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10-1, Prove that the sum of the normal strains in Perpendicular directions is constant. ‘Strain Transformation Equations : Applying Eqs.10=5 and 0-7, FES lesnte ty 7 a Eg. (1) + Eq 12} yields #8, = Constant (Q.E.D.) 10-2. The state of strain at the point on the bracket has components = ~200(10°*), ¢, = -650(10"%), 4 = ~175(10*), Use the strain-transformation equations to determine the equivalent in-plane strains on an element oriented at an angle of @ = 20° counterclockwise from the original position. Sketch the deformed element due to these strains within the x-y plane 17500) @=20° = 200+ (-650) CROCS cosa + 9) saa (10°) = -30800°% ‘Ans z 2 re cos 20 ~ "2 sin20 z 2 200 + (-650) 7200= (650) 5 (175), = -541(10 Ans 407) 27) sane z 2 z ey: = [{-200~ (-650))sin (40°) + (—175)eos (40°)}(10") = -423010) Ans 1 10-3. A differential element on the bracket is subjected to plane strain that has the following components: ¢, 150(10~*), ¢, = 200(107*), yx, = —700(10~*). Use the strain- transformation equations and determine the equivalent in-plane strains on an clement oriented at an angle of 6 = 60° counterclockwise from the original position. Sketch the deformed element within the x-y plane due to these strains. e, = 150(10%) —e, = 200(10) ) ty = -T00(10) 8 = oF te = EE eos + in PLE 200 4, 150 200 cog 190" + (=) sin 120°} 10° = -116 (10) z z z feeu oe ot 150 + 200 100 ‘sin 120° ] 10°F = 466 (10°) 7 > 1 ao) *10-4. Solve Prob. 10-3 for an el 1 Gags element oriented 9 = 39 & = 150(10%) = 200(10) 7%, = -700(10%) = -30° 26 4 SS e9529 + 12 sin 20 2 2 2 150 + 200, 150 - 200 ZO 0") + ( sin (60°) ] 10 = 46610") Ans 2 BES coe20 — Te sinze 150 + 200 _ 150 - 200 a 2 2 Ans 10-5. Due to the load P, the state of strain at the point on the bracket has components of «, = S010"), 6 = 350(109, and 7,, = —430(10"9). Use the strain-transformation equations to determine the equivalent in-plane strains on an element oriented at an angle of @ = 30° clockwise from the original position, Sketch the deformed element due to these strains within the z-y plane. Normal Strain and Shear strain : In accordance with the sign e,=50(10") e230" s0( 10) 7,, = ~430( 10 Strain Transformation Equations : Applying Eqs.10~$. 10~6, and 10~7, Seb, Fons 28 + ed z (eee 500-350 Yer sin 28 cos (-60") + sin oon] 10) Ans Yor in 26 + M05 20 sin26 +2 Tey = 1-500 ~350) sn (80°) + ($30) eos (~60°))(10"4) =-85.1(10") Ans Ans 10-6. The state of strain et the point on the boom of the hydraulic engine crane has components of 4, = 250(10"%), ¢, = 300(10"9, and y,, = -180(10-4). Use the strain-transformation equations to determine (a) the in-plane principal strains and (b) the maximum in-plane shear strain and average normal strain. In each case specify the orientation of the element and show how the strains deform the element within the x~y plane. a) In. Plane Principal Strain : Applying Eq.10-9, ‘Normal Strain and Shear strain In scortance withthe sign convention, one (ES 6° 250(10) e =200(10) y,, «-180( 10") -[2ee- (yey (Cm) 21529341 6 =368(10°) ey = 18210) Ans Orientation of Principal Strain: Applying Eq.10-8, te =180(10-4) n 26, = Tp _ = 18010) 28° La, * Ga0= 306) 007 ** #3726 and -52.76° Use Eq, 10~5 w determine which principal stain deforms the element Yer 005 28 + sin 29 20 +te = 148874 in nase] 1 7 =182(10") =e, Hence, and by “ C2) yJor = 187( 10°) ‘Ans