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DATE: 2ND, JUNE 2019.

If you are online can you signify Friends😊😊😊,

Okay... Let's have a discussion on *Activating Favour*

The last time we had a prophetic session on that, but I think we need to discuss this issue together.

Have seen believers beg for bread and access meanwhile unbelievers find Favour with men so cheaply..
This makes me wonder. Where did we miss it?

Please hold on, don't tell me its because unbelievers are in partnership with the God of this world!
Because the God of this works have been defeated. Definitely believers are missing it some where? Now
am not using the term believers as applicable to every christian so you don't misunderstand me.

Why do you think believers hardly have Favour with man?

Let's discuss!

Alright, thanks for all your thoughts and perspectives.


I trust God to help someone this evening.

Prayer is useless if principles are broken

Believers this days are learning diligence, hard work and other stuffs.

But we have neglected two important things.

Until you begin to align yourself with this things, you will experience Favour but not in the measure that
will take you to greatness.

What are the 2_ major limitations?

1⃣ dishonour

2⃣no valuable relationships

➡ *Dishonour is a limitation*
If you dishonour greatness you will never be great. If you dishonour leadership you will never be a good
leader. If you dishonour political authorities. You will never get one single contract with the government.
If you dishonour women sweating to take care of their children get ready for a life of hard time.

You can't rise above the things you dishonour. You want to be a governor/president but the only thing
you do is to speak ill of leadership and government. Now am not saying you shouldn't criticize but there
is a different between criticism and dishonour.

You want to be a great man of God yet *You open your mouth and call our fathers in the faith names
all because you think you have a higher light*.

You want to own a company but you serve your boss with disrespect.

*Dishonour is a spirit* whatever you sow you will reap.

Anything you don't honour you can't attract.

Let me show you the dangerous part of what you may never know.

God deals with man from his ordination not his present state.

Do you know that all the men/women who dishonored men like baba kumuyi, Baba Adeboye, Baba
Oyedepo and the likes are all begging today?

When they dishonoured them and spoke ill of them, they believed they were nobody. So to the people,
they where dishonouring some group of persons who were foolish in following God meanwhile as they
dishonored this men in time, they limited themselves from eternity.

Do you know that in the ordination of Dangote he was ordained to be a business billionaire? Do you
think that because a man is a Muslim then he won't fulfil purpose?

Hahahaha, I thought that way before until my eyes were opened!

Giving your life to Christ may be a choice, but there are certian assignments God has committed to
certain men through the election of grace that whether they give their life to Christ or not that purpose
must be fulfilled.

Some men are systems designed by God through which other men will look upon.

Whether this men choose to be Christians or not. God himself is bound to make sure they fulfill that

Let me show you an example from scriptures

Scriptures revealed a man to us whose name was Cyrus

Someone please help me upload Isaiah 45:1- 5.

Isaiah 45:1-5 KJV

Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before
him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates; and the gates shall not
be shut; [2] I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of
brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron: [3] And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden
riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the Lord , which call thee by thy name, am the God
of Israel. [4] For Jacob my servant's sake, and Israel mine elect, I have even called thee by thy name: I
have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me. [5] I am the Lord , and there is none else, there is
no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:

*Cyrus was called of God and he was given an assignment to do by God*.

*God even promised him blessings and mighty works but the lord said although he doesn't know me*.

*Cyrus was a system and that assignment was designed for only him*.

Men like Cyrus may be sinners, native doctors or anything you can imagine but God must guide the
process through which he must fulfil his purpose on earth.

Cyrus can not die even in a war because he was a system.

He choice to serve God or not won't stop the fulfilment of prophecy, If you *Dishonour Cyrus as a
believer because you think you speak in tongues* all the promises listed in Isaiah 45 will *NEVER

*Did it occur to you that even after Christ death* the blessing Christ gave to us was the same blessings
he pronounced over Abraham?

It means like as long as heaven was concerned any man that must enjoy that blessing given to Abraham
must identify with him.

They are cities today that prosper because they identify with Israel.

*If you are fund of dishonoring people because you don't see their signs today, you will never be big
in life*.

Can I shock you a little?😂😂😂

Do you know that the secret of long life on earth is honour?

Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God
giveth thee. (Exodus 20:12|KJV.

Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) (Ephesians 6:2|KJV.

The first commandment that ever came with a promise is called *Honour*.
Until the word *Honour* was mentioned there was no price tied to obedience.

Its was after Honour was mentioned a promise came

Old testament, new testament.

Honour is a key to inheritance.

See *even if people from other religion fail to accept Christ and they Honour there parents* they
can/will never die young.

The reasons Christians are praying for long life is because of dishonour, If you Honour your parents no
accident/witch can kill you.

Anything you dishonour you have limited yourself

Whether you are a new creation or old creation. *Honour cuts across the divide*.

If at all you have dishonored people in your life, if you can remember them please go and apologize if
you can't just cry out to God.

If you like be confessing I am the righteousness of God in the mist of dishonour.

You will only get to 80years and discovered your existence was measured into time.

*I will stop here today... I just pray this help someone answer some questions*

You can claim to know more or choose to learn. The choice is yours.

*Honour is a key to inheritance*.

If you have questions😊😊😊please do well to ask, I will answer you ones I am free

To all those who participated in today's class😊😊😊

From my heart I love you.

To those who have choosen to read only😂😂 God is watching you, I still love you.

To those who will never comment, may God told your heart today 😊😊. I love you.

To all the admins, I love you.

Next class if I come online before the 12th and am free I will teach on *How to Honour men*.

I love you friends.

*I will like to get feedbacks from you*

Please tell me how this teachings bless you.

©Daniel Robinson

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