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1. What is the best title for this passage?

The importance of water for the body
2. What is the topic of the passage?
functions and benefits of water for the body
3. What is the characteristic of light dehydration?
Light dehydration induces some symptoms include weakness, giddiness, headaches and
4. Mention the function of water!
Water can increase blood volume. By increasing the blood volume, the nutrients will be better
distributed. Water cleans our body by removing toxins, eliminating the excess of minerals and
prospering the function of the digestive organs.
Water is needed to control body temperature; besides, water is also needed to perform
exchanges with the outer environment and maintain itself hydrated with vitality.
5. Well-hydrated people can be seen by what?
Some of the characteristics of a well-hydrated individual include well-nourished skin, nails and

True-false-not given

TRUE If the statement is stated on the passage

FALSE If the statement disagrees with the information
NOT GIVEN If the statement is not stated on the passage

Well-nourished nails, skin and hairs are the consequences of boosting the blood
volume. (TRUE)
26 The body temperature is controlled by some exercises. (FALSE)
For normal people, water in the body can be disposed in the form of liquid.

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