Orientation of Maximum In-Plane Shear Strain : Applying Eq, 10-10, 250-300 = ome 16 and 822" Ans ‘The proper sign Of yay canbe determined by subsiting @ = -7 Eq.10-6, Average Normal Strain : Applying Ea.10~ 12, Yor 86 % =F Ssin20 + Leos 20 et6 [250% z z 2 4 re ed 275(10°) Ans Yer = {1250-300} sin (15.52%) +(~180) c05(-18.52°)} (10°) 7 =-187(10"*) 10-7. The state of strain at the point on the gear tooth has components ¢, = 850(10"*), ¢, = 480(10"%), y,, = 650(10"°). Use the strain-transformation equations to determine (a) the in-plane principal strains and (b) the maximum in-plane shear strain and average normal strain, In each case specify the orientation of the element and show how the strains deform the element within the x-y plane. cetio) 6M) 1 65000 » a Ee [EST na HB 1200489 « (ET. Bh iaoh pms e200) Ane ese nd nO se intima * sek 10-519 demi B ee eee y aH 8 «PE a8 — 7 or $2021, 10-35 evseass no «BH eer) 7 fre, 0 9302" Ame Oy 1A Ame (eset. da} Pye | ton, 2 0h orc ae 1302480 19%) 066510") Ane ation a ase yoy UZ x850-80) eects nd 152° Ane Ui 10-6 termine ei 7a Yay Li Sntes eee: on 1 ? 7 7 oy #1890 A 284574 Geo 29 45710 = ANT) “10-8 The state of strain at the point on the fan blade has components of ¢, = 250(10"%), ¢, = ~450(10°4), and Yay = ~825(10~), Use the strain cransformation equations to determine (a) the in-plane principal strains and (b) the maximum in-plane shear strain and average normal strain. In cach case specify the orientation of the element and show how the strains deform the element within the x-y plane Tete ee eee, ote ‘Normal Strain and Shear strain: nacordnc wih he sgn “EEE Se) oe) een loo $40.98 = 441(10") 641(10°°) Ans Orientation of Principal Strain: Applying Eq.10-8, un 26, = 2 se = -1.1786 are = ass Op, =-2484 and 65.16 Use Eq. 105 to determine which principal stan deforms the element inthe x’ direction with @ = ~24. 84° eee : eee | i _ | AE cae Moca] ‘ 4ai(10*) Heme, 6,288" and 6, 652° Ans &ay\ ’ aq as : » aa re an ae B= y( C8)+G 250- (450) /-8y] [EET FB) g (EZ Seo = 1082( 10") Ans Orientation of Maximum In- Plane Shear Strain : Applying Ea. 1010, The proper sign of 7 848s Fq.10~6. 250-(~450), Tae and -698" Ans Yo = (-1250=(-450)] sn 403° (-$25) cos 403°} (10%) 1082( 10") Average Normal Strain : Applying Ea.10~ 12, 10-9, ‘The state of strain at the point on the spanner wrench rhas components of «, = 260(107%), ¢, = 320(10°°), and Yey = 180(10°9). Use the strain-transformation equations to determine (a) the in-plane principal strains and (b) the maximum in-plane shear strain and average normal strain. In each case specify the orientation of the element and show how the strains deform the element within the x-y plane. a) A In. Plane Principal Strain : Applying Eg,10~9, Normal Strain and Shear strain : in sccoréance with the sign = 240( 10°) 20(10") y, 25( 10") w9s(10") Ans Orientation of Principal Strain : Applying Eq. 10-8, Use Bg, 10-5 wo determine which principal strain deforms the clement inthe x direcuon with @= ~35.78° Set 8s Fr co5 26 + sin Eph + cos 20 «Me sin20 260320 , 260-320 4 180 hee = ios 01.568) + sin (11.56 G00 ) =195(10 Hence, 6), 2542 and 35,8" Ans ) Maximum In-Plane Shear Strain : Applying Ea.