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Name: NIWANNE, Chrysler Von T.

Date Submitted: April 9, 2021

BSCE CEM 2A ENG GEO 7:30-8:30 (MWF)


Answer the following questions:

1. Explain the Manila Bay Rehabilitation that occurred in 2020. Do you agree to the project,
 In the past, Manila Bay has beautiful view which never seen today. Its waters
appear bluer than ever and trees around the bay but today, many informal
settlers have positioned their homes in line to Manila Bay. Dozens of people
jumped into its water daily, until it became far too contaminated to do so and the
improper disposal of waste have led to the “landfill” such as plastic bags and
clear bottles. Because of this situation, the Department of Environmental and
Natural Resources or DENR, together with concerned agencies, and local
government conducted a Manila Bay Rehabilitation Program which will be start of
restoration and rehabilitation of Manila Bay. Through its 3 main phases, first
phase is the Cleanup/water quality improvement, second phase is the
rehabilitation and resettlement, and lastly is the education and sustainment.
 Yes, I agree with this project because from the year started the program, we can
see on YouTube and Television the different accomplishment done by the
government agencies and private sectors and the its effects. Through this efforts,
Manila Bay is gradually turned to its beautiful view like before. Now, the plastics
garbage’s floating in the sea has been lessen than before; the black sands turn
to white and some part of the Manila Bay, the DENR put a dolomite sands; the
aquatic animals such as fishes and birds are turn back; the sea were turn to blue;
and the established solar-powered STP (Sewerage Treatment Plant) which can
treat over 500,000 liters of wastewater.

2. What is the difference between Stalagmites and Stalactites?

 Stalactites hold tight to the ceiling and stalagmites might touch the ceiling.” In
other words, stalactites form on the roofs of caves and dangle downward like
rocky icicles. Stalagmites, in contrast, are based on the floor and stretch
upwards, only occasionally coming into contact with the overhanging ceiling.

 According to the Oxford English Dictionary, When rain seeps through limestone,
the water extracts carbon dioxide gas from the rock. What results is a weak
carbonic acid that penetrates the stone and deposits a patch of calcite on the
caves’ roof. As the water continues dripping, more and more calcite is added to
the spot, eventually producing a lengthy stalactite.

3. “What may be possible effects of weathering processes typical of the area on the construction
materials” Explain this in your own words.
 The possible effects of weathering process especially on construction materials are
high temperature, more intense precipitation occurrence, and changes in timing of
rainfall and length of season. These possible effects can damage the construction
materials of the house which can leads to erosion of the building, loss of durability
and strengths, reduce the structural integrity of building components through
mechanical, chemical and biological degradation. Changes in the timing and spatial
distributions of seasonal can affect the surface leaching and the moisture balance
that influences material decay process.

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