Simplified Estimate by Max Fajardo

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PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION Estimate has always been regarded as a valuation based on opinion or roughly made from imperfect or incomplete data; a calculation not professedly exact; an appraisement; also a state- ment, as by a builder, in regard to the cost of certain work. This book is intended for the last definition. As the science of technology advances and the demand for technologists in- creases educators, architects, engineers, contractors, carpenters, and other workers in allied fields are becoming more cognizant of the importance and value of near accuracy even in estimates. It is at this juncture that the author, in his desire to be of some help, prepared this edition as an introductory text to facilitate the studies of beginning students and other interested persons who wish an instant answer to their problems involving cost of construction materials. This book is, by design, an outline whose purpose is to guide those persons concerned on matters of estimation. Tables and formula have been prepared with the hope that readers or users of the book will find it easy to for- mulate solutions to their cost problems. Illustrative examples were included to serve as visual aids for more perplexing prob: lems. Since this is an initial attempt on the part of the author ‘along this line of endeavor, he does not claim that this work is in itself perfect. In fact he would welcome suggestions, from those who are better knowledgeable that may further enrich the contents of this book. For the present edition, the author wishes to express grate- ful acknowledgement for the valuable suggestions of Dean Fran- cisa Guevara of UNEP, Iriga City and Edgar Tuy who read the preliminary of the entire manuscript. The author likewise, wishes to express his indebtedness to the countless persons here unnamed, who have contributed to the scientific and experien- tial background from which this book has been based “MBF TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 CONCRETE. Page 1-1 Plain Concrete 1 1-2. The Principles of Concrete Mixing 3. 1-3 Unit of Measure 4 1-4 Concrete Proportion 8 15 Concrete Slab 10 1-6. Estimating by the Area Method 13, 1-7, Concrete Column “4 1-8. Estimating by the Linear Meter Method 16 1.9 Post and Footing 19 1-10 Rectangular Column 23 1-11 Rectangular Beam and 24 1-12 Circular Column 25 1-13 Concrete Pipes 28 CHAPTER 2 MASONRY 2-1, Concrete Hollow Blocks 31 2:2 Comparative Cost Analysis Between a Reinforced Concrete Wall and a Concrete Hollow Block Wall 46 2:3 Special Type of Concrete Hollow Blocks 53 2-4 Adobe Stone 55 2-5 Decorative Concrete Blocks 60 CHAPTER 3 METAL REINFORCEMENT 341. Steel Reinforcement 63 3-2. Identification of Steel Bars 65 3:3. Bar Splice, Hook and Bend 65 3-4 Concrete Hollow Blocks Reinforcement 70 3-5 TieWire for Steel Reinforcement 74 3-6 Independent Footing Reinforcement 75 3-7. Post and Column Reinforcement al 3-8 Beams and Girders Reinforcement 82 3-9 Lateral Ties 83 3-10 Stirrups for Beams and Girders 94 3-11 Spiral and Column Ties 96 3-12 One Way Reinforced Concrete Slab 99 3-13 Two Way Reinforced Concrete Siab 102 3-14 Concrete Pipe Reinforcement 105 CHAPTER 4 LUMBER 4-1 Wood 107 4-2. Definition of Terms 107 4:3. Classification of Wood 108 4-4. Methods of Sawing the Log 110 45. Defects in Wood 12 4-6 Seasoning of Lumber 112 4-7. Unit of Measure of Lumber 114 48 Wood Post 117 49 Girder 119 4-10 Floor Joist and T & G Flooring 122 4-11 Siding Wood Board 126 4-12 Girts, Rafters, Truss, Purlins and Fascia Board 129 4-13 Studs 130 4-14 Ceifing Joist 134 4-15 Ceiling Board 136 4-16 Door Frame 140 4-17 Window Frame 143 CHAPTER 5 FORMS, SCAFFOLDING AND STAGING 5:1 Form 145 5-2. Greasing of Forms 147 5-3 Scaffolding and Staging 147 5-4 Comparative Analysis Between the T&G and Plywood as Forms 149 5-5. Forms Using Plywood 156 5-6 « Forms of Circular Column 158 5-7. Estimating the Scaffolding and Staging 165 CHAPTER 6 ROOFING MATERIALS 61 62 63 Galvanized Iron Sheet ‘Asbestos Roofing Colorbond Klip-Lok Banawe Horizontal Metal Tile Marcelo Roofing System Colorbond Custom ORB Milano Longspan Stell Bricks Colorbond Trimdek Hi-Ten CHAPTER 7 TILEWORK 7A 72 73 74 Ceramic Tiles Terrazo_ and Granoli Coment Tiles Vinyl and Rubber Tiles CHAPTER 8 HARDWARE el 82 83 Bolts Screw Nails CHAPTER 9 STAIRCASE, o1 92 93 Definition of Terms Laying Out of Stairs Stringers CHAPTER 10 PAINTING. 