Eng219's Online Test (Thursda 24 June 2021)

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School of Foreign Languages

SCORE: ____/100
Online Test

Academic Year: 2020-2021, Term II

Course Code: ENG219 Course Title: Business Communication

Faculty’s Name: Sao Chantola Faculty’s Signature:

Dean: PAY Chheng How Session: Evening

Date: 24 June 2021 Duration: 30 Minutes

Student’s Name: Soun Sereyoudom… Student’s Signature:………...

Student’s ID: 60-17-
08-33 Major: ....International Business............

All students are expected to be familiar with the exam regulations, which include
the following:
(1) No use of a handphone or any other electronic device, apart from approved
calculators; (2) no cheating; (3) no documents or bags to be brought into the exam
room; (4) no communicating with other students in the exam room; (5) no leaving
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must sit in the assigned seat.
All students must comply with the Exam Regulations. Failure to do so will mean
that the student will be asked to stop the exam and the paper will be given zero

Unit7: Making decision (15 points)

Does having more time produce better decision? Why? Or do you decide faster and more wisely
when under pressure?
For me I think yes, because when we have more time we can think a lot of idea and we will have
time to choose the correct decision making but it also depending on the situation. Sometime
having more time also make us feel stress when we don’t have more ideas.
SCORE: ____/100
Once you have a rough outline, you can go back later to tie up any loose ends on specific points. It’s
often a pleasant surprise to discover that the Quick Step approach helps you make better decisions

faster. Eventually, it becomes a habit. Work on speeding up the process for small decisions to free up
time for the big-picture decisions that really matter. When you make good business 2

decisions quickly, you have a significant advantage over those who take a lot of time making up their

Match the adjectives in the box to the following statements. There are three extra adjectives that
won’t be used. The first one is done as an example. (15 points)

Detached, determined, indecisive, methodical, instinctive, flexible, outgoing,

thoughtful, creative, self-contained, focused, pragmatic, tactful, impulsive

1. I am not influenced by other people or my emotions: _______detached________

2. I always do things in a careful and well-ordered way: ______ instinctive __________
3. I find it hard to make up my mind about things: ___________methodical_______
4. I focus on what I want to do and don’t let anyone stop me:
5. I do things based on my own feelings: ________impulsive________________
6. I am happy to change my plans when necessary to suit my friends’: ____ flexible _____
7. I am confident and friendly: ______________outgoing__________
8. I like to think about things carefully: ________thoughtful_____________
9. I can produce new thing using my imagination: _____ creative ________________
10. I depend on myself: ______self-contained___________
11. I pay attention to what I am doing: ________ focused ___________

Unit 9: Employees (15 points)

What would encourage staff to stay in a job? Show 5 reasons
Recognize their efforts.
Keep challenging them.
Keep lines of communication open.
Empower them to make decisions.

Foster and reward employee development.
Match the words / phrases in the box to the following definitions. The first one is done as an
example. (15 points)

Invest in, resourcing, appoint, job mobility, promote, redeploy, staff turnover,
staff development, get on, ability, vacancy, retain

1. Keep rather than lose something: _________retain__________

2. An essential job that a country is looking for someone to do:
3. Spend money on something you think is useful: ______invest in_______________
4. Providing something that is needed: _________resourcing___________
5. Choose someone for a job: ______appoint__________
6. Be able to move easily from one job to another: ________job modify____________
7. Moe someone to a more senior job: _________promote___________
8. Move someone to a different job: ________redeploy___________
9. The rate at which people leave a company and are replaced by others:
10. The way in which companies help workers get better at their jobs:
11. Br successful in your career: ______get on_______________
12. Level of skill: _____ability___________

Unit10: New business (15 points)

What attract people to starting up their own business? Raise briefly 5 reasons
_ 1. Each day at the office will be motivating.
When you’re working for someone else, it can be tough to find the motivation to do the best possible
work. No matter how much work you put in, the owners of the company will get the ultimate
2. You’ll be following your passions.

Many entrepreneurs start their own business to follow their dreams and fulfill their passion.
Following your dreams will fulfill you in a way that working for someone else may not do. You are
in charge of creating your business from the ground up, so you can shape your company to be
something you’re proud of and that you may even be able to pass on to your children as your legacy.
3. You can pursue social justice or support non-profits.
One of the most fulfilling parts of becoming an entrepreneur is setting up your company for social
gain. You can opt to support non-profits, charities, or community efforts with your profits. Or you
can set up your business to solve a problem in your community or in the world at large – whatever
your passion may be.
4. You can achieve financial independence.
Many people commit to starting a business with the dream of financial comfort. While it’s true that
getting your company off the ground can take grit and result in some lean times while you’re getting
started, the ultimate goal of being your own boss is cultivating financial independence. With
determination and hard work, there’s no cap on how lucrative your own business can be. If you
aspire to build wealth, there’s no reason why you can’t achieve that goal.
5. You can control your lifestyle and your schedule.
Perhaps you’ve spent years in the corporate world and you feel ready to turn over a new leaf after
years of reporting to a superior. Starting your own business can give you a more flexible lifestyle and
schedule so you don’t feel like you’re running in circles on that corporate hamster wheel.

What are the challenges when people start up their businesses? Raise briefly 5 challenges (10
1. Fierce Competition
The corporate world is quite fierce. There is always a competition going on between the giants.
Competition poses one of the biggest challenges for the survival of startup businesses. And if you
have an online business startup, the competition gets tougher.
2. Unrealistic Expectations 5

Success does not come alone. It brings expectations with it. Most of the times, these expectations
seem realistic, but in the real sense of the word, are merely unrealistic. This same concept holds true
for young startups.
3. Hiring Suitable Candidates
One of the most important factors that define organizational culture within a startup company is the
synergy of the team. A team comprises of individuals with similar capabilities and identical focus. In
order to develop a highly successful team culture, organizations in general.
4. Partnership Decision Making
Partnership is the essence of success. And this logic holds true for startups as well. In this ever-
expanding where organizations need to battle hard for their survival, startups also find it difficult to
find trustworthy partners. It’s really a big challenge for startups today. And as far as tech startups are
concerned, stakes in partnership are much higher for them.
5. Financial Management
Money begets money. Remember the fact that when income increases, the expenditures also
increase. There is no doubt about it. One of the biggest challenges that startups face today relates to
financial management.
Unit12: Change (15 points)
Match the words in the box to the following definitions. There are two extra words in the box
that won’t be used.
adapt, oppose, affect, react, accept, ignore, neutral

1. Respond to something by showing feelings or taking action: ____react_____________

2. Cause a change in someone or something: ________effect__________
3. Agree to do something that has been suggested: _______accept____________
4. Refuse to accept or comply with something: ________ignore________________
5. Become used to different environment or new way of doing things: ______adapt_______

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