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Child taking albuterol for asthma not in control now next treatment will act on
steroid receptor (correct )

Q> Age 18 months 3 episodes of renal usg(correct )

or cystoscopy.

then ask which test will tell about cause VCUG .

2 consecutive question...

Q. CHF pt lisinopril , diuretics still symptoms...which you will give...digoxin....

same UWorld concept

In acute cases digoxin has no role

Q. Pt has pneumonia using azithromycin now develop polymorphic ventricular

tachycardia...which drug caused...azithromycin (correct )

Q. Clopidogrel side effect bleeding (correct )

Q. Ash leaf spot.pic..question what pt most likely develop....axillary frecking

or skin cancer other options too, Cadiac tumour (correct )

Q. Classical sepsis with low bp , high grade fever , nbs IV fluids 0.9 % saline

Q. Autistic child most likely develop....major depression(correct )

or odd or ADHD

Q. Ball hits on index finger...finger now will you manage.. Splint
Q. Scaphoid fracture managemnt... spica cast and repeat xray after 2 weeks

Q. Major depression...after husband died...sertraline

Q. 50 year old male with pelvic pain and fever and history of UTIs tx : prostatis
tmp SMX for 6 weeks

Q. Prostate cancer diagnosed surgery was done follow up with

weekly U/S
Digital rectal examination
PSA level (correct)

Q. emergency old age male with active smoking history for 30 years with sudden
abdominal pain classical Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm..NBS operative
repair(correct )
CT scan


Q. Bp increased in obese male 3 times high blood pressure measurements most

effective way to decrease BP is Weight loss (correct )

Q.patient with low ef and symptoms of pulmonary edema tx

furosemide (correct )

Q.Celiac disease case diarhea sensitive ti gluetin , skin rashes first line treatment
dietry modification (correct )

Multiple sclerosis ...prognosis.... Eye pain (correct ) , paraplegia , incontinence

Acute develops hepatic encephalopathy..inr deranged...liver
Recall indications of LIver transplantation .

CCS cases (Same from recalls ) easy

1)Pulmonary embolism

2) Baby with left thigh abscess



5)G6PD Deficiency

6)4 year Baby with Fever

7) Rhabdomyolysis

8)Ruptured aortic aneurysm

9)Newly diagnosed DM

10)Trichomonas Vaginalis with elder abuse

11) Barrets Esophagus

12)Subarachnoid Haemorrhage

13)Acute Sinusitis

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