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ent. inear Algebra* ‘step, (5) To call attention tothe computational aspect ier. (6) To in very die However, here the word “transversal” will be used 3. Matrices of Zeros and Ones The subject of SDR’s is frequently treated in the context of matrices of 0's and I's. The incidence matrix of the family Q of subsets of E is the mat A= [ay], ie, jeQ, such that ayy= if ej, and ay A matching in a matrix is a subset of its positions i, ) such that first indices (rows) of members are all different and second indices (columns) of members are all different. A transversal (column transversal) of & matrix is a matching in the matrix which has a member in each column. The product of the entries of @ trans. versal, we call a transversal product each, ning ibed as ing itis JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the Notional Bureau of Standards—B. Mathematics and Mathematical Physics edge Vl 718, No 4 Gcsber-Deconber 1067 ongtthe saning node is +E) by . an Systems of Distinct Representatives and general aie | Jack Edmonds a te Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234 eighted | (November 16, 1966) bored Some purpose ofthis paper are: () To ake seriously the erm, “tera ank," 2) To make an isu comp | of no "eamancing os and alan” by no “asaging them he fe pce, (To poe The Suercal are of Grama rl. To uate ani rcleanee of aunbe oor ee of work depends onthe tout of work St Sb, aspect where these les bing an nance of la ns a deserbe an SDR tance of thes on exenel ensures ha wees nin visio ferent aye than does oul uninoddar they. he ecelng paper, Onley Bence, de ton Coe Serbs Uterine of ta ead it pp Key Words: Algorithms, combinatorics, indeterminates, linear algebra, matrids, systems of ae iinet represen ake fears —— 1. Introduction However, The wellknown concept of term rank [5, 6)! is * shown here to he a special case of linear-algebra rank. Thie observation is used to provide a simple linear “1. Mas, slgebra proof ofthe wellknown SDR theorem. Except 5 for familiar linear algebra, the paper is self-contained. don with Incidentally to SDIs, an algorithm ie presented for wes Nw. computing the determinant or the rank of any matrix ex, er any integral domain. Iisa vatiation of Gaussian otherwise $22°%., ie. leas) elimination which hae eertan odverae sbinatoril [tis observed to be an interestingly bad algorithm for van) computing term rank, E°CL23| The final part of the paper discusses some simple th See? mmatroidal aspects of SDR’s. teri 2. Systems of Distinct Representatives 4-249) Let Q be any finite family of subsets of a finite set E. “Different” members of Q may be identical in content. The number of members of a family H is denoted by |#|. The union of the members of H is denoted by U(H). The SDR theorem says that it is possible to choose a different element from each mem: ber of if and only if there is no subfamily H of Q such that |H| > |U(@d)|. The “only if” part is obvious. A subset of E formed by choosing a different ele- ‘vent from each member of Q is called a system of distinct representatives of Q, or an SDR of Q. (Some: vlimes, such as in [1}, it is called a transversal of Q. “Toperkchictsahern grassy Urey of tn, On Clearly, Q has an SDR if and only if its incidence matrix 4’has @ L-valued transversal (or a. L-valued transversal product. In the context of 0,1 matrices the SDR theorem says that a matrix A=layf, ie, je0, of O's and I's has 4 Lvalued transversal if and only if there is no HCO and KCE such that |] >(K| and such thet 3 matrix [au], ieK, jel, contains all the 1's of submatrix ay), ie, je. 4, Permanents, Determinants, and Good Algorithms The maximum cardinality of @ nonzero-valued ‘matching (matching having no zero entries) in any matrix 4 is well-known as the term rank 114) of A. 241 Clearly 114) is the maximum cardinality of a subset of columns of 4 which has a nonzero-valued trans- versal. Thus the term rank of a family of sets is de- fined to be the maximum cardinality of a subfamily which has an SDR. Clearly r(4) equals the maximum order of a square submatrix of A which has a nonzero-valued transversal. ‘The permanent of a square matrix is defined to be the sum of all its transversal products. Thus (4), for a nonnegative matrix 4, equals the maximum order of a submatrix of A with non-zero permanent. The perma. nent of a square 0,1 matrix is the number of l-valued transversals of the matrix, A good algorithm is not known for computing the permanent of any square 0,1 matrix (relative to the order of the matrix as the “size” of input). For an algorithm to he good we mean that there is a poly- nomial function fin) which for every n is an upper bound on the “amount of work” the algorithm does for any input of “size” n. ‘The tansversals of any square matrix partition uniquely into two classes such that any two trans- versals which differ by just two positions (of