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2 The Calvert County Times Thursday, July 29, 2021

COMMUNITY 10 Crosswalks are part of the Complete Streets Plan



Dunkirk Town Center is defined by four shopping centers. CSM joins Vax challenge




Burris’ Olde Towne Insurance

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County Times
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St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County
For staff listing and emails, see page 23
Thursday, July 29, 2021 The Calvert County Times Local News 3

Calvert Nets $20 Million in COVID Relief Grants

By Dick Myers businesses, to improve telework
Editor capabilities for public employees,
Calvert County has received for food programs, for personal
more than $20 million in grants protective equipment, economic
to combat the effects of the CO- support, housing support, public
VID-19 pandemic. The Calvert health support, unemployment
County Board of County Commis- benefits, facilitate distance learn-
sioners (BOCC) was given a sta- ing, and assistance to the towns
tus report at their July 27 meeting of Chesapeake Beach and North
on how that money was used. Beach.
According to a briefing from In addition, the county received
Acting Director of Finance and other grants for economic assis-
Budget Sharon Strand, “On March tance, including emergency rental
17, 2020, Calvert County declared assistance, aid to restaurants and
a local state of emergency due the hospitality industry, other aid
to the effects of the Coronavi- to the tourism industry, and on-
rus. The United States Treasury line sales and telework COVID
appropriated funds to the State relief. The economic relief grants
of Maryland in the form of the totaled more than $4 million.
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Eco- Food distribution grants totaled
nomic Security (CARES) Act. $279,000 and went to help End
The State of Maryland appropri- Hunger in Calvert County pro-
ated these funds to various state grams and to the Office on Aging.
and local agencies in an effort to The Federal Emergency Man-
cover any necessary expenditures agement Agency (FEMA) award-
incurred due to the public health ed $1.4 million in seven different Commissioner board with new member Chris Gadway at upper left.
emergency.” project grants.
The largest amount received, Other awards included $3.2 mil- There’s a little less than $500,000 ies received by county govern-
a little over $8 million, was in lion in CARES transportation unspent but earmarked, including ment were in addition to the $11.5
CARES Act funding for things grants, $1.7 million for career monies for rent and mortgage as- million received by Calvert Coun-
like diverting personnel and ser- EMS personnel, and grants from sistance, medical costs at the de- ty Public Schools (The County
vices to other uses, to pay for the Department of Housing and tention center and an Emergency Times, July 22 edition).
public health and safety employ- Urban Development and Federal Management Program Grant.
ees, to provide assistance to small Transit Administration. The $20 million in grant mon-

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4 Local News The Calvert County Times Thursday, July 29, 2021

Two New Ethics

Commission Members
Replace Chairman and Former Chair

Friday August 6th Commissioner Kelly McConkey

Gates Open 4:00 PM By Dick Myers to approve the county’s new com-
Trial Runs 6:00 PM
Editor prehensive plan.
The Calvert County Board of The ethics commission, then
Racing Starts 7:00 PM County Commissioners (BOCC) chaired by Mazur, eventually
has appointed two new members ruled that McConkey had made
to the county’s ethics commission. an ethics violation, stating “your
Saturday August 7th Sonya Butler has been appointed participation in that vote consti-
to replace commission secretary tutes a textbook conf lict of inter-
Gates Open 2:00 PM Jennifer Mazur, who was formerly est.” The commission censured
the commission chairperson. Ac- McConkey instead of issuing a
Trial Runs 5:00 PM cording to a document supplied milder reprimand.
Racing Starts 6:00 PM by the BOCC, Mazur chose not to McConkey’s vote on the Hun-
seek reappointment. tingtown Town Center is also one
Alternate commission member of the key issues in a suit filed
Lisa Alscott has been appointed against the county seeking to
as a regular member to replace overturn the comprehensive plan
commission chairperson, Wayne vote. That suit is now before the
Millette, who resigned. Maryland Court of Appeals.
Thomas McClaren has been McConkey consistently criti-
appointed as an alternate to fill cized Mazur, alleging a conf lict
Alscott’s position. of interest because she spoke to a
The BOCC recently increased reporter about the case. The ethics
the size of the ethics commission commission upheld her actions.
from three to five members. The McConkey sued the commis-
other members are Brian Fair- sion and Mazur, but a judge ruled
weather, Mel Powell, and Vice against him on all counts.
Chairman Matthew S. Raymer. McConkey also filed a “Petition
The ethics commission has been for Judicial Review” on Dec. 22,
embroiled in controversy in recent 2020, in Calvert County Circuit
years since the filing of an ethics Court through his attorney Steven
complaint against Commissioner Preller seeking to overturn the
Kelly McConkey over his vote to ethics commission ruling. That
include property he owns into the has yet to be heard.
Huntingtown Town Center, just
prior to the August 2019, 3-2 vote
Thursday, July 29, 2021 The Calvert County Times Local News 5

Regional Plan Calls for New Roads, Sidewalks,

Bike Paths
By Dick Myers for the residents on the west side
Editor of MD 4 to access the Solomons
The Calvert-St. Mary’s Metro- Towne Centre. A second alternate
politan Planning Organization (C- is also proposed.
SMMPO) is developing a Complete • Solomons Island Sidewalk
Streets Plan for the Calvert-St. Phase 2 -- This project will add ap-
Mary’s region and they are seeking proximately 400 linear feet of new
public comment on the draft plan. five-foot wide sidewalk along the
According to the draft plan, “C- eastern side of Solomons Island
SMMPO became an urbanized area Road to fill a gap in the pedestrian
after the 2010 Census, when the network between Solomons Island
population in the Lexington Park Methodist Church and the Solo-
/ California / Chesapeake Ranch mons Island Bridge.
Estates region surpassed 50,000 Two virtual public meetings
residents. In keeping with fed- on the plan were held recently.
eral requirements, a metropolitan Typical modern, highly visible crosswalk. Public comments are being so-
planning organization (MPO) was licited through Aug. 3 to https://
formed to coordinate transporta- Lane and continental crosswalks Place and Grandmother’s Store w w w. s u r v e y m o n k e y. c o m / r /
tion planning for projects within to provide pedestrian connections antiques shop to the end of public V 2 G JS W8 h t t p s: // w w w. s u r ve y-
urbanized areas that receive fed- between the community center, right-of-way at The Harbours at
eral funding. The C-SMMPO also senior apartments and the two Solomons. The implementation phase of
incorporates the Patuxent River schools. Alternative A includes • Patuxent Parkway Crosswalks the plan is still being developed
Naval Air Station (NAS PAX).” new sidewalk along the southwest -- The intersection of Patuxent by the consultants working on it.
The plan goes on to say, “The C- side of the roadway, while Alterna- Parkway with Solomons Island That should be ready by the end of
SMMPO is developing this Com- tive B includes new sidewalk along Road (MD 4) is an at-grade cross- August and then additional public
plete Streets Plan to provide design both sides of the roadway. ing that connects the residential meetings will be scheduled.
guidance to government agen- • Lusby Parkway -- The project neighborhoods on the west side of To view the plan and videos from
cies, consultants, private develop- will be primarily new construc- MD 4 with the commercial shop- the recent public meetings go to
ers, and community groups on the tion with modifications to some ping center on the east side. Cur-
planning, design, and operation of existing roads. Beginning from the rently there are no pedestrian fa- messages/190184
roadways for all users. This plan north end of the project, this proj- cilities at this crossing. This proj-
is meant to supplement existing ect proposes to widen Gunsmoke ect proposes to provide a crossing
manuals and standards and should Trail for approximately 450 feet
be referenced early in the planning from Town Square Drive to Thun-
and design process for transporta- derbird Drive to accommodate the
tion projects.” proposed typical section. A new
Complete Streets is a term used section of roadway, approximately
“to designate the need for a street 270 feet long, will be built to con-
to function not only as a transpor- nect Gunsmoke Trail with the ex-
tation route for vehicles. Rather, isting Lusby Parkway. The project
streets should serve as a mechanism proposes widening on the existing
to connect people to places while Lusby Parkway to incorporate the
accommodating all individuals and full typical section. The proposed
modes instead of being simply a Lusby Parkway will cross Rousby
transportation route for vehicles. Hall Road and continue south using
Complete Streets are roadways that an existing utility corridor. A new
are designed to provide safe, acces- four-way signalized intersection
sible, and healthy travel for all us- will be installed at the intersection
ers of our roadway system, includ- of Rousby Hall Road and Lusby
ing pedestrians, bicyclists, transit Parkway. At Margaret Taylor Road,
riders, and motorists.” the proposed Lusby Parkway align-
The plan includes 11 proposed ment will continue straight through
project locations within Calvert to tie perpendicularly into South-
County. They are: ern Connector Boulevard at a stop-
• Cove Point Park Trail -- Recom- controlled intersection. The exist-
mendations will improve the multi- ing Margaret Taylor Road will be
modal network in and around the realigned from a T-intersection on
park and connect the paved trail Southern Connector Boulevard to a
system to Cove Point Road (MD tee intersection on Lusby Parkway.
497) at both park entrances. Cur- The proposed roadway alignment
rently, Cove Point Road Has Share- will continue south beyond South-
the-Road signs for bicyclists but no ern Connector Boulevard along the
existing sidewalks for pedestrians. existing utility corridor to a stop-
Installing additional pedestrian and controlled tee intersection at Dow-
bicycle facilities along the road- ell Road. A second modified pro-
way will encourage people from posal is also being considered.
the nearby neighborhoods to safely • Dowell Road Sidewalk Exten-
visit the park using multi-modal sion -- The project was split into
transportation opportunities. three phases: Phase 1 and Phase
• Appeal Lane Sidewalk -- This 2 have been completed and con-
project proposes to add six-foot- structed, and Phase 3 will extend
wide sidewalks along Appeal the sidewalk limits from their
current terminus near Oyster Bay
6 Local News The Calvert County Times Thursday, July 29, 2021

Gadway Sworn in As
LIQUIDATION Commissioner

JULY 31ST @ 8:30 AM

13 Shipping Containers The Calvert County Board of
County Commissioners (BOCC)
said Gadway. “I look forward to
this opportunity to effect change
Fencing, Office Trailer, Tools, And Much More. held a swearing-in ceremony to-
day, Tuesday, July 27, 2021 for
in Calvert County, while preserv-
ing the most important character-
Henry Lane is conveniently new board member Christopher J. istics of our community includ-
Gadway. Gadway was appointed ing education and smart, gradual
located behind the Farmers Market in Charlotte Hall Md. by Gov. Larry Hogan to replace growth.”
former Commissioner Thomas The son of a U.S. Navy Vietnam “Tim” Hutchins as the District 2
representative for the remainder
veteran, Commissioner Gadway
served in the U.S. Coast Guard

CALL (301) 861-7738 of his term. The swearing-in cer-

emony was conducted by Circuit
Court Clerk Kathy P. Smith.
(USCG); he was a member of the
Honor Guard from 1989 to 1993,
and was honorably discharged
FOR MORE INFO VISIT SOMDAUCTIONS.COM OR CALL (301) 861-7738 “We welcome Commissioner from the USCG Reserves in 2001.


