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Sarah Phillips COU eo ce | | Cera) Dee Ly Sarah Phillips OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRES: do | butterfly speak b Listen to the sentences and draw the correct length of line over can and can’t. 4 I can't do butterfly. 5 Can you do magic? 1 I can speak Spanish 2 Ican't do sudoku. 3 Can you play basketball? 6 I can't play the guitar. b Add some more activities to the table. am —_ Grouping words together helps you remember them. You can group words in your vocabulary book. page 10, exercise 3 eee) 2a@ Listen and look at the lines over the words, then match the sentences (1-3) to the rules (ac) 1 Ican dive. a The vowel sound in can’t is long. 2 Can you dive? bThe vowel sound in can is very short. 3 leant dive, ¢ The vowel sound in can is not short or long. Listening and Grammar can/can't 3a Finn and Millie want to be in the school show. What can they do? Listen to the dialogue and complete the table with the correct face. Finn Millie b Write sentences about Finn and Millie. Finn He can do magic very well. Millie 4 Over to you! Mark these sentences true (T) or false (F) for you. Correct the false sentences. 1 | can do butterfly. 2 | can do sudoku very well. the sender? 3 | can't play basketball, OS can... 4 | can't play the guitar very well. The sender likes.. 5 £2 write four more sentences about yourself using can, can... very well, can't. very well and can't. The sender asks about... Extra page 11, exercise 7 information Writing 6 a Get ready to write Read the two emails, Then complete the first two columns of the table with the correct information. HIV, This is Rav, I’m your buddy @ when you vst nat week We're really happy about your visit. 11m 12 years old, can do magic’ I've gota biogwth | \ideos OF my magie treks. I cen play basketbal, too, 'm in the school am. \What do you do in your spare time? Have you got any | hobbies? ‘See you soon, Ravi Hel Ravi Thanks for writing I'm 12, too. | can't wait to visit your school, Love Maths and my hobby is number puzzies. | can do sudoku very wel. Do you lke sudoku? Havaiyall cox ery pots? (us oes acing MP Hass rece for awalk wth him every day. Bye. Visi b Imagine you are sending an email to Viki. ‘Complete column three for yourself. ex—______ We can start and finish emails in different ways. Look at how the emails from Ravi and Viki start and finish. SSS ys 7 a Look at Ravi's email again Circld)the capital letters (C), commas (). question marks (?) and. full stops (,). These are punctuation marks. b Match the sentence halves. 1 We use a capital letter ¢_ 2 Peoples’ names start with _ 3 We use a comma after the first line_ 4 We use a full stop _ 5 We use a question mark 6 When we write‘? __ and after the last line of an email. b at the end of a question. at the beginning of a sentence. d a capital letter. € we always use a capital letter. f at the end of a sentence. DEEREIZIRE page 11, exercise 10 une ate G) Sl yr ex3 Vocabulary 1 €} Complete the key to the family tree. 10 Rosie 12 Matilda 15 Zara 1 great-grandmother 2 3 4 ervauw 2 a EE} Read the texts. Write the name of the speaker. (You don’t need to complete the gaps in the text now.) 1 Name: Brian 'm married to Sally. She's my second wi MWe got a son and a daughter. Th names are Matilda and Angus. 2 Name My sister’s name is Sally. I've got two children, a called Duncan and a called Rosie 3 Name: 'm married to Mary. We've got one ul 4 Name: I'm not married, but my sister is married, I've got an and an . Their names are Greg and Alice 5 Name: My brother's name is Rex. We've got one aunt, her name is Flora. Our mother is Flora’s b Now complete the texts with the family members. a sa te 9 13 10 14 n 15 12 16 c Add one sentence to each text. Use the words in brackets. 1 (Stepdaughters). Sally. got two daughters, Flora and lona, they're my stepdaughters 2 wife) 3 grandchildren) 4 (niece and nephew) 5 (grandmother) 3) Over to you! Write two or three sentences about your own family. You can use and change sentences from exercise 3. page 12, exerce 4 1B Grammar ove/like/don' t like, etc. 6 Rewrite the sentences. Change the words : in bold to subject and object pronouns. Look at the pictures and write about Rosie. eee SEES Bee ee 1 Dunean lives with his mum and dad. 1 docm'tlike Gee He lives with them, doing gymnastics. 