01.me8501-Mm - Model Exam - Set2

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Multiple Choice Questions (Answer All) (Max Marks-60)

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Which of the following is causedbycareless handling? * 1 point

Systematic error

Gross error

Random err or

None of the m entioned

Which of the following is notafundamental quantity? * 1 point




Lumi nous intensity

A system will be error free if weremoveall systematic error’. * 1 point



Which standard is fixed and usedforindustrial laboratories? * 1 point

International standard

Primary standard

Secondary standard

Working standard

Which of the following error is causedbypoor calibration of the 1 point

instrument? *

Random error

Gross error

Systematic error

Precision error
How systematic errors are eliminated * 1 point

Frequent measurement

Replacement of instrument

Finding mean of reading

Finding variance of reading

Which of the following represents anSIunit of luminous intensity? * 1 point




None of the mentioned

Starting position of an object isrepresentedas x=5.1±0.2m and 1 point

finishingposition asy=6.9±0.3m. What will be thedisplacementand error in

displacement? *

Displacement = 1m, Error = 0.5m

Displacement = 2m, Error = 0.36m

Displacement = 1.8m, Error = 0.36m

Displacement = 1.5m, Error = 0.4m

Uncertainty in quantity X is given byΔX.Then what will be the uncertainty in 1 point
quantityR for which R=c.X? *





‘Zero error is an indication ofinstrumental error’. * 1 point



Which of the following is true for checkingthe Relative perpendicular 1 point

motion of thelongitudinal and transverse carriage? *

The permissible error allowed is 0.005 mm in 2500 mm length.

This is checked using a slip gauges

Precision square of class I or 0 is used

Maximum error in precision error is of ± 10″ in squareness

What is the maximum permissible error inwear of centres? * 1 point

0.04 mm

0.03 mm

0.02 mm

0.01 mm
What is the least count of dial indicatorswhich can be calibrated using 1 point

passmeter? *

0.01 mm

0.03 mm

0.05 mm

0.07 mm

Which of the following option is incorrectwith respect to angle gauges? * 1 point

Sine bar is better than angle gauges

Angle gauges are made of high carb on high chromium steel

Angle gauges can measure the angle from 0 to 360 degrees

They are available in two sets of 13 and 16 gauges

How 34’ can be built by using anglegauges? * 1 point




In how many series the gauges can bedivided? * 1 point

What is the approximate size of anglegauges? * 1 point

76mm long and 16 wide

85mm long and 26 wide

16mm long and 75 wide

70mm long and 18 wide

What is the accuracy of master anglegauges? * 1 point

0.1 sec

1 sec

0.25 sec

3 sec

Which gauges are present in the first series(degree) of angle gauges? * 1 point

5°, 10°, 15°, 25° and 40°

1°, 3°, 9°, 27° and 41°

1°, 5°, 9°, 25° and 45°

5°, 10°, 15°, 30° and 45°

How many sets of angle gauges areavailable? * 1 point

Which of the following option is true forthe given statements?Statement 1: 1 point

Any angle up to 120o4’2’’ bemade by a direct combination of

anglegauges.Statement 2: Interferometry can be used tocalibrate angle
gauges. *

T, F

F, F

F, T

T, T

What are the two grades of angle gauges? * 1 point

Master and tool room

Precise and Normal

Standard and Industrial

High and low

How angle greater than 90° is measured? * 1 point

By repeating gauges

Using square plate

Using sine bar

Using auto collimator

Which of the following is not a gaugefrom standard B angle gauges? * 1 point





What is the unit of compactness of aregion? * 1 point



No units


For which of the following regions,compactness is minimal? * 1 point




Compactness is insensitive to orientation. * 1 point



Which of the following measures are notused to describe a region? * 1 point

Mean and median of grey values

Minimum and maximum of grey values

Number of pixels alone

Number of pixels above and below mean

We cannot use normalized area as one ofthe region descriptor. * 1 point



What is the study of properties of a figurethat are unaffected by any 1 point

deformation? *



Option 3Statistics

On which of the following operation of animage, the topology of the region 1 point
changes? *




Change in distance measure

Topological properties don’t depend on thedistance measures. * 1 point



What is the Euler number of a region withpolygonal network containing V,Q 1 point
and F asthe number of vertices, edges and facesrespectively? *