Gadway to the board and look for- Commissioner Gadway is a lo-

ward to working alongside him cal business owner who currently

n g v e
on behalf of Calvert County citi- owns and operates Property Man-

x i t i
zens,” said BOCC President Earl agement of Southern Maryland.

e c
F. “Buddy” Hance. “We look for- He is a longtime volunteer and ac-

L ark ulA
ward to the experience, perspec- tive supporter of many nonprofit,
tive and insight he brings to the charitable and community organi-

board for the benefit of our entire zations, including nearly a decade

P Ad m u community.”  as a member of the Huntingtown

t Com “It is an incredible honor to be

selected to serve and represent
Volunteer Fire Department.
Press Release from Calvert
the citizens of Calvert County,” County government.

Planning Commission
Delays In-Person
in Sp
Movedeposit &EE
$99 onth FR
1st M
By Dick Myers July 21 meeting was informed by
Editor Planning Commission Administrator
The Calvert County Planning Com- Paul Conover that the county’s IT de-
mission has delayed plans to begin partment was not able to install the
hybrid in-person/virtual meetings in technical equipment in time for the
August. August meeting, which will be Aug.
After a year and a half of all virtual 26. All of the recording equipment
All Ut meetings, the commission decided at was removed with the onset of the

their June meeting to assemble once pandemic.
again at the Harriet Elizabeth Brown Conover suggested initiating the
ed Recreation Center on Dares Beach
Road in Prince Frederick beginning
in-person meetings in August, but
the commission, after discussion,
with their August meeting, but to decided to continue with the virtual
also have a parallel virtual session meetings and to begin the hybrid in-
for those commission members and person meetings no later than Octo-
21895 Pegg Road • Lexington Park, MD 20653 • (240)725-0111 the general public still not comfort- ber, but perhaps in September if the
able with doing it in-person. equipment is ready in time.
The commission, however, at their
Thursday, July 29, 2021 The Calvert County Times Local News 7

August 3rd is National Night Out in Calvert

August 3rd is National Night Oakland Hall
Out in Calvert County. Sponsored Patuxent View
locally by the Calvert Alliance Prince Frederick Crossing
Against Substance Abuse, Inc. Prince Frederick Village
(CAASA) in partnership with the Prince Frederick Senior
Maryland State Police, Barrack Apartments
“U” and the Calvert County Sher- Calvertowne Town Homes
iff’s Office, this is a great oppor- Queensberry
tunity for residents to promote the “It’s time to celebrate the best
best of their neighborhoods. Local of Calvert County! Our communi-
agencies will attend the events to ties! National Night Out is a great
share information/resources and way to bring everyone together.
law enforcement officers and the We hope residents will spend the
county’s Fire, Rescue and EMS evening enjoying fun, food and
personnel will be on hand at many friendship during this county-
of the locations. wide event.” stated Debbi Mis-
Fifteen neighborhoods will par- ter, president of CAASA Board of
ticipate this year. Fourteen neigh- Directors.
borhoods will host events on Au- National Night Out is designed
gust 3rd and one neighborhood to:
(Patuxent View) on August 7th. (1) Heighten crime and drug
The complete list includes: prevention awareness,
Bayside Forest (2) Generate support for, and
Calvert Pines Senior Center participation in, local anti-crime
Carroll Western Church efforts,
Foxwood (3) Strengthen neighborhood
Huntingtown Citizen’s spirit and police/community part- CAASA extends its apprecia- munities including times and lo-
Association nerships, and tion to SMECO for their financial cations is located on our website
Long Beach Civic Association (4) Send a message to criminals support of National Night Out. at https://www.calvertcountymd.
Lower Marlboro letting them know neighborhoods For more information, contact gov/186/Events.
Northeast Community Center are organized and fighting back. CAASA at 410-535-3733. A de- Press Release from CAASA.
tailed list of participating com-

1-2 Page Tab 7-29-2021 (Anniversary Sale) _Post PW Tab 1-6-2013 (Clearance) 7/27/21 3:49 PM Page 1


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8 Local News The Calvert County Times Thursday, July 29, 2021

Funding for Fire and

EMS Departments
U.S. Senators Ben Cardin and VID-19 pandemic. The awardees
Chris Van Hollen and Congress- include:
man Steny H. Hoyer (all D-Md.) Huntington VFD
today announced $1,037,955 in $17,306.74
American Rescue Plan funding North Beach VFD
for fire and emergency rescue de- $58,219.28
partments in Southern Maryland Prince Frederick VFD
and along the Eastern Shore. $12,511.66
“Our volunteer firefighters and St. Leonard VFD
first responders often risk their $32,534.57
lives to serve and protect our com- Total for Calvert County
munities and have worked around $120,572.25
the clock during the COVID-19
pandemic,” the lawmakers said. Hollywood VFD
“This new federal funding will $39,091.07
provide our fire and rescue teams Leonardtown VFD
with the necessary supplies and $9,553.52
equipment to keep Marylanders Mechanicsville VFD
safe.” $6,949.68
The award comes from the Ridge VFD
Maryland Emergency Manage- $33,120.50
ment Agency, through the Ameri- Second District VFDRS
can Rescue Plan passed by Con- $3,550.00
gress, to help departments offset Total for St. Mary’s County
the financial strain of the CO- $92,264.78

National Lighthouse Weekend

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Piney Point Lighthouse info: | 301-994-1471 St. Clement’s Island info: | 301-669-2222
Thursday, July 29, 2021 The Calvert County Times Local News 9

Commissioners Release Estranged Wife Shot,

Mid-Term Report Husband Charged with
Calvert County Sheriff’s Office rest in a nearby
(CCSO) Patrol Deputies on July hotel.
22 at around 3:30am responded to Sean Tayman
7764 Patuxent Dr. St. Leonard for a is currently be-
report of a residential burglary and ing held at the
a shooting. Upon arrival, the in- Calvert County
vestigation revealed that Sean Tay- Detention Cen-
man, 42, from St. Leonard force- Sean Tayman ter on charges
fully entered the home of his in- of Burglary
laws and estranged wife of whom in the Third
The Calvert County Board of es and public hearings, the BOCC he has a Protective Order in place Degree, Burglary in the Fourth
County Commissioners (BOCC) adopted the Calvert County 2040 against him. The homeowners con- Degree, Violation of an Exparte/
is pleased to announce the release Comprehensive Plan as well as fronted Tayman and fired a warn- Protective Order, and Malicious
of the 2021 Calvert County Gov- an updated Transportation Plan. ing shot with a revolver, accidently Destruction of Property over
ernment Midterm Progress Re- Planning & Zoning staff, on be- wounding Tayman’s estranged wife $1000.00.
port. It covers local government half of the Planning Commission, whom was seeking safe refuge in Tayman’s estranged wife was
initiatives and accomplishments began the process of updating the home away from Tayman. treated for a non-life-threatening
from 2019 to 2021. The report each of the seven town center mas- Following the shot, Tayman f led gunshot wound.
provides an overview of county ter plans and zoning ordinances, on foot and was located and ar- Press Release from CCSO.
government operations in many starting with Prince Frederick and

Citizen Feedback Sought

areas. Dunkirk.
“In the last two years, we have The BOCC adopted policy
accomplished significant goals changes to the county’s hiring

on Economic Strategic
and prioritized citizen needs to practices, including the addition
maintain the quality of life that of blind hiring, to support di-
Calvert County residents expect verse hiring of the best-qualified

