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Maria Soliman

Mr. Graham


26 July 2021

The Theme Of Identity: An Annotated Bibliography

Friedersdorf, Conor. “'Please Don't Convert to Whiteness'.” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media

Company, 25 Aug. 2020,


This essay is about fighting racism in a new country. Johann N. Neem is an

immigrant that is persistent in keeping his culture. The essay speaks about how hard it is

to be a person of colour in a predominantly white area. Nevertheless, Neem kept his

culture which is a crucial part of his identity. In the same way, we should fight as hard to

keep our identity the way it is supposed to be. Especially when it comes to such a big

part of who we are.

Hall, Michael, and Robin Miles. Red: A Crayon's Story. Library Ideas, LLC, 2018.

In This children’s book, Hall writes about a red crayon, who actually draws blue.

Red thinks that he’s supposed to draw red but in actuality, he’s meant to draw blue. Now

even a children’s book like this can have a deeper meaning. Identity is about who we

are, not who people think we are supposed to be. Our identity is based on us, and

therefore our opinions are the only ones that matter. Red discovers that his identity was

actually blue. We can discover our identity by doing the things we love.

Hosseini, Khaled. The Kite Runner. Anchor Canada, 2003.

The Kite Runner shows us how identity can change for the better. In the book,

Amir was a coward and was afraid during his childhood, as the book progressed, he

started to stand up for the people he loves and worked on fixing his relationships. We
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should also work hard to fix things that we can be better at. For example, I can work on

my organizational skills, then being organized will be part of my identity. We are our

identity and therefore we can change our identity.

Renner, Nausicaa, et al. “How Social Media Shapes Our Identity.” The New Yorker, The New

Yorker, 8 Aug. 2019,

This article talks about the effects that social media can have on our identity. As

we study the theme of identity, we need to know and understand the different things that

can affect it; social media being one of them. Social media is a rather popular method of

communication, posting entertainment etc. nowadays that we also should know the

effects that it has on us and our identity.

Thomas, Angie. The Hate u Give. Balzer + Bray, an Imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, 2017.

This is one of the best books about the theme of identity. In the book, Starr faces

several identity crises because she doesn’t know whether she fits in with the white kids

at school or the black kids in her neighbourhood. As a result of her identity crisis, she

avoids speaking out when her best friend was shot. By the end of the book, Starr had

found her true identity. This is a really good book that fits in with the theme of identity as

just like Starr, sometimes we are afraid but the best thing to do is to accept who we really

are; our true identity.

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