Abortion Hurts Women

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Conflict Of
A Weekly Column By Walter B. Hoye II
In the abortion debate, is there a "Conflict of Interest"
within the Black community and among her leaders?

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Abortion Hurts Women
"It's normal to grieve a pregnancy loss, including the loss of a child by abortion. It can form a hole in one's heart, a
hole so deep that sometimes it seems nothing can fill the emptiness." 1

It is not unusual in the course of our day for my

wife and I to talk with post abortive men and
women. Men, struggling to find peace and
healing, tend to talk about how the abortion of
their children caused them to feel pain, guilt,
anger and a "loss of manhood." Women, many
of whom are struggling with suicidal thoughts,
drug and/or alcohol addiction to dull the pain
and eating disorders or depression, tend to talk
about feelings of guilt, anger, shame,
worthlessness and "the unforgivable sin." Post-
Abortion Syndrome, a form of Post-Traumatic
Post -Traumatic Stress Disorder Stress Disorder (PTSD) is real. Many have asked
us to help them share their stories in hope that readers would be spared the
pain they live with from day to day. This week's column is dedicated to
one such story. Natasha here is your story and you have all of our love.

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( ••)♥ Natasha's Testimony ( ••)♥
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By Way Of Introduction
My name is Natasha and I am a forty (40) year old single post-abortive
mother of six (6) children. I have four (4) children alive on earth, and two (2)
little girls alive in heaven, which I lost by way of abortion. I named my
beautiful angels Alyssa & Melissa about three (3) to four (4) years ago by
way of a revelation through the Holy Spirit.

An Adulterous Relationship And Bad Advice

About thirteen (13) to fourteen (14) years ago I had fallen into an
adulterous relationship with a young man. Prior to getting pregnant by him
I had gone to my Pastor at that time to seek help in coming out of it. His
advice was to not tell my husband and to do my best to come out of it on my
own. A few weeks after that conversation, I became pregnant by my former
lover. I knew in my soul that my baby girl did not belong to my
husband. I then went back to my Pastor and told him my new situation and
that I had to have an abortion because I know that my baby was not my
husband's. My Pastor gave me his blessing to have the abortion. A few
weeks after my first abortion, I walked up to my Pastor after a church
worship service and said … "I finally got rid of that problem" and he
nodded his head at me as if to say: "good job," or "well done."

I Left My Church, And Never Looked Back

Approximately two (2) years later, I became pregnant by my former lover a
second time and I shared that information with maybe one (1) or two (2)
people and went to the abortion clinic a second time and did what I felt I
had to do at that time again. I did not waste anymore time telling my Pastor
believing that I would get the same response. A few years after my second
abortion, I left my church, and never looked back.

Before I Found Forgiveness And Healing In Christ

I then joined another church in which a woman Pastor ministered to me
about the side effects of abortion after attending a women's prayer meeting
in which both of my abortions were exposed by me following the leading of
the Holy Spirit. That was when I realized that my two (2) daughter's were
and still are human beings. I named them both that night. She then advised
me to get involved in the fight against abortion and to help other young
women who are suffering from the same symptoms as I was. Before I found
forgiveness and healing in Christ, I battled prescription drug addiction, an
alcohol addiction, and I began sleeping with more than just one (1) man
including my husband at that time.

I Am Free And I Am Keeping My Promise

So there you have it, the story of my life in a nut shell. Walter, I would love
for you to share my testimony! I do not care if you use my name! I am no
longer in hiding! Praise the Lord I am free! My mission here on earth is to
save as many babies as I possibly can! I made this promise to my two (2)
little girls in heaven and I am keeping my promise! 2

Transformed By The Church's Healing Ministry

"Rachel mourns for her children; she refuses to be consoled because her children are no more. Thus says the Lord:
Cease your cries of mourning. Wipe the tears from your eyes. The sorrow you have shall have its rewards. There is
hope for the future." — (Jeremiah 31:15 -17)
Yes, abortion hurts women,
however, in a message to women
who have had an abortion, Pope
John Paul II in the Gospel of
Life, explains how their lives can
be transformed by the Church's
healing ministry: "You will come
to understand that nothing is
definitively lost and you will also
be able to ask forgiveness from
your child, who is now living in
the Lord. With the friendly and
2008 Oakland Walk Alveda King, Dion Evans and Walter Hoye
expert help and advice of other
people, and as a result of your own painful experience, you can be among
the most eloquent defenders of everyone's right to life. Through your
commitment to life, whether by accepting the birth of other children or by
welcoming and caring for those most in need of someone to be close to
them, you will become promoters of a new way of looking at human life." 3
Natasha, thank you for allowing me to share your story in light of Women's
History Month. But most of all, thank you for allowing God to use you as a
model of His Love and Forgiveness.

Brothers, we really need to talk.

1. "Understanding Abortion's Aftermath", Project Rachel (http://bit.ly/eimlpU).
2. Special thanks to Pam Caylor, Executive Director, First Choice Pregnancy Services (http://bit.ly/gdvG98).
3. Pope John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae, The Gospel of Life, Sec. 99. (http://bit.ly/gv2oM1)

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