10-1 10-2 103 10-4 Paint Paint Failure Surface Preparation Kinds of Paints, Uses and. Area Coverage Estimating Your Paint Paint Failure and Remedy Wallpapering reat 192 198 199 200 201 202 202 205 21 214 27 219 226 229 237 242 248 253 256 257 260 266 272 274 CHAPTER 11 AUXILIARY TOPICS ua 11-2 113 14 115 116 117 118 119 Accordion Door Cover Piles Bituminous Surface Treatment House of Water Tank Filling Materials Glass Jalousie Nipa Shingle Roofing ‘Anahaw Roofing Construction Terms 277 279 281 283 285 287 288 290 294 chapter ] CONCRETE 1-1, PLAIN CONCRETE By definition, concrete is an artificial stone as a result of mixing cement, fine aggregates, coarse aggregates and water. The conglomeration of these materials producing a solid mass is called plain concrete. Reinforced concrete is a concrete with re- inforcement embedded in such a manner that the two materials act together in resisting forces. The different types of cament used in the construction are: Ordinary portland cement, 2. The Rapid Hardening portland cement is specified when high early strength is required. “3. Portland Blast Furnace or Sulphate is used to resist “chemical attack. 4. Low Heat Portland cement is preferred for a mas- sive section to reduce the heat of hydration. 5. Portland Pozzolan cement isa slow hardening con- crete. SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE. ‘The High Alumina Cement is sometimes called aluminous cement or “Cement Fundu". It’s chemical composition is dif- ferent from that of portland cement with predominant alumina ‘oxide contents of at least 32% by weight. The Alumina lime ra- tio is within the limit of 0.85 to 1.3%. This type of cement has a very high rate of strength development as compared to the or- dinary portland cement. Aside from it's rapid hardening proper- ties, it can resist chemical attack by sulphate and weak acids in- cluding sea water. It could also withstand prolonged exposure to high temperature of more than, 1,000° C. Alumina cement is not advisable for mixture with any other types of cement. The main composition of cement ar - 60 to 65% Lime 18 - 25% Silica 3- 8% Alumina 5- 5% Iron Oxide 2- 5% Magnesia 1+ 5% Sulfur Trioxide eR eN Aggregates. The aggregates used in concrete work are di- vided into two categories. 2. Coarse Aggregate , such as crushed stone, crushed gravel or natural gravel with.particies retained on a 5 mm sieve. b. Fine Aggregate such as crushed stone sand, crushed gravel sand or natural sand with particles passing on a 5 mm sieve. Size of Aggregates. For coarse aggregate or gravel, the ma- ximum nominal size are usually 40 mm, 20 mm, 14mm or 10 CONCRETE mm. The choice from the above sizes depends upon the dimen- sion of the concrete member, however, a good practice demands that the maximum size of the gravel should not exceed 25% of, the minimum thickness of the member nor exceed the clear dis- tance between the reinforcing bars and the form. The aggregate shall be small enough for the concrete mix to flow around the reinforcement ready for compaction. 1-2 THE PRINCIPLES OF CONCRETE MIXING. The purpose in concrete mixing is to select an optimum proportion of cement, water and aggregates to produce a con- crete that will satisfy the requirements of strength, workability, durability and economy. The final proportion which will bé adopted in concrete mixing must be established by actual trial and adjustment on site in order to attain the desired strength of concrete as re- quired. a) The water cement ratio is first chosen to meet the requirements. of strength and durability. b) The aggregate cement ratio is then chosen to sa- tisfy the workability requirements. In the final analysis, the water content is the most impor- tant factor to consider since it influences not only the strength and durability of the coricrete but also the workability of the fresh concrete in actual pouring inside the forms. ‘The most important requirements of concrete are summa- rized as follows: SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE 1. Fresh concrete must be workable which means that it could freely flow to fill all voids inside the form. 2. The hardened concrete must be strong enough to carry the designed load. 3. The hardened concrete could withstand the con- ditions to which it is exposed to serve. 