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The Effect of Using Six Thinking Hats Strategy on the Development of Writing
Skills and Creativity of Seventh Grade EFL Students

Article  in  i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching · October 2020

DOI: 10.26634/jelt.10.2.16453


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2 authors:

Ugyen Phuntsho Dumcho Wangdi

Ministry of Education Queensland University of Technology


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The Flipped Classroom Model: Effects on Students’ Reading Comprehension in English View project

Perception of school climate and students engagement on academic achievement in higher secondary school View project

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* Sherubling Central School, Trongsa, Bhutan.
** Bajothang Higher Secondary School, Wangdue, Bhutan.

Date Received: 04/08/2019 Date Revised: 20/08/2019 Date Accepted: 28/05/2020

The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of using Six Thinking Hats (STH) strategy on the development of writing skill
and creativity of seventh grade EFL students. A pretest and posttest quasi-experimental research design was employed
involving 65 (34 control, 31 experimental) seventh grade EFL students studying in one of the higher secondary schools under
Trongsa district. The writing ability test was administered for both the groups to determine the differences in their learning
achievements. The writing skill of English for the experimental group was taught using STH strategy while the control was
taught using a conventional method. A t-test for the pretest revealed that there was no significant mean difference
between the two groups, indicating a homogenous learning ability at the beginning (p=.78). However, the posttest analysis
revealed a statistical significant difference between the mean scores of writing skills in favor of experimental group
(M=15.17, SD=2.23) than the control group (M=11.89, SD=2.46) at p=.00, indicating the improvement of students writing
skill and creativity due to the treatment of STH strategy.
Keywords: Creativity, EFL Students, Seventh Grade, Six Thinking Hats, Writing Skills.

INTRODUCTION are achieved and can be communicated through writing

The process of learning and receiving information has as it has the main role in communication. Writing can be
become so easy and fast in the era of the digital revolution. viewed as a mode of learning to convey creative
The creation of new knowledge and the discoveries are knowledge as it is regarded as more than a means of
evolving so rapidly covering all the fields. This knowledge communicating, remembering and organizing ideas
revolution and development demands human thinking effectively (Barrass, 2005; Rossbery, 1989)
and are the attributes of it. While the widespread demands Writing is an important means of communicative
and interest in developing human thinking is of paramount language. In the same way, developing the students'
importance in this era (Fisher, 2005) as cited in Dhanapal writing skill is considered to be one of the most important
and Ling (2013), the preparation of individuals to face objectives in the Bhutanese curricula. Moreover, the trend
challenges in such a rapid progress of knowledge and towards English as a foreign language (EFL) has also
technological advancement is also seen apparent accentuated the significance and necessity of developing
(Farajallah & Saidam, 2018). creative thinking as an integral part of English language
Thinking has become decisive human resource. It has the learning curriculum (Tang, 2016). Like elsewhere, English
potential to sort things out, bring in information, explore the curriculum in Bhutan also consists of the four ways of
situation, look at things in different methods, challenge their discourse; listening and speaking, reading and literature,
dogmatism, and decide what they want to choose (Al- writing and, language and grammar. Among these modes
Khataybeh & Al-Tarawneh, 2015). The potential of thinking of discourse, the previous studies have revealed that