\0~ Ui = 190( 10") Ans Orientation of Maximum In- Plane Shear Strain : Applying Eq.10~ 10, ‘The proper sign of y Eq.10~6, ‘an be determined by subsituing 6 = 9,22" into Ans = (-(260~320) sin 18.43% 180 cos 18.44") (10) = 190( 10") Average Normal Strain : Applying Eg.10~ 12, aA ]G0) 250010) ans 10-10. The state of strain at the point on the bracket has components ¢, = -130(10°§), «6, = 280(0"$), Mwy = 75(10~¢). Use the strain-transformation equations’ to determine (a) the in-plane principal strains and (b) the maximum in-plane shear strain and average normal strain. In each case specify the orientation of the element and show how the strains deform the element within the x-y plane f= ONO) aw -im0 7, « isonet © we St8, ae oe 2 (EGET de} +B cMO , TER Pe ET Tw = 1800 a = -asno a Orion ofa See Ta cay 8 = 828 wt -r6 28 se. 10-5 ermine dincion se wes Foot. 25004 ane Soe mec Ae Rot. s00 a Ona Yay 19 « Ra, 21RD cc |g 2190 wd 1 ane Use 610-164 deemine sin of iia ke ae ee Py AT 120- 2808 7969" 0 AINE, earn “10-12. Solve Prob. 10-2 using Mohr’s circle. ‘650(10°°) Yay ==175(10°°) Ye a -#1500 A(-200,-87.5)(10°%)__C(-425,0)(10"*) R= {¥200— (B25) + 87.5 1(10") = 241.4100") 81s . tan a=, = 21.25 * 200-5} 6 = 4042125 = 61.25" by = (-4254+241.4le0s 61.25°\( 10) =-309(10) Ans fy = (425-241 410s 61.25°X10) = S411 Ans. HX = 241.41 (10°%sin 61.25° 2 Yey = 823010") Ans. 10-13. Solve Prob. 10-3 using Mohr’s circle, Yor = ~700(10°) 2 = -350(10) =F 20 120" (Mohs circle) A(1S0, -350)10 _C(175, 010% R= CA = (Y(175 ~ 150} + 380%) 10" = 35089 (10%) 350 wna = 30 gw sor : 175 ~ 150 B= 120-8591 = 34099 = (175 ~ 350,89¢0s 34.09°)10 = ~ 116 (107 Ans 6 = (17S + 350.89¢08 34.09°)10°% = 466(10) Ans Yer = 21350.89sin 34.09°}10°% = 393 (10°5) Ans ‘nei -a609 Loews Solve Prob. 10-4 using Mobr’s circle. 10-14. Ye = ~350(10%) Coordinates of point B x = 350.89c0s 34.09" + 175 = 466(10°°) Ans = 350.89 sin 34.09° roe = = 398000 Ans Coordinates of point D 6. = 175 ~ 350.89 cos 34.09 = ~116(10°) Ans AU90,-350) 10-15. Solve Prob. 10-5 using Mohr's circle. Construction of the Circle: In accordance with the sign convention, €, = 500( 10"), €, = 350( 10°), and tee 215( 10°) . Hence, B28 (V0) 425(10°) and coordinates for reference points A and C are Asoo. =215)(1 1425, 0)( 10") ‘The rats ofthe ete is = (500425) +215") ( 10) =227:71( 10") Sirainon the feline Element: Te oad he (¢- ant 72) we epee by snore pi srs (ec at 22) ne epee by cor iP ‘om the cite. €,- canbe determined by calculating the coordinates of point Q on the cice bg = (425 4 227.108 10.77") (10 =665(10") Ans =(223.71sin 107°) (10) Yey = 85.110 y= (425-227.eos 1027110 =201(10" *10-16. Solve Prob. 10-8 using Mobr's circle. Construetion of the Circle : In scordance withthe sign convention, 6, =250(10), =-450( 10) and 412.5(10°) . Hence, +6, poe 100(10) Ans ¢ Joo" ‘The coordinates for reference points A and C are (250, ~412.5)(10" c(-100, (10°) ‘The radius of the circle is = ((250+ 100)" +412.5#)( 10) = s40.98(10°*) In- Plane Principal Strain : The coordinates of points B and D represent e, and €; , respectively = (-100+ $20.98) ( 10") = 441( 10) Ans 100-$40.98)(10"*) =-641( 10°) Ans Orientation of Principal Strain: From te circle, 4125 tan 26, , = soos = LTH 6,, =24.8°(Clockwise) Ans Maximum In-Plane Shear Strain : Represented by the coordinates of point E on the citce Y oe =+R =-540.98( 10) 1082( 10°) Ans Ans 10-17. Solve Prob. 10-6 using Mohr’s circle. Construction of the Cirele : In accordance wit the sign convention, ¢, =250( 10), ¢, = 300( 10"), and = -90( 10°) Hence, _ (04 =275(10°) Ans The coondinaes for reference points A and C are