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The Model Woman:

(or Recognition of God’s Goodness)

Breeds Charity
A service of brotherly Love by:

Agape Foundation (Agasoft)

March, 2011

Excerpted from:

“The New Revelations of Jesus Christ”

SHORTLY thereafter a large crowd of residents come

from town, announcing that a person has gone berserk.

[2] I ask them what I should do with the raging one.

[3] The residents say: “We know that You are a wonder-
physician since the Pharisees told us today how through Your
mere will You made old Josa’s household completely well, and
that You are more than the familiar carpenter Jesus. And so
we beg You as our well known compatriot to make this raving
one well again.”

[4] I ask: “How did he actually become rabid?”

[5] Say the residents: “Indeed, beloved Master, this he got

from a mad dog that bit him, and it is a terribly dangerous
evil, which has not been capable of healing by any physician
to date. When he dies, the entire house has to be burnt down
with him; because whoever were to touch would shortly
thereafter fall victim to such terrible raving. That is why we
have kept him well-confined to his house, so that he would
not get outside, where he would cause much harm. Beloved
Master, would You please deliver us from this plague?”

[6] Say I: “Very well, so go and bring him out, that he may
get well, together with all whom he infected as they caught
and locked him up!”

[7] Say the residents: “Oh Master, who is going to escort him
out? Whoever touches him is as good as terrifyingly dead!”

[8] Say I: “If you don’t believe and have no trust, I can help
neither him nor yourselves!”

[9] Say the residents: “Master, were You not able to help
Josa’s household, which was overtaken by similar evil, without
the sick having to be brought out?”

[10] Say I: “Josa believed, but you yourselves don’t believe
and rather have cause only to see with your half-faith what I
would do with the raving one. Hence I say unto you again:
bring him out and him and you shall be helped. Because all of
you already harbor something similar that can break out
imminently; if however you believe and bring him out then the
satanic poison in you shall be destroyed for that very reason!”

[11] Upon these My words they take off, shortly afterwards

bringing the raging one out, tied up, who looked frighteningly
wild, foaming and roaring like a hungry lion. Catching sight of
this raging one, a great fear fell over all My guests, and the
women one and all fled into the house, as they lacked the
courage to behold this terribly distorted and dreadfully roaring
appearance. Even My mother hid in the house, and My
disciples also spread out. Judas hid behind a tree and only
Cyrenius, Faustus, Cornelius, Kisjonah and Borus remained
firmly by My side.

[12] Here I spoke to the residents: “Release and set him


[13] All were terrified, yelling: “Lord, now we are lost!” – And
the residents didn’t dare to do so for the screaming of the
other people together with the disciples.

[14] So I said to Borus: “Then you go and release him; for he

is already healed in My name and can no longer harm

[15] On this, Borus went courageously over to the still raging

one saying: “The Lord Jesus be with you, and be healed in His

[16] The raging instantly became quiet, his near negro black
face became natural again as formerly, and with grateful mien
he asked Borus to release the tight bands. Borus immediately
loosened the bands which were completely clean and free of
foamings. And the healed one went over to Me, thanking Me
most fervently for this unheard-of favor, begging Me that he
should henceforth be spared such evil.

[17] I said to him: “You and all the others who through you
would unquestionably have lapsed into your evil, you are now
completely healed, but be friends of people and not of dogs in

[18] Rather take children of poor parents into your homes

instead of useless and dangerous dogs, and you shall not ever
be overcome by the most evil raving, which originates with
the satanic poison that the dogs carry!”

[19] In response to these words, all promise to destroy their

dogs this day and not keep such animals in future. But some
of feeble faith nevertheless ask Me whether they really now
are delivered completely from this evil, and whether same
shall never befall them again.

[20] Say I: “Oh ye of little faith! Do you not see that he whom
you brought has become completely well? If he was helped
then surely you will have been helped as well, since you had
nearly befallen by such raving. If I can call the dead from the
grave, then such evils surely shall not exceed death itself.
Time shall prove to you that you are fully healed. But now
depart to your dwellings in peace. Also, go over to the Elders
and Pharisees, showing yourselves as fully healed, and then
make your offering on the altar which Moses commanded for
the leprous after they are cleansed.”

[21] Thereupon they all thank Me most fervently, asking Me

how they can return such exceedingly great favor.

[22] I say: “Believe and do whatever the Pharisees and

Scribes shall teach you.”

[23] With these words they start off on their return reassured,
telling the Pharisees all that had taken place here, making an
abundant offering for it.

[24] The Pharisees, not having heard of this enraged one

before, begin to be exceedingly astonished, saying: “Verily,
this is a healing possible only to God Himself! Such has not
been heard in Israel before. Verily, this person does things
which none of the very greatest prophets ever did. There is no
sickness that He is not capable of healing, and no dead in the
grave that he is not able to call back to life. Is not this a man
such as the earth has never carried before! Go home now and
come back tomorrow and we intend to deal more about it with



THE residents make their way home, returning the completely

healed father to his children and his exceedingly depressed
wife who at first can hardly trust her senses, then breaking
out into a torrent of tears of thanks and joy, at once rushing
out to Me with her ten children, all thanking Me on their knees
for this unheard-of favor, at the same time asking Me to allow
her to serve My house and anyone I can suggest with all her
strength in every possible manner.

[2] I say to her: “Everything you will do to the poor for the
sake of My name will be considered as if you had done it to

[3] The wife cries for joy and thanks, saying: “Lord, You truest
Master, given us from the heavens. I posses a great fortune,
half of it I want to let the poor have immediately whilst the
other half I want to hold in trust for them so that they can
always find something with me. For I believe that it is good
so, being aware of the poor not capable of managing large
wealth economically, usually spending too much at the start
and then having nothing in times of need.”