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Bhutanese students faced difficulties in writing as PLEAE strategy (Aminatun et al., 2019), cooperative
compared to others strands irrespective of grade levels learning strategy (Yusuf et al., 2019), using strategic
(Thinley et al., 2013; Dorji, 2015; Robinson 2013; Bhutan techniques (Okasha & Hamdi, 2014), brain writing strategy
Council of School Examination and Assessment, 2013). (Virdyna, 2016) and STH strategy is another effective
Creativity largely refers to a way of learning that enables the method in developing students writing skills and creativity
learner to make connections between distinct elements, (Al-Khataybeh & Al-Tarawneh, 2015; Al-Bakri, 2011).
generation of new ideas, identification of important 1.2 Six Thinking Hats Strategy
problems, asking questions that stem from curiosity, Six Thinking Hats is a thinking tool which was introduced by
reluctance to accept regular norms along with flexibility Maltese psychologist and physiologist Dr. Edward de Bono
and originality (Bishara, 2016). Creative thinking can in 1999. This thinking tool provides means for group or
expand the students' learning experience and make individual to think creatively and to plan thinking processes
language learning deeper and more meaningful (Zhao in detailed and cohesive way. This approach guides the, 2016). In language study, the components individuals to use a particular thinking style represented by
representative of creative thinking are: (1) fluency, the individual coloured hats (Aithal & Kumar, 2017a).
creation of new ideas; (2) flexibility, the production of a
De Bono (1994, 1999) used six metaphoric colored hats to
large variety of ideas; (3) originality, the use of ideas that are
represent six different modes of thinking in thinking skill
not palpable, or are statistically uncommon (Torrance,
activity as follows:
White Hat – facts, figures, and objective information; Red
While there is plethora of strategies that have proved in
Hat – emotions, feelings, hunches, intuition; Black Hat –
developing the students writing skill and creativity in various
focuses on putting the caution points on the thinkers. It also
courses and context, there is no study conducted to
critically assesses the weaknesses of an idea and also the
investigate the effect of STH on development of writing skills
reasons why something will not work; Yellow Hat – focuses
and creativity in the Bhutanese context. Moreover, LaPrairie
on the positive aspects of why something will work; Green
(2014) had also highlighted the need for the Bhutanese
Hat – focuses on creativity, generating new ideas,
teachers to make different strategic choices inside
provoking thoughts, and, Blue Hat– controls the other hats,
classroom in teaching English. This study was motivated to
thinking about the thinking process, directs attention to
fill in this gap of literature and to offer different strategies in
other hats to facilitate the thinking (Al-Khataybeh & Al-
learning English to students. Thus, this study employed STH
Tarawneh, 2015).
strategy an intervention strategy in developing writing skills
According to De Bono (1999) the thinking becomes
and creativity of the seventh grade EFL students.
creative and effective in looking at an issue or topic from a
1. Literature Review
variety of angles or a problem from all six directions when
1.1 Developing Writing Skills and Creativity wearing all six coloured hats than single coloured hat.
Previous studies engaged in developing the writing skills Moreover, “wearing all six colour hats allows students to
and creativity of the EFL student have employed various think more richly and more comprehensively” (De Bono,
strategies. Some of them were, process approach (PA) 1992: p. 15). Writing is important part of language and
strategy (Thinley et al., 2013; Klimova, 2013), explicit means of communication in more time and space
instruction, teacher questioning, as well as active and besides being a powerful thinking tool (De Bono, 1994).
cooperative learning strategies (Zhao, 2016) and Furthermore, the studies elsewhere (Gregory & Masters,
using pictures and alternative characters to represent 2010) have also established the connection between
meanings as a creative writing strategy (Chen & Zhou, writing and creativity and they are strongly linked to each
2010), direct grammar instruction (Robinson & Feng, 2016), other.