A(250, -90)(10"*) (278, 0)( 10) The radius of the circle is 12152507 9") 10°) = 93.408 In-Plane Principal Strain : The coordinates of points B and D cepresent ey and €,, respectively, €, =(275+93.408)(10*) =368(10) Ans fe = (275-93.408)(10°) = 192(10) Ans Orientation of Principal Strain : From the circle, % 1226), = ea = 3.600 28, = 7448" 26,, = 180°-26,, 180° 74.78" 2 ‘Maximum In-Plane Shear Strain : Represented by the coordinates of point E on the circle. = 528° (Clockwise) Ans Yr =-R=-93.408( 10") =187( 10°) Ans Orientation of Maximum In- Plane Shear Strain : From the crcl, 275-250 28, san 20, = 4, =7.16 (Clockwise) Ans oars 10-18 Solve Prob. 10-7 using Mobr’s circle. €, = 85010) ¢, = 48010") 7, = 650(10) =325(10°°) A(850,325)010"%)__(665,0)(10°%) R= (850-665)? +3257} (10") = 373.9710") (665 +373.97)(10"*) = 1039(10°) Ans 65--373.97)10"") = 291(10°9) Ans (Mobe's circle) (element) Tmax = 2373.97) 10") = 748(10 65(10°) Ans. 20, = 90°28, =29.65° (Mohr circle) 8, 4.8° (clement) 10-19. Solve Prob. 10-9 using Mobr’s circle. Construction of the Circle: In scondace with the sgn convention, ¢, = 260(10"*), ©, =320( 10"), and e =90( 10) . Hence, ath = \009 =790(10) Ans “The coordinates for reference point A and C are ‘4(260, 90)(10°*) (290, 0)( 10°) ‘The radius ofthe circle is {1 (290= 260) +90" )( 10") =94.868( 10°) In- Plane Principal Strain : The cootdinses of points B and D represent é, and €>, respectively. 290+98.668)( 10°) =385(10) Ans 290-94.868)( 10) =195(10%) Ans. Orientation of Principal Strain : From te circle, % 2, = 525-200 2, = 7157 26,, = 180°-26,, BOTT. 543° (Coumercackwise) Avs Maximum In-Plane Shear Sram Represent by be trons of on on hc, “a =R=94.868( 10°) 7 au = 190( 10") Ans Orientation of Maximum In-Plane Shear Strain : From the cick, 290- 260 = 03333 tan 28, = Ans "10-20. ‘The strain at a point has components of €< = ~480(10"), €, = 650(10"), 7, = 780(10"), and €, = 0 Determine (a) the principal strains, (b) the maximum shear strain in the x-y plane, and (c) the absolute maximum shear strain, c struction of the Cirele (x-y Plane) : In accordance wit the in convention, €, =480( 10"), «, = 650( 10), 90( 10°*) . Hence, #804650 [ = ](20%) =850(10) 3 -|-eso The coordinates for reference points A and C are A(-480, 390) (10 €(85.0. 0)( 10°*) pe wt. 340 The ralus of the crt is 2 € = (480+ 507+ 3907) 10°) =686.53( 10") 70 Loe {In-Plane Principal Strain : The corsiaaes of points B and D represent e, and Es, respecuvey 6, =(85.04686.53)( 10°) =771,53( 10°) € = (85~ 686.53)( 10) =—601.53(10"*) Eat Maximum In- Plane Shear Strain (x-y Plane): Repeseisd by the coordinates of point E on the circle, Ling 2 r ae = w= 685,53( 10) ae 373( 10°F) Ans Lew Three Mohe's Circles : From the results obtained above, the Te principal strains are Fan #772(10*) by Og, Absolute Maximum Shear Stress : Ans = -602( 10" 601.53)1(10") = 1373(10) Ans 10-21. The strain at a point has components of = ~480(105), 6, = 300(10°, y,, = —650(10"9), and ¢, = 0. Determine (a) the principal strains, (b) the maximum shear strain in the x-y plane, and (c) the absolute maximum shear strain. Construction of the Circle (x-y Plane) : ln accordance with he sign convenion, ¢, =~480( 10). «, = 200( 10°) Ye ao =328( 10") . Hence, 99.0( 10) ‘The cuonlinates for reference points A and C are (esto, 325)(10°9)—€(-900, 0 (10" “The radius ofthe circle is = (S997 BS)(104) = sore (10 ) In- Plane