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Miguel street assignment


Name: Shiva ramlal

VS. Naipaul is a writer who not only includes realistic stereotypes he also
includes calypsos as references to the happenings therefore he based the
chapter on the song example: Nathaniel from the chapter refers to the calypso
“every now and then just knock them down .Every now and then just throw
them down. Black up their eye and bruise up their knee and they will love you

Vs. Naipaul clearly demonstrates different stereotypes as he wrote this novel

the male character I am using is man-man .Man-man is seen as a character
who not only plays mad but he has a lot of street sense as we call it in Trinidad
and Tobago if someone dares to mess with man- man he will not only
embarrass them but trick them into giving him things which later on in the
story he sell and earns a few dollars more .Man-man is also classified as
lonely because when Naipaul included that man-man had a dog which he
adored and played with later on gets hit by a car causing man- man to fell
lonely ,sad and depressed he no longer troubled others but now began
reading holy books and preaching at the corner of the street wearing holy

Until he came up with the idea of crucifying himself on that day everyone
followed him until he told them to stone him until finally he began cursing and
eventually he learnt sense and began living normal again. The female
character I chose was Mrs. Morgan was a character the writer designed like no
other she was described as a little over six foot tall and built like a body
builder and she always argued with her neighbor ms. bhaku who was
completely the opposite and was four feet high, three feet wide and three feet
deep .Anyways, Ms. Morgan was always taking care of their ten children while
Morgan was busy making fun of them instead of stopping morgan she waited
until he cheated on her when she went away she later embarrassed him and
made him be laughed at by to whole street after that occasion she was never
introduced to the story again.

In ending I think vs. Naipaul writing this book on real life circumstances is a
good idea because not only do we have stereo types to refer to we also can
compared world war 2 times with today’s circumstances overall I think Mr.
Naipaul should be greatly rewarded because he really is a great writer who
can inspire others I hope he will be greatly remembered in the history of

Shiva ramlal.

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