2 Zara goes to school with Rex. 3 Matilda and Agnus live with Brian and Sally. 4 1 go to piano lessons with Matilda. 5 Matilda and | like playing basketball 6 Zara isin the basketball team with Matilda and me. page 13, exercise 8 Vocabulary review 7 Read the dialogues. Write the name of the job they talk about. flight attendant bus driver in hairdresser police officer musi 1 A Doyoulike your job? B_ Yes, do. | love flying and I like visiting different ‘countries. cS flight attendant 5 €ED Now write questions about the activities 2 A What don't you like about your job? in the pictures and answer them for yourself. Bean and Griying ii she snow, Do you like playing basketball? No, | don't like playing basketball. a 3 A What do you like about your job? B I love giving concert Hike Ca 2 2 . I don't like 4 A What's the best part of your job? B_ I love cutting long hair. Ics great. Thate 4 5 A What don't you like about your job? llove B I can’t stand wearing the hat. It's horrible! 5 2 " Vean‘t stand page 13, exercise 9 6 I really like users ts: G) Le era Vocabulary 1 9 Look at the picture and write sentences about the people with the adjectives in the box. clever friendly lively naughty noisy shy sporty quiet 1 He's friendly, 2 3 4 eae 2a ‘Write the words in the box under the correct heading. abig nose a tringe a moustache a pony tail beard blue eyes brown hair curly hair_long hair mouth talking about hair: brown hair talking about eyes: talking about other parts of the face: b €EED Add some more words to each list. © pote 1-my te 3 a EE Mark the sentences true (T) or false (F) for you. Correct the false sentences. 1 I'm tall and I've got short hair. 2 I'm shy and I'm friendly. _ 3 I'm noisy and a bit naughty. _ 4 I'm short and I’ve got brown, curly hair. 5 I'm neither tall nor short. I've got a fringe. 6 I'm lively and I'm quite clever. b Write two sentences to describe a friend or a member of your family. Listening 4 a ©} What words can you use to describe the children in the pictures? beD sten and check your answers, then write the names under the pictures. Harry Mina Nina Rose Tar Page 15, exercise 4 Grammar 5 €% Look at the picture of Tariq and his friends. Write questions and answers about their appearance. 1 What does Tarig look like? He's tall. He's got dark, curly hai 2 What Rose look like? She's She's got 3 What Harry ike? 4 Nina and Mina 6 Now write questions and answers about their character. 1 Whats Tariq like? He's clever. 2 What __Rose like? She's 3 What ___Harry_ 4 Nina and Mina__? 7 €& Read the dialogue. Which woman is Boris’s owner? Harry Dash! Dash! Come here. Oh no! Hes playing with another dog! Dash! Come here! Harry Excuse me? Man Yes? Harry Is that big black and white dog yours? ‘Man No, heisnt. haven't got a dog, That's his ‘owner, over there! She's talking to her friends. Harry OK. Thanks. But... which oneis she? Is she the old lady? ‘Man _No,she isn't. She's young. Harry And has she got long, brown hair? Man No, she hasnt. She's blonde. Harry Oh, yes. can see her now. What's she like? Is she friendly? Man Yes, she is. he’s very ni Harry Great! Harry Excuse me? Woman Yes. Harry Your dogis playing with my dog. Can you call him, please? Woman Yes, of course. Boris! Boris! Come heret Naughty dog! Harry Does he like dog biscuits? ve got some dog biscuits in my bag. Woman Good idea. Boris! Biscuits! Good boy. Harry Dash! Come here! You're a naughty dog a® Over to you! Write a description of a boy or a girl from a TV show or from a book. Don’t write his/her name! b Now give your description to your partner. Can he/she guess who it is? Unit 1-My life @) 1D: Saturday morning Vocabulary review 3 ESD Find four differences in the pictures, it ic : 1. ©} Match the words in the box to the correct Witte abaut nichts b. verb. Note: some words can go in more than ‘one box. abook