[4] Say I: “Do so, dear woman! So should all the rich act,
then the poor would never have to suffer need because
destitution is an evil thing, often leading the poor into greater
vice than wealth. The wealthy at least officially stay as within
his reputation before the world and rarely offends the world as
much as the poor, whose want often makes him ready for the
worst deeds; but the merciless rich, who often uses the poor
for carrying out his iniquity is, notwithstanding all his worldly
honor a thousand times worse than the poor. Because the
poor becomes depraved on account of his destitution, whilst
the rich is the creator of vice through his inconsumable
[5] But the way you dear woman now want to, and also shall
use your wealth, same becomes a blessing from the heavens
and shall both temporally and everlastingly yield its stewards
the greatest profit. For which reason he who seeks to be really
virtuous, let him be always thrifty and economical, so that in
times of need he is enabled to support the poor and the weak.

[6] I tell all of you: Let your love for your children burn like a
light, but your love for the children of poor parents should be
a blaze. For no one in the world is poorer than a poor,
deserted child, be it a boy or a girl which makes no difference.
Whoever gives a home to such a poor child in My name and
cares for it bodily and spiritually like for his own blood, he
takes Me in and with Mine also Him Who sent Me into the
world and fully one with Me.

[7] If you want to grow God’s blessing in your houses and

gain a rich harvest like from a well cultivated field, establish in
your houses nurseries for poor children and you shall be
covered with blessings like a swollen stream covers the lower
plains it floods with sand pebbles. However, if you send poor,
hungry little children away, and that in anger as if they had
already done almost irreparable damage to you, then the
blessing will escape from your houses like the dying day from
the persecution of the fast approaching night. Woe betide the
houses that have been caught by such a night. In truth, their
day will never again begin to dawn. And now, My dear woman,
go home and do what you had intended to do, and think
above all of the poor widows and orphans.”

[8] After this lesson the woman rises with her children, they
thank Me once and finally she exclaims aloud: “O God of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, how great, kind and holy You are
and how endlessly mighty and wise for giving us poor sinners
a man from Your heart who is capable of healing all our
maladies, physical and spiritual! To You, holy Father, be all
praise, all love, and all glory everlastingly! O You dearest
Father, how good You are to those who rely solely on You! You
do severely punish all who disregard Your commandment, but
when the repentant sinner entreats You: ‘Dear holy Father,
forgive me who am so weak’, oh then the holy, kind Father

promptly grants his request and helps him with His almighty
arm out of every distress.

[9] Men, do take an example from me all of you! I, too, was a

sinner and God punished me mightily with His at all times holy
scourge, but I did not waver in my truest, repented my sins
and prayed fervently to the Father in heaven. And look He, He
alone, granted my supplication and helped me in a wonderful
way out of my greatest and most terrible distress.

[10] Therefore, do turn to Him and rely solely on Him. For

where no man is able to help He comes and helps the one in
distress. Therefore, all praise Him unceasingly! For He alone
can help everyone truly! And to you, dearest emissary from
the heavens, once more my thanks, for you must yourself be
a holy instrument in the hand of almighty God!”

[11] This exclamation which, unknowingly to the woman,

concerned Me alone, cost Me some tears of deepest emotion,
so that I had to turn away from her.

[12] Cyrenius noticed this and said: “Lord, what is it that You
are weeping?”

[13] And I replied: “Friend, there are not many little children
like this one on earth. Should I, as the Father Whom she
praised so fervently, not be able to be moved to tears for joy?
Oh, I tell you: More than any other father. Behold, all women
should be like this one, and she gives Me indescribable joy.
But she shall also realize what it means that I wept over her
for great joy.”

[14] After these words I wiped the tears from My eyes, saying
to the woman still in the glow of love alone for God, through
and through, and to her children: “You My beloved woman!
Since your love for God and your faith are so mighty as these
has rarely been before, I can’t let you go the way you are
now. Let your husband be sent for through your oldest son,
that he may come out, as I have quite a few important things
to discuss with him!”

[15] The boy at once runs off to town and soon returns with
the healed father.
[16] I say to the two on arrival: “Friend, for the purpose of
your being healed fully not only physically, but primarily also
in soul, which shall live everlastingly, and for the purpose of
knowing where you stand in all that has taken place here, I
have had you summoned out here. Firstly you shall be My
guest throughout this evening together with your dear wife
and children, and second you shall see and hear quite a few
things from this you shall easily discern, as to Who is He that
healed you. After you and your wife shall become aware of
this you shall be also more at ease a thousandfold, and you
shall realize that you have truly been completely healed.

[17] But before dinner time comes we want to take the short
road to the new synagogue (built by Jairus, his wife, and his
daughter, her husband Borus, Cyrenius, Cornelius, Faustus,
Kisjonah), your wife and your children shall accompany us.
There you will be shown something that shall strengthen your
faith considerably.”

[18] Says the healed whose name was Bab: “Master, what
you wish shall be done in the way you wish it. I am willing to
follow you to the end of the world.”

[19] Upon these words of Bab we immediately went to the

synagogue which walking at a moderate pace could be
reached in a quarter of an hour, but very comfortably in half
an hour.”

This is an excerpt from The New Revelations of Jesus Christ,

25 Volumes, over 2,500 chapters and over 7,500 pages, free
download at:
www.franky1.com25 volume

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