4. Concrete should be economically produced. Concrete mix may either be classified as “Designed or Pret- cribed” Designed mix - where the contractor is responsible in selecting the mixture proportion to achieve the required strength and workability. Prescribed mix - where the designing engineer speci- fy the mixture proportion, The contractor's responsibility is only to provide a properly mixed concrete containing ‘the right proportion. 1-3UNIT OF MEASURES Prior to the adoption of the metric measure which is other- known as the System International (SI), solid-concrete structure is estimated in terms of cubic meter, while the compo- ents of concrete which are cement aggregates and water are measured in terms of pounds, cubic foot and gallons per bag res- pectively. Lately, after the acceptance of the SI units of mea- sure, the 94 pounds per bag of cement which is equivalent to 42.72 kg. was changed and fixed at 40 kilos per bag. This ‘concaeTe simply means a reduction of about 3 kilos of cement per bag. ‘Such changes requires adjustment of all measurements relative to the proportion of concrete. The traditional measurement of a box being used to mea- sure the sand and gravel is 12 inches wide , by 12 inches long and 12 inches high having a net volume of 1 cubic foot. This ‘measurement will be changed to 30 x 30 x 30 cm. box which will be the basis of the values presented on Table 1-2 Concrete Proportion and all computations for estimating concrete. Very recently, a 50 kg. weight per bag of cement was re- leased in the market for commercial purposes. This new deve- lopment was already incorporated in our tables and illustrations which the reader would see the comparative variations of the number of cement per cubic meter of a fequired class of mix- ture. (See Table 1-2) ‘TABLE 1-1 CONVERSION FROM INCHES TO METER amber Accurate Approximate | Number Accurate. Approximate Value mas 025 2 saa 525 ‘0508050, 22 5588550 0762075 23 5eez 575 1016100 2 006500 1270125 25535025 1528, 150, 26 S608 680 7m 5 27 asa 75 2032200 2 72700 ee ae | ms 250 250 30 750 24 275 3 775 ‘308300 2 +300 ‘a02 32s 33 ‘32s 3ss6 350 348636550 a0 375 35590875, ‘aos “400 363148500 ‘asa 42s 37 338525, 372480 3 382880 ‘eze 475 ‘906 975, 20 so ‘500 oreo 1000 SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE ‘The values presented in table 1-1 could serve in two pur- poses, one for the accurate conversion of distance from English to Metric and the other approximate value for our simplified methods of estims Comments: 1) In solving problems, the probability of committing error is possible if more number is used. Example: It is easier to use -10 m the equivalent of 4 inches than the exact value of .1016, be it by multiplication or by division processes. 8 i Jo = 80 by inspection and analysis a . Tors ~ 78:7 by long process of division or by the aid of a calculator. 2) The reader has no time to memorize the values given on Table 1-1, but by using a simple guide, anybody could easily get its equivalent from English to Metric. Example: a) Conversion from meter to feet, just divide the length by .30 say 6.00 m 30-7 20 ft. b) To convert feet to meter multiply by .30 30 ft.x 30° = 9,00 m, CONCRETE ¢) To convert inches to meter, just remember the following values of equivalent. Linch = 025m. 2inches = 050m Binches = 075m inches = 100m Note that all length in inches are divisible by any one of these four numbers and could be easily converted into meter by sum- ming up their divisible equivalent. Exampl 1) What is the meter length equivalent of 7 inches? By simple analysis 7” could be.the sum of 4 and 3 Therefore: 4 inches 100 m. 3 inches 075 m. Answer 175. 