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  Here is a Perl Problem that was posed to me. I was given one day Subscribe 
time to solve.  Unfortunately
Here is a Perl Problem that was posed to me. I was given one day time to
solve.  Unfortunately I did not know enough Perl to do it. And  sadly, I did
not get selected.  However I wish to share this question with all. Please pose
your answers or programs on this forum for the benefit of all friends.
Submitted by  ilangocal.
Here is the link for the full questions in exforsys forum, see if you can answer
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2.  Explain the difference between "my" and "local" variable scope Subscribe 
declarations. ?
Both of them are used to declare local variables.The variables declared with "my" can
live only within the block it was defined and cannot get its visibility inherited functions
called within that bl Asked by:  Murali Krishnan
Latest Answer: The variables declared with my() are visible only within the scope of
the block which names them. T...
Last Updated By Jay Mathuria  on  October
(Answers: 1)      Read / Answer
21, 2005 
3.  What is difference between "Use" and "require". In which case Subscribe 
should "Use&
What is difference between "Use" and "require". In which case should "Use"
be used and not "Require"?
Asked by:  JP
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4.  I have a variable named $objref which is defined in main package. I Subscribe 
want to make it as a Object of
I have a variable named $objref which is defined in main package. I want to
make it as a Object of Class XYZ. How could I do it?
Asked by:  Zubind
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5.  What's the significance of @ISA, @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK Subscribe 
%EXPORT_TAGS list & hashes in a perl packa
What's the significance of @ISA, @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK
%EXPORT_TAGS list & hashes in a perl package? With example?
Asked by:  geek_zubi
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6.  How to Connect with SqlServer from perl and how to display Subscribe 
database table info?
Asked by:  Mehul
Latest Answer: The other trick is to use for your sybase driver
(M$SQL is just an old versi...
Last Updated By Rob  on  April 09, 2007  (Answers: 3)      Read / Answer
7.  what is the use of "STDERR()"? Subscribe 
Asked by:  smeda
Latest Answer: Hi, this is what i found.STDERRThe special filehandle for standard
error in any package....
Last Updated By Fahad  on  September 29,
(Answers: 1)      Read / Answer
8.  What arguments do you frequently use for Perl Interpreter and what Subscribe 
do they mean
Asked by:  suseel
Latest Answer: Hi,The various command line arguments are -e executes the prog given
as an argument-d start perl de...
Last Updated By abhishek jain  on 
(Answers: 1)      Read / Answer
December 13, 2006 
9.  what are the characteristics of project that is well suited to PERL Subscribe 
Asked by:  suseel
Latest Answer: Hi,Text processing thats whats every language do but in perl we mean
by heavy regex usage,the progra...
Last Updated By abhishek jain  on 
(Answers: 1)      Read / Answer
December 13, 2006 
10.  why do you program in PERL Subscribe 
Asked by:  suseel
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 Un-Answered in Perl Interview Questions

1. why do you program in PERL
 Latest Questions in Perl Interview Questions
1. What is the difference between die and exit in perl?
How to remove a directory which has few files in it? I know about rmdir however it does not remove
3. why we program in perl
4. Hi All,I would like to replace some entities in the text file with symbols using Perl.This is working...
What is the difference between a perl program and a shell script? Which out of these is easier to
6. What is hash in perl?
7. What is CPAN ? What are the modules coming under this?
8. What is difference between perl and jsp.What are the Advantages
9. what is a DataHash(). What does it mean? and for what purpose it is used??
10. what is meant 'die' in a perl program?
11.  whats' your favourite module in PERL and why?Subscribe Asked by:
suseelLatest Answer: HiThe faviurite module is undoubtly CGI.pmIt simplifies the
coding as we no need to worry about the ...
Last Updated By abhishek jain   on 
(Answers: 1)      Read / Answer
December 13, 2006 

12.  what's the purpose of -w.strict,-T?Subscribe Asked by:  suseelLatest Answer: -T

is taint mode. Taint mode makes a program more secure by keeping track of arguments
which are pa...
Last Updated By Burugupalli  on  February
(Answers: 2)      Read / Answer
11, 2007 