Principal Strain : The coordinates of points B and D represent ey and €,, respectively «= (-900+ 507.67 (10°) #41767( 104) 90.0 $67.67)( 10°) = 597.67 Maximum In- Plane Shear Strain (x-y Plane) : Represented by the coordinates of point on the ccle. $07.67( 10°*) Ans Three Mohr's Circles : From the results obtained above, the principal stains ae 1417.67=(-597.6)( 10") = 101510") Ans LB 10-22, The strain at a point has components of €, = 130(10", «= 280(109), and 7, = 75(10°9, and «,= ODetermine (a) the principal strains at the point, (b) the maximum in-plane shear strain in the x-y plane, and (c) the absolute maximum shear strain. Construction of the Circle (x-y Plane the sign convention, ¢, = 130( 10), ¢, =280( 10%), 7.5( 10°) Hence, In acordance with 1304280 * oe [ee Joo ) = 205(10°4) “The coordinates for eference point A and C ae (130, 37.5)(10°°) C205, 0)(10°*) 205 “The rai ofthe ces 2 | R= (205 ~130)"+37.57)( 10") = 83.853( 10 2, le \2 ( x we a ee In- Plane Principal Strain : The coordinales of points B and ~~ D represen, andes, respecwely. 73 t ‘e, = (205 + 83.853) (10°) = 288.85( 10°*) 6 =(205~83.853)( 10°) = 121.15( 10°) ‘Maximum In- Plane Shear Strain (x-y Plane) : Represented by the coordinates of point £ on the cc =85853(10) 7 nm = 168( 10") Ans Three Mohe's Circles : From the results obtained above, the prncipal seains are Hoty Eee =289(10°9) ey, = 121( 107 Absolute Maximum Shear Stress : Yous = (288.850) (10°9) = 289( 10" Ans 10-23. The strain at a point has components of €, = —520(10°), «= ~350(10-), 4 = 72010"), and «, = 0, Determine (a) the principal strains at the point, (b) the maximum shear strain in the x-y plane, and (c) the absolute maximum shear strain. ~435( 10" ee, [-04C3501 a [oo Tre coordina for eference poins A and C are A(~520, 360)( 10") C(-438, 0)(10°*) Tre radius ofthe ec is (EEG > ((520= 435)" +360 )(10°*) = 369.90( 1 Ins Plane Principal Strain : The coordinates of poins B and D represent e, and €,, respectively 6) (435 +369.90) (10°) = -65.10( 10") £5 = (435 ~369,90) (10) = -804,90( 1 Maximum In-Plane Shear Strain (x-y Plane) : Represented by de coordinates of point E on the cre, 369.90( 10°) = 740( 10°) ‘Ans Three Mohr's Circles : From the results obtained above, the principal sans are Gq, =65.1(10 Absolute Maximum Shear Stress : += {0~(-80490)}( 10") = #05(10"*) Ans kot *10-24, The strain at a point has components of 50(10°%), €, = —460(10*), 44 = ~560(10"%), and €, = 0. Determine (a) the principal strains at the point, (b) the maximum shear strain in the x-y plane, and (c) the absolute maximum shear strain. Construction of the Circle (x+y Plane) :n accordance with tne sign convention, €, = 350( 10%), €, =-860(10), 280( 10°) . Hence, ets a ES | 10") =-580( 10°) The coorinaes for teference pois A and Cae (380, -280,(10) _€(-850, 0)(10) The ads of he cis ‘= (9350-550) +280") 10°) = 49237( 10") In-Plane Principal Strain : The coordinates of points B and D represent and €,, respectively. 