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발표 준비가 완료되었습니다.

Kakao makes a better world with people and technology.

Profil Kelompok (Group Profile)

1. Andini Tak
NPM: 10120146
Position: Ketua Kelompok (Leader of group)
2. Fanny Limin
NPM: 10120396
Position: Anggota Kelompok (Member of group)
3. Yulyanti Putri
NPM: 11120182
Position: Anggota Kelompok (Member of group)

Kakao makes a better world with people and technology.

Nama Perusahaan (Company’s Name)

Nama perusahaan kami adalah Kakao Corp.

(The name of our company is Kakao Corp.)

Kakao makes a better world with people and technology.

Struktur Organisasi (Organizational Structure)

Kakao aims to maximize corporate values and

shareholders’ interest through corporate
management transparency.

There are four sub-committees (Audit Committee,

Directors Nominating Committee, Compensation
Committee and ESG Committee).

The chairmanship of the board is reserved for an

independent director in a bid to enhance the
corporate management transparency and ensure a
maximum increase in corporate values and
shareholders’ interest.
Jenis Struktur Organisasi (Types of Organizational Structures)

Jenis struktur organisasi kami adalah Struktur Fungsional (Functional Grouping ) dimana aktivitas organisasi diklasifikasikan ke
dalam beberapa kelompok sesuai dengan fungsinya masing-masing. Ada empat sub-komite di dalam organisasi kami yaitu:

1. Komite Audit ( Audit Committee )

• Meninjau dan menyetujui laporan keuangan (Review and approve financial statements).
• Meninjau dan Menyetujui aktivitas audit (Review and approve audit activities).
• Pemilihan auditor independen (Selection of independent auditors).

2. Komite Nominasi Direksi ( Directors Nominating Committee )

• memilih direktur dan memutuskan apakah mereka memenuhi syarat untuk dipilih kembali (Elect directors and decide whether
they are eligible for re-election).

3. Komite Kompensasi ( Compensation Committee )

• menetapkan remunerasi ketua dewan dan karyawan (Set remuneration of the chairman of the Board and employees)

4. Komite ESG ( ESG Committee )

• Menerapkan dan menilai strategi umum yang berkaitan dengan keberlanjutan perusahaan dan Masalah LST, dan memantau
inisiatif dan kebijakan berdasarkan strategi tersebut (Implement and assess general strategy relating to corporate sustainability
and ESG Matters, and monitor initiatives and policies based on that strategy).

Kakao makes a better world with people and technology.

VISI (Vision)

”Connect Everything”
Innovating the way we connect for a better tomorrow

33 N
MISI (Mission)

”Making a better
world with people
and technology.”

33 N

Thank You!

준비된 발표가 모두 완료 되었습니다.

Andini - Fanny Limin - Yulyanti Putri

잃어버린 학점 찾기 나의 학점 재설정

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