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Module 1 9

Most Essential Learning Competency: Describe the

different types of volcanoes and volcanic eruption
(S9ES-IIIb-25; S9ES-IIIb-26)

To the Learners
This module was specially designed to help you understand and apply the lesson
objectives. Read and follow the simple instructions as your guide.
1. Set a conducive learning space at home so you can focus on your studies.
2. Seek assistance from your parents or guardian to guide you in doing the activities.
3. Take down important concepts and list questions you would like to ask from your
4. Reflect and apply the concepts that you have learned.

The lesson for this week will describe the different types of volcanoes and
volcanic eruption. This module will help you to:
a) describe the structure of a volcano and its parts,
b) describe the types of volcano based on structure and activity,
c) differentiate between active and inactive volcanoes and give examples of
each type which are found in the Philippines, and
d) describe the different types of volcanic eruption and enumerate the signs
of an impending volcanic eruption.

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on
the space provided before the number.
____1. Volcanoes erupt differently, the following are types of volcanic eruption
EXCEPT ___________.
A. Composite B. Hydrothermal C. Vulcanian D. Strombolian
____2. Which of the following is NOT a sign of an impending volcanic eruption?
A. Explosion with lava and ashes
B. Increase in the frequency of volcanic quakes
C. Drying up of springs/wells around the volcano
D. Increase in the extent of drying up of vegetation around the volcano’s
upper slopes.
____3. Another way of classifying volcanoes is by their cone. Which of the following
volcanoes in the Philippines is classified as Composite Cone?
A. Iraya Volcano C. Mayon Volcano
B. Kanlaon Volcano D. Taal Volcano
____4. The following are the external parts of volcano EXCEPT _________________?
A. base B. magma C. slope D. summit

____5. PHIVOLCS classify volcanoes according to records of the eruption. Which of
the following DOES NOT describe an active volcano?
A. with records of eruption
B. erupted 10,000 years ago
C. have not erupted for the last 10,000 years
D. with records of eruption within the last 600 years

Looking Back
In grade 8 you learned that Philippines is
prone to earthquakes as it is located along the Ring
of Fire, as well as typhoons since our country is
located near the Pacific Ocean wherein most
typhoons are formed.
Direction: Read and analyze the statements below. Write TRUE if the
statement is correct, if not ENCIRCLE the word/phrases that makes the
statement incorrect.

________1. A tropical cyclone is formed on land.

________2. Not all parts of the ocean can provide water vapor that contributes to the
formation of a typhoons.
________3. There is a device used to forecast the incoming earthquake.
________4. The epicenter is the point directly above it at the surface of the Earth.
________5. Super typhoon has a wind speed of 200 km/h and above.

Do you remember the eruption of Taal Volcano in Batangas, Philippines on
Looking Back
January 12, 2020? It was a phreatomagmatic eruption from its main crater that
spewed ashes across Calabarzon, Metro Manila, and some parts of Central
Luzon and Ilocos Region, resulting in the suspension of classes, work schedules, and
flights in the area.

Philippines is located along the Ring of Fire, as a result, it is a home of many

volcanoes. According to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology
(PHIVOLCS), our country is an ideal site for any volcanic activity. Therefore, it is
important to know how this natural phenomenon occurs to reduce the risks and
effects it may cause.
A volcano usually has a summit, slope,
and base. At the summit, there is an opening
which may either be a crater or a caldera. A
crater is a funnel-shaped opening at the top of
a volcano while caldera is formed when a part
Figure 1. Mayon Volcano
of the wall collapse following an explosive eruption. A volcano can have one crater, like
Mayon Volcano, or more, like Taal Volcano which has 47 craters.
Figure 1, is a picture of Mayon Volcano, also known as Mount mayon, is
asacred and active stratovolcano in the province of Albay in Bicol Region, on the large
island of Luzon in the Philippines. A popular tourist spot, it is renowned for its “perfect
cone” because of its symmetric conical shape.
To learn more about volcano, do the following activities:

