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Annie McCune Ta, titi present

Class __Full day__ Grade __K____ Lesson # ____3____ Date _April 29, 2020_

Materials Song/Activity & Procedure Goals
F=d 1. Sally Go Round the Sun Mvmt, beat
Drm sl T motions for the Ss to stand up and join hands, then
all march in a circle to the beat. On the word,
“Boom!” everyone must jump and change directions
so that the circle goes another way. After one round of
this, the T taps on some Ss to move to the center of
the circle to form their own smaller circle. This circle
then walks to the beat the opposite direction of the
outer circle as everyone sings the song again several

TR: T says, “Now we know that Sally likes to go

around the sun and the moon but sometimes she gets
tired and has to sit down. Do you remember what she
likes to sit in?” *If Ss cannot answer, T hums the
beginning phrases of Little Sally Water.

C=s 2. Little Sally Water Mvmt, ta titi

m Sl T chooses a S who has been singing well to be ‘Little rhythm play
Sally’ in the middle of the circle. All others join hands
and walk around in a circle singing Little Sally Water
as the S in the middle performs the actions in the
song. On the last phrase, Little Sally must close
his/her eyes and turn around while pointing. Once the
song is done, Little Sally should stop turning and
whoever they are pointing to becomes the next Little
Sally. Ss play several times so different Ss get to have
a turn.

TR: T says, “Now Little Sally has some good friends

called Quakers who live in Canada, so she needs to
take Engine, Engine Number 9 to get there.” The last
S who was chosen to be Little Sally can be the
‘conductor’ of the train.

3. Engine, Engine Rhythm

Ss stay in a circle but place their hands on the practice, mvmt
shoulders of the Ss next to them so that all Ss are in a
type of conga line. T has the ‘conductor’ S be on
his/her own and has to say “Toot, toot, all aboard!”
(Ss say “toot, toot” in a high voice and do some vocal
exploration in how they say “all aboard.”) T allows
Annie McCune Ta, titi present

the ‘conductor’ S to start the rhyme and set the tempo

by marching the rhythm. All other S must march the
rhythm as they follow the ‘conductor’ S while
chanting Engine, Engine Number #9. T has them do
this a couple times and then motions for them to stop.
T says, “It looks like we made it to our stop! Let’s all
sit down (Ss and T sit). I noticed how well you were
marching to the rhythm of the rhyme. Can we clap the
rhythm while we say the rhyme this time?” Ss clap
and say the rhyme.

TR: T says, “That rhythm sounds awfully familiar. I

think it goes to this song.” T hums the tune of Quaker,
Quaker while clapping the rhythm of the first four
beats. T asks the Ss what the song is.

C=s 4. Quaker, Quaker Beat and

mS T asks Ss to clap the rhythm of Quaker, Quaker as rhythm practice,
they sing. T then tells the Ss to turn to a partner next s m prep
to them in the circle and choose one person to be the
beat and one person to be the rhythm. Ss
simultaneously either clap the beat or the rhythm with
partners while singing Quaker, Quaker. T then tells
them to switch jobs and sing again.

TR: T says, “I think our song See Saw has a similar

rhythm to this, but there are some places that are
different. See if you can clap See Saw’s rhythm as
you sing.”

C=s Eight beat 5. See Saw – MC ta, titi RPR: MC of ta,

mS chart, Ss clap rhythm of See Saw while T readies her beat titi names and
whiteboard chart on the board. T then moves into the RPR connect it to the
marker, activity (See RPR for Lesson #3 below chart) stick notation
eraser, TR: T erases the last four beats of See Saw rhythms
magnets and replaces the first beat with a titi instead of a ta. T
says, “This is a different song we know that uses our
new rhythm names. Listen as I sing it.”

C=s Eight beat 6. Burney Bee Practice ta, titi

m Sl chart, RPR activity (See RPR 2 for Lesson #3 below chart). with deriving
whiteboard and writing
marker, TR: T sings the “paper collecting song” to collect all
whiteboard, the writing papers and brings Ss back into the circle.
eraser, T asks the Ss to clap and sing the first four beats of
Annie McCune Ta, titi present

magnets, Burney Bee on their rhythm names. T says, “That

Burney Bee reminds me of another song we know about some
worksheets, birds who are afraid to go into the woods. Who knows
clipboards, what song this is?”
F=d 7. Ducks and Geese Mvmt, solo
drmfS T sings the call of Ducks and Geese while Ss sing the singing, s m
response. T motions for the Ss to make a line and prep
chooses one S to be the ‘farmer’ or ‘farmer’s wife’
and one S to be the ‘wolf.’ The wolf hides in a space
in the classroom while the farmer faces the other Ss
with his hands held up and takes a turn singing the
call while the Ss sing the response. Once the song is
done, the Ss must run towards the farmer to the ‘safe
zone’ before the wolf catches them. If a S wants to be
the next farmer or wolf, they must high five the
farmer first. T and Ss sing and play the game a couple

TR: T sings, “Come to the carpet all my Ss” to the

tune of Ducks and Geese. As Ss come to sit, T gets
her book. T motions for Ss to sit down and says, “Do
you know there’s another furry animal in the woods
that likes to catch little ducks and geese? I met one the
other day.”

