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76 Strain

(x + u,, y + UY' z + ).u

ir + dx + ux*.
+ dy + uy*,
+ dz + uz*

Figure 5.7 Change in co-ordinatesas a line PQ is strained to P*Qx

z + Si),is strained to Q* which has co-ordinates ( x + 6x + u,+, y + @ + uY*,

z + & + u,+). If we now consider holding P in a constant position and Q
being strained to Q*, the normal and shear components of strain can be
The infinitesimal longitudinal strain is now considered in the x-
direction. Because strain is 'normalized displacement' (see Section 5.1), if
it is assumed that u, is a function of x only, as in Fig. 5.8, then

E,, = duddx and hence dux = &,,dx.

Considering similar deformations in the y- and z-directions, the normal

components of the strain matrix can be generated as also shown in Fig. 5.8.
Derivation of the expressions for the shear strains follows a similar
course, except that instead of assuming that simple shear occurs parallel to
one of the co-ordinate axes, the assumption is made initially that the shear
strain (expressedas a change in angle) is equally distributed between both
co-ordinate axes, i.e. du = du, if dx = dy. This is graphically illustrated in
Fig. 5.9.

= -x




Figure 5.8 Infinitesimal longitudinal strain.

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