111.5 15.4 110.9
valves are able to operate at the lower flow limit (30% of norma! 75 16.1 111.2 16.1 110.9
flow). Since the selected control valves arc based on the upper 100 17.8 (sonic) 110.9 17.8 (sonic) 110.8
maximum flow limit, they are able to operate over the whole Row
Note: The 3-in. valve is selected based on mammum flow with cv = 308.4 and 88 4° valve
range. At the acceptable maximum valve opening (90" open), for opening and the 14-in. valve is selected based on maxtmum flow with cv = 6,41'1.6 and 84.8°
valve opening. DP^ = 5 psi
420,000 scfli, the selected rotary control valve is able to operate
at the maximum flow limit for the system with the larger system
pressure drop (>75 psi) and smaller compressor head drop (3 psi). cover the minimum flow, but the rotary control valves do not
For 8,500,000 scfli, the selected rotary control valve is able to have this problem.
operate at the maximum flow limit with a system pressure drop 5. In this study, selected globe control valves are able to turn
>23 psi and larger compressor head drop (10 psi). Therefore, a down the How to 18 to 3 1 % of normal flow at 20% control valve
larger rotary control valve is less sensitive to compressor head opening, assuming the compressor head increase is 10 psi. For
decrease at 90° opening. selected rotary control valves at 20" opening and a 10 psi com-
pressor head increase, flow can be turned down to 7 to 18% of
Discussion. normal flow.
1. I he process engineer should provide allowable control valve Selected globe control valves are still able to pass 110% nor-
pressure drop at minimum, normal and maximum flows, so that mal flow at 90% control valve opening if system pressure drop is
the instrument engineer is able to select a proper control valve greater than 25 psi. Selected rotary control valves at 90" opening
for the full operating range. For a system without a compressor, are able to pass 110% normal flow if the control valve size is large
often only system pressure drop at normal flow is available from (>3 in.), system pressure drop is large (>25 psi) and the compres-
hydraulic study. But Fq. 2 can be used to estimate the system sor head decrease is less (<10 psi).
pressure drop at maximum flowrate. Then, allowable control Since the control valve is selected based on maximum flow
valve pressure drops at maximum and minimum flowrates can and close to acceptable maximum control valve opening, the
be estimated using Eq. 1. For a syscem with a compressor, often selected control valve wili be guaranteed to be able to operate at
the system pressure drop at maximum flow is available since the maximum flow.
compressor hydraulic calculation is based on maximum flow. 6. The analysis in this study assumes that the hydraulic calcu-
2. To minimize the operating cost, it is recommended to assign lation matches actual plant operation. Often, pressure drops of
a minimum allowable pressure drop for thecontrol valve at maxi- equipment or instruments are over estimated in hydraulic calcula-
mum t1ow. It is also recommended to size the control valve close to tion. This will cause more pressure drop available for the control
maximum acceptable valve opening, since it will result in a smaller valve in real operation. HP
control valve (less capital cost) and wider flow range.
If there are several branches between the compressor and des- LITERATURE CITED
tination equipment, the previous rule should apply to the critical ' H C. Yu, "Easy way co estimate realistic contro! valve pressure drops,"
Hydrocarbon I'rocessing, August 2000, p. 4 5 - 4 8 .
branch thar will result in a smallest compressor discharge pressure.
' Control Valve Handhooii, 3rd edition. Fisher Conrrols International, Inc..
3. In general, a rotary control valve has a wider flow range 2001.
(107-92% normal flow) than a globe control valve (93-82%
normal flow) for a system pressure drop >5 psi. For a system
pressure drop o r 3 psi, their flow range is about the same (107% Frank C. Y u is a senior process engineer at Jacobs Engineering
Group, Inc., Houston, Texas. He specializes in process design. Dr.
vs 108%).
Yu hold5 a BS degree from Tunghai University, an MS degree from
4. For a system with a wider flow range (30% to 150% of the University of Massachusetts, and a PhD from the University
normal flow), a globe control valve sometimes is not able to of Texas at Austin, all in chemical engineering.


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