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Christmas in Prague.

The story begins in 1957 when some people wanted to leave Czechoslovakia because
they weren't free. One night, a woman wanted to cross the Austrian border, she was
carrying a six-month-old baby in her arms, the baby started to cry and the guards killed
her. In 1995 a new story begins, Carol a harpist was called to play in an orchestra in
Prague, WHERE she lived with her husband Jan and her father-in-law, Josef, Carol
and Jan asked Josef if he wanted to go with them to Prague, he said yes. When Carol
was in Prague after a rehearsal, she was buying gifts for Christmas when she saw a
person who looked the same as her husband Jan, Carol started to call him but he didn’t
see her and started to walk, Carol followed him and when she was crossing the street,
she had an accident. The orchestra were worried about Carol because she didn’t go to
the rehearsals, so they decided to call the police, Carol was in the hospital very
confused, and was asking about Jan, the director of the orchestra said to Carol that
Jan was in a plane coming to Prague to see her, but Carol said that he was already in
Prague. The doctor said that she was confuseD because of the accident. A man called
Pavel was in THE hospital asking for Carol, he was the man how HAD SEEN the
accident and HAD called the ambulance, the doctor let him SEE Carol and when she
saw him started to call him “Jan Jan” the doctor ASKED Pavel tO LEAVE because she
was DISORIENTED. When Pavel was going outside, he saw 2 mEn, one of them
entered Carol’s room, the other man looked AT him and asked his name and if HE
could take him to Carol’s room. In Carol’s room, Carol and Jan were confuseD because
Pavel looked exactly LIKE Jan. They wanted an explANATION, Josef told them that he
was married TO Lenka, Pavel’s mom, so Jan and Pavel were twins. Josef also told
them their story with Lenka. In 1957 his wife was escaping from Czechoslovakia
because they weren’t free, Pavel was with hIS mom and Josef thought that he was
dead because Pavel’s grandma HAD wrITTEN that Pavel and Lenka HAD died when
they were escaping. After that everybody decided to start again and Pavel and Josef
learnT to be FATHER AND SON.

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