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Kia Rodriguez

Educ 204
I Believe
I believe in focusing on the positive. This may seem like a boring and common belief but the

reason behind it is something that drives my everyday life and is something that was forcefully

instilled in me as a child. Growing up I saw my parents’ lives come crashing down when both

decided to give up their dreams to become parents, and even worse army parents. My Mother

became extremely depressed and hated everything about her life and my father was deployed

to much for me to truly know how he felt. It wasn’t until my parents got divorced and started

chasing their dreams that I actually saw them smile more, talk more, and enjoy life more. I

often found myself analyzing their lives and thinking about how I want mine to go in

comparison to theirs. I soon realized that when ever my parents spoke about their lives they

talked about negatively. They never talked about their good times when I was younger because

most of their good times was when I was older, and they were able to go do things separately. I

couldn’t help but feel sad for them because we were given the chance to have so many amazing

experiences and yet their lives are heavy set on how miserable they were. So now when I talk

about events in my past I try to talk more about the good things in my personal life because

those things are what makes me, me! Not only that but the experiences I’ve had in my life is

something I want to be grateful for. When I talk about living in Germany, I never talk about how

that time was the worst in parents’ marriage. I talk about the amazing opportunities I was given

while living there. My parents always talk about how I’m such a ray of sunshine despite the
problems I was faced with when I was young and the truth is that I don’t forget those things but

I chose to ignore them because I know that I am bless for what I have done and what I am going

to do. I know my future is bright and I will continue to be positive and always do my best.

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