F=d Feierabend 8. The Other Day I Met a Bear Listening

Dr(ri)mf book T presents the Feierbend book as she sings The Other
(fi)sltd’ Day I Met a Bear. Ss should listen only and may keep
a beat quietly on somewhere on their bodies.

TR: T closes book and says to Ss, “Once the bear

went away, it was really fun swinging in the tree. I
wonder if you can make a swinging motion just like
me. Listen and be my echo.”

C=s 9. Hey, Hey Look at Me Mvmt, improv

mS T teaches Hey, Hey Look at Me by rote and actions, new
substitutes ‘swinging’ for ‘clapping.’ T and Ss sing song
the song again several times while the T substitutes
many different beat motions for the Ss to copy. After
a few different motions, T asks if a S wants to show
us something to do. T takes a few Ss’ suggestions and
the class sings and tries them. Eventually, T sings
“hey, hey look at me, I am waving can’t you see?” T
tells the Ss, “Goodbye boys and girls.”
Annie McCune Ta, titi present

Song Sources:
1. Sally Go Round the Sun: HNU
2. Little Sally Water: HNU
3. Engine, Engine: Beth’s Notes website
4. Quaker, Quaker: h.o.
5. See Saw: h.o.
6. Burney Bee: h.o.
7. Ducks and Geese: HNU
8. The Other Day I Met a Bear: Feierabend book
9. Hey, Hey Look at Me: Beth’s Notes website

Lesson #3 MC of ta, titi - RPR

Objective: The students will be able to read and perform the rhythm of See, Saw using ta, titi
stick notation.

Materials: See Saw song, laminated beat chart (8 beats), whiteboard marker, whiteboard,
magnets, whiteboard eraser.

1. T asks the Ss to clap the beat and check if they have the right number of beats for their
See Saw song.
2. Ss clap the beat of See Saw while T points to the beats on the board.
3. T asks Ss to clap the rhythm as she points to the beats.
4. T asks a S to tell her how many sounds were on each of the first four beats. T writes in
vertical lines for ta, ta, titi, ta rhythm on each beat as the S answers.
5. T reminds Ss they learned this is the way musicians show the number of sounds on each
beat. T asks Ss what she needs to do for the beat with two sounds (connect them with a
6. T asks a S to tell her how many sounds on the last four beats. T writes titi’s on the first
three beats and a ta on the last beat as the S answers.
7. T tells the Ss to listen to what she’s singing as she points to each beat. T sings See Saw
with rhythm names.
8. T asks the Ss what she called one sound. T asks the Ss what she called two sounds.
9. T has Ss take out their ‘air pointers’ and point with her to each rhythm as they sing the
song with the new rhythm names.
10. Ss sing with rhythm names and point to the notation.
11. T erases the last two beats of See, Saw and has the Ss perform it again, all the way
12. T continues erasing by two beats until the Ss are performing the rhythm from memory.
Annie McCune Ta, titi present

Lesson #3 Practice of ta, titi - RPR

Objective: The students will be able to derive the rhythm of the second phrase of Burney Bee
and write it in stick notation.

Materials: Burney Bee song, beat chart with 8 beats and the first phrase of the song written on
the beats in stick notation, writing worksheets

1. T asks Ss to listen as she sings the song with their new rhythm names and then taps the
mystery rhythm portion of the song.
2. T points to the notation and sings the rhythm names for the first 4 beats of Burnie Bee,
then points in the empty beats how many sounds are on each beat as she hums the
3. Ss identify that the song is Burney Bee. They sing it on the words as the T points.
4. T asks the Ss to try the song on their new rhythm names and see if they can figure out the
rhythm names for the beats that are empty.
a. If the Ss do not go on to derive the rhythm of the second phrase, T can ask an
individual S to come up and point to the beats for how many sounds they heard on
each and the T writes in the rhythm.
b. If the Ss do derive the rhythm correctly, T can call on an individual S to point to
each beat and sing the rhythm names the class derived.
5. Ss then sing through all 8 beats on rhythm names while the T points to the stick notation.
6. T passes out writing worksheets with the same 8 beats for Burney Bee. The first four
beats have the rhythm notated and the second 4 beats are empty.
7. T asks Ss to write in the rhythm of the second four beats in stick notation.

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