Snow Bear Scoodie - Dearest Debi Patterns: Difficulty Rating

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Snow Bear Scoodie - Dearest Debi Patterns

Snow Bear Scoodie - Dearest Debi Patterns

Dearest Debi Patterns are available to print,

my patterns are not to be distributed by anyone but me.
Your finished creations are yours to keep, donate or sell.
I hope you enjoy making my patterns!
♥ Debi

ADVANCED BEGINNER for more info.

Yarn: 3 balls of Bernat Soft Boucle Yarn - I used Grey Shades

Hook: US K10.5/6.50mm
Size: Adult (Toddler & Child now available
Gauge: 5 hdc x 3 rows = 2 inch square

Scarf & Pockets..

Ch 15, hdc in the 2nd ch from hook and each ch across. (14 hdc)

Row 2: ch 1, turn, hdc in each hdc across. (14 hdc)

Row 3+: Rep row 2 until work measures 82″ long.

Lay down scarf flat on table, fold inward each end 7″, sc evenly along sides to create pockets.

**Use stitch marker in beg st of each rnd!**

Ch 3, join with sl st to beg ch to form a ring, ch 1, 10 hdc in the ring. (10 hdc)

Rnd 2: 2 hdc in each hdc around. (20 hdc)

Rnd 3: (hdc once, 2 hdc in next hdc) around. (30 hdc)

Rnd 4: (hdc once in each of the next 2 hdc, 2 hdc in next hdc) around. (40 hdc)

Rnd 5: (hdc once in each of the next 3 hdc, 2 hdc in next hdc) around. (50 hdc)

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Snow Bear Scoodie - Dearest Debi Patterns

Rnd 6: (hdc once in each of the next 4 hdc, 2 hdc in next hdc) around. (60 hdc)

Rnd 7: (hdc once in each of the next 5 hdc, 2 hdc in next hdc) around. (70 hdc)

Rnd 8: hdc in each hdc around. (70 hdc)

Rnd 9: (hdc once in each of the next 6 hdc, 2 hdc in next hdc) around. (80 hdc)

Rnd 10: hdc in each hdc around. (80 hdc)

Row 11: hdc in each hdc around until you have 6 hdc left, do not work in last 6 hdc. (74 hdc)

Row 12: ch 1, turn work, hdc across in each hdc finishing with last hdc in beg st marked with stitch marker.
(74 hdc)

Row 13: ch 1, turn work, hdc across in each hdc. (74 hdc)

Row 14-27: rep rnd 13, fasten off, weave in ends.Find the center of your scarf and the back center of your
hood, using my stitch markers I pinned both pieces of work together. Join in yarn and sc along the inside of
the hood.

Ears (Make 2)
*Do not join rnds, use a stitch marker in 1st st of each rnd, crochet a little on the loose side so you
can easily tighten the magic ring.*

Starting with a Magic ring, ch 1, 6 hdc in the ring, tighten ring. (6 hdc)

Rnd 2: 2 hdc in each hdc around. (12 hdc)

Rnd 3: (hdc once, 2 hdc in next hdc) around. (18 hdc)

Rnd 4: (hdc once in each of the next 2 hdc, 2 hdc in next hdc) around, fasten off leaving tail for sewing. (24

Sew ears to hat, I added a stitch inside the ear a bit and back from the seam to keep the ears from flopping

~Happy Hooking

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