and deserve,” said BOCC Presi- applicants.
dent Earl F. “Buddy” Hance. “It Public Safety spending included
is with the guidance of our con- the construction of a new, state-
stituents that we continue to make of-the-art building for the Prince
responsible decisions to keep Cal- Frederick Volunteer Fire Depart- The Calvert County Department of the plan using data from a range of
vert County on course for eco- ment, Company 2. Economic Development, through the sources, including the U.S. Census Bu-
nomic vitality and the preserva- The BOCC activated Public Economic Development Advisory Com- reau, Chmura JobsEQ and economic
tion of our rural heritage for gen- Safety’s new 800-megahertz P25 mission, is seeking citizen feedback on a and community information provided
erations to come.” digital communications system newly drafted three-year strategic plan.  by the Calvert County Department of
A snapshot of accomplishments to provide enhanced radio cov- The 2021-2024 Calvert County Eco- Economic Development. The team met
include: erage and interoperability for nomic Development Strategic Plan aims regularly with staff to discuss the eco-
Calvert County’s financial man- the Calvert County Sheriff’s Of- to provide the Department of Economic nomic development environment and
agement approach helped earn top fice and county fire/rescue/EMS Development and other economic de- goals of Calvert County and conducted
bond ratings from three indepen- volunteers. velopment stakeholders with practical focus group meetings with a variety of
dent credit ratings agencies. It was The BOCC approved funding goals and strategies that build upon the stakeholders representing the interests
Calvert County’s fifth consecu- to complete the full buildout of county’s strengths while shifting toward of Calvert’s businesses, community life,
tive AAA rating from all three Comcast cable infrastructure in more collaboration, innovative practic- health and core industries. The result-
agencies. Calvert County, to ensure every es, economic recovery, resilience and ing documentation included a review
The BOCC took action to enable household has access to cable ser- growth. of Calvert County’s economic develop-
a coordinated, comprehensive, vices by early 2022.   The plan was developed with a team ment goals and initiatives, best prac-
countywide response to the COV- The progress report is avail- of economic development research- tices and implementation strategies, as
ID-19 pandemic. Calvert County able to view or download at www. ers and consultants from the Interna- well as economic recovery planning in
Government applied for, received tional Economic Development Council response to the COVID-19 public health
and distributed more than $8 mil- Printed copies will be available for (IEDC), who worked with county staff emergency. 
lion in federal Coronavirus Aid, view at county libraries. Addition- and stakeholders beginning in February Citizens are encouraged to review
Relief and Economic Security al printed copies are available by 2021. The plan encompasses both eco- the document online at www.eCalvert.
(CARES) Act funding to support request. Requests may be emailed nomic recovery from the effects of the com/157/Strategic-Plan and provide
response and provide direct relief, to Progress@CalvertCountyMd. COVID-19 pandemic and future eco- feedback and comments by July 30,
and supported local mass vaccina- gov or call 410-535-2003. nomic development opportunities. 2021. Comments may be submitted by
tion efforts.  Press Release from Calvert “The goal of this new plan is to help emailing 
After more than 100 public County government. focus our energy and attention to the The Calvert County Department of
meetings, workshops, open hous- most relevant and impactful activities Economic Development works to help
to support our local economy,” said all businesses succeed, from small, local
Economic Development Director Kelly businesses to large, national enterprises.
Robertson-Slagle. “Especially in a year For information on the Department of
% LOCAL COMMUNITY NEWS when we need to carefully guide our
businesses and workforce out of any
Economic Development and the many
services the county offers the business
SERVING CALVERT COUNTY lingering impacts of the pandemic, the community, contact the department at
expertise and advice provided by the 410-535-4583 or 301-855-1880, or by


St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County
certified professionals at IEDC was
email at
Press Release from Calvert County
IEDC conducted background report- government.
ing and economic analysis to inform
10 In Our Community The Calvert County Times Thursday, July 29, 2021

Citizens Asked to Report CalvertHealth Names

Local Flooding Human Resources VP
Urged to Use MyCoast App Calvert Health System (CHS)
has named Peter Gloggner,
SHRM-SCP as vice president for
human resources. He comes to
CHS – the county’s largest private
employer, after an impressive 26-
year career in health care.
Most recently, he served as vice
president and chief human re-
sources officer at Jupiter Medical
Center in Florida. While there,
Gloggner played a key role in cre-
ating a positive workplace cul-
ture, which in turn translated into
high employee engagement, high
patient satisfaction and high qual-
If April showers bring f lood- damage. The app uses data from
ity scores.
ing issues, the Department of the photo to determine location,
Upon joining CalvertHealth,
Planning & Zoning encourages date and time when the photo was
Gloggner said he felt a good con-
residents to report it using the taken; the tool then pulls the cor-
nection with the executive team.
MyCoast Maryland app to show responding tidal and weather in-
“It’s a great organization with a
how f lood waters are impacting formation. Information collected
family feel among the employ-
communities throughout Calvert through the mobile app or website
ees and a tremendous asset to the
County. is used to visualize the impacts of
community. I am happy to be join-
“Flooding is the most prevalent f lood events so that steps can be
ing the family.”
natural hazard in Maryland and taken to reduce f lood risks.
He went on to add, “The fact that
we are experiencing more of it MyCoast is available in the Ap-
Calvert is independent is very ap-
each year in Calvert County,” said ple app store and Google Play.
pealing to me. “I believe decisions
Planning & Zoning Director Mary When making f lood reports,
made locally are the best for the
Beth Cook. “MyCoast is a tool citizens are reminded to always
organization and the community. Peter Gloggner
that makes it easy for residents to follow safety precautions: do
The leadership at CalvertHealth tensive knowledge he has attained
submit photos and data that will not walk, swim or drive through
has tremendous longevity, which during his career.
provide us with greater awareness f lood waters and stay off bridges
demonstrates stability for the “Peter has a keen understand-
of when, where and why f looding over fast-moving water, which
community and the organization. ing of the critical importance of
is occurring. With that informa- can wash bridges away without
“Their commitment to provid- all our employees to our mission
tion, we can better plan and take warning.
ing great patient care and the care of providing top quality health
action to protect people, property Current f loodplain management
and kindness shown to the staff care,” said Dean Teague, president
and our county’s natural resourc- efforts in Calvert County include
are admirable and attracted me to and CEO of the health system.
es from f lood hazards.” f lood mitigation planning and
the organization,” said Gloggner. “Our strongest asset is our nearly
MyCoast is a portal managed by participation in the Federal Emer-
He will be responsible for the 1,200 employees who help us de-
the Maryland Department of Nat- gency Management Community
day-to-day HR operations, HR liver the best care possible for our
ural Resources to collect and ana- Rating System program, which
strategic direction, organization- patients.”
lyze pictures and data related to allows county residents who own
al development and training and Gloggner, who lives in Dunkirk,
f looding caused by precipitation property with structures within
employee relations for the health comes from a large family and
or coastal events. The tool allows the 100-year f loodplain to receive
system, which includes Calver- enjoys cooking and traveling but
any community member to docu- a discount on f lood insurance
tHealth Medical Center and its his favorite thing to do is spend-
ment f looding or storm damage premiums when renewing their
subsidiaries. He has a master’s de- ing time with his dogs – Whit-
they see anywhere in the state. policies. For more information
gree in business administration. ney George, a Portuguese Wa-
Users take photos of the f lood- about f loodplain management
Additionally, he is a Senior Cer- ter Dog, and Kingsley Violet, a
ing and upload through either the in Calvert County, visit www.
tified Professional by the Society Labradoodle.
mobile app or website at www.My- C a l ve r t C o u n t yMd .g ov/55 4 /
for Human Resources Manage- Press Release from CalvertHealth to report nuisance Floodplain-Management.
ment, which recognizes the ex-
tidal f looding, precipitation- Press Release from Calvert
caused f looding and coastal storm County government.
Thursday, July 29, 2021 The Calvert County Times
In Our Community 11

Women to Women Regional CalvertHealth Board

Summit Coming Aug. 1 Welcomes New
Community Members
Women 2 Women (W2W), the Cal- Also joining us will be Sheebah
vert County Chamber of Commerce Smith, Co-Manager of Bekôz Market-
women’s networking group will host ing, to help you discover why Twitter
its 7th Annual W2W Regional Summit matters and how you can leverage the
for Business on August 11, 2021. The platform as a tool for success by fur-
summit will be held at The Hall at Hun- thering your reach, promoting your
tingtown, 4030 Old Town Road, Hun- business, and increasing overall en-
tingtown from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. gagement. Lisa Nicholls, of Tira! Strat-
The summit is open to women from egies will present an easy-to-under-
across Southern Maryland who want to stand crash course on using Instagram
share knowledge and ideas with other to get more business. You’ll learn how
seasoned and budding professional to create Instagram content that gets
women while also learning the impor- more comments and likes, attracts your
tance of leveraging digital platforms ideal audience, and turns them into
strategically and how organizations customers! Karen Carloni, Executive
have recreated themselves in order to Director of Southern Maryland Com-
take their brands to new and unimagi- munity Network, Inc. will address the
nable heights. aspects of dealing with Burnout!
Conference organizers have lined up Registration and a continental break-
dynamic speakers who will share their fast will begin at 8:00 am. Both the
successes, while also providing time breakfast and lunch are included in the
for questions. $65.00 registration fee. Attendees must Malcom Funn Gail Donovan Hawkins
Trovon C. Williams, Senior Vice register in advance, no walk-ins can be The CalvertHealth System Board unteers on the board. “I have spent
President of Marketing and Commu- accommodated. Space is limited. of Directors is pleased to announce most of my career working in a
nications of the NAACP, will discuss If you would like to highlight your the appointment of retired attor- hospital,” she added, “and it has
how businesses were faced with the business, sponsorship opportuni- ney Malcolm Funn of Solomons given me a unique perspective of
necessity of transformation in order to ties are available by contacting Kathy and Chesapeake Beach resident the contributions that volunteers
survive, and how businesses evolve to Maney at Gail Donovan Harkins, who has make. Their work has true im-
meet the communications, technology, or c: 410.610.3618 by AUGUST 1, 2021. more than 24 years of experience pact.” In the decade leading up to
and authenticity demands of today. Mr. For more information and to reserve in healthcare public relations and the pandemic, the CalvertHealth
Williams brings over 14 years of expe- your spot at the summit, please visit the marketing. Composed of volun- auxiliary had volunteered 228,000
rience leading award-winning market- Calvert County Chamber of Commerce teers from the community and the hours representing a huge savings
ing, communication, and brand devel- website at or medical staff, the board is respon- to the organization.
opment strategies both domestically call 410-535-2577. sible for ensuring the health system Funn’s commitment to com-
and internationally across the technol- Press Release from Calvert County meets the needs of the community. munity service is underscored
ogy, higher education, and government Chamber of Commerce. “Malcolm and Gail both bring by his favorite quote by Winston
industries. substantial experience in their re- Churchill: “You make a living by
spective fields as well as extensive what you get. You make a life by

Leadership Class
community service,” said Calvert what you give.” He has served in
Health System President and CEO many leadership roles from the
Dean Teague. “I am confident they Calvert County Historical Society

