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T Helping in the
G Flood Disaster
Spring 2011

Reconstructing houses and restoring homes Our Response

Surveying the needs We are grateful to “The worst disaster
Our team took surveys of flood-affected areas to “Every house is different: if the house is still stand- As news of the flood started to come through to
get an idea of how to help with the resettlement of ing, we do maintenance work, using existing bricks, God I have ever witnessed,” OM Pakistan, we fell to our knees in prayer. This
the IPDs: “There is still two to three feet of water mending cracks, repairing roof tiles. A few houses pronounced United  Nations  was a terrible thing to happen to our country!
standing there. The city looks like the ruins of a ‘lost need to be rebuilt from the foundations up, but not As we look back at the three
Secretary G eneral B an K i-moon. What could we do? The scale seemed enormous,
city’; the devastation is enormous.” so many – perhaps three out of every ten,” said the stages we have been able to
and we were so few. But God is bigger than all of
team surveyor. accomplish, we are amazed at
On 2nd August 2010, the Pakistan us. We would ask Him.
“It is wonderful to see people returning to their events.
government issued a three day flood
homes, but it reminds us all that now the task is much People have already moved into their restored We decided that we could help some families, and
OM Pakistan has  received  alert, warning that 200,000 people
bigger, and our goal very challenging, to resettle homes: “It was impossible, looking at our house, to would do so as best we could.
$1 million already, and so far would be affected.
people and construct houses. We  need  wisdom as imagine living in it, but you have made it possible.”
we collect  data, prepare reports and  plan an effective has spent approximately 35%
Within two days, it was reported Having been involved in the Pakistan Earthquake
strategy. The reconstruction of 500 houses is a The weather is very cold for us, at around 4°-5° C, on food, blankets, medicines,
that three million people had been Relief effort in 2005, we had experience in how
huge task and to some extent beyond our team’s which is not a problem for the reconstruction work. and the items in Stages 1 and 2.
internally displaced (IDPs) in flood- we might be God’s hands and feet, and began to
capacity: we need to make five visits to each lo- In the summer we have to continually sprinkle water plan. and other household essentials in order to be able
“God has raised up both finances  ravaged areas, with as many as 1,500 to use the dried food packages.
cation to ascertain the needs for reconstruction onto the cement to keep it moist; in winter, water
and the people to help and people killed.
work,” said the team leader. is less needed, so it’s easier for the reconstruction We would go to the areas where we knew people,
work. partner with us, so that we We also realised that some needed medical help:
Water continued to pour into the and see what the situation was like. We would ask
In November, over 50% of the IDPs returned to have been able to increase the babies and young children were becoming dehy-
land, causing massive destruction people we trusted to help us take surveys of the
their homes: “Most have no house still standing In the south number of houses, and bless drated, and clean water was not available to drink.
to homes and families, crops, and families, looking to their needs, and asking them
and the remaining houses are unsafe. Many We are establishing a model cluster of 20 two- more people as a result,” said So we began to address these needs.
whole areas of land. what would benefit them.
people  are  living  without  electricity,clean roomed houses with proper drainage, forming a the OM Pakistan leader.
And it continued to rain.... “As people became used to us, they began look-
drinking water or food. The bad smell community courtyard with a community room, Our team leaders went to the North and South,
of decaying dead bodies of animals and toilets, washing facilities, plus a separate area for ani- “If additional funds come in, ing out for us on the road; they started to trust
Temperatures rose, causing snow to talking to villagers, taking time to listen and dis-
organic material is everywhere.  Many  people mals. These will be proper flood-resistant homes, we may consider investing  us, when we said we would come, we came,” said
melt from mountain areas, resulting cover those in greatest need.
have wounds, skin infections and scabies. They replacing former mud buildings. We intend to in- in dispensaries, centres, medical  a team leader.  “We had committed to helping
clinics, that sort of thing, as in in more water to flow. Old flood de- them, and we needed to be faithful. In this way, we
still need our help. Others are still waiting in troduce long-term projects with the reconstruction fenses were swept away. Stagnant “We went again and again to make sure exactly
the camps for government aid.” work: micro enterprises to raise living standards, many areas the local facilities, have been able to build wonderful relationships.”
water was breeding malaria, cholera what was needed was provided,” said a team
provide education, health and agricultural advice, like schools, are 10km away
and other diseases. leader. “There was no point in giving them aid
enabling people to be self supporting long-term. from the villages they serve. We The weeks went by. Our teams were increasingly
that they couldn’t use for the stage at which they
In the north will have to see.
were at. Our response needs to be tailored to stretched, physically, emotionally, and mentally.
By December, we began house construction in the Agriculture had been devastated But they carried on, bringing practical love to
We already have good relationships with the people. where they are, not where we think they are.”
north. We had to employ masons and labourers to These are exciting, challenging  and livelihoods laid waste, especially those who needed it most.
We met them again and again, as we gave out
do the physical labour, as no one in our team had the times for us. We know that in the rural areas.
initial food parcels, and then returned with winter Having decided upon three stages to our relief
right experience. We plan to complete 50 houses packages and medical help. They have seen we are God is using us, not only to help, “God has provided us with all we need for the
Electricity cables and lines were effort, we selected 1,000 families to help. This
every month, honouring our commitment to pro- really interested in their restoration, which gives us but so that others will see God commitment we’ve made: praise Him! God has
down too, as infrastructure was torn committed us to raising at least $25,000. We set
vide 250 houses within a six month period, and courage to speak openly about our motivation for through us.” been faithful, and we need to be faithful in our
out, and roads collapsed, making it to work.
finish at the end of June. We are on target so far! helping them, and our love for God. responsibilities,” says OM Pakistan leader.
very difficult to travel.
We are grateful to Families stranded by the flood waters were
starving and grateful for our help: “You are
you too the first to have reached us with aid. We
Thank you for partnering with us, have not eaten in two days.”
for praying, contributing, open- So we began to think of helping those whom
ing your hearts and supporting  others were not helping. It seemed a good
us. There is still work to be done! Biblical principle.