each) are in different classes. (The proof is left to the reader.) The determinant of a Square matrix with a prescribed 1-1 correspondence between rows and columns, ive., with a prescribed transversal, is defined to be the sum of transversal products over whichever of these classes contains the prescribed transversal minus the sum of transversal products over the other clas A very remarkable formal property of determinants, of say integers, is that there exists a good algorithm for computing them—a version of Gaussian elimination which we will describe in section 7, It is also remark- able that there exists a good algorithm, the same one as above, for computing the linear-algebra rank of any matrix of say integers. The largest number of digits of an entry as well as the dimensions of the matrix must of course he figured somehow into the measure of “size” of possible inputs to the algorithm. For example, the “size” of an input may be taken to be the maximum of these numbers, or may be taken to be a vector consisting of these several numbers. [An algorithm which is good in the sense used here is not necessarily very good from a practical viewpoint. However, the good-versus-not-good dichotomy is useful. It is easily formalized (say, relative to a Turing machine, or relative to a typical digital computer with an unlimited supply of tape), and usually it is easily recognized informally. Within limitations it does have practical value, and it does admit refinements to “how 00d” and “how bad.” The classes of problems which are respectively known and not known to have good algorithms are very interesting theoretically. Good algorithms, not Gaussian elimination, are well- known for computing the term rank of any 0,1 matrix. For instance see a remark in section 8 of this paper together with [3]. We shall see that Gaussian elimina- tion is also an algorithm for computing term rank. 1... 5. Rank Aron pint of this paper is the following obser 40) of vatton Tae in (i]uses theseme iden ina deaperet {gre ‘Tusonem 1. The term ronk of 0.1 mainte A, the same. as the linearalaebra rank ofthe matng @ tbvained by replacing the 1's in A by distinct nde terminates (over any integral domain). here 0 Several “numbers” are called indeterminates if , Th oe mE a cle Indeterminate | Treo egnyeRae a eeepc Ra OOF OF THEOREM 1. The linear-algebra rank 2 imate equals the maximum order of «minor wig S278 nonzero determinant. (A minor of a matrix is a sub. 7° % 4 matrix with a. prescribed 1-1 correspondence tween its rows and columns.) The determinant of a minor is a linear combination, with +1’s and —1’s ’ Coefficients, of alts transversal. products. Thus Where the entries are. zeros. and distinct indeterm | hates, a determinant is nonzero if and only if one or | TeTa" more of its transversal products is nonzero, End of | “&0rith proof. PRoo in Aas 6. A Linear-Algebra Proof of the SDR Theorem Suppose a matrix 4 of zeros and distinct indetermi. simply nates has no transversal of nonzeros..Then, by Theorem Each of 1h its rank is less than the number of columns, so the | mentary columns ae linearly dependent. Let 4; bea submatrix the dete Consisting of a minimal dependent subset Hof the the row Columns of 4. Let ds be a submatrix consisting of ¢ rows. an maximal independent subset K of rows of dy, Since termine: row rank equals column rank, we have [?f](K[1. factor 0 fA has a column of all zeros then that column alous | of detex isa dependent set H, and K is empty. Otherwise,there anes th fa column vector + such that 4,2 ie all zeros and such by e, an that the components of are nonzero polynomials in another the entries of determi If any row, a, of 4s, not in de, contained one or By it mote indeterminates, then ax would be a polynomial minents function of indeterminetes, equal to zero, bit at identically zero. Tlence, the rows of dy, not in 4s, Gontain only zeros. End of proof 7. ABad Algorithm for Term Rank at 10, ‘Theorem 1 also suggests using Gaussian elimination ‘hi mi as an algorithm for computing term rank. With he "!* Skeuse of trying to give this approach every posible a4, Gdvantage,. wer desenbe an ‘improved. version of (“230 Gaussian elimination (possibly due to Gauss). ev "The rank of any matrix 4°, or the determinent of any matrix 4° (with mutually corresponding index fet), with entries from an integral domain, ean be Computed as follows. On th Inch steph beining wih k= tan «ye eine matrix 4*=(at] from 4*-!=[aty, by’ fist choosing ma cor cll by and some olan, ell HO, neither of them chosen on previous steps and such th aslo” 0. The algorithm stops when this i= 90 because longer possible. and aby 242 7 & obser. ne rit A's ct inde. nates if intogral * 80 the ubmateix, H of the se, there and sich vials in done or }ynomial Dut not vt in As, nk imination With the possible ‘The matrix 4*is determined as follows. Each row i(t), 1

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