Activity 1
What is a Volcano?
 Characterize a volcano
 Identify the external parts of a volcano
A. Put a check mark (/) on the space before each statement if it describes a
characteristic of volcano, if not a cross mark (X).
_______1. Volcanoes are usually cone-shaped mountains or hills.
_______2. The Ring of Fire is a major area in the basin of the Pacific Ocean where
eruptions occur .
_______3. Volcano is a large landform that rises above the surrounding land in a
area, usually in the form of a peak.
_______4. Volcano looks like a little bump on the Earth.
_______5.There is an opening at the top which is called a crater wherein an explosion

B. Arrange the jumbled letters to name the external part of a volcano define on each
number on the space provided for.
____________1. The lowest part, bottom, or supporting layer of the volcano. (S A B E)
____________2. Is the highest point or the apex of the volcano. ( M U S M I T)
____________3. It is a surface of which one end or side is at a higher level than another;
a rising or falling surface. (P O L E S)

C. Based on your answers in Part B, identify the external parts of volcanoes.

Key concepts

Fig. 2 Fig.3

examples.htmlVolcano is a natural opening of the earth where molten rocks, hot gases, smoke,

and ash are ejected. It comes in different shapes, sizes, structures and a unique history
of eruption.
Volcanoes are classified according to:

A. Record of eruption

B. Volcanic Landform or Shape of its Cone

Shield Cone Volcanoes are formed by the accumulation of lava that oozes out from
the volcano. Since non-viscous lava can flow freely, a broad, slightly dome structure that
resembles a warrior’s shield is formed refer to figure 2 at page 4.
Cinder Cone Volcanoes, on the other hand, are built from ejected lava fragments,
have steep slope, wide crater and are the most abundant of the three major volcanoes
refer to figure 3 at page 4.
Composite Cone Volcanoes or Stratovolcanoes are large, nearly perfect slope
structures formed from alternate solidification of both lava and pyroclastic deposits
example is figure 1 at page 3.

C. Styles of Volcanic Eruption

In Activity 1, you have described what a volcano is and you identified the
external parts of a volcano. Perform the next activity to classify the volcanoes
according to their record of eruption.

Activity 2

Volcanoes in the Philippines


 Classify volcanoes as active or inactive


 Philippine map
 Colored pen/Coloring Material
 Triangle ruler

1. Using the Philippine map (figure 2), plot the location of the following volcanoes. Use
the colors indicated in the legend.

Volcano Latitude Longitude No. of historical Latest eruption

eruption or activity
Cabaluyan 150 42’ 1200 19’ 0 -

Cocoro 100 53’ 1210 12’ 0 -

Iraya 200 29’ 1220 01’ 1 1454

Kanlaon 100 24’ 1230 7’ 26 2006 June

Mayon 130 15’ 1230 41’ 49 2013 May

Pulung 70 55’ 1240 38’ 0 -

Smith 190 32’ 1210 55’ 6 1924

Taal 140 1200 59’ 33 1977

Tamburok 110 33’ 1240 26’ 0 -

Urot 50 59’ 1210 15’ 0 -

Table 1. List of some volcanoes in the Philippines (Source: Philippine Institute of

Volcanology and Seismology, accessed Sept. 30, 2013


O = volcano that has no record of eruption (Red)
O = volcano that has erupted 1 to 5 times (Green)
O = volcano that has erupted 6 to 10 times (Yellow)
O = volcano that has erupted more than 10 times (Blue)

Guide Question:
Q1. Are all volcanoes found in the same location?
Q2. Which of the volcanoes has the most number of eruptions?
Q3. Which of the volcanoes has the least number of eruptions?
Q4. Which of the volcanoes has no record of eruptions?
Q5. How will you classify the volcanoes that have records of eruptions?
Q6. How will you classify volcanoes with no record of eruption?
Q7. In your own words, differentiate an active volcano from an inactive one.

You have differentiated an active volcano from an inactive one. In the next
activity, you 3
will classify volcanoes according to their cone and style of eruption.

Types of Volcanoes
 Classify volcanoes according to the shape of its’ cone and style of

A. Classify the following volcanoes according to the shape of its cone. Refer to the key
concept part of this module (letter B).

