Place (Paris, France)

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--- MIPA 1.4 ---

1. Agatha Novi Febriyanti (01)

2. Alwan Jauza Putradiarta (02)
3. Alyana Windya Shafira (03)

Task : Analyze the elements of the story


-Place (Paris, France)

a) Mr. And Mrs. Loisel's apartment
b) Madame Forestier's house
c) The ministry ballroom
d) The quay
e) The Palais Royal (jewelery shop)
f) The Champs Élysées
g) The Rue des Martyrs

-Time (1880’s)
a) The days before the party (On January)
b) The evening of monday January 18th (the day of the party)
c) At the end of one week (the days after the party)
d) At the end of ten years
e) One sunday (10 years after the party)

-Social Condition
Mathilde Losiel and her husband were a poor clerk but she had the desire to be wealthy,
wanted so much to charm and to be envied. Mathilde Loisel wanted to look luxurious to be
considered like a rich person.


-Mathilde Loisel
Greedy, ungrateful, responsible, irritable, envious, and hard worker.

-Monsieur Loisel
Loving, patient, obedient, responsible, hard worker, and thrifty.
-Madame Forestier
Helpful and generous.


Chronological plot

-Exposition / Orientation
(Paragraph 1-6)
Mathilde and her husband were poor people. They always dress plainly because they don't
have enough money. She had a desire to be wealthy like her friend. She wanted so much to
charm, to be envied, to be desired and sought after.

(Paragraf 7-24)
The trouble started when Mathilde Louisel and Monsieur Louisel received an fancy party
invitation. Mathilde got angry and asked the monsieur to extend the invitation to her friend.
Mathilde explained tearfully that she didn't have a pretty dress and jewelry to wear. Finally,
Monsieur gave the money he was saving to give to Mathilde.
The next day, Mathilde whined because she had no jewelery. Her husband asked Mathilde to
borrow it from her friend, Madame Forestier. Mathilde went straight to Madame Forestier's
house and borrowed the jewelry that she considered the most expensive.

-Rising action
(Paragraf 25-32)
Mathilde became a queen at the party. Her pretty dress and diamond necklace around her
neck caught the attention of many people. She danced wildly, with passion, drunk on pleasure,
and forgetting everything in the triumph of her beauty.
When Mathilde and her husband were leaving, they could not find a single cab. Finally, they
walked to the quay and found a cab there. They were dropped off at their door in the Rue des
Martyrs, then walked to the apartment.

(Paragraf 33-43)
When Mathilde looked in the mirror, she found that her necklace was not hanging around
her neck. She burst into tears, then told her husband. Monsieur immediately searched for the
taxi he had been riding earlier, while Mathilde checked between her dress and jacket, but the
necklace was not found. Monsieur came home and said that he didn't find the cab they were
riding earlier, he has also reported to the police. After that, Monsieur instructed Mathilde to
write a letter for Madame Forestier, notifying her that her necklace was being repaired because it
was slightly damaged.

-Falling action
(Paragraf 44-61)
Mathilde bought a new necklace to replace the one she lost and gave it to Madame Foretier.
After that she worked invarious jobs to pay off her debt of thirty-six thousand francs. While her
husband worked every evening and often , late into the night. And this life lasted ten years.

(Paragraf 62-70)
Ten years later Mathilde Loisel met with Madame Forestier in the Champs Élysées. Mathilde
was telling the truth that Madame Forestier’s necklace was missing and she bought a new one for
thirty-six thousand francs. Madame Forestier was shocked because her necklace was fake,
Madame Forestier bought it for five hundred francs.

-Third Person with omniscient point of view

- Don’t be something we are not, be gratefull for what we have. Trully poor is better than
pretending to be rich.
- We must always remember that whatever we sow, we shall reap in the future. When we have a
problem over what we’ve done, we must confront and resolve it. Don’t run away from any
troubles because it only solves when we are responsible.
- If you borrow something, take good care of it and return it as soon as you no longer need it.

Candor, friendship, and responsibility.

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