1g, = (-$5.04892.37( 10°) = 43737( 10") = (-850~492.37)( 10") = -54737( 10") Maximum In-Plane Shear Strain (x+y Plane) : Represenied by the coordinaes of point E on te circle 7, =-R=-49237(10) ._ =-985( 10") Ans Three Mohe's Circle : From the results obtained above, the principal stains are 37(10" eqn =-547(10°°) Ans Absolute Maximum Shear Stress : = (437.37 -(-547.37)1 (10° =985(10°) Ans 10-28. The strain at a point has components of 6, = 450(10-%), 6, = 825(10"4), y,, = 275(10°9), and «, = 0. Determine (a) the principal strains at the point, (b) the maximum shear strain in the x-y plane, and (c) the absolute maximum shear strain, Construction of the Circle (x-y Plane) : In accordance with the sign convention, ¢, = 480( 10°), ¢, =825( 10°) fey and Tet = 37.5( 10) . Hence ete [eee 3 + | 10") =637.5( 10") ‘The coordinates for reference poins A and C ae A450. 137.)(10) (637.5, 09(10"*) Begs! ‘The ras ofthe eice is 4 cod R= (V(TS~450)* 137.54)( 10°) « 232.51 10 In- Plane Principal Strain : The coordinates of points B and Dipepresent e, and es, respectively 6, = (6375423251) (10%) = 87001(10") € = (6375~232.51)( 10°) = 404,99( 10") Maximum In- Plane Shear Strain (x+y Plane) : Represented by the coordinate of point E on the circle. alee R=23251( 10) Three Mohr's Circle : From the resus obtained above, the principal strains ae 70(10°) ey =405(10") egy =O Ans Absolute Maximum Shear Stress: Sai Yo =(87001-0)( 10) =870(10) Ans 10-26. The state of strain at a point has components of ¢, = ~400(10"9), ¢, = -200(10"%), Y= ~250(10~4), and = 0. Determine (a) the principal strains at the point, (b) the maximum shear strain in the x-y plane, and (c) the absolute maximum shear strain. Construction of the Circle (x+y Plane): In accordance with he sign convention, ¢, =-400( 10°), ¢, =-200( 10), and 2 125(10°*) Hence, 2h f AEB 300( 10°) “The coordinates for eference points A and C ae A(-400, =125)( 10") C(-300, 0)( 10") “Te ratus ofthe cele = ({(a00=3007 + 128*)( 10") = 16008( 10°) In- Plane Principal Strain : The coordinaes of points B and D represent ey and ¢;, respectively. e, =(-300+ 160.08)( 10°) = -139.82( 10°) ‘6 = (-300~ 160.08) (10°) = ~460.08( 10°) Maximum In-Plane Shear Strain (x+y Plane) : Represented by the coordinates of point Eon the circle. R= -160.08( 10") s20( 10°) Ans Three Mohr's Circles : From the results obtained above, the principal soains are jy =-140( 10°) =~460( 10") Ans Absolute Maximum Shear Stress : % 1 Eman Ene = [0~(-46008)}( 10°) = 460(10°) Ans 10-27, The strain at point A on the bracket has components ¢, = 300(10"5), | ¢, = S50(10~§), y= ~650(10~%), «, = 0. Determine (@) the principal strains at A, (6) the maximum shear strain in the xy plane, and (©) the absolute maximum shear strain, (Fa 0309-325) Yo = -32510° £, = 30010), = 550(10) 7, = -650(10°°) SB =s25100 A(300,-325)10"* —_€(425,0)10°* [253007 SH 7: ben R= RS~300F +325] 10° = 348.2007) 2 eco 61 = (425+348.2)010) = 77300) Ans 6 =(425-348.2910%) = 76800) Amey » Yeux = 2R = 2(348.2\(10"*) = 696(10) Ans Taye = 77310) Ans *10-28. The 45° strain rosette is mounted on a steel shaft. The following readings are obtained from each gauge: «= 300110"), g = 180(10"9), and «, = —250(10"%). Determine the in-plane Principal strains and their orientation. Strain Rosestes(45*) : Applying he equaons ia the ext wit, = 300( 10%), &, = 180( 10"), £, = -250( 10") 8, = 45°, 0, =0, and 0, = 45°, 180( 10") = £,cos"0°-+6,sin?0°+ 7, sin O° cos O° 180( 10) 300( 10°*) = 180( 10°) cos*(—$5%) + , sn! (-459) + y,,sin(~4S")cost-45%) 210( 10") =056, -057,, a ~ 250( 10°F) = 180( 10") cost4s*.se, sin?45°+ y,, sinds%cosds® ~ M0( 10") 2086, +05,, a Solving Eas. (Hand (21 yds &, = 13010), »-850( 10") Construction of the Cirle: Wihe, = 180( 10"), 6, ==130( 10") and 278( 10 [OHH *) «250(104) ‘The cooninaes for reference pons A and C are