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Subject: H.F.L.

class: Form 2 Ballah
group members: Shiva, maya, Emmanuel, Nicholas, Justin,
semeion and Micah

Peer mediation project


 What steps would you take (follow the stages in the

mediation process as outlined above)? 
 What rules would you implement for the mediation
process (rules for disputants as outlined above)? 
 The parties involved should come to a
solution/agreement by the end of your skit.

 Be prepared to present.

 Conversation:
Melina: Tina, did you borrow my cell
 Tina: Yes, why?
 Melina: Well, you should‘ve told me you
were going to take it. I was looking
everywhere for it.
 Tina: Okay, here it is. I think something
happened to it though . . .
 Melina: What do you mean? (starts
getting angry) You mean you broke it? I
can‘t trust you with anything! Why do you
have to be so irresponsible!
 Tina: I didn‘t break it. (getting angry too)
It just stopped working. 
 Besides, you never take care of it. It
doesn‘t even have a case. I don‘t know
why you‘re allowed to even have one.
 Melina: I can‘t believe anything you say.
I know you broke it. You‘re always ruining
my things! You better pay for it!
 Tina: I‘m not going to pay for it! You
can‘t force me to do anything!

Steps taken when the siblings approached group.

1. Calm down siblings .

2. Set rules example while one person is talking the other

should remain quietly until told to speak, no obscene
language unless in a statement made.

3. listen to both sides story of what happened .

4.let the sisters come up with a solution .

5. make them vow not to spread this information because it

may start a bigger conflict.

6. have the persons sign a mediation letter stating that the

problem was resolved.
Rules implemented by mediators

.no obscene language

.don’t entrupt persons when they are speaking .

.nothing said should be spread to other groups or persons.

.Call other persons by their first names .

.do not add information to another person story.

.persons should speak according to the first letter of their

first name example Micah and Emmanuel. Emmanuel would
speak first.

Skit done by our group

 Melina: Tina, did you borrow my cell phone?

 Tina: Yes, why?

 Melina: Well, you should‘ve told me you were going to

take it. I was looking everywhere for it.

 Tina: Okay, here it is. I think something happened to it

though . . .

 Melina: What do you mean? (starts getting angry) You

mean you broke it? I can‘t trust you with anything! Why
do you have to be so irresponsible!

 Tina: I didn‘t break it. (getting angry too) It just stopped


 Besides, you never take care of it. It doesn‘t even have

a case. I don‘t know why you‘re allowed to even have

 Melina: I can‘t believe anything you say. I know you

broke it. You‘re always ruining my things! You better pay
for it!

 Tina: I‘m not going to pay for it! You can‘t force me to
do anything!

 Melina: fine, let’s go to peer mediation hopefully the

problem will be solved

 Tina: Sure .
 Both siblings approached the peer mediation group

 Two mediators by name James and Piotr approach the

siblings and they start talking.

 James calmed them down while Piotr prepared the

mediation form.

 James: What seems the be the problem?

 Tina: I borrowed Melina’s phone without asking and now

she thinks I have broken it.

 Melina: “SHE HAS BROKEN IT!”

 Piotr: Calm down please don’t interrupt persons when

they are speaking .

 Melina: I am sorry .

 James: so Melina is this true?

 Melina: yes, Tina took my phone and when she returned

it it was not turning on at all.

 Piotr: so what would you like to do about that Melina?

 Melina:I would like Tina to apologize and try to fix my


 Piotr : tina do you accept this solution?

 Tina: yes, I do.

 James : ok sign this paper stating that Tina will have to
apologize and help fix your phone.

 Both the siblings sign and came to speaking terms.

 Melina: Next time just ask if you need to borrow

something ok.

 Tina: ok sure I promise.


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