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NOTE: Some of the changes noted below may not be applicable to your site.

Screen Description Bug Id

Advanced Payroll
TM.PLI.00 Prevailing wage rate 39169

The rates are now correct in Advanced Payroll when the batch comes from Time and
Expense and also on the Certified Payroll reports.

Approcs.sql, TMPLI00.exe, tm060.rpt

Multiple Week Maintenance 39069

Enhancement: Added feature that allows weeks to be generated.


Multiple Project End Date validation 39070

Project Maintenance (PA.PRJ.00) now has a new configuration option for end date
validation. Options are None, Project Level, and Task Level. The default is None.
Project and Task Level will cause screens to consider the Project or Task end date
when allowing entry for a date. Affected screens will not allow entries for days beyond
the end date of the project or task. In most cases, the Project or Task will not appear
in the possible value list.

Affected screens are:

Time Entry (02.010.00)
Time and Dollar Entry (02.020.00)
Advance Payroll:
Advanced Timesheet Entry by Employee (58.010.00)
Advanced Timesheet Entry by Project (58.020.00)
Time and Expense for Projects:
Travel & Expense Report Entry (TM.ENT.00)
Timecard Entry (TM.TCE.00)
Timecard with Rate/Amount Entry (TM.TEA.00)
Time Detail (TM.DLY.00)
Project Timesheet Entry (TM.PTE.00)
Project Timesheet with Rate/Amount Entry (TM.PTA.00)

PJPRJ00.exe, 0201000.exe, 0202000.exe, 5801000.exe 5802000.exe,

TMENT00.exe, TMTCE00.exe, TMTEA00.exe, TMDLY00.exe, TMPTE00.exe,
TMPTA00.exe, messages.csv, pvrec.csv, AppProcs_CU.sql, appViews_CU.sql

Flexible Billings
Multiple Flexible Billing Invoice Posting 39344

Add ability to select projects or documents to be posted.

BIREG00.exe, Appprocs.sql, pvrec.csv

General Ledger

Print Date: 4/25/2019 Microsoft Dynamics SL 2018 CU2 Summary of Changes

Page 1
NOTE: Some of the changes noted below may not be applicable to your site.

Screen Description Bug Id

General Ledger
Multiple GL Batch Release 39071

Enhancement: Added the ablity to change the Period to Post of a batch in initialize


RQ.110.00 Requisition Entry and Project Budgets 39139

The budget data on the Budget tab of the Requisition (RQ.110.00) screen will now
stay in sync with the line selected on the Line Items tab.


Service Contracts
Multiple Service Call Entry 39343

Can now change the Site ID for a quote service call.


QQ.VIE.00 New SQL and Quick Query base view for Project 39063

The folllowing SQL views and Quick Query base query views have been added:
QQ_PJTran_AllocationAnalysis, Allocation Processor Analysis
QQ_PJTran_FromAllocator, Allocator Transactions
QQ_PJTran_FromAllocatorWithBilling, Allocator Transactions w/Billing
QQ_PJTran_BillingLoadAnalysis, Billings Transaction Load Analysis
QQ_PJTran_FTTAnalysis, Financial Transaction Transfer Analysis

These are intended for diagnostics/monitoring of the Allocator, Billings Load, and
Financial Transaction Transfer processes.

appViews_CU.sql, systemprocupdates_CU.sql

Time and Expense for Projects

TM.ERA.00 Approving Expense Reports 39271

The Expense Report Review & Approval (TM.ERA.00) screen will no longer show
System Message 20202 "The DB connection for this cursor has been deallocated"
when the 'Begin Processing' button pressed.


Print Date: 4/25/2019 Microsoft Dynamics SL 2018 CU2 Summary of Changes

Page 2

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