Experiences Healthcare
will make important contributions to Strong Schools Maryland to the
as we expand to provide new ad- Calvert County NAACP and the
vanced services and technological Calvert County Citizens Advisory
capabilities to enhance health care Committee.
Leadership Southern Maryland (LSM) lighted the COVID-19 response in South- for our residents.” Funn said he joined the Calver-
Class of 2021 on June 3 participated in ern Maryland and how leaders across Harkins, who retired from Cal- tHealth Board of Directors to be
the eighth of nine educational sessions multiple industries including public safety, vertHealth Medical Center in 2016, a personal bridge and to develop
for the 2020-21 LSM Executive Program healthcare, and education have worked to- currently chairs the 250-member bridges between the hospital and
- Healthcare. gether to navigate obstacles presented by auxiliary. Her roots at Calver- the community. “Both have to un-
Sponsored by The Chesapeake-Potomac the pandemic. The healthcare session also tHealth run deep. Her father, Fred- derstand each other, both have to
Healthcare Alliance, this one-day event be- included presentations on chronic disease erick J. Donovan, served two terms be better informed about each oth-
gan with a panel discussion on healthcare prevention and the Charles County Mo- on the hospital board and was in- er and their respectful needs.”
issues and challenges in Southern Mary- bile Integrated Health initiative as well as strumental in securing the funds to Funn added, “I believe the con-
land, particularly during the COVID-19 an overview of services offered through build the new hospital in 1978. nections, alliances and contacts I
crisis.  The panel included representatives Maryland Coalition of Families by family Her sister, Joan Kilmon, fol- have established and nurtured over
from CalvertHealth System, University of peer support specialist Amy Young. lowed in his footsteps and helped the years equips me to construct
Maryland Charles Regional Medical Cen- Leadership Southern Maryland is a nine- create the KeepWell Center. Dona- these bridges and to urge and en-
ter, and MedStar St. Mary's Hospital.  month tuition-based program that educates tions after the death of her grandfa- courage others to build bridges, as
Following the panel, the class partici- and inspires a diverse group of current and ther, Wesley Stinnett, provided the well.”
pated in a mental health first aid exercise emerging leaders creating opportunities for foundation of the hospital’s schol- Funn said he believes it is es-
then met with the health officers from collaborations and partnerships impacting arship fund. sential for CalvertHealth and the
the tri-county area to learn more about the community needs of Calvert, Charles, Harkins said she is proud to con- community to function not just as
public health challenges and programs in and St. Mary's counties ensuring a cross- tinue this legacy. “When you sup- partners but as one united commu-
the region.  Sagepoint Senior Living Ser- section of the region including diversity of port the hospital, you’re helping nity together. He and his late wife,
vices was also on-hand to elaborate on the geographic location, profession, ethnicity, everyone in our community,” she Annette, frequently attended the
memory care services they offer to seniors.  and gender.   said. “Calvert Memorial was my hospital galas. After her passing,
They provided the class with the unique For more information, please contact work home for 13 years. I know he and his son, Kelby, participated
opportunity to participate in a dementia Denise Foster, executive director, Leader- how hard they work every day, 365 with Funn giving his personal tes-
exercise that demonstrated the challenges ship Southern Maryland, 301-862-7663, days a year. This was never more timonial about the importance of
faced by those coping with memory loss via email or evidenced than during the COVID private patient rooms during his
and sensory issues.  visit crisis.” late wife’s treatment.
The afternoon portion of the day spot- Press Release from LSM Harkins is the voice of the vol- Press Release from CalvertHealth.
12 Feature The Calvert County Times Thursday, July 29, 2021

Dunkirk Town Center Master Plan Upda

By Dick Myers
Dunkirk Town Center is an odd
duck. Writing that, there’s not
much chance of offending the res-
idents of the Dunkirk Town Cen-
ter. There’s only one residence – a
parsonage. Hopefully its occu-
pants are charitable towards our
penned trespass.
The fact that there is only one
residence is actually one of the
reasons the Dunkirk Town Center
is unusual. Town centers in Cal-
vert County are supposed to be
places that absorb growth so that
the rest of the county can retain its
rural character.
To its credit, the Dunkirk Town
Center has absorbed the com-
mercial growth for northern Cal-
vert County. It has four shopping
centers and assorted other stand-
alone stores, including three gro-
cery stores.
But the controversy persists
around whether the Dunkirk Town
Center should expand to include
some multi-family housing. And
questions persist about vacant He responded, “We don’t want going to be built … and who’s Hutchins added, “All that said,
storefronts. And the 600-pound townhouses. We don’t want multi- going to pay for it? Right now, it takes water and sewer in place
gorilla in the room has always family apartment buildings. Dunkirk is built out. There is per- to make it work and therein lies
been the lack of central water and That’s the bottom line. There’s no sonally, as far as the town center the problem, not so much logisti-
sewer. infrastructure for it right now. We goes, I don’t see any areas that cally, as a package plant could be
There are reportedly septic sys- can’t have it. We can’t handle the can’t be built out.” the start up until long line pump-
tem failures in the Apple Green traffic in Dunkirk as it is. We do Former Commissioner Tim ing stations are in place, but rather
subdivision just south of the town not want that accelerated growth Hutchins campaigned on the idea political willingness is the most
center. And the Dunkirk Market- of multi-family residents in the of creating a technology park in crucial factor which is absent
place shopping center septic sys- area behind Giant and Safeway.” Dunkirk. In June before his resig- in both local support and conse-
tem reportedly is stressed. Sherkus said, “I think all the nation for health reasons became quently BOCC (board of county
All of those issues are front talk about Dunkirk being the gate- effective, he told The County commissioners) support.”
and center as the update of the way to Calvert County and all, it’s Times he continued to advocate Sherkus minimizes Hutchins’
Dunkirk Town Center Master Plan an idea, but what they want is to for “getting a study done of the idea. “There’s no place to put it,
gets underway. A virtual kickoff look like Waldorf, or worse, you Dunkirk Town Center area as to plus it’s more build out that we
meeting was held June 2 and then look like Prince Frederick.” the potential of locating a ‘Tech- don’t want, more traffic, more
a July 15 meeting was held in per- But the update process is bring- nology Campus’ there. Dunkirk is congestion.”
son at Dunkirk firehouse with also ing out opposing ideas. For in- the best geographical location in The County Times reached out
virtual attendance. At the second stance, one of the virtual breakout the county for such an economic to Patriot, a full services facili-
meeting results of the first citizen sessions at the July 15 meeting, driver due to its ease of access to ties and infrastructure solutions
survey were released. as reported by Marianne Roberts, the Baltimore-Washington corri- provider that chose Dunkirk as
That survey shows 33 percent said, “We agreed that sewer is dors, thus making it an attractive its headquarters, to see what went
want the town center to “stay probably going to be needed or is location both competitively and into that decision, but they did not
small, keep growth to minimum needed. But one thing we also said comparatively. Patriot has accom- respond as of press deadline.
and retain rural character” and was that we think that having resi- plished it on a smaller scale lever- At the July 15 meeting, Char-
only two percent want “better in- dents mixed in or near the busi- aging that location. lene Kriemelmeyer reported from
frastructure, specifically water nesses would add synergy to the “Anchoring a Tech Campus with one of the breakout sessions, “we
and sewer.” whole place and provide the den- supporting businesses engaged agreed that Dunkirk should stay a
The residents in the survey and sity needed for some of the stores in technology development, ser- small, rural shopping center, and
at the July 15 meeting consistently to stay open, multi-family hous- vices or research and anchored by that it should be sustainable. And
want, however, at least one more ing, possibly limited apartments an academic institution, I believe we don’t want any big box shops
quality restaurant. or limited townhouses.” would identify the area as a up coming in. We want to keep the
The survey also shows that traf- Planning Commission Chair- and coming driver in its field. rural ambience. We want it to be
fic is the town center’s biggest man Steve Jones, observing one of “Coupled with the high level of walkable. We’d like for it to be
challenge and land use is the most the in-person break-out sessions, education in Calvert and govern- drivable, have connection roads.
important topic to be addressed in noted it appeared citizens would ment related work force it presents It would be nice if we could have
the master plan update. be okay with central water and an ideal location for both of the managed the growth. No big
The growth opponents have sewer as long as it was for what key considerations -- Competition chains, no more fast-food places.
drawn a line in the sand. Dunkirk was already there and not new and Comparative advantage of lo- We’ve got more than enough. And
Area Concerned Citizens Asso- development. cation and work force.” basically, small businesses and
ciation (DACCA) President J.P. Sherkus disagreed. “That’s not Director of Economic Develop- small, smart growth.”
Sherkus was asked by Th e County true. We don’t want water and ment Kelly Robertson-Slagle said She added, “Although a lot of
Times what would be wrong with sewer, at least to me and the over- her office is watching the master people are sad to say this, the time
a modest amount of multi-family whelming majority of people I’ve plan update process to see if there has come to get septic. You look at
residential development, say be- spoken to. There’s a lot of reasons would be any interest in pursuing what’s happened in Apple Green
hind the Safeway and Giant? for that. Where is a sewage plant a study of a technology campus. and it’s time to get a large septic
Thursday, July 29, 2021 The Calvert County Times Feature 13