adrink aDVD magazine amask a sandwich board games cards cupcakes computer games my bike my horse table tennis TV b play 1 Greta isn’t riding her bike, she's having | computer games ae & | | 3 ride Ate elk ee ey Se : page 17, exercise 4 rea : ae Everyday English ' 4agQ Listen to the dialogues and number the pictures. page 17, exercise 3 Grammar 2 €} Write the verb in the ~ing form in the correct column. climb make read ride ran sit swim watch wri b ESD Now complete the speech bubbles +-ing e+ing Cie imal with the correct phrase. climbing siding running a Can bee ee ee please? sy eee | eee ¢ Sorty, can you say that again, please? d Sorry, what does chin mean? as Can play —playing listen listening La The best way to lear a language is to use it. Say the sentences in exercise 4b as often as possible Reading 1 Look at the pictures. What is the story about? b a fox, acrow and some cheese a fox, a crow and a forest a a fox, a crow and a tree A fox is walking in the woods. He's hungry. “can smell cheese,” he thinks. “I like cheese. ‘Where is it?” He looks round, and then he sees a big black crow. The crow is sitting in a tree. He's got some cheese in his beak. “Hey crow,” says the fox, “don't eat that cheese. It smells bad. Itsmells very, very bad.” “It isn’t bad! You want my cheese,” thinks the crow, “you'te not very clever!” “Good morning, crow!” says the fox. "How are you?” The crow doesn’t answer. “Don't bbe shy. Come and say hello!” says the fox. “Oh nol” thinks the crow. "You want my cheese.” “1 know you can sing very well.” says the fox. “I can. I.can sing very Well,” thinks the crow. “Can you sing mea song?” says the fox "Please." "Oh, OK just fone song,” thinks the crow. And he opens his beak and sings, The cheese falls into the fox's mouth!” “Goodbye crow!” says the fox. “and thank youl” woods beak 2 Match the sentence halves. 1 The crow has a the cheess 2 The fox b wants some cheese. © doesn’t answer. d the fox eats the cheese. © a song from the crow. f got some cheese. g cheese is bad. h “Good morning!” to the crow. mouth 3 The fox says 4 The crow 5 The fox says the 6 The crow thinks 7 The fox wants 8 The crow sings and 3 Now listen to the recording of the story while you read the story again. 4 What's the lesson from this story? Choose from below. 1 Don't sit in trees and eat cheese. 2 Don't talk to foxes. 3 Think before you open your celal GO Teoh cia trad Vocabulary 1 Write the name of the activities. 3 Make sentences about the pictures. Use He's, She's or They're. 1 She's got 2 He's got 2 Complete the sentences with the correct family word. Grammar 1 My grandmother's father is my great-grandfather. 5 Write sentences with can...very well, can, can't, 2 My mother’s sister is my < can’t...very well. 3 My uncle's children are my 5 ae 1 | cant do mag 4 My mother’s second husband is my (do magic) | cant. do magic 5 My brother's daughter is my : © 2 (speak Spanish) !__ 6 My brother's son is my : 7 My mother and my father are my ® 3 (play the guitar) | 8 My mother and father are married, they are husband and : 6) Unit 1-My life 6 Write sentences about Tom. 7 Complete the questions for these answers. 1 What He's short and he’s got blue eyes. 2 What He's friendly. complete the table. Cena ens talk about activities you can/can't do: Everyday English 2 & Complete the phrases. 1 I don't_understand. 2 Excuse me, what _ eyebrow mean? 3 explain this exercise, please? 4 ‘can you say that please? Look back at your work in Unit 1 (Student's Book pp10-21) and © Poa ui ete eens ean very well lean't very well. talk about what you like/don’t like: Hove {can't stand talk and write about your family’s characteristics: What is your father like? ‘write a short email to introduce yourself talk about actions happening now: What are you doing now? ask your teacher to repeat something: uneea-myite Vocabulary 2 Look at the picture and answer the questions. 1 © Label the pictures. 1 Where's the table? It: front of the wardrobe. 2 Where are the pictures? 3 Where's the TV? 4 Where's the cupboard? 5 Where are the suitcases? 