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By Aavish M. Barapatre

The project involves development of a web service able to collect data from Indian Oil
employees. This data basically is about who has been vaccinated (COVID-19) or not. This
data will be useful to the individual employees so as to know who all are vaccinated around
them. This project is proposed to replace the existing system which was very much manual.
The advantage of this application is that it will reduce human efforts and time for manual
entry of every single person at a time and also it will help employees to supervise their
colleagues whether they have taken the vaccine or not. This application will be personalized
through email automation for basic remainders to the employees like when they are ready to
take another dose, or if they haven’t filled up the details, etc.

This project is divided in 2 phases:
1. Development of web service to collect user data
2. Email automation based on the input of the user.

1. Development of web service to collect user data

The data will first be taken from user through an inbuilt form. This data will basically
be about when have they taken their dose, which vaccine are they administering, their
beneficiary Id, doctor’s name who vaccinated them, the facility where they got
vaccinated, any details of side effects they have, its details and remarks if any. Rest of
the details like employee’s name, his age, his department, city, etc. will be taken from
SAP (for now dummy SAP data).

2. Email automation based on the input of the user.

Now based on the input of the users the email triggering will start.
The cases that will trigger emails.
 If the user hasn’t signed up / no record of vaccination in database, then he will be
mailed every week reminding him to fill up the form.
 If the user has taken first dose and the date for next dose has arrived, then 2-3 day in
advance he will be getting an email for that.
The data that users will be inputting will be part confidential and will be part public. Also
there will be login, password reset, forgot password features like a normal portal service
Will also try to put in some data visualization through pie charts as well.


1. Like the this application will be able to collect
data but will be able to share with employees as well. This application will have a
view which will consist of other employee’s vaccination status. A user can read the
details of employee’s vaccination like dates of his doses, where was he vaccinated,
which vaccine he is administering, his department, city, etc. Details like beneficiary id
will be confidential.
2. The benefit of getting these details public is that every employee can be aware who all
are vaccinated around them. And if someone is not vaccinated, this kind of situation
can be handled by his pears only.
3. Also, this will be beneficial while collecting data department wise.


The scope of this project is limited to office employees only but can be expanded to all the
Indian Oil employees as well.


Platform for development of application: Microsoft ASP.NET Core
Database server: Microsoft SQL Server Express
For email triggering schedulers will be used.

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