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Everyday Misadventures

What would you do

You left your lunch at Your best friend You fell down and scraped your
stopped talking to knee badly.
home .

Your bike got a flat Your alarm didn’t go off You didn’t do your
and you overslept.
tire. homework.

You accidentally broke a You kicked your soccer ball You got caught in the
really good dish. over the fence of an rain without an
unfriendly neighbor.

You found a worm in Your ice cream fell on the You spilled food on your T-
your apple. ground right after you shirt at school.
bought it.

You got off at the

The water was cut off You found a gigantic black
wrong bus stop.
right in the middle of beetle on your bedroom
a shower.

The leftovers that were You lost your monthly bus You didn’t like what was for
for dinner were all moldy. ticket. dinner.
You forgot the name You forgot your The cashier gave you too
of someone you just dentist
met. much change/or not enough
appointment. change.

The electricity was out for Your cat (or dog) You accidentally locked yourself
an entire evening. out of your house.

You put salt instead of sugar You forgot to study for an Your pants ripped
in the cookies. important math test.
during gym class.

You took the wrong road and You found a mouse in There was an emergency and you
got lost. couldn’t remember your home
your kitchen. phone number.

Your new shoes were too Your car broke down in You arrived two hours late for a job
interview because you took the
tight and gave you blisters. the middle lane of a busy wrong train.

Your favorite dress/shirt The chicken/meat/fish you You went to the neighbor’s
shrunk in the wash and is now bought for dinner smells house for a party on the
too small. rotten. wrong day.

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