ate Renews Growth/No Growth Debate

There was interest, as well, He says they have reasons to be

in other amenities. One group’s skeptical. “I believe they’re going
spokesperson reported, “We to push very hard to put in public
thought it would be really great to water and sewer. They can over-
perhaps diversify our restaurant develop Dunkirk.”
options and perhaps have a space Sherkus said, “Many people are
where some of our students could calling me up saying, why aren’t
come and grab a bite to eat, but you doing something? And I have
also could study. And then perhaps to say, are you a member of DAC-
maybe have some physical fitness CA? If so, you know we’re trying,
options as well as, like that com- but we’re a volunteer organiza-
munity center kind of feel where tion. We’re just trying to watch
there might be classes,” adding, out for all of us.”
“the focus really should be on the They ae planning a community
walkability and accessibility for meeting in September to discuss
everyone in that community cen- the master plan process. “They
ter space.” should come to the meetings, and
Roberts reported for her group, they shouldn’t just sit back and
“Walkability came up as an an- hope somebody else is going to
swer to almost every question, the do something about it. They have
need to be able to walk and how to speak up. There are 90,000
there are so many different sec- residents in Calvert County right
tions to Dunkirk, and you can’t now; the overall majority of them
walk. And we know that a bridge are not builders and developers,
across Route 4 might be a pie in but it seemed like many of the
the sky, but we mentioned that. commissioners, that’s all they
We also agree that there needs to were catering to, in my opinion,
be some kind of place for people the builders and developers, not
to gather, some kind of commu- the residents. We went to every
nity center, and we prefer not to meeting on the Calvert County
have a big building.” Comprehensive Plan. There were
So, planning staff are getting a literally hundreds of suggestions
system going and hopefully bring around. We’d like to see an envi- lot of suggestions from the com- and speeches. And at the end, the
in the residences around Apple ronment that promotes them and munity. Sherkus said of the pro- commissioners just went ahead
Green neighborhood.” unique places that appeal to peo- cess, “Well, the two meetings and did what they wanted anyway,
A Zoom group noted the number ple,” the group reported. we had were theoretically what which is not what people wanted.”
of empty store fronts and report- There was also a lot of interest they’re supposed to do according Whatever draft plan is devel-
ed, “We’d like to see more, small in the breakout groups for a more to the law, I guess.” But he added, oped will have to go to the plan-
business presence, I think, espe- pedestrian-friendly town center, “I can’t get out of my mind the sit- ning commission for public hear-
cially considering the COVID im- with connectivity between the uation that it might be lip service, ing and a recommendation to the
pact on businesses.” shopping centers with sidewalks, they’re going through the motions county commissioners, who have
“We’d like to see them stay crosswalks and bike paths. and then they’re going to do what the final say.
they want.”
LOCAL Education The Calvert County Times Thursday, July 29, 2021

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16 Education The Calvert County Times Thursday, July 29, 2021

Leadership Class CSM Bestows Faculty

Experiences Local Excellence Award
Education The College of Southern Mary-
land (CSM) honored Associate
English Professor John Kulikows-
ki with the college’s Faculty Ex-
cellence Award. The annual award
honors faculty for outstanding
achievement in classroom teach-
ing, contributions both to their
department and the college, pro-
fessional development and com-
munity commitment. Kulikowski
has distinguished himself among
his students and his colleagues in
the English and Communications
division of CSM’s School of Lib-
eral Arts as being liked and re-
spected by all.
“In my fifteen years teaching,
John Kulikowski stands out for
LSM's Class of 2021 Executive Program session on education included a panel discussion with all three
superintendents from the tri-county area as well as the presidents from College of Southern Maryland his institutional commitment and
and St. Mary's College of Maryland. positive, purposeful impact on to-
Leadership Southern Maryland gram participants met with all three day’s community college student,”
(LSM) Class of 2021 participated superintendents from the tri-coun- said CSM Associate English Pro-
in the seventh of nine educational ty area as well as the presidents of fessor Christopher Ankney. “I am
sessions for the LSM Executive Pro- both College of Southern Maryland privileged to work closely with John Kulikowski

gram. This session’s topic was edu- and St. Mary’s College of Mary- John as an English colleague and build our knowledge and under-
cation in the region.  land. This allowed for discussion of a member of many shared com- standing as one cohesive learning
The session was held at the Col- critical topics including school fund- mittees. In my first five years at community. In part, I accomplish
lege of Southern Maryland (CSM) ing, teacher retention, and how com- CSM, I have witnessed John grow this by being very honest and real
Velocity Center in Indian Head. Lo- munity members can better support into one of its pillars, one who with them; they know that I will
cal leaders including Mayor Bran- education.  That concept was fine- has held the college up, and the always tell them the truth and that
don Paulin as well as representatives tuned during the day’s final presen- department together during the I will be there for them - both in-
from CSM and the Naval Surface tation on internship opportunities pandemic. side and outside the classroom –
Warfare Center Indian Head Divi- and partnerships in the region. “John is one of the most effec- and help them to meet their goals
sion were on hand to welcome the Leadership Southern Maryland is tive teachers in our department and push them past the limits that
class. a nine-month tuition-based program because he empathizes with our others may have previously in-
LSM Class of 2020 graduate that educates and inspires a diverse students while holding them ac- stilled in them.”
Thomas Brewer proceeded to set the group of current and emerging lead- countable,” Ankney wrote in his Kulikowski said he works hard
tone for the day with a presentation ers creating opportunities for collab- nomination of Kulikowski, fur- to be cognizant of where his stu-
on the history and evolution of edu- orations and partnerships impacting ther explaining that Kulikowski dents come from and then he tai-
cation. This was followed by a panel the community needs of Calvert, has been nicknamed ‘Mr. 5s’ be- lors his lectures and readings to
discussion with regional educators Charles, and St. Mary's counties en- cause of the consistent high rat- meet the students ‘where they
who shed light on the challenges and suring a cross-section of the region ings he receives from his students. are’, so the students will relate the
successes of educating students dur- including diversity of geographic “Humbly, John laughs it off, and literature and concepts to their
ing the pandemic. The class also had location, profession, ethnicity, and he never lauds it over anyone,” own lives.
an opportunity to further explore gender.  Ankney added. “In his trademark “Because we have built trust
pandemic learning during a ques- For more information, please con- baseball cap and f lannel button- as individuals, it fosters the dis-
tion and answer session with stu- tact Denise Foster, executive direc- down, John reverts to discussion cussion of these ideas and per-
dents from St. Mary’s County Public tor, Leadership Southern Maryland, of his students and their perfor- spectives as a whole group,” Ku-
Schools. 301-862-7663, via email denise@ mances. Firsthand, I’ve watched likowski added. “You don’t have
The latter part of the program ses- or visit www. him interact with his students at much if you don’t have trust, but
sion featured Southern Maryland awards ceremonies, treating them once you do, the students buy in
leaders in education. Executive Pro-  Press Release from LSM. like family.” and are willing to open up and
“Every decision that I make get invested in the experience
in the research, preparation, ex- and process of critical thinking
ecution, and evaluation for the and learning. They trust me, and
Calvert classes I teach is centered on one

12, 2020

FR The Calver

one another, so together we build,

t County Times

ntysTimes CalverC
to u central theme: how will this be


share and grow.”



communicated and understood by

12, 2020


Kulikowski also shared that

all of my students?” Kulikowski

n to IN S

while his students have consis-

explained. “Because our students

Coun mas

Insi de!
tently given him high marks as

Pull on
are so diverse, and represent such their instructor, he learns from
a diverse set of backgrounds and
0 T-Bone
& Heat

them, too. “What I hope they re-

experiences, the key to my teach-
ca l
alize is they are the ones who ac-
ing success resides in having my tually shaped [the class content],

HRopaedio students know that I value each

of their unique perspectives as we
and me.”
Press Release from CSM


Thursday, July 29, 2021 The Calvert County Times Education 17

CSM Joins COVID-19 MedStar St. Mary’s

College Vaccine Challenge Awards Scholarships For 20 years, MedStar St. Mary’s
Hospital has supported students
in the Southern Maryland region
by providing scholarships to indi-
viduals pursing degrees in health
care. Since 2001, 169 students
have received support through
this program. For 2021, six area
students were awarded $132,000
in scholarships to help them con-
tinue their journey to become
the next generation of healthcare
Brittany Messina of St. Leonard
The generous support of com- “Listening to them discuss their
munity members and local busi- passion and desire to join our in-
nesses enables the Philanthropy credible community of health-
Committee of the hospital’s Board care professionals was an amaz-
of Directors. to provide these an- ing experience. We can’t wait to
nual scholarships. follow and support them on their
Receiving scholarships this journey.”
year, are five students pursuing In addition to the community
degrees in nursing: scholarship program, MedStar St.
Hannah Callander of California Mary’s Hospital also offers schol-
Cameron Guy of Hollywood arships to staff in clinical and
Olivia Jones of La Plata nonclinical departments who wish
Brittany Messina of St. to continue their education and
Leonard advance their careers. In FY2021,
Kaitlin Zelonis of Leonardtown 20 scholarships were awarded to-
The sixth scholarship recipient, taling $94,000.
Allyson Raley of Clements will MedStarStMar /Scholar-
The College of Southern Mary- also be hosting walk-in clinics at be enrolling in a medical lab tech- ships has more information about
land (CSM) has joined colleges three of its campuses before the nician program. scholarships or gp to MedStarSt-
and universities across the coun- semester starts for students and “These students are truly amaz- for a listing of
try to participate in the White any member of the public. Those ing in what they have accom- current job opportunities.
House and U.S. Department of details include: plished,” said Lea Weaver, chair Press Release from Med-
Education’s efforts to end the pan- Leonardtown Campus: of the scholarship committee. Star St. Mary’s.
demic by signing up for the COV- Building C, Library, Rooms
ID-19 College Vaccine Challenge. 102/103
The goal is to have as many CSM Aug. 4, 2-6 p.m. and Aug. 25,
students vaccinated by Sept. 1 as 2-6 p.m.
possible. Prince Frederick Campus:
CSM announced last week that John E. Harms Academic Cen-
it will return to normal campus ter (Building A), Rooms 122/123
operations Aug. 23, 2021, after Aug. 12, 2-6 p.m. Sept. 2, 2-6
17 months of restricted or remote p.m.
operations in response to the CO- CSM will not require vaccina-
VID-19 crisis. This operational tions to return to campus; how-
shift includes an increase in the ever, students in certain CSM
number of in-person class instruc- nursing and health programs are
tion options and the reopening of being required to show proof of
conference, meeting and event vaccination by the college’s clini-
spaces and common areas. By cal partners. Those students have
taking part in the COVID-19 Col- been notified they will need to
lege Vaccine Challenge, CSM has provide vaccination verifica-
agreed to take actions to help its tion along with their other health
campus communities get vacci- screening, immunization, back-
nated by engaging student, faculty ground check and drug screening
and staff members and delivering program requirements.
vaccine access for all. Learn more about the #Vax-
Students who register for the UpHawks COVID-19 Vaccine
#VaxUpHawks COVID-19 Vac- Challenge at #VaxUpHawks CO-
cine Challenge to take the #Vax- VID-19 Vaccine Challenge (csmd.
UpHawks pledge – with proof of edu). Information about the ad-
vaccination – have a chance to ditional COVID-19 vaccination
win a $100 CSM College Store clinics in Maryland can be found
gift certificate each week and/or a at https://coronavirus.maryland.
one-class scholarship each month gov/pages/vaccine.
during July and August. Stay up-to-date with the status
 Each registered student of CSM’s campus operations by
also receives a White House visiting CSM Ready at https://
COVID-19 College Vaccine
Challenge t-shirt for participating. Press Release from CSM
To aid in the effort, CSM will
18 Education The Calvert County Times Thursday, July 29, 2021