2) How about 21 inches to meter? 5x4" = 20"= 500m. plus 1” 025 m. Answer 21" = 525m. Using the simple guide, convert any number from inches to meter as an exercise problem. SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE. 1-4 CONCRETE PROPORTION The most acceptable way of proportioning concrete is the volume method using a box for sand and gravel as explained in Section 1-3 Unit of Measure. The reasons behind it’s traditional acceptance and use is the convenience in measuring and fast handling of the aggregates from the stock pile to the mixer. Not everybody could afford a weighing scale equipment for this purpose, besides this volume method of concrete proportion had long been proven to be effective and successful a Box for 50 kg. coment Box for 40 kg. coment MEASURING BOX FIGURE 1-1 TABLE 1.2 CONCRETE PROPORTION cuass| MIXTURE ‘CEMENT SAND [GRAVEL so kajoms [50 ke jbag|eu-™- | cu-m. 40 kg,/bag | 50 kg,/baa |“ corm AA 120 9s | 50 A 90 72 | 50 8 75 so | 50 c 60 so. | 50 CONCRETE It will be noted that the volume of sand and gravel for all class of mixture is constant at .50 cu. m. and 1.0 cu. m. respec tively. This is true on the assumption that the cement paste en- ters the void of the sand and at the same instance the combina- tion of these two materials fills the void of the gravel and there- after mixing, a solid mass is formed called solid concrete. Based from actual concreting work, one cubic meter of ‘gravel plus one half cubic meter sand mixed with cement paste will obtain a little bit more than one cubic meter solid con- crete. The little excess over one cubic meter will be considered as contingencies, Comments: In actual construction work, there are several factors that might affect the accuracy of the estimate which needs special consideration they are: 1) Inaccurate volume of delivered aggregate by the supplier is very common. 2) Dumping of aggregates on uneven ground and grassy area reduces its usable volume. 3) Inadequate measuring of aggregates during the mixing operation affects the quantity of cement as com- puted, on the otherhand, over measuring of aggregates per batch of mixture might also affect the strength of the con- ‘rete, This is also a common practice when the work is on its momentum where the laborers fail to observed the im- portance of the measuring box. 4) The use of ordinary gravel (not the crushed stone) needs screening to conform with the specifications, ‘SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE considerably the screening processes reduces the usable volume of the coarse aggregate or gravel. 5) The cement and fine aggregate used for grouting purposes to secure the bond of concrete joints are com- monly overlooked in the estimates. 6) Cement waste due to bag breakage are usually caused by wreckless handling and hauling. 7) Pilferages of materials could be avoided if there is a good system of construction management. 1-5 CONCRETE SLAB ‘The discussion from cement to concrete proportions plus the Tables presented could be meaningful and appreciated only if accompanied by examples of actual applications. ILLUSTRATION 1-1 A proposed concrete paverient has a general dimensions of 4 inches thick, 3.00 meters wide and 5.00 meters long. Consi- dering the slab to be resting on the ground fill, determine the umber of cement in bag, sand and gravel required using class 10 dture. FIGURE 1.2 Solution: 1. Determine the volume of the proposed concrete pave- ment,convert 4 inches = .10m. V = 10x 3,005.00 V = 15cum. 2. Referring to Table 1-2 using 40 kg. cement and class ‘C" mixture, multiply: Cement 15 x 6 9 bags Sand 15 x 50 = 75 cu.m. Gravel: 15 x 10 = 1.50cu.m Suppose there is no available 40 kg. cement in the market and what is available is a 50 kg./bag cement. How many bags will be ordered. Solution: 1) Knowing that the volume as computed is 1.5 cu..m. 2) Refer to Table 1-2 under 50 kg. cement using class "C” mixture multiply: Cement: 15 x 5 = 75 bags Sand : 15 x 5 = 75 cum. Gravel | 15 x10 15 cu.m. 3) Since you cannot buy 7.5 bags, order 8 bags. ”

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