28 i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching, Vol. 10 l

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The creativity can be improved through the implementation of STH in achieving the learning outcomes and creative
of STH in the activity during group discussion or in individual thinking significantly.
thinking process (De Bono & Zimbalist, 1970). Moreover, STH STH strategy was also largely used on the development of
assist teachers to engage their students in metacognition English language learning for EFL students. (Saffin, 2003) as
and provide scaffolding in writing and in creative thinking. cited in Kumari (2014) reported that the children become
Thereby creating the supportive classroom environment more critical, constructive and creative in the way they
which empowers children to write and think creatively – that think during reflection activities through writing and
should be created to promote their development (Mayer, speaking in their normal day to day activities. The EFL
2007). STH has this potential. Hence, this study employed students' achievement in writing skills and writing
STH to investigate its effect on the development of writing performance were revealed with the employment of STH
skill and creativity of the seventh grade EFL students. along with drama strategies (Al-Khataybeh & Al-Tarawneh,
1.3 Past Studies Related to using STH Strategy 2015). In a comparative study conducted by Koray (2005),
Over the past decades, many scholars and educators it has demonstrated a significant effect of STH strategy on
around the globe have employed STH as a strategy for the learning achievement of the students. Kwayotha and
teaching students in writing, creative thinking, decision Tantriratna's (2008) study that investigated effect of STH in
making and problem solving. Besides education and developing the reading, thinking, and writing skills reported
science, the STH strategy was also used in high profile firm a higher performance than the specified criterion. Al-Bakri
and organization to overcome management issues and (2011) has employed STH as a teaching technique on EFL
for improved organizational performance. The effect of students' performance in composition writing and has
using STH strategy were also studied in effective decision observed a significant difference in favor of the
making during organizational meeting (Aithal & Kumar, experimental group. Likewise, even for the elementary
2017a; Aithal & Kumar, 2017b; Saaid & Shahudin, 2015) stage of schooling, the effectiveness STH in writing skills were
enhancing social workers' innovative competence (Azeez, reported (Tooley, 2009).
2016) and as a tool for problem solving in counselling 1.4 Teaching and Learning English in Bhutan
program (Li et al., 2008). Most of the studies were carried The English language plays a dominant role in Bhutanese
out with experimental research design. Their study education system and as a medium for official
declared STH as an effective strategy in decision making, correspondences in majority of the institutions in Bhutan.
enhancing innovative competence of the social workers Bhutanese students start learning English right from their first
and effective tool in counselling and supervision. year of their schooling as pre-primary student. Although
Similarly, several studies have employed STH strategy in the Dzongkha is the national language which is taught at all
field of education. For instance, Dhanapal and Ling (2013) levels of schooling, it is still English that plays a predominant
investigated how STH enhanced the learning of role as a medium of instruction for rest of the subjects.
environmental studies. Their study employed a mixed Even with this level of emphasis, the standard and the
method to explore and identify the effectiveness of the STH quality of teaching and learning of English has been always
in encouraging higher-order thinking skills and enhancing a concern for the education stakeholders in the country
learners' interests, leading to better academic (Ministry of Education, 2014). The diagnostic standardised
performances. Studies such as Fodah and Abdo (2005), test conducted collaboratively by Royal Education
Farajallah and Saidam (2018), Tamura and Furukawa Initiatives and the iDiscoveri Education (2009) in 18 schools
(2007) and, Chone and Heng (2010) examined the effect for classes V, VII and IX in English, Mathematics and
of STH in teaching and learning of STEM subjects at different Science, established that student learning outcomes were
context and level. Their studies revealed the effectiveness below the minimum expectations of their grade levels and

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were unable to perform basic literary task. It also revealed 2. Methodology

that the students generally enjoyed learning language 2.1 Research Design
subjects – both Dzongkha and English but, found it
A quasi-experimental study was employed in this study to
challenging to express in terms of English language. The
investigate the effect of using STH strategy on the
overall performance indicated that the Bhutanese students
development of writing skills and creativity of the seventh
were comparatively lower as compared to the international
grade EFL students.
level and were not even up to the national standard.
2.2 Sample
Furthermore, the National Education Assessment (NEA)
A total of 56 (n=34 experimental, n=32 control group)
technical report 2013-2014 on their study of student
seventh grade EFL students studying in one of the higher
achievements in English and Mathematics literacy for
secondary schools in central Bhutan were involved using a
grade X revealed that the students were below average
random sampling method.
(50%) in all the three major skills of English language. They
2.3 Research Instrument
seemed to be slightly better in reading (38.13%) and writing
(39.38%) than in grammar which required them to use This research which was experimental in nature had
application skills. However, the report stated that the employed a pretest and posttest achievement test to
students still faced difficulties in speaking and writing skills gather the data. The pretest and posttest was administered
compared to listening and reading. The reasons for these for each group (control and experiment group) on the
incongruities of learning difficulties faced can be attributed three texts chosen from the grade seven English textbook.
to students' seldom or minimal practice of reading, writing The test questions were submitted to the group of TEFL
and use of dictionary on a daily basis. The other probable experts and to the group of English lecturer from one of the
reasons for such gaps in learning were stated to be teacher Education Colleges under Royal University of Bhutan for the
competencies, teaching–learning materials, classroom content validation. The face validity was done to ensure
practices and learning environment, relevancy and test questions and their relevance to the characteristics of
adequacy of professional development programmes, each thinking hat as well as their appropriateness to writing
class size, curriculum and assessment among many others skills and also the clarity of the test questions. The reliability of
(Ministry of Education, 2014). the instrument was established through a pilot test involving
25 participants who had already learnt the chosen text for
Thapa and Nidup's (2016) study on English language
the study in their previous grade. The test was found reliable
proficiency of the pre-service teachers found out that in-
after obtaining internal consistency (Cronbach alpha 0.89)
service teachers were not able to communicate
for all the test items.
effectively nor could they speak grammatically correct
sentences. Consequently, students' achievement in English 2.4 Procedures
proficiency at desired level of their grade, classroom After pretest was conducted on both the groups, it was
practices of instructive teaching and learning approaches established that both the group had no prior knowledge on
were found to be lacking. It asserts that teacher's English the STH strategy in writing and thinking. One section was
language proficiency determines the quality of students assigned randomly as experimental group which was
learning. taught using the STH strategy for the duration of seven
In the light of the findings from all these studies and with consecutive weeks. The other section as a control group
limited information on using STH strategy in the Bhutanese which was taught using conventional method. Same three
context, this study was motivated to use STH strategy for text was taught in both the groups. The test was conducted
seventh grade ESL students to develop their writing skills and at the end of each text lesson on both the groups. The test
creativity. question were framed according to the characteristics of
each thinking hats. In every test, the group of five with six

