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Detailed Project Reports

In the context where time efficient, cost effective and performance based,
planning is preferred to solve almost all the problems of a fast growing urban set up.
Project specific planning is the smartest solution available. It aims at an overall
approach which ensures integration and up gradation of the existing and newly
developed systems for overall development of the city. Projects translate the
planning provisions envisaged for a city on ground. Detail Project Reports form a
key element to keep records and manage each and every aspect of the project.

July to December 2012-Udaipur

60 years of Urban Planning Department, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi
The old city of Udaipur generally known as Walled City is the densest in terms of
both population as well asbuilt-up area. This part of the city is also famous for
architecture, heritage and various tourist places whichplace Udaipur on the word's
tourist circuit. Thus, keeping the importance of walled city in mind, the project-
areas are identified within the limits of the old city.

The different projects undertaken were:

Lakefront Development

As a result of the exercise, measure were suggested to developing potential of the

lakefront to become the culture and heritagehubs of the city thereby, increasing
avenues for recreation and open green spaces.


Developing and upgradingthe sewer system to prevent contamination of the lakes

of Udaipur and incorporation for sewage treatmentplant has been done under the
proposal for Sewage system of Udaipur. Improper handling of waste generatedat
different levels leads to environment degradation and inferior quality of living for

Solid Waste Management

The project for SolidWaste Management (SWM) has been proposed for Udaipur so
as to develop adequate SWM related infrastructurein the city, improve the quality
of life of the residents and increases the tourism potential.

Public Transport System

For a city like Udaipur which derives its economy from tourism, a unified public
transport system proposedunder the exercise, will increase the mobility within the
city and promote tourist activities and benefit the local public as well.


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