6 Where's the black lamp? 7 Where are the chai 8 Where's the sofa? EEMEEIZEEE pave 23, exercise 3 Grammar and Pronunciation There is, there are; a/an, some, any 30 Listen and (ircle)the words with the /ea/ sound. here lamp there wardrobe where 4 EE} Look at the picture and read the text. Underline the incorrect information and write the correct sentence. ‘This is our kitchen. There’s a table and six chairs, and there are a lot of cupboards, too. Mum likes plants and there are a lot of plants by the window. ‘There’s an armchair near the window, too. It's my favourite place to read. | like this room a lot. This is our living room. There's a sofa and there are two armchairs, too. There's a television opposite the sofa. There’s a small cupboard under the TV, that's where I keep my video games. Mum’s got a desk near the sofa. Her computer is on the desk. 1 There’s a table and four chairs 2 3 4 5 6 5 Complete the description of the bedroom with a, some, any or lots of. This is my sister's bedroom. There’s bed of course. She’s got ? desk and a chair. There isn't? lamp on the desk. She's got a big wardrobe. She needs a big wardrobe! My sister’s got a othes, There are ® posters on the wall of her favourite pop stars. There aren’t ® plants in her room. She doesn’t like plants. 6 Write about the living room and the kitchen in exercise 4. Use there’s/there are/there isn't/there aren't. 1 (amp/kitchen) There isn’t a lamp in the kitchen. 2 (table/kitchen) 3 (books/kitchen) 4 (photos/kitchen) 5 (TViliving room) 6 (bath/living room) 7 Campfiivin 1g room) 8 (pictures/tiving room) 7 €&D Answer the questions about your home. Use Yes, there is./No, there isn’t./Yes, there are./ No, there aren't. 1 Are there any plants in your living room? 2 Is there a television in your kitchen? 3 Is there a shower in your bathroom? 4 Ara there any photos in your bedroom? 5 Is there a ghost in your house? 6 Are there any posters in your bedroom? 7 \s there a carpet in your bathroom? 8 Are there any bikes in your garage? 8 Over to you! Write about the rooms in your home We've got a big living room. There's a sofa and three armchairs in it, | Unit 2-1 live here ®) PY a Ys Vocabulary revision 3 Look at the picture in exercise 1 again. 4 © lookatthe cuestiine pete ana Write sentences using possessive adjectives. complete the crossword. her his its my our their your 1 I’ve got a hat. It’s my hat. 2 Theyve got an umbrella. ; 3 She's got some gloves. | 4 We've got a dog. el TE ea LJ 5 He's got some trainers. | 6 You've got some boots. je 7 It's got a coat, alolo je | 4 (I Listen to the dialogue. Write L (Leo) or T (Tilly) by the things in the picture. | | | | | ESA Ssyee | [| | | page 24, exercise 1 Grammar possessive adjectives and pronouns 2 © Complete the table. 5 a Whose are the things in the cupboard? Subject pronouns _ | Possessive adjectives eile senses ; P 1 Thisis Leo's scarf. | Sane ae 2 These are Tilly's trainers, his 5 her * it 1 we 6 their 7 8 6 © Match the possessive adjectives with the possessive pronouns. Possessive adjective Possessive pronoun my ours ee Jake's his mine her hers its its Jake's yours our theirs their Jake and Jenny’s Jake and Jenny's his 7 Look at the story on page 24 of your Student's Book. Write answers for each of the questions in two ways. Then write the questions for the answers for pictures 4 and 5. 2 Whose are these 3 Whose is this cat? trainers? ! IWs Jake's./ They're Jenny’s./ Ws his, They're hers. page 25, exercise 3 8 ED Read the texts. What is Emma talking about: her phone, her bag, her umbrella or her scarf? 1 Mine is black. Hers is black, too. His is grey. What is it? It's her bag. = 2 His is small. Hers is big. Mine is small, too. ‘What is it? = 3 Hers is short. His is grey. Mine is white What is it? 4 Mine is big. Hisis small. Hers is black. What is it? 5 Theirs are grey. Mine is white. What is it? Over to you! Compare some of your things with some of your friends’ things. My jacket is red, my friend Eva's is blue. Eva's trainers are white, mine are black. page 25, exercise 6 Unit 2 -I live here 15, )

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