30 i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching, Vol. 10 l

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students each were asked to write their answer to the given significant differences between experimental and control
questions according to each thinking hats they have group in terms of its mean scores (p>.05), supporting our
chosen. Once they finished answering the given questions hypothesis that both the groups possessed homogenous
about each hats, then the students shared their written learning before the treatment.
answer, organized their ideas and wrote a well-developed However, when posttest results of both the groups were
answer to the questions of the text. Their answers were compared to examine whether the writing skills of students
evaluated by the group of TEFL experts in the school. The were enhanced due to the treatment of STH strategy, it
students' answers and their writing skills were assessed indicated significant differences in the mean scores in
based on the rubrics developed: content and favor of the experimental group (p=.00).
comprehensibility (10), organization of ideas (5), grammar
3.2 Comparison of Creativity Components in Writing
and spelling (10) and sentence structure (5).
Table 2 shows the pretest and posttest mean for both the
The students' creativity in writing were assessed using
groups in terms of creative thinking components in writing.
Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking components with 5
The pretest mean for control group ranges from 3.76 to
points each: (1) fluency (2) flexibility (3) originality. The
4.35 and for the experimental group, it ranges from 3.85 to
Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking can be employed to
4.53. The p-value of three creativity components fluency
assess creativity in writing from pre-school to graduate
(.09), flexibility (.26) and originality (.14) for the control group
school (Rababah, 2018; Cheung, 2005) due to the test
were statistically not significant.
being comfortable and easy for the students. The self-
However, for the experimental group, there was a statistical
developed rubric for score in each test components were
significant difference in the mean scores for the same
used while assessing the students' creativity in writing.
creativity components (p=.00), signifying the effect of STH
In the course of teaching the experimental group with STH
strategy in developing creativity of EFL students in writing.
strategy, the process in each thinking hats has provided the
4. Discussion
students to structure their thinking to well-developed written
The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of using
answers to the questions creatively.
STH strategy on the development of writing skill and
2.5 Data Analysis
creativity of seventh grade EFL students. The study has two
The data obtained from pretest and posttest achievement
test were analyzed using t-test and descriptive statistics.
Control Group Experimental Group
3. Result Variables (Conventional method) (STH strategy)
Pre Post Pre Post
3.1 Achievement Test Result
Mean 11.22 11.89 1.05 15.17
The research objective of this study requires to examine the S.D 2.60 2.46 .37 2.23
effect of using STH strategy on the development of writing p value 0.78 .00

skill and creativity of seventh grade EFL students. Since the

Table 1. Comparison of Pretest and Posttest on Writing Skill
pretest and posttest data of the students are not
independent, it is not plausible to examine the mean Pretest Posttest
Group Variables M SD M SD
differences obtained due to the impact of the STH strategy
Control Fluency 3.98 1.33 4.63 1.74 .09
for the experimental group.
Flexibility 3.76 1.10 4.11 1.43 .26
Thus, as shown in the Table 1, the mean of the pretest for Originality 4.35 1.09 4.86 1.69 .14
Fluency 3.89 0.93 5.19 1.00 .00
control group (M=11.22; SD=2.60) taught using
Experiment Flexibility 4.53 1.17 6.87 1.55 .00
conventional method and experimental group (M=11.05; Originality 3.85 1.04 6.04 1.54 .00
SD=2.37) taught using STH strategy was compared. The
independent samples t-tests revealed that there were no Table 2. t-test for the Creativity Components in Writing

