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Science Learning Quality to Promote Sustainable

Development in Early Childhood Education: Case

Study from Selected Teachers in Tasikmalaya

Edi Hendri Mulyana, Dindin Abdul Muiz Lidinillah, Ernawulan Syaodih

Qonita Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Bandung, Indonesia
Kampus Tasikmalaya, Indonesia

Abstract—One of the sustainable development goals in the The education sector has a strategic role in achieving SDG
education sector is to ensure that all girls and boys have access to goals. We immediately need contemporary education that can
quality early childhood development, care, and preprimary help to stop the destruction of our planet, foster care and
education. The government must provide free and compulsory responsible children so that they will become good citizens
pre-primary education for at least one year with professional who are genuinely concerned with and capable of contributing
educators who can provide learning practices that can stimulate to a just and peaceful world (UNESCO, 2008).
children development and accommodate the needs of sustainable
development. One of the learning practices that meets those It is necessary for all education stakeholders at all levels of
criteria is science learning. This paper aims to portray factual education to exert serious efforts to prepare the future
conditions associated with achieving the SDG mentioned above. generation to become good citizens who are willing to
Four teachers from four different kindergartens in Tasikmalaya promote SDG by their knowledge and skill (Annan- Diab &
were selected to participate in this study. Data were collected by Molinari, 2017; Owens, 2017; Dlouhá & Pospíšilová, 2018).
using semi-structured interviewed and observation. The findings The most fundamental level is the early childhood education
showed that the quantity of children participating in early level because the early years are a vulnerable time but also a
childhood education has increased, but the supply of human period of great opportunity for children's development. Early
resource has not well adjusted yet. The consequence teachers that year period is the right time to instil a foundation of values
involve in ECE do not have criteria of professionalism. Even the
and knowledge to prepare children for living their lives in the
teachers who have qualities of a professional still face problem in
implementing good quality learning, especially in science
future. Children often experience the greatest environmental
learning. Since teachers are a critical element for guaranteeing challenges, and this is the time when the foundations of many
quality education, teachers should be empowered, given equitable of their basic attitudes and values are instilled for the first time
training, sufficiently recruited and paid, professionally qualified, and if the ESD idea is introduced, the greater the impact and
and sustained within well-resourced. influence will be (Blatchford, Smith and Samuelsson, 2010;
Öztürk & Olgan, 2016).
Keywords— sustainable development; early science; science
One of the ways to facilitate the children for becoming a
education; teachers quality
good citizen and promote sustainable development goals is
through science learning. Science is in line with children
I. INTRODUCTION characteristics because, naturally, children are born to learn
Currently, the world is facing environmental problems about science with their curiosity. Children will do active
which happen in the local, regional, and global levels. These process to know and to understand the world around them and
problems also affect the emergence of other problems in the they are able to obtain new knowledge from that activity
social, development, and economic fields (Blatchford, Smith (Cleminson, 1990; Qonita, Syaodih, Mulyana, 2017). Science
and Samuelsson, 2010; Öztürk & Olgan, 2016). Consequently, also teaches children to be effective in the social world by
sustainable development is crucial for every country in order integrating domains of science into real-life activities
to answer the global challenges for the sake of human (Torquati, Cutler, Gilkerson, & Sarver, 2013). Science could
survival. There are 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) be set as a bridge to understand these issues and take action to
that must be achieved in order to ensure a sustainable, deal with them (Tytler, 2007). Thus, it can prepare children to
peaceful, affluent and just life on earth for everyone today and become a responsible citizen in order to create a sustainable
in the time ahead (UNESCO, 2017). world (Frisk & Larson, 2011;Hat, 2013).
II. LITERATURE REVIEW environmental problems that exist, what causes them, and
what they must do to reduce and overcome them. (Karaarslan
A. Sustainable Development Goals & Teksöz, 2016).
Development means optimizing or realizing a potential; Science education can be a driving force in efforts to
bring more than one, bigger, or better '. The terms 'sustainable reduce poverty, violence and injustice (Holbrook, 2009).
development' and 'sustainable growth' are well known but Creative and innovative science learning can utilize natural
their meanings are still vague. Growth is a quantitative resources to develop physical products or ideas that are
increase in physical aspects, while development is a marketable, such as strategies to teach children to plant plants,
qualitative increase or opening up and increasing potential. A care for animals, which the results can be used to fulfil