School System Announces New Administrators

The Board of Education of Calvert pal at Mt. Harmony Elementary School cation and his Master of Education from
County Public Schools (CCPS) approved to Supervisor of Special Education. Loyola College in Maryland.
the appointment of eight central office Gross has served Calvert County Pub- Michele Schmidt from Mathematics
and school administrators at the meeting lic Schools as a classroom teacher, dean Core Lead at Huntingtown High School
held on July 15. of students, and most recently assistant to Assistant Principal at Huntingtown
Superintendent Dr. Daniel D. Curry principal at Mt. Harmony Elementary High School.
said, “We are extremely excited to pro- School. Ms. Gross received her Master of Schmidt is currently the mathematics
mote and employ this talented group of Arts in Elementary Education from Trin- core lead at Huntingtown High School
leaders. There are no great schools with- ity College in 2003 and her Bachelor of after teaching at both Plum Point Mid-
out great leaders, and this group will Science in 1998 from the University of dle School and Plum Point Elementary
have a major impact on student success.” Maryland, Eastern Shore. School. She received her Bachelor of
The administrative appointments are: Elizabeth Megonigal from Dean of Science in Elementary Education with
Jacquelyn Jacobs from Supervisor of Students at Northern Middle School to a concentration in mathematics in 1997
Digital Learning, Professional Develop- Towson University. He began his teach- Assistant Principal at Mt. Harmony from the University of Maryland, Col-
ment, and New Teachers to Director of ing career at Southern Middle School and Elementary School. lege Park and her Master of Science in
System and Instructional Performance then moved to Patuxent High School. In Megonigal received her Bachelor of Administration, Supervision, Curricu-
Jacobs has served in her current super- 2005, he transferred to the Department of Science in chemistry from Old Domin- lum, and Instruction in 1999 from West-
visory position since 2014. She began her Information Technology as a teacher spe- ion University in Norfolk, Virginia in ern Maryland, now McDaniel, College.
career as a math teacher at Southern Mid- cialist and currently serves as a supervi- 1986 and her Master of Education in Krysten Sneade from a Coordina-
dle School in 1994 and later served as a sor in that department. Curriculum and Instruction in 2001 from tor in Prince George’s County to Assis-
learning specialist, dean, and vice princi- Brittni Sammons from Inclusive George Mason University in Fairfax, tant Principal at Calvert Elementary
pal prior to joining the Department of In- Program Specialist to Supervisor of In- Virginia. She began in Calvert County School.
struction, where she has been the Coordi- structional Performance. as a chemistry teacher at Huntingtown Sneade began her career with Calvert
nator and then Supervisor of Mathemat- Sammons began her career as a spe- High School before moving to Northern County Public Schools as a substitute
ics. Ms. Jacobs received her Bachelor of cial educator for Calvert County Public Middle School as the dean of students. teacher in 2008. She became an adaptive
Science in Mathematics from Frostburg Schools in 2002. She served as an assis- Eric Ruffo from Assistant Principal at physical educator for Prince George’s
State University in 1994 and her Master tant principal at Calvert High School un- Calvert Elementary School to Principal County Public Schools and most recently
of Science in Curriculum and Instruction til 2016, when she became the Inclusive at Huntingtown Elementary School. oversaw regional program staff. She re-
from McDaniel College in 2004. Programming Specialist in the Depart- Ruffo has served in the position of ceived her Bachelor of Science in Physi-
Matt Poteet from Supervisor of Infor- ment of Special Education. Sammons assistant principal at Calvert Elemen- cal Education from the University of
mation Technology to Director of Infor- received her Bachelor of Science from tary and Sunderland Elementary Schools Maryland, College Park in 2011 and her
mation Technology the University of Maine of Farmington in since 2012. Prior to that, he served as a pu- Master of Arts in Leadership in Special
Poteet received his Bachelor of Arts 2002 and her Master of Arts in Admin- pil personnel worker and a school coun- Education in 2017 from Notre Dame Uni-
in History and Social Science in 1996 istration and Supervision in 2011 from selor after teaching fifth grade at Windy versity of Maryland.
and his Master of Science in Human Re- Notre Dame University of Maryland. Hill Elementary School. He received his Press Release from CCPS.

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source Development in 2006, both from Margo Gross from Assistant Princi- Bachelor of Science in Elementary Edu-
Thursday, July 29, 2021 The Calvert County Times Calendar 19

Community Calendar
To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email with the listing details by 12 p.m. on
the Monday prior to our Thursday publication.

host a surplus yard sale. Items for details. www.calvertmarinemu- businesses beginning in mid-July.
Thursday, July 29 sale include desks, file cabinets, Thank you for your support!
chairs and more. Items will be
CSM Transfer Thursday priced from $1 to $5 and may be Wednesday, August 4 Calvert Library Openings
Virtual; 11 a.m. purchased with cash or check. All All library locations extended
CSM hosts Transfer institutions items purchased must be picked their walk-in building hours to
Fossil Adventure Day
virtually each Thursday from 11 up by 4 p.m. on July 30. The event Monday through Thursday, 10am
Calvert Marine Museum; 10
a.m. - 2 p.m. Representatives from will be held rain or shine at the to 7pm, Friday 1-5pm and Satur-
a.m. - noon
two different institutions will be County Services Plaza located at day 10am to 2pm. Curbside ser-
Join a CMM educator for this
available to chat with students and 150 Main St. in Prince Frederick. vices continue to be offered dur-
fossil field program. Participants
help navigate their future transfer For more information, contact the ing those times as well. All study/
will learn about local Miocene
experience. RSVPs are required Procurement Office at 410-535- tutoring rooms, quiet study room,
fossils and explore the beach to
to access Zoom information. Free. 1600, ext. 2289 or by email at Pro- and some meeting rooms are open
search for fossilized shells, bones, as well. Call any Calvert Library
and shark teeth. For ages 8-12.
location for assistance or appoint-
Little Minnows Saturday, July 31 Capacity is limited and there is a
$10 program fee. Registration will
ments. Customers can also follow
Calvert Marine Museum; 10:15 and interact with library staff on
begin Monday, June 28. See our
a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Facebook and Twitter. More in-
Dee of St. Mary’s Public Sail website for details.
For preschoolers ages 3 – 5, with formation about coronavirus is
Calvert Marine Museum; 2:30
an adult, this program focuses on
one of the museum’s three themes.
p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Thursday, August 5 available in the Research & Learn
section of the library website.
Sail on the Dee of St. Mary’s,
Join us for story time and a carry- Call 410-535-0291 or email getan-
leaving from the museum dock.
out craft, available while supplies CSM Transfer Thursday with
Fee is $25 for ages 13 and up,
last. Sessions are 25-40 minutes. Virtual; 11 a.m. any reference questions you may
$15 for children 5 – 12. No chil-
Capacity is limited. No pre-regis- CSM hosts Transfer institutions have.
dren under 5, please. Preregis-
tration; sign up at the Admissions virtually each Thursday from 11
ter by noon on the Friday before
Desk when you arrive. a.m. - 2 p.m. Representatives from Enchanted Summer at the
each cruise at
two different institutions will be Garden
ve r t m a r i ne mu seu m .c om /238/
Friday, July 30 Dee-of-St-Marys-Cruises.
available to chat with students and Annmarie Sculpture Garden;
help navigate their future transfer until September 6
Food Truck Fridays Tuesday, August 3 experience. RSVPs are required
to access Zoom information. Free.
Enjoy a safe, outdoor, engaging
experience where you will find
Annmarie Garden; 5 p.m. -7 a variety of low-touch, no-touch
p.m. Women’s Outreach Group fun along the trails and paths of
Enjoy dinner and evening hours River Church of Southern Mary- Sea Squirts the sculpture garden. During the
in the garden! Grab dinner from land; 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. Calvert Marine Museum; 10:15 Enchanted Summer, daily visitors
one of the food trucks, take a walk, Our outreach grou is an 11- a.m. - and 11:15 a.m. can explore the galleries; search
tour a gallery show, and frolic in week book study, teaching how Children 18 months to 3 years, for over 100 fairy houses; play in
the Fairy Lolly. Guests are en- tobecome an “Overcomer”. Reg- with an adult, are invited to the Fairy Lolly Nature Play Space;
couraged to bring chairs and pic- istration required, please register discover the museum together build your own fairy house in the
nic blankets. Some evenings will by July 30 by leaving your name through music, stories, and spe- forest; search for gems and fossils
include additional activities and a and phone number at 301-274- cial activities. Join us for story at the Fairy Grove Mining sluice
cash bar. This is a “pay what you 0770 and someone will contact time and a carryout craft, avail- (additional fees apply); try the
can” event with a suggested dona- you. The church is located at 7627 able while supplies last. Sessions Wild Rumpus Run; enjoy unique
tion of $5/person (amount of sug- Leonardtown Road, Hughesville, are 25-40 minutes. Capacity is photo opps along the trail; find the
gested donation may vary). Well- Maryland 20637. limited. No pre-registration; sign hidden Dragons Nest; search for
behaved pets on a short leash are up at the Admissions Desk when the hidden tree pop paintings; and
welcome; rain or shine event; no Things that Bloom and Buzz you arrive. more! Grab your bug spray, pack
smoking or vaping; masks and by the Bay a picnic blanket or chairs, and
social distancing required. Com-
plete food truck schedule, visit
Calvert Marine Museum; 10 Ongoing spend a fun, creative and active
a.m. - noon day at Annmarie. Well-behaved Join CMM educators for a morn- pets on a short leash are welcome;
PFVFD Fireman’s Carnival
ing of exploration, crafts, stories, no smoking or vaping; masks and
Surplus Yard Sale Back by popular demand! Join
and fun related to plants and pol- social distancing required. De-
County Services Plaza; 8 a.m. - the fun beginning August 3, 2021
linators. For ages 5-7. Capacity is tails:
3 p.m. at the old Calvert Middle School
limited and there is a $10 program
The Calvert County Govern- grounds, just off route 4. Discount
fee. Registration will begin Mon-
ment Procurement Office will tickets will be available at local
day, June 28. See our website for
20 Calendars
Obituaries The Calvert County Times Thursday, July 29, 2021