Cinder Lava Flows

Lava Flows
s Cinder

B. Matching Type: Match the definition in Column A to its terms in column B. Write
letter of your answer on the space before the number.

Column A Column B
_____1. Excessively explosive type of eruption of gas a. Hydrothermal
and pyroclastic.
_____2. Characterized by fountain of lava. b. Philian
_____3. A violent eruption occurs due to the contact c. Phreatomagmatic
between water and magma.
_____4. Eruption column of this volcano reach up to d. Strombolian
20 km high with pyroclastic flow and ashfall tephra. e. Vulcanian
_____5. Short-lived, stream-driven eruption.

C. Direction: Identify if the statement is a sign of impending volcanic eruption or not
and put check mark (/) in column that correspond to your answer.
Yes No
1. Increase in the frequency of volcanic quakes with rumbling sounds; occurrence of
volcanic tremors.
2. Noticeable variation in the chemicals content of springs, crater lakes within the
vicinity of the volcano.
3. Drying up of springs/wells around the volcano.
4. Decrease in the temperature of hot springs, wells (e.g., Bulusan and Canlaon) and
crater lakes (e.g., Taal) near the volcano;
5. Release of magma in volcanos’ crater

PHIVOLCS -Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology

Volcano -is a natural opening of the earth where molten rocks, hot gases, smoke, and
ash are ejected.
Base -the lowest part, bottom, or supporting layer of the volcano.
Slope -it is a surface of which one end or side is at a higher level than another; a
Check your Understanding
or falling surface.
Summit –the highest point or the apex of the volcano.

Complete the concept map.


External Part Classificatio

Records of eruption Shape of Cone Styles of eruption

b. a. a.

c. b.
Post Test

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the
blank provided before the number.

____1. The following are classification of volcano according to its’ cone shape. Mayon
Volcanos’ cone has a perfect shape and fall under what type of classification?
A. Cinder B. Composite C. Shield D. Vulcanian
____2. When Taal Volcano erupted this year, it produced columns of ashes together
hot rocks that come in contact with the water. This eruption style is classified
A. Philian B. Phreatic C. Phreatomagmatic D. Strombolian
____3. The statements below are the signs of an impending volcanic eruption EXCEPT
A. Crater glow due to presence of magma at or near the crater
B. Drying up of springs/wells around the volcano
C. Explosion with lava and ashes
D. Increase in the frequency of volcanic quakes
____4. The external part of the volcano where we can find an opening which may either
be a crater or a caldera.
A. Base B. Magma C. Slope D. Summit
____5. Which of the following is NOT the basis in classifying a volcano?
A. opening of crater B. record of eruption C. shape D. styles of eruption

Answer the following questions.


What have I learned?


Why do you think it is important to learn the characteristics of a


Give a situation wherein you can apply what you have learned from
this module?

Key to correction
1. C
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. B

Looking Back

_____ 1. A tropical cyclone is formed on land.

TRUE 2. Not all parts of the ocean can provide water vapor that contributes in the formation of typhoon.
_____ 3. There is a device used to forecast the incoming earthquake.
TRUE 4. The epicenter is the point directly above it at the surface of the Earth.
TRUE 5. Super typhoon has a wind speed of 200 km/h and above.

Activity #1

A. B

1. X 1. BASE
2. X 2. SUMMIT
3. / 3. SLOPE
4. /
5. /

Activity # 2
Guide Question
1. No W E
2. Mayon S
3. Iraya
4. Cabaluyan, Cocoro, Pulung,
Tamburok and Urot

5. Active Volcanoes
6. Inactive Volcanoes
7. The answer may vary

Activity # 3


Shield Cinder Composite

B. C.
1. b 1. Yes
2. d 2. Yes
3. c 3. Yes
4. e 4. No
5. a 5. No

Check your Understanding

External Part Shape of cone

a. summit a. Composite
b. slope b. Shielded
c. base c. Cinder

Records of eruption Style of eruption

a. active a. Hydrothermal
b. inactive b. Phreatomagmatic
c. Strombolian
d. Vulcanian
e. Philian

Post Test

1. B
2. D
3. C
4. D
5. A


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