sector can grow without developing, or develop without children's nutrition. Learning science for early childhood can
growing, or both, or vice versa (Daly, 1990). also be done collaboratively; children learn to work together in
solving environmental problems with peers without
Sustainable development was first reported in 1987 by the differentiating gender, ethnicity, or social status. Science
Bruntland World Commission on Environment and learning is also very concerned about security principles that
Development (WCED) (Blatchford, Smith and Samuelsson, conflict with violent behaviour.
2010), which explain for a development strategy that:
Through early childhood education, school communities
“…meets the needs of the present without compromising can form local communities to care for and preserve the earth
the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (Hat, 2013). Organizing fun activities for nature-based,
(WCED, 1987, p.43). making environmentally-friendly habituation programs, giving
There are four main elements of sustainable seminars or outreaching to parents about sustainable
development (Duran, Gorgan, Artene, Duran, 2015; development to create personal and communal awareness of
Blatchford, Smith and Samuelsson, 2010; Öztürk & global responsibility, active participation in changes that
Olgan, 2016): support a sustainable future for all (Karaarslan & Teksöz,
 Ecological/ Biological sustainability- Interactions with
the physical, natural environment to protect biological C. Effective Teacher Preparation to Ensure
diversity, species and ecosystem. the Quality of Learning
 Economic sustainability- ensuring economic activity is The teacher is the key to the success of education as well
stable and balanced since the Earth’s resources are as the achievement of SDG. No matter how excellent the
finite school curriculum and facilities are, without competent
 Social sustainability –enabling all people of the world teachers the ideals of education are difficult to achieve.
to have a quality life in which their human dignity is Several things are needed to produce effective teachers in
respected and ensuring their right to nutrition, health, terms of conducting science learning (UNESCO, 2010).
wellbeing, education freedom.  Teacher education needs to equip teachers with
teaching strategies so that they can carry out creative,
 Cultural sustainability –recognising that our innovative learning and are able to design teaching
communities and world are enriched by the diversity of materials that not only focus on knowledge, but also
people, languages, traditions, knowledge, and beliefs.
develop affective domains, decision-making skills,
Sustainable development is supported by the four and problem-solving skills (Manchishi & Mwanza,
elements working together. The practices and policies 2018; Harding, et al, 2019).
developed must take into account the most efficient or  Teachers should be provided with more adequate
effective environmental, economic, social and cultural guidance and information so that they can be aware
strategies. of sensitive issues in sustainable development and
find ways to solve them.
B. Quality Science Education to Promote  Teachers need to be more involved in facilitating
Sustainable Development attitude change, guiding children to get values, and
Education in Sustainable Development aims to balance facilitating children to be able to build their own
human and economic well-being with cultural traditions and knowledge through an active process rather than just
respect for the environment (Öztürk & Olgan, 2016; teaching factual knowledge.
UNESCO, 2017).
Education has a role in promoting cultural citizenship.
Through quality science education, children can get to know The method used in this research is a case study. The data
and be aware of their environmental conditions. Science will were collected through literature review, observation, and a
increase children's love about the country and its culture by semi-structured interview with four selected teachers in four
different kindergartens in Tasikmalaya. Those technique was
making children aware of the environmental richness in their
used to make sure the validation of data and supported data
country for which they have to be grateful. In addition,
children will become aware of the reality of the what
The primary data was collected through uninterrupted observed it. Thus, the hands-on experience activity was not
observations of science learnings to explore science learning optimal.
quality in those kindergartens.
G. Implementation of Science Process
D. Participants Approach
The participants in this research were four teachers from In learning which is based on the science process, learning
four kindergartens in Tasikmalaya city. The four teachers and is oriented towards observing, asking questions, making
the four kindergartens were selected purposively based on two predictions, making conclusions, communicating, etc (Qonita,
criteria, namely, the teachers had been certified and they had Syaodih, Mulyana, 2017).
taught in kindergarten for 5 years. A teacher put hard-boiled eggs and raw eggs into a
transparent container filled with water. Before the two
As for the selection of the four kindergartens, only eggs were put in a container, the teacher told the children
kindergartens that had been accredited with grade A that were
that the teacher would do magic and told them that the
included in this study. It was choosen to see how far the