In Remembrance
The Calvert County Times runs complimentary obituaries as submitted by funeral homes
and readers. We run them in the order we receive them. Any submissions that come to after noon on Mondays may run in the following week’s edition.

Fausto Anthony employed as a truck driver with

Reliable Contracting Company in
Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, and
The Price is Right.
pice of the Chesapeake, 90 Ritchie
Highway, Pasadena, MD 21122;
Marino Gambrills, MD. He enjoyed fish- Shirley was preceded in death 410-987-2003; Link:
ing and hunting, playing baseball, by her husband John W. “Bil- h t t p s : // w w w. h o s p i c e c h e s a -
Fausto An- auto mechanics, watching his fa- ly” Wood and brother William
thony Ma- vorite T.V. shows, and spending “Billy” King. She is survived by Robert Kolich
rino, 83, time with his family. her daughter Bonnie G. Baden Robert Kolich, better known
of Port Re- Eddie was preceded in death by of North Beach, son Ronald K. as Butch, passed away July 20th,
public, MD his parents, and is survived by “Ronnie” Wood (Denise) of Ow- 2021 in St. Leonard, MD.
passed away his son Joshua R. Wood and wife ings, grandchildren Christopher Butch was born in 1942 of Jo-
on July 25, Courtney of Lusby, a grandson (Virginia) and Emily (Tommy) seph and Sarah Kolich in McK-
2021 in Port Mason Russell Wood, sisters Don- Baden, great-grandchildren Kayla eesport, PA. He was involved in
Republic, na Crandell and husband Joseph of and Michael, and brother Alvin music early on, including with
MD. Churchton and Robin Phipps and Hamilton King, Jr. of Columbia, the McKeesport Junior Tambuit-
Visitation will be Monday, Au- husband Tilghman of Deale. He SC. zans. He was an Eagle Scout and
gust 2, 2021, 10-11 a.m. at St. John is also survived by several nieces Memorial Contributions may be President of the McKeesport High
Vianney Catholic Church, 105 and nephews. made to Friendship United Meth- School Band.
Vianney Lane, Prince Frederick, Eddie’s family will have a pri- odist Church, 22 West Friendship After enlisting in the United
MD 20678. Funeral services will vate graveside service at a later Road, Friendship, MD 20758. States Marine Corps in 1960, he
follow at 11 a.m. at the church. date. Funeral arrangements were was an instructor at the Field Mu-
Interment will be Monday, Au- made by Rausch Funeral Home. sic School at Parris Island, SC
gust 2, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. at Ft. Lin-
coln Cemetery, 3401 Bladensburg Shirley King Wood with the USMC Drum & Bugle
Road, Brentwood, MD 20722 Jeannie Wilkinson Corps (The Commandant’s Own)
Marine Barracks Washington,
Sh i rley
Memorial contributions may be
King Wood, Hinman DC. His career in the Marine
made to Calvert Hospice, P.O. Box Corps spanned band music, ma-
88, of Friend-
838, Prince Frederick, MD 20678; Jeannie chine guns, and computers. He
ship passed
410-535-0892; Link: Wilkinson retired as a M/Sgt. in 1980 after
away July or Hinman, 75, a tour in Vietnam and serving in
22, 2021. She
St. Jude Children’s Research of Waldorf, all three divisions of the Marine
was born Au-
Hospital, 262 Danny Thomas MD, passed Corps.
gust 31, 1932
Place away on July Butch and his wife enjoyed sail-
in Arbutus to
Memphis, TN 38105; Link: 22, 2021 af- ing all over the Chesapeake Bay
Alvin Hamil- ter a battle for 35 years. He was well known
ton and Mary
with colon for being active in community af-
(Leitch) King. Shirley was raised
Edgar Russell in Arbutus and graduated from cancer. Jean-
nie was born
fairs and with the Marine Corps
League Detachment in Patuxent,
“Eddie” Wood, Jr. Catonsville High School and later
from Strayer Business College. on May 3, 1946 to William Owen Maryland.
Wilkinson and Agnes Olivia M/Sgt. Kolich is survived by his
Edgar Rus- She married John “Billy” Wood
Fowler Wilkinson, in Prince Fred- loving wife of 41 years Mary Lee,
sell “Eddie” on July 28, 1951 and they lived
erick, MD. After graduating from sons Robert Kolich Jr. and Lt/Col.
Wood, Jr. in Friendship. She was employed
Calvert High School in 1964, she Matthew Kolich USMC (Ret),
passed away with Prince George’s County Soil
went on to study at Strayer Busi- grandchildren Brittney, Abby,
July 25, 2021 Conservation and the U.S. Cen-
ness School. In 1966, she met and Nicolas, brother Cpl. Timothy
at his home sus Bureau before going to work
Patrick Hinman, and they wed in Kolich USMC (Ret) and Sgt. Zane
in Deale. for Anne Arundel County Public
1968, going on to have 2 children, Donaldson USMC. This is a Ma-
Eddie was Schools where she worked as a
Kristen Whittington and Scott rine family with multiple tours in
born April secretary at Lothian Elementary
Hinman. Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.
24, 1961 in School for many years. Shirley
Jeannie was preceded in death Memorial Contributions may be
Prince Fred- was a longtime member of Friend-
by her parents, William O. Wilkin- made to Stephen Siller Tunnel to
erick to Lor- ship United Methodist Church
son Sr. and Agnes Fowler Wilkin- Towers Foundation, 2361 Hylan
raine Mae (Fowler) and Edgar where she taught Sunday School.
son. She is survived by her hus- Boulevard, Staten Island, NY
Russell Wood, Sr. He was raised Shirley enjoyed traveling, cross-
band of 53 years, Patrick Hinman, 10306; Link:
in Owings and graduated from word puzzles, vegetable garden-
children Kristen Whittington or
Northern High School. He was ing and canning, and watching
(Rob) and Scott Hinman, grand- Wounded Warrior Project, P.O.
children, Olivia, Sophia, Amelia, Box 758517, Topeka KS 66675;
Owen Whittington, brother, Wil- Link:
Where Life and Heritage are Celebrated liam O. Wilkinson, Jr. and many ht t p://woundedwar r ior project.
other family and friends. org
Visitation will be Thursday, July
During a difficult 29, 2021, 10-11 a.m. at Rausch
Funeral Home-Owings, 8325 Mt. Cheryl Darlene
time… still your best choice. Harmony Lane, Owings, MD Blaney
20736. Services will follow at 11
a.m. at the funeral home. C h e r y l
Affordable Funerals, Caskets, Vaults, -Owings D a r l e n e
Cremation Services and Pre-Need Planning Interment will be in Mt. Har- Blaney, 64, of
Family Owned and Operated by mony United Methodist Church North Beach
Barbara Rausch and Bill Gross Cemetery, 155 East Mt. Harmony passed away
Road, Owings, MD 20736 at home on Jeannie’s family requests that in July 18, 2021.
lieu of f lowers donations be made She was born
Owings Port Republic Lusby to St. Jude Children’s Research February 18,
8325 Mt. Harmony Lane 4405 Broomes Island Rd. 20 American Lane Hospital, 262 Danny Thomas 1957 in Balti-
410-257-6181 410-586-0520 410-326-9400 Place, Memphis, TN 38105; Link: more to John or Hos- and Betty (Martin) Blaney. Cheryl
Thursday, July 29, 2021 The Calvert County Times Calendars
Obituaries 21