The texture of the region providesmeasure of which of the following 1 point

properties? *

Smoothness alone

Coarseness alone

Regularity alone

Smoothness, coarseness and regularity

Which of the following machine is used forrolling tests? * 1 point

Parkson gear tester

Tooth caliper

Base pitch measuring instrument

Involute profile testing machine

If reference circle of gear is eccentric thenwhich error is reflected by this 1 point

eccentricity? *

Cyclic error

Periodic error

Pitch error


Which of the following is the best for theexamination of surface finish? * 1 point

Touch inspection

Visual inspection

Scratch inspection

Microscopic inspe ction

Upto which limits irregularities can bedetected with touch inspection of a 1 point
surface? *

0.0001 mm

0.001 mm

0.01 mm

0.1 mm

Which of the following material is not usedfor rubbing on the surface to be 1 point
inspected inscratch inspection? *

Softer material

Hard material


Lead babbitt

Which of the following option is true forgiven statements about method 1 point
ofmeasurement of surface finish?Statement 1: Minute flaws can be
easilydetected by touch inspection.Statement 2: Direct instrument
measurementis enabled to determine a numerical value ofsurface finish. *

F, T

T, F

F, F

T, T
What is the limitation of microscopicinspection to check surface finish? * 1 point

An average value is needed

Small portion of surface can be detected at a time

A master finish surface is also needed

It is necessary to inspect whole surface together

In the method of microscopic inspectionwhat is the angle of beam light 1 point

with thework? *





Which of the following is true for a methodof measurement of surface 1 point

finish with surfacephotographs? *

Different type of illumination is needed

No effect of type of illumination

Same type of illumination is needed

Monochromatic light is needed

In case of vertical illumination inmeasuring surface finish with 1 point
surfacephotographs, which will appear as brightarea? *

Flat portion




Which of the following method usependulum in measuring the surface 1 point

finish? *

Micro interferometer

Wallace surface dynamometer

Reflected light intensity method

Microscopic inspection

Which of the following is not true for themethod of measurement of 1 point

surface finish bymicro interferometer? *

Optical flat is used

Monochromatic source of light is used

Depth of defect can’t be measured

Interference lines plays an important role in identification of the defect

Which of the following is the directmeasure of surface finish in Wallace 1 point
surfacedynamometer? *

Time of swing

Angle of swing

Length of swing

Height of swing

Which of the following is a destructivemethod in measuring surface finish? 1 point


Gloss measurement

Taper sectioning

Diffraction technique

Micro interferometer

In liquid in steel bulb thermometer, whichliquid can be used for measuring 1 point
temperatureup to 6000 C? *




None of the mentioned

Which of the following is used asindication instrument in a liquid 1 point
expansionsystem? *


Bourdon tube



Which of the following is true forbimetallic type thermometer? * 1 point

Two metals have same temperature coefficients

Two metals have different temperature coefficient

One metal is cooled always

None of the mentioned

Analogous quantities of heat flow andtemperature in electrical are 1 point

_____________and _______________ *

Potential and current

Current and potential

Power and potential

Current and power

Ratio of net amount of heat received andstored in the body for certain 1 point
time interval isknown as _________________ *


Thermal coefficient

Thermal storage capacity

None of the mentioned

Resistance temperature detector is a * 1 point

electrical transducer

mechanical transducer

chemical transducer

physical transducer

Sensing element in the thermometer mustprovide ________ * 1 point

small change in resistance

no change in resistance

large change in resistance

infinite change in resistance

Platinum is used for industrial applicationsbecause ________ * 1 point

it is cheap

it is available readily

it is a noble metal

it gives accurate measurements

Most metallic conductors have a ________ * 1 point

neutral temperature coefficient of resistance

negative temperature coefficient of resistance

positive temperature coefficient of resistance

zero temperature coefficient of resistance

How can corrosion be prevented in aresistance thermometer? * 1 point

by immersing the setup in oil

by enclosing the elements in a glass tube

by using guard rings

by painting the elements

The compressed air is delivered to thepneumatic system through the air 1 point
compressor *


Which part of the Pneumatic system storesthe compressed air? * 1 point

Air dyer

Air Compressor

Air Receiver Tank

Air Lubricator


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