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April - June 2020 31

Firstly, the STH as strategy for writing skill has developed the think during reflection activities through writing activity. The
writing skill of the seventh grade EFL student after the finding also agrees with the finding of Kwayotha and
experimental group was taught with using STH as a strategy Tantriratna (2008), who investigated the effect of using STH
for development of the EFL students' writing skill. Secondly, on the development of EFL students' thinking skill besides
the STH as a strategy for writing skill has improved the reading and writing skills. Their study reported a higher
seventh grade EFL students' creativity in their writing. performance in students' thinking than the specified
The first finding was in line with the study conducted by Al- criterion. Likewise, a study by Fodah and Abdo (2005) also
Khataybeh and Al-Tarawneh (2015). In their study, Al- examined the effect of using the six thinking hats in
Khatayeh and Al-Tarawne (2015) have administered a developing the skills of creative thinking.
writing ability test by employing STH strategy for the In general, as De Bono (1994) asserts, writing is a powerful
experimental group while the control group was taught with thinking tool that fosters creative thinking. The STH as a
conventional method. Their findings indicated a statistically thinking tool provided the platform for the groups or the
significant difference in favor of the experimental group individuals wearing six colour hats to think more creatively
taught with STH strategy. Similar results of statistical and comprehensively (De Bono, 1992). The assignment of
signficance in favor of the experimental group were also the thinking hats to each student during group work alerted
reported in the findings of Tooley (2009) and Al-Bakri (2011). their participation to be more responsible in terms of
The STH strategy strongly incorporates the concepts of thinking and sharing the information. Moreover, this study
developing the writing skills of the learners. So, it is observed that the experimental groups were motivated by
reasonable that the impact of having higher mean score the STH strategy as it helped students to be creative,
for the experimental group were noticed in the study. As a imaginative, and cautious of their thoughts before writing
new strategy introduced in the learning context of the their answer to the questions.
Bhutanese students for the first time, STH strategy might 5. Recommendations
have possibly engaged them to remain connected and In the light of the findings of this study, it was found
totally engaged. In this strategy, the assignment of the imperative for the teachers teaching English as foreign
writing task in the group was done by wearing each thinking language to use STH strategy as an alternative strategy in
hats with strong emphasis on cooperative learning. teaching writing skill that provides students to think
Subsequently, such supportive learning strategy might creatively in the process of writing. The STH strategy still
have perhaps assisted and motivated the student who remains as a new strategy in the Bhutanese context due to
lacked the writing skills to excel at par with the other better limited documents, curricula materials and research. This
performing students. The other reasons could also be due study thus, commends future studies to focus on using STH
to the distinctive aspects of the each thinking hats that strategy on other skills of English such as reading and
engaged the students in meta cognition and provided speaking. The effects of using STH strategy in STEM subjects
scaffolding in writing thereby, creating the supportive sounds interesting.
classroom environment which empowers children develop
While this study did not investigate the Bhutanese students'
their writing (Mayer, 2007).
attitude towards STH as a strategy for the development of
The second finding revealed that there was improvement their writing skill, this is a scope for the future researches that
in the seventh grade EFL students' creativity in their writing may attempt to examine the Bhutanese students' attitude
components. The finding was in congruence with the study towards STH strategy as well. STH strategy is new for most of
conducted by (Saffin, 2003) as cited in Kumari (2014) the Bhutanese teachers, the study recommends the
(Kumari, 2014) who reported that the children become stakeholders concerned in organizing seminars and
more critical, constructive and creative in the way they workshops to train teachers and familiarize on

32 i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching, Vol. 10 l

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April - June 2020

implementing the STH in teaching English language and 1(2), 66-77.
other subjects. [3]. Al-Bakri, S. A. (2011). The impact of the six thinking hats
6. Limitations as a teaching technique on efl college students'
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the development of writing skill and creativity of seventh 518.
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under Trongsa district, Bhutan. The findings from this study effect of using the six thinking hats method on the
are limited to the seventh grade EFL students only. development of EFL female eleventh grade students'
Generalizing the findings to rest of the EFL students in the writing skill in southern al-mazar directorate of education.
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Ugyen Phuntsho is teacher at Sherubling Central School in Central Bhutan. He is currently teaching English to EFL students. His
research interest includes Action Research and Pedagogical Practices in teaching English and Mathematics to EFL students.

Dumcho Wangdi teaches Physics at Bajothang Higher Secondary School, Wangdue in Western Bhutan. He has M.Sc. in Science
and Technology Education from Mahidol University in Thailand. His research interests include Science Education, Science
Teaching, Metacognition, Social Bonds, and Teacher Professional Development.

i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching, Vol. 10 l

No. 2 l
April - June 2020 35

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