was raised in Chesapeake Beach ness that is felt by all that loved skins.  The curatorial staff nick- QeHICh0UuwVoEA AYASA AEg
and graduated from Northern Gerry, but we know that he is now named her “the f lat rat kid.” Still LeAPD_BwE
High School. She was employed at peace and rejoicing with some in her teens, she had a part-time Funeral arrangements were
as a security guard at the beach very special people that were lost job at the children’s museum on made by Rausch Funeral Home.
in The Willows, a 911 operator, before him. Gerry is predeceased Capitol Hill.  This was a new mu-
and worked in the maintenance
department at North Beach Se-
by this father and half- brother
James Leftwich.
seum venture, and she was able to
work in many capacities: finally
Raymond “Ray-Ray”
nior Apartments before going to Surviving are his mother Esther becoming the weekend cashier.  William Jackson III
work as a school bus driver with Leftwich; sister Sandy Huggins The museum director wanted to
Calvert County Public Schools both of Lothian; brother Eugene hire her fulltime, but college beck- Raymond
for 15 years. Cheryl was a hard Leftwich and his wife Pamella oned. She earned a biology degree “Ray-Ray”
worker and often worked multiple of Churchton; half-sisters Peggy from Earlham College in Indiana, W i l l i a m
jobs at a time. She loved dogs and Kaplan of Silver Spring; and Pa- but later decided her life’s work Jackson III,
enjoyed collecting things, helping tricia Leftwich of North Caro- should be a library career; and she resident of
others, playing the guitar, fishing, lina; daughter Heather Coleman went nights to Catholic Universi- Shady Side
fixing things, and working with and her husband Wayne of Fair- ty in Washington, DC., to earn a MD, passed
her hands. Cheryl was a very in- fax, VA and son Gere L. Beason Masters of Library Science. away Thurs-
dependent person and was always of Nashville, TN. grandchildren She worked for 15 years in many day, July 15,
willing to try new things. She will Ryan, Corey and Mackenzie Cole- branches of the Fairfax County 2021. Ray-
be greatly missed by all who knew man   and also survived by Hillary Public Libraries, most recently as Ray grew
her. Wines, Emily Tippett and “Little” a child and youth services librar- up in Riverdale and Lonaconing
Cheryl was preceded in death Michael Tippett. Also surviving ian. She became expert on match- MD. He graduated from Westmar
by her parents. She is survived by are several nieces, nephews and ing books to children’s interests.  High School in 1993.
her cousins Lanny Hale of Chesa- cousins. One of her special goals was to Ray-Ray enjoyed spending time
peake Beach and Faye Hale of Co- Visitation will be Thursday, get kids interested in reading, and with his family, most of all with
coa, FL and second cousin Linda July 29, 2021, 6-7:30 p.m. at she researched different sources his daughter Amber. He loved mu-
Penifill of Woodbridge, VA, as Rausch Funeral Home-Owings. of new materials that could help sic, dogs and bonfires.
well as many friends. 8325 Mt. Harmony Lane Owings, make literature come alive to Ray-Ray is survived by his
Visitation will be Saturday, July MD 20736. Services will follow at young readers.  She designed li- daughter Amber Rae Jackson,
31, 2021, 1-3 p.m. at Rausch Fu- 7:30 p.m. at the funeral home. brary programs for children from mother Terry Getty, grandparents
neral Home-Owings, 8325 Mt. Contributions may be made to 18 months to teenage.   During the Raymond & June Jackson, uncle
Harmony Lane, Owings, MD Hospice of the Chesapeake, 90 COVID quarantine, she made vid- Dave Jackson & aunt Melissa, and
20736, Memorial service will fol- Ritchie Highway, Pasadena, MD eos which taught children how to cousins, David Jackson (Morgan),
low at 3 p.m. at the funeral home. 21122; 410-987-2003; Link: utilize common household materi- Richard Jackson, Sarah Jackson
Contributions may be made to h t t p s : // w w w. h o s p i c e c h e s a - als to create crafts at home. and Liam Jackson, and sister An-
The Humane Society of Calvert Delia is survived by her moth- nie Getty.
County, PO Box 3505, Prince er and father, Alan and Patricia He was preceded in death by his
father Raymond W Jackson II and
Frederick, MD 20678; Link:
Delia Mavis Ullberg Ullberg, and her brother, Rohin
Ullberg, sister-in-law Diane Wal- brother Brian “Boo-Boo” Antho- Delia Ma- lander, and her nephews, Steven ny Jackson.
vis Ullberg and Wyatt Ullberg. Contributions may be made to
GoFundMe for Raymond William
Gerald Lee Leftwich (May 14,  Contributions may be made to
Maryland SPCA, 3300 Falls Road, Jackson; Link:
1963- July
Gerald Lee 18, 2021). Baltimore, MD 21211; Link: ht t ps://w w w.gof u nd /f /
Leftwich, Delia was or viewing-and-cremation-for-ray-
64, of Lo- born in San The World Wildlife Fund, 1250 mond-william-jackson?utm_sour
thian, MD Francisco, 24th Street N.W., P.O. Box 97180, ce=facebook&f bclid=IwAR2pbu
passed away Califor nia Washington, DC 20090; Link: opwZklaV2xV5-Jx0OsaWOfgsd-
July 18, 2021 but grew h t t p s : / / s u p p o r t .w o r l d w i l d - BacMf_HhgyurHgPf_WBdMzM-
sur rounded up in Cal- l i fe .o r g /s i t e / D o n a t i o n 2?d f _ HllTM
by family. vert County,  moveing to Calvert i d = 1 4 6 5 0 & 1 4 6 5 0 . Funeral arrangements were
He was born County soon after her third birth- d o n a t io n = fo r m1& s _ s r c =AW E - made by Rausch Funeral Home.
December 8, day.  Growing up she enjoyed the 2010OQ18507A04091R X&gclid=
1956 in Ta- freedom of living on our small EAIaIQobChMIhYyKgYSB8gIV
koma Park, MD to William Frank farm; she and her brother made
and Esther Irene (Pilkerton) Left- the pastures and fields their back-
wich. Gerry was a roofing sales- yard from the beginning, enjoying
man prior to retirement. the freedom that smaller spaces
Gerry loved life to the fullest, can’t provide.  She loved her pets,
his happiest moments were when her cat and kittens and puppies;
he was with family and friends.  she also liked caring for the farm
He loved music and entertaining, animals and understood how to
steaming crabs (the best ever!), give them gentle, loving care.  She
golfing and playing darts.  Gerry even made a pet of the family’s
Lynda J. Striegel
was the front man for many bands, milk cow, an animal from a large REVOCABLE LIVING TRUSTS • BUSINESS LAW
in his time “Pure Luck” and “The herd that had previously had only WILLS • PROBATE ADMINISTRATION
Wanted Band” most notably.  He a number. POWERS OF ATTORNEY • LIVING WILLS
was a lover of anything Elvis, and As a teen, she volunteered at the SPECIAL NEEDS TRUSTS FOR DISABLED INDIVIDUALS
he performed his songs often and Smithsonian Institution’s Natural
amazingly in his line-ups. History Museum, cataloguing in Lyn speaks to many groups regarding Estate Planning & would
It is hard to express the empti- the collections of small mammal be happy to speak to yours. Lyn also offers complimentary
Estate Planning Classes the Third Wednesday of Each Month
at 11AM at 8906 Bay Avenue • North Beach, MD 20714.
301-855-2246 •
BusinessDIRECTORY The Calvert County Times Thursday, July 29, 2021

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Thursday, July 29, 2021 The Calvert County Times Fun & Games 23

CLUES ACROSS novel 17. Gulf in the Aegean

1. Ponds 48. Journalist Tarbell 20. Clothes
6. “Unbelievable” 49. Atomic #21 (abbr.) 21. Chairs
musicians 51. Born of 23. Family of regulator
9. Invests in little 52. Rich tapestry genes
enterprises 54. S. China seaport 25. NY ballplayer
13. Longtime Utah Jazz 56. Being without clothes 26. Impressive in size or
coach 60. Surrounded by scope
14. Small sailboat 61. Remains 27. Jacques _ _, Fr.
15. “Luther” actor 62. Away from wind biologist
16. Round Dutch 63. Dried-up 29. Manhattanite
cheese 64. One who can see the 30. Genus of lemurs
17. Detects underwater future 32. Sings to
objects 65. A very large body of 34. River in southern Italy
18. Harsh, grating noise water 35. Supplemented with
19. Steward 66. Digs up earth difficulty
21. Fencing sword 67. Type of screen 37. Farewell
22. Painful places on 68. Old Norse poet 40. Senior officer
the body 42. Utah resident
23. “Sleepless in CLUES DOWN 43. Begets
Seattle” actress Ryan 1. Millisecond 47. Boy
24. Sodium 2. Spanish city 49. Violently break
25. Engineering degree 3. Sudden, very loud 50. Brief appearance
(abbr.) sound 52. Expressed pleasure
28. Small lump 4. Type of chair 53. A light informal meal
29. African antelope 5. Tin 55. Fabric with smooth
31. Electronic point of 6. Sea eagles finish
sale 7. Broad volcanic crater 56. One billionth of a
33. Carefully chooses 8. Some animals have it second (abbr.)
36. Ringworm 9. Ottoman palaces 57. Ancient Greek City
38. Unrefined 10. Divulge a secret 58. Close tightly
39. Drenches 11. “A Doll’s House” 59. Commit
41. Type of pants playwright 61. A way to communicate
44. Son of Noah 12. “It’s a Wonderful Life” (abbr.)
45. Spiritual being director 65. Heavy metal
46. Upton Sinclair 14. Poisonous perennial


Publisher Thomas McKay The Calvert County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for the
residents of Calvert County. The Calvert County Times will be available on newsstands
Associate Publisher Eric McKay
every Thursday. The paper is published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company,
General Manager which is responsible for the form, content, and policies of the newspaper. The Calvert
Al Dailey County Times does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product or service
in its news coverage.
Jen Stotler
Tim Flaherty timf To be considered for publication, articles and letters to the editor submitted must include
the writer’s full name, address and daytime phone number. Submissions must be deliv-
Editor ered by 4 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication to ensure placement
Dick Myers for that week. After that deadline, the Calvert County Times will make every attempt
possible to publish late content, but cannot guarantee so. Letters may be condensed/
Staff Writer
Guy Leonard edited for clarity, although care is taken to preserve the core of the writer’s argument.
Copyright in material submitted to the newspaper and accepted for publication remains
Graphic Designer/Layout Artist
Jim Lucke

Contributing Writers
with the author, but the Calvert County Times and its licensees may freely reproduce it
in print, electronic or other forms. We are unable to acknowledge receipt of letters. The
Calvert County Times cannot guarantee that every letter or photo(s) submitted will be
County Times
Ron Guy, Shelby Opperman, Dave Spigler published, due to time or space constraints.

The Calvert County Times Thursday, July 29, 2021

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