Bright Tulips International School: Palanpur-Deesa Highway, Palanpur-385001 (02742) 259900

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Palanpur-Deesa Highway, Palanpur-385001

Subject : ENGLISH Chapter : 4. (A) Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory Class : VIII

I. Answer the following:

1. Mention any three ( or more ) things that Parimal Ghose knew about Bepin Babu.

Ans. Parimal Ghose knew that Bepin Babu had no children and that he had lost his wife
ten years ago. He also knew that he had a brother who had lost his life because of
madness and he had also gone to visit his brother in the hospital.

2. Why did Bepin Babu hesitate to visit Mr. Mukerji? Why did he finally decide
to phone him?

Ans. Bepin Babu hesitated to visit Mr Mukerji becausehe thought that if his visit was
true, Mr. Mukerji would probably think that he was going mad. He finally decided
to phone him because it was very important for him to solve the Ranchi Puzzle
which was ruining his peace.

3. Why was Dr. Chanda puzzled? What was unusual aboutBepin Babu’s loss of

Ans. Dr. Chanda was puzzled because he had neverexperienced such a case of memory
loss in his life. The unusual thing about Bepin Babu’s loss of memory was that he
remembered everything except the Ranchi trip.

4. Why do you think Chunilal did what he did? Chunila says he had no money;
what is it that he does have?

Ans. Chunilal was going through hard days. He wanted Bepin Babu to help him to look
out for a job. Bepin Babu was not able to do his work, so he planned to teach Bepin
Babu a lesson. Chunilal says he has no money but he has brains.

5. Bepin Babu lost consciousness at Hudroo Falls. What do you think was the reason
for this?

Ans. Bepin Babu lost consciousness at Hudroo Falls. The reason can be that he might have
fallen down.

Palanpur-Deesa Highway, Palanpur-385001

II. Word Meanings:

1. idle chat – unnecessary talks

2. meek – quiet
3. utter disbelief – complete surprise
4. (his) head reeled – he was shocked and confused
5. losing his mind – becoming mad
6. intimate – very personal
7. lingered - remained
8. bracing – stimulating
9. going nuts – going mad
10. ruthless – impolite
11. sarcasm – taunt
12.snuggling – lying
13. getting into other people’s hair – interfering
14. sleuthing – investigating
15.appetite – hunger
16. carry on – continue
17.conscientious – careful
18. head was in a whirl – (here) confused
19. gather his wits together – make an effort to become calm and think clearly
20. utterly – very much
21.having a rough time – appearing at place where one is not welcome
22. didn’t beat about the bush – came straight to the point and on – now and then
24.throw your mind back – think back and recall a past event
25. amazement – incredulous – unbelieving
26. must see about consulting – (here) may have to consult
27. prescribing – advising
28. tranquilliser – name of a medicine
29. procured – got ( with a little difference )
30. acquaintance – knowledge
31. boulder – big rock
32.came round – regained consciousness
33. retribution - punishment


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