13.  Difference between for & foreach,exec & system?Subscribe Asked by:

suseelLatest Answer: - Technically, there's no difference between for and foreach other
than some style issues. One i...
Last Updated By Joe Doe  on  July 08, 2006  (Answers: 1)      Read / Answer

14.  where do you go for perl help?Subscribe Asked by:  suseelLatest Answer:

hi! perldoc is best help to perl....
Last Updated By marisaravanan  on 
(Answers: 4)      Read / Answer
January 12, 2007 

15.  Name an instance you used in CPAN module?Subscribe Asked by:  suseelLatest

Answer: CGI, DBI etc are very common packages used from CPAN. there are thousands
of other useful modules....
Last Updated By varghese   on  July 04, 2006  (Answers: 1)      Read / Answer

16.  when do you not use PERL for a project?Subscribe Asked by:  suseelLatest

Answer: When: - There's a lot of text processing - Web-based applications -
Fast/expidient development ...
Last Updated By Joe Doe  on  July 08, 2006  (Answers: 1)      Read / Answer

17.  how do you connect to database in perlSubscribe Asked by:  suseelLatest

Answer: You to install the appropriate driver for DB so that the connection can be make,
just like ODBC driv...
Last Updated By max1x   on  May 20, 2006  (Answers: 3)      Read / Answer
18.  what's your experience of interfacing perl to database?Subscribe Asked by:
suseelLatest Answer: DBI...
Last Updated By Name  on  May 21, 2006  (Answers: 1)      Read / Answer

19.  what are the benefits of having global and local variables?Subscribe Asked by:
suseelLatest Answer: global variables can be called upon any where in the script.  local
variables are not valid out...
Last Updated By max1x   on  May 20, 2006  (Answers: 1)      Read / Answer

20.  advantages of C over perl?Subscribe Asked by:  suseelLatest Answer: * There

are more development tools for C than for PERL* There are less PERL programers
around than C...
Last Updated By Name  on  May 21, 2006  (Answers: 2)      Read / Answ
21.  "perl regular expressions are greedy" what does this mean?Subscribe Asked by:
suseelLatest Answer: I don't think regexs only for PERL are greedy....
Last Updated By max1x   on  May 20, 2006  (Answers: 3)      Read / Answer

22.  what are regular expressions?Subscribe Asked by:  suseelLatest Answer: a code

line that defines a pattern for a search to match...
Last Updated By Sunil Kartikey  on 
(Answers: 1)      Read / Answer
September 18, 2006 

23.  what does this mean : '$_' ? Subscribe Asked by:  suseelLatest Answer: default
variable in Perl....
Last Updated By max1x   on  May 20, 2006  (Answers: 1)      Read / Answer

24.  what does the word '&myvariable' mean?what does the symbol '&' means?
what does the word '&myvariable' mean?what does the symbol '&' means? What's
purpose of it?Subscribe Asked by:  suseel
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25.  what is a subroutine?Subscribe Asked by:  suseelLatest Answer: A subroutine is

like a function ... called upon to excecute a task....
Last Updated By max1x   on  May 20, 2006  (Answers: 1)      Read / Answer

26.  what is a Tk module? WHere it is used? What's the use of it? Plse tell
me ..Subscribe Asked by:  suseelLatest Answer: It provides a GUI...
Last Updated By Srinivas  on  January 09,
(Answers: 1)      Read / Answer

27.  what does 'qw(..)' mean? What's the use of it?when do we use it?
Subscribe Asked by:  suseelLatest Answer: the quoting opeator for lists is
qw.advantage of qw is you need not quote the strings in additional ...
Last Updated By gnana  on  October 31,
(Answers: 3)      Read / Answer

28.  what does this symbol mean '->'Subscribe Asked by:  suseelLatest Answer: In

Perl it is an infix dereference operator. The if the rhs is an array subscript, or a hash ke...
Last Updated By loginprompt  on  June 20,
(Answers: 3)      Read / Answer