A180, =275)(10) (25.0, 0)( 10") The ads ofthe circle is n= (V(in0=25, 0}+2758)( 10") = 315.67( 10°*) {In-Plane Principal Strain : The coordinates of points B and D represent e, and é;, respectively, 6, = (25.04315.67)(10) =381(10) Ans = (28.0-315.6)(10%) =-291(10) Ans Orientation of Principal Strain : From te cece, 26, 225s L772 10026, * Ta 25.0 6,, = 30.3" (Clockwise) Ans *10-29. The strain at point A on the leg of the angle has components ¢, = ~140(10"%), «= 180(10), y= ~125(10~*), €, = 0. Determine (a) the principal strains at A, (b) the maximum shear strain in the x—y plane, and (c) the absolute maximum shear strain. €,=-14010) c= 18010), = -125(10*) i = ~62.5(10) AC-140,-62.510 {20,010 R= (¥Q0- (140) + C625) 10 = 171,77(10F) 9 £1 = (20+ 171.77)10%) = 19200) Ans = Q0- 171.7700) = 15200) Ans bo) Yas 2R = 2017177410) = 344(10) Ane 10-30. ‘The 45° strain rosette is mounted on the link of the backhoe. The following readings are obtained from each gauge: €, = 650(10"*), ¢, = ~300(10~), ¢, = 480(10"%), Determine (a) the i maximum in-plane shear strain and ass normal strain, plane principal strains and (6) the sociated average ae cone, = aCe wr, eae wa sronn 4 Es ort 010) + coat IW) + sn + roxecney mci “EE C0") = 60100) 9007) = a IO) PEI) Yh I TP) = 00100") " SS see io) + #50 10%) 2) + 401) 29) + Yin 28) t= - 70004 30(10% fone = 0110) 6 2 OTT Ta = 300% z Masi : Mé50, —M65)10% C1365, O10 po cae eleea sah vase «wane oe = 6s camino «oH ne fy = (565 - SOTHO © 304010" a 22 xs crh = rence = 6800" 10-31, The 60° strain rosette is mounted on the surface of an aluminum plate. The following readings are obtained from each gauge: ¢, = 950(10~%), « = 380(107), ¢, = ~220(10"*). Determine the in-plane principal strains and their orientation. ea99000) Gg eMoaet) & eee peor cnet sete erp tmcoit, ome eel eae Tyson = 95000) fea +e Yt, Mo 00-607 +s YH em (60) sori") +0284, +078, -04337, “ cox, 6,188, ra snBon <0 00 1AP) oi 120") Y si 1D) (120) 06") 2025, 07%, #04537, ® Serna) fom 65 (0) eoxie*) = 08667, 9 = #7282410") gy a21000" Yra-saaiio) Aow-ueanio* cami =| (i= TOFS EA NO" «475100 e,610+6957104 = 104410) Ame GH G1-€85N10%= 3060) Ane sa 50-370 ae, =20F enc arise (came) Ane 10-33. For the case of plane stress, show that Hooke's law can be written as E =o Gayle + v6) - ma + ve) Generalized Ho Applying Ea, 10-18, ‘e's Law : For plane stress, o, = 0, (2,-v9,) vee, =(0, vie, =¥0,-¥ a, ve)y (,-ve) Ee,=-va,+0, a ‘Adding Bq. (1) and Ea. 2] yields, vee, ~Ee, Substiuting @, sno Ea. (2) Ee, =-vo,+ vee) E(vate) ce Wasa ann) ELE tEG Bg +8 vilsw (e+e) QED.) 10-34. Use Hooke’s law, Eq. 10-18, to develop the strain- transformation equations, Eqs. 10-5 and 10-6, from the stress-transformation ‘equations, Eqs. 9-1 and 9-2, Stress Transformation Equations : +2, 2, From Eq. (4), SET A hco0 20 +4, 1028 w tay =-SEAE sin 20 +5, 00828 2 wage ri] a+, s, Coie (3) Substiasng s.(1) and (3) ito Ea, (11), Generalized Hooke's Law : For plane sess, (=n(0.+0,) aen(e-6,) 0, = Ty, = fy =0. Applying Eq.10~ 18, 10~ 19, and 10-20, Fe ES) cs 20 C+ Wie, sin 29 oS a —e (12) Ee fve, Coote o By using Eqs.(8], (9}, and (10) and subssiting into Bq. (12], fy = Otay @ FS S520 +tasin20 (QE.D.) a From Ea. (61, ty 031 OF a ‘Substinsng Eqs (13), (6) and [93 nto Ea (2), E £@-5) E . po FEA 5) in 20 + Fy, co 28 From Eqs. (6] and (71, Tew "Bae Taw 7 19} QED.) Tira had

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