Lesson #2 - Ta, Titi Prep 1 and 2 Sounds Representation

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Annie McCune Ta, titi prep

Class __Full day__ Grade __K____ Lesson # ____2____ Date _April 28, 2020_

Key/Tone set Materials Song/Activity & Procedure Goals

G=d 1. Old King Glory on the Mountain Mvmt, beat
s,l, drm T walks around the circle while singing
Old King Glory. On ‘one, two, three,
follow me,’ T taps three Ss successively
and has them stand up and follow her
around the circle. T continues to play the
game until all Ss are part of the moving

TR: T sings, “1, 2, 3 sit back down” to

the tune of Old King Glory.

2. Five Little Ducks Fine motor skills, high

T asks Ss to get their five little ducks and low voices
ready. T and Ss do Five Little Ducks
fingerplay using a high voice for the
mother duck and a low voice for the
father duck.

TR: T says, “Guess where the five little

ducks were all that time? They were so
tired from walking all that way that they
stopped at a lemonade stand for a cool

C=s 3. Lemonade In-tune singing, solo

ms T sings the call to Lemonade first and Ss singing, so and mi
respond. T pours ‘lemonade’ into one S’ (high and low), text
‘cup’ and they then sing the call. T uses improv
this time to assess singing voices.

TR: T says, “Mmmm! All those drinks

you thought of are so refreshing to drink!
I especially like to drink lemonade in the
summer, and I also really love to float
down the river on my boat.”

F=d 4. Jump Josie Mvmt, new song

s,l, drm s T has the Ss stand up in their circle and
join hands, then walk slowly to the right
during the 6/8 section of the song. T
motions for the circle to stop and takes
Annie McCune Ta, titi prep

one S to ‘jump Josie’ with her in the

middle while the other Ss clap the beat.
T continues playing with Ss and has
them choose partners to jump until all
have had a turn.

TR: T sings, “Now you all sit down” and

begins keeping a beat as she hums
Bounce High, Bounce Low. She
continues to keep the beat as she asks the
Ss what song it was, then everyone sings
it again.

C=s ‘ball’ beats, 5. Bounce High, Bounce Low RPR: Visual

m sl whiteboard RPR activity (See RPR for Lesson #2 representation of ta,
marker, below chart) titi
classroom TR: T has the Ss sing Bounce High
whiteboard Bounce Low and keep the beat, then she
and magnets keeps tapping the beat and sings, “It’s
time to play a game, it’s time to play a
game, hi ho the derry-o, it’s time to play
a game.”
G=d Mvmt
s, drm sl 6. The Farmer in the Dell
T walks around the circle of sitting Ss
while they sing the first verse. On the
second verse, the T takes a ‘wife’ from
the Ss to join her in walking around the
circle. The ‘wife’ then takes a ‘child’
from among the seated circle of Ss for
the third verse. This continues until the
last verse, wherein the S that was the
‘cheese’ becomes the new farmer.

TR: T says, “This song reminds me of

another song that we know. It goes like
this.” T hums the tune of Sally Go
Round the Sun. Ss ID song.
F=d Mvmt, part-work
drm sl 7. Sally Go Round the Sun
T motions for the Ss to stand up and join
hands, then all march in a circle to the
beat. On the word, “Boom!” everyone
must jump and change directions so that
the circle goes another way. After one
Annie McCune Ta, titi prep

round of this, the T taps on some Ss to

move to the center of the circle to form
their own smaller circle. This circle then
walks to the beat the opposite direction
of the outer circle as everyone sings the
song again several times.

TR: T sings, “Now you all sit down” and

tells Ss, “Wow! All that jumping has
made me hungry. But I think I packed
myself a pie for lunch. Let me go and
check.” T pretends to check behind her
desk. She comes back to the circle with a
sad expression.
E=l, In-tune singing, text
l, d m 8. No More Pie accuracy
T begins keeping a beat and Ss should
copy. T sings each verse of No More Pie
as a call and the Ss should sing the verse
again as response. T models good
singing posture and sings softly.

TR: T says, “Well, that makes me so sad

I won’t have pie to eat. But I have an
idea! My friend the old squirrel is very
good at collecting food and maybe he
can find some pie for me. But he’ll have
to hop to get it.”
G=d Mvmt, improv actions
drm 9. Hop Old Squirrel
T has Ss stand up and they sing Hop Old
Squirrel. They know that the rules are
they must only hop when they sing the
word ‘hop,’ otherwise they have to sit
down for one repetition of the song.
T asks Ss for different things the old
squirrel can do and everyone tries the
action while singing.
Eventually, the T sings ‘wave old
squirrel…’ and Ss wave goodbye and
line up to leave.
Annie McCune Ta, titi prep

Song Sources:
1. Old King Glory on the Mountain: Level I Materials Packet
2. Five Little Ducks: h.o.
3. Lemonade: Sail Away
4. Jump Josie: HNU
5. Bounce High, Bounce Low: Sail Away
6. The Farmer in the Dell: HNU
7. Sally Go Round the Sun: HNU
8. No More Pie: Feierbend Echo Songs book
9. Hop Old Squirrel: 150 American Folk Songs

Lesson #2 Visual Representation of ta, titi - RPR

Objective: The students will be able to recognize and read ta and titi stick notation as a
representation for one or two sounds on a beat for the rhythm of Bounce High, Bounce Low.

Materials: Bounce High, Bounce Low song, ‘ball’ laminated beat cards, whiteboard marker,
whiteboard, magnets, whiteboard eraser.

1. Ss clap the beat of Bounce High, Bounce Low while T arranges ‘ball’ beat cards on the
2. T tells Ss to sing it again and check if she has the right number of beats.
3. T asks Ss to clap the rhythm as she points to the beats.
4. T asks a S to tell her how many sounds were on the first four beats. T writes a ta on each
beat with a whiteboard marker.
5. T asks a S to tell her how many sounds on the last four beats. T writes two vertical titi
lines and two ta’s on the last four beats.
6. T explains that musicians use these kinds of symbols to represent the sounds on each
beat. T explains that for the two sounds, you need to connect them with a little bridge so
we know they go together, and you can write your bridge at the top or the bottom.
7. T has Ss take out their ‘air pointers’ and point with her to each rhythm as they sing
Bounce High, Bounce Low again.
8. T erases one phrase of Bounce High, Bounce Low and has a S mark in the correct

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