29.  what is meant by a 'pack' in perl?Subscribe Asked by:  suseelLatest Answer: Hi

folks!Pack Converts a list into a binary representationTakes an array or list of values and
Last Updated By uday  on  June 08, 2006  (Answers: 1)      Read / Answer

30.  what is meant by 'chomp'? where do we require this ?Subscribe Asked by:

suseelLatest Answer: chomp is used to eliminate the new line character.  It can used in
many different scenarios.For...
Last Updated By max1x   on  May 20, 2006  (Answers: 1)      Read / Answer
31.  what does this mean '$^0'? tell briefly plse..Subscribe Asked by:  suseelLatest
Answer: STDOUT_TOP is the output if we print "'$^0" in a console....
Last Updated By Jey  on  November 13,
(Answers: 4)      Read / Answer

32.  what's is the use of 'require' and what does this mean?Subscribe Asked by:
suseelLatest Answer: 'require' is like a preprocessor directive in C/C++ which imports
the external file .You can use the...
Last Updated By Swanand  on  March 27,
(Answers: 6)      Read / Answer

33.  what is meant 'die' in a perl program?Subscribe Asked by:  suseelLatest

Answer: goto end block if end block exists END{}, execute commands in end block, exit
Last Updated By loginprompt  on  June 20,
(Answers: 4)      Read / Answer

34.  what is a DataHash(). What does it mean? and for what purpose it is used??
Subscribe Asked by:  suseelLatest Answer: In Win32::ODBC, DataHash() function is
used to get the data fetched through the sql statement in a h...
Last Updated By Jagadeesh  on  June 18,
(Answers: 1)      Read / Answer

35.  What is difference between perl and jsp.What are the

AdvantagesSubscribe Asked by:  GiriLatest Answer: I think the question should be
diff bet'n perl CGI and jsp...both are diff things why should u compa...
Last Updated By Sunil Kartikey  on 
(Answers: 1)      Read / Answer
September 15, 2006 
36.  What is CPAN ? What are the modules coming under this?Subscribe Asked by:
suseelLatest Answer: CPAN ic Comprehencive Perl Archive Network. Its a repository
contains thousands of Perl modules, sou...
Last Updated By varghese   on  July 04, 2006  (Answers: 1)      Read / Answer

37.  What is hash in perl?Subscribe Asked by:  SAJIT KUMARLatest Answer: Hash is

a kind of array where in you index the values not by number but by name. For ex if you
are m...
Last Updated By Ram Prasad  on  November
(Answers: 4)      Read / Answer
02, 2006 

38.  What is the difference between a perl program and a shell script? Which out of
these is easier to u
What is the difference between a perl program and a shell script? Which out of these is
easier to understand and execute? And How?Subscribe Asked by:  SAJIT KUMAR
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39.  Hi All,I would like to replace some entities in the text file with symbols using
Perl.This is worki
Hi All,I would like to replace some entities in the text file with symbols using Perl.This is
working fine for some special symbols but for the characters such as Zeta we should use
Unicode/Hexadecimal values - xcex96. We are doing like this s/&zeta1;/"xcexb6"/g; .
This is working fine only for 2 characters such as xb6. How to use this in Perl? How to
make use unicode value for zeta in Perl.Any kind of help will be
appreciated.Thanks,ShivSubscribe Asked by:  Leela
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40.  why we program in perlSubscribe Asked by:  vasuLatest Answer: We can

program in any language, but choosing to program in perl has many reasons, first thing
that c...
Last Updated By Burugupalli  on  February
(Answers: 1)      Read / Answer
11, 2007 
41.  How to remove a directory which has few files in it? I know about rmdir
however it does not remove
How to remove a directory which has few files in it? I know about rmdir however it does
not remove a dir which has files/dir in it!Subscribe Asked by:  Chintz
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42.  What is the difference between die and exit in perl?Subscribe Asked by:

GodhulyLatest Answer: die: outputs stderr then exit and also it can trap errors by
evalexit: just exits or exit with EXPR ...
Last Updated By andrewt  on  February 01,
(Answers: 1)      Read / Answer

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