Our latest Flood dvd is now Many people had left the ruins of their
available. homes to go to camps. They arrived with
the clothes they stood up in, many having
Further information lost everything, including family members.
contact your local OM office or
us direct at or Although the Army was providing some with food, we provided others with at least
one hot meal, as well as cooking utensils,

RELIEF and DevelOPment: Mercy in Action RELIEF and Development: Mercy in Action

Bringing emergency supplies of food packages and basic clothing to the desperate Bringing essentials of winter clothing, cooking utensils, mosquito nets and water filters
“We distributed food to far and quite dangerous places. “Your Christian brothers care for you - that is why we are here.”
At one place we found a Madrasa, a religious training centre, and asked them if they After surveying to distribute warm clothes to flood victims in the severe cold weather,
needed food. They told us they were very hungry and had not eaten in two days. we planned to help 3,500 families in both the north and south. We printed special stickers
We asked them if they were happy to take food from Christians, and they willingly on the packages saying:
accepted food packets from us. “Let us share in your sorrow. This relief package is from your Essai (Christian) brothers.”

In more distant places, we discovered villagers who had had nothing to eat for three People receiving the packages said: “We are thankful to you that you came to help us in such
days: the situation is terrible! There is a shortage of food items in the markets and cold weather. We have seen you before and you guys do a hard work for us and bring things
the wholesaler has already doubled his prices.” that we need”.

Medical Camps set up Raining and raining IDP Camp relief Sowing, treating and filtering
With all the water standing around, Increased flooding caused many to Our ministry partners asked us urgently to install hand
As the rains continued to fall, the water went on rising, flood-
the wounds received during the flood leave their homes looking for shelter. pumps for the thousands of people living without clean
ing villages, and forcing people to move once more. Roads
torrents and the lack of food and clean The army sent them to IDP camps. Trees drinking water on the banks of the River Indus. We were
disappeared or collapsed under the pressure, making it almost
water, people were in bad shape. We and dry wood were chopped up for fire- able to help with food for 200 and 10 water pumps.
impossible to travel. The only useful vehicles were tractors and
decided it would be necessary to set rough carts. wood, changing the landscape.
up basic medical camps in situ, to Our medical camps have served 8,427 people so far:
help as best we could to meet the “In order to bring relief goods, our team leader drove through “We are now having to feed increased “Your team comes here like angels. You didn’t just help
emergencies. the night, arriving safely just before the road was completely numbers, and provide a hot meal, as well us with medicine but you also pray for us; this is the first
destroyed by overflowing flood water, and submerging the as dry rations. We are also giving out san- time in my life any team comes and helps us like brothers.
While our objective is to save lives by
super-highway. Praise God he was kept safe.” dals, clothes and crockery. Due to the lack You have good medicines.”
providing them with food we do not
of food and space available, fights and
want to see them dying of diseases.
In spite of all this rain, there is no drinking water! People are disputes are breaking out,” said the team “Many organisations have arranged medical camps but
“It is the second day of medical camp, thirsty ; nor can they cook, as the rain does not let up, and has leader. “However, many of the regular they do not have complete medicine and they also did
and we are already feeling the work- soaked the firewood. Few families have stoves, cooking pots meal receivers become our friends and not check all the patients. They just make their reports,
load. Patients keep on coming right or crockery, anyway. regard it as a gift for which they have no but you are different. You came with complete medicines
to the very end: goodness knows how return. In this way we can share God’s and you also check all the patients; your doctors are
many we saw! Our only lady doctor Our little truck chugs doggedly to the villages and towns, bring- love.” also very nice and their behavior is also very kind with
has been kept very busy; she also ing what aid we can. Sadly, people are becoming desperate, patients.”
helped two mothers deliver babies and some violent - their need is so great. “We have 12 people “We trust you guys,” one man said, “and
under these hostile conditions.” travelling in our team, and keep one man posted on each know that you will give to the needy November is when the farmers sow seed. But most of
top corner of the truck, rather than keeping it for yourselves like the land had not
That day, a total of 265 patients to prevent pillaging. others are doing.” been prepared due
received treatment for malaria, to flood damage.
diarrhoea and fever, as well as It’s still not enough to deal Another said: “We thank OM Team for this Through our generous
snake bites and skin diseases. with these encounters. brilliant effort providing food goods. I can donors, we were able to
Certain medications were just not When people are  desperate clearly see the passion you have to help provide 52 farmers with
available locally and had to be supplied they do desperate things,” the people.” seed and fertilizers,
from Lahore. said a team member.
for a March wheat crop.

Stranded villagers were grateful for our help Over 2 million internally displaced people live in camps

RELIEF and Development: Mercy in Action RELIEF and Development: Mercy in Action

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