problem of implementing science learning although in good hard-boiled eggs would sink while the raw eggs would
acreditation status. This research aims to (1) explore the float. When the second teacher eggs are put into a
quality of the implementation of science learning in schools container, the child observes the events that occur in both
that have good standards and quality; (2) examine whether the eggs, but both eggs appeared to sink and none floated.
accreditation and certification that meet the criteria are in line Source: Teacher's learning observation field notes
with the quality of the learning being carried out; and (3) It seems that the process of science was still not optimal
discover the obstacles that they experience. yet since the observation results indicated that the majority of
senses stimulated were the sense of sight to gather
E. Ethical Issue information. It should be understood that the process of
Before conducting this research, the researchers had observation is not only looking at objects or process but also
informed and asked for a permit to the headmasters and optimizing the five senses to gather information (Qonita, et al,
teachers. Researchers informed about the purpose of this 2019).
research and the methods used. The researchers also informed In terms of asking questions, it was the teachers who asked
the results of the study to the participants and did not expose more questions and not the children. Therefore, it is necessary
their personal information. for the teachers to stimulate the children more so that they will
actively ask questions.
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Meanwhile, in relation to the activity of communicating,
This study has investigated science learning quality in four the teacher always provoked the children to convey ideas,
kindergartens in Tasikmalaya. The findings obtained in this summarize learning outcomes, and retell what had been
research revealed information about hands-on experience learned. The issue is that communication activities were more
activities, science processes-based learnings, development of often carried out by using verbal activities. In fact, the
science learning programs related to SDGs topics, and group communication process can be done in a variety of creative
work between children. ways such as by artwork.
H. Science Programs Relating to SDGs Topics
F. Hands-On Activities
The implementation of science learning programs in
The results of observations showed that science learnings kindergarten was still limited to those carried out on themes
were focused on practical activities that lead to hands-on that are thick with scientific content.
activities. However, there were still teachers who have not Teacher B: "Science learning is carried out according to
optimized the provision of opportunities for children to try the learning theme, if there is science in the
hands-on activities. theme, then we learn science, if there is not,
At school D, which had already applied the BCCT model, then there is no science learning."
hands-on experience had been running quite optimal. The Teacher C suggested that other themes could be linked to
teacher gave several choices of activities at the center (???) of science even though it was only an introduction.
natural materials. After the teacher had given directions Teacher C: "Science activities are usually conducted on
related to the types of activities and procedures, they were particular themes such as myself, animals,
allowed to choose some activities that they liked such as plants, and the universe. However, other
trying to mix water that has different colours and themes can also be linked although only
experimenting with candles placed in a glass to introduce the limited to the introduction. "
concept of the nature of air. Teacher A: "Just like everything else, most scientific
Whereas, in school A, science learning was carried out to activities are carried out on certain themes
introduce the concept of floating and sinking by conducting such as to get to know ‘diriku’ or myself,
the egg and salt water experiment. However, the experiment ‘Tumbuhan’ or plants, ‘hewan’ or animals
was done by the teacher himself, while the children just and ‘alam semseta’ or the universe.

Acknowledgment: We thanks to Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Kampus Tasikmalaya for a part of financial support through hibah RKAT
Nevertheless, I rarely do science activities taken into account by policymakers to improve and re-increase
that involve processes. It is because I am regulations.
already old, I really don't understand science Integrating science into the curriculum is not enough to
and how to convey it to children so they can proceed, we need proper facilities and competent early science
understand". teachers for promoting quality science education.
We need support for teachers, equitable distribution of
Science programs are still focused on conventional science facilities and quality, better clarity of the curriculum and
such as experiments and observations of the surrounding information dissemination regarding the latest information.
environment. The most commonly found science learning We also need to support academics in carrying out research
programs are learning related to "volcano eruption" and and development related to more innovative science learning
"floating and sinking". in order to improve teaching quality and promote SDGs.
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