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A Workplace that 

Welcomes Everyone- PNC financial services abides by it

and makes sure that all the departments are in tandem and share the same sense
as the company, on the whole.
The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. is one of the US’s largest diversified
financial services organizations providing retail and business banking;
residential mortgage banking; specialized services for corporations and
government entities, etc.
PNC, a purely customer centred business has HR policies that are is not only-
focused on recruiting, developing, and retaining talented who deliver
remarkable results for their customers, all the while enjoying working in their
space and making sure they give back what they take with their various
community outreach programs, which shows in its HR policies as part of
endeavour .

Importance of To hire inge the right individual at the right time for the right job
profile is of utmost importance for any firm, which PNC holds in utmost regard;
recognizing that their employees are their greatest asset and drive their success.
The the firm has a talent strategy that puts their employees first and accounts for
their unique needs throughout every stage of their relationship with PNC. The
firm ensures that they are providing the best and the most satisfied experience
possible to their employees.
The few practices adapted by the PNC are:
1. Developing strong leaders through their Leadership Standards which is a
90 day program based on bringing out the leadership qualities of one.
They introduced the Leadership Standards Development Tool to evaluate
their senior managers against eight behaviours linked to the Leadership
Standards so as to identify and to identify managers' their strengths and

2. Supporting career movement upskilling their employee,s and encouraging

them to pursue new opportunities within the company; and offering
career advice on how to go about their dream position, of growing growth
within their current role, and navigating through the resources offered by
the company to their best of ability.

3. Providing ongoing feedback and coaching: the fact that PNC hold its
employees in utmost regard is something that is not amiss but it doesn’t
matter if there’s no accountability for ones performance. tTo ensure that
the employees excel in their roles and uphold the firms’ corporate values,
they provide ongoing feedbacks and coaching along with regular
performance discussions. They are rated on parameters such as how well
they meet their customer focus and risk goals as well asand goals specific
to their business objectives.

Acknowledging the contributions made by the employees that to in meaningful
ways is very critical in order to create a workspace which makes their
employees productive, happily engaged and above all motivated to give their
best while enjoying. .
It honours employees at annual awards, and recognizes their years of
contributions by inducting them into a members only club, to distributing
numerous letters and messages of recognition to their star performers PNC does
it all when it comes to making sure that the employee knows how much they are
valued at the firm.
PNC makes sure that every individual they hireemployee feels that they are a
part of the organization based on due to their calibre and intelligence. From
tThey hireing people with disability, to LGBTQ+, to veterans and LGBTQ+,
PNC makes sure that people from all the walks of life and from across the
diversities not only feel inclusive but are also empowered that comes with them
being by offering eding all and every suitable positions they are qualified for,
without any biases.

60% of the total workforce of PNC including comprises of women, 52% of

managers, 21%v of corporate executives and 33 % of board directors in PNC
are women, which is well above national average among fortune 500s.
Women connect employee business resource group and women’s leadership
development are the initiatives put in place by the firm to fgive the female
employees opportunities to grow not only professionally but as well as
personally as well .

From striving to create a differentiated experience for their employees to

finding meaningful ways to acknowledge their contributions in the forms
success to. providing comprehensive benefits program which positions them for
future growth to intentionally seeking and developing top talents with varied
experiences, skills and perspectives and ,, fostering a workplace culture where
employees are engaged and appreciated for who they are and what they do
makes PNC an organization any individual would be honoured and proud to be
a part of.

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