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Form 2 geography test

Name: Shiva Ramlal

1) A volcano is a cone shaped structure found near the boundaries of continental plates ,they can be
found in both hot and cold regions and often erupt a molten rock known as magma.

2) Volcanoes are related to plate margins because when there is an earthquake and the plates collide
near an earthquake the magma comes to the surface as larva and dries creating new land and islands.

3) Magma is larva underground while larva is the molten rock above ground there are two types of larva
Fluid larva and acidic larva. Fluid larva is thin and runny flowing farther away from the volcano until it

4) shield volcanoes are formed from larva and are non violent because gases easily escape instead of
building up. Composite cones are step- sided volcanoes consisting of layers of ash and cinders , larva
often escapes from the sides of the cone building up conelets.

5) Precious minerals can be obtained from the molten rock. Hot springs can be used to produce energy.
provides opportunities for tourism. Weathered larva produces fertile soil for farming.

6) Primary sector: farming, secondary sector : car manufacturing , tertiary sector : grocery/supermarket.

7) Arable – growing of crops only

Pastoral- rearing of animals only

Mixed – rearing of both animals and crops .

8) site – the land must be flat and cheap . Government-you need passes from the government to
approve to land for factory building or else they will shut down the project.

9)1- a =642